Lost City - Dead or Alive?



  • Fiery - Lost City
    Fiery - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I already stated in cb, near endgame, RQ wont have the levels or gear to keep up.
    We just dont like you and prefer easy 10m every week.

    12mins vs RQ?
    30mins vs BL?

    Level up and gear up instead of farming kills in 29fb, maybe that'll get you somewhere in the big boys TW. Or you can just take your decreasing TW money and + your equips, whatever suits you.
  • Mikoto - Lost City
    Mikoto - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    What I don't understand is how CQ (not that anyone believes them anymore) can yell "WERE NOT TRYING TO BE WARLORD" as they attack rq every week. With every single guild on the map attacking rq every week they can, how can you say you don't want a warlord dominance? You're working with every other guild to eliminate threat guilds one by one.

    If CQ really wanted competition, they'd be attacking BLT, who has gotten wars at the same time as GZ every week and thus been fed empty tws.

    Its just funny how CQ manages to be so hypocitical.

    We just don't like you. b:kiss
  • mrl
    mrl Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Pandora, you are a fool. You just take up one small point of an agument and make it your case and forget the rest of the story. RQ looseing land and being ganged is just because of your own random PKing and general stupidity of your members(U included ofcorse). Case and point: Killing inocent people whal there leveling makes them mad and then trolling world chat dosent help either ;p. You guys selfishly kill low levels for #$@%s and giggles, and now your paying for it. CQ is a great guild, me and many of my freinds have had there high levels help us w/ mini bosses and quests just for asking. I would rather see this good guild own land then a RPK guild.

    Its a simple matter of cause and effect, I look forward to seeing every pink land erased from the map b:bye
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Once apon a time, Pandora used to be laid back and had no issues. Then CB started and he encounter people who called themselves CONQUEROR.

    Pandora: "Lol, who are these people. They didn't even advertise their guild?"

    RQ also believed that since we called ourselves CONQUEROR, that we weren't a "serious" guild. We fought with RageQuit like... Everyday during CB. Till literally the end.

    Pandora was quite confident that his guild would be most successful. As I remember clearly we even had a thread about this. Showharu posted it saying Conqueror was going to be most successful and RageQuit would be least successful.

    As a joke, I'm assuming it's a joke because I laughed hard that day; you guys posted a thread saying leaset successful guilds. You put Conqueror on top and yes, it was only RageQuit in that thread :3

    Even till the end it just wont stop.... You find your way out of situations such as this one. Land means nothing to RQ, I actually believe that. But. the way it's being taken... I can never believe that that doesn't effect you.

    Oh yeah, Conqueror changed their name to Conqueror and stopped talking so much on world shout

    Edited: We BEGGED you guys to bid right next to us since the beginning of the server, did we not?

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup