Pandora's PVP Wizard Guide



  • AnimalWar - Lost City
    AnimalWar - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Yeah, its a good guide Pandora. Can you post a screenshot of your stats (without weapons, armour, etc. equipped) so i can see your Mag, Dex, etc?

  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    drag0nball wrote: »
    And it's too bad that no one makes this to be a fact and to be more explained. It is more personal as I can see and that makes confusing all ppl who choosed to becom a a wizard.
    How streaker said to make a test is a good idea but you two are such a big enemies in every terms that I think this will never happen.b:sad
    Just a fight between...

    Because every situation and playstyle is different that there is no way to give facts on what is better for every different thing that you can do, or way you play. He gives you guidence on how to play similar to his playstyle, and for that it is pretty dead on. If you play differently or against different style players it may not be so. Sorry but in the end everyone has to understand that the only way to find out whats best for you is to try it for yourselves. Thats why these are called guides and not Wizzard facts.
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    For one thing, light armor is **** for 1 on 1. So stop assuming the things I say are for 1v1, they're for mass PVP.

    Now, onto your question. Let's be more realistic. A light armor is doing 2k damage, a robe is doing 2.2k damage. No, the robe does NOT have a better chance to kill the barb, and he's why.

    At 2.2k damage each, the barb has 10k hp. That means 2-3 spells is 5k damage - heiro ticked. And then another 4-5 spells for 10k damage to actually kill the barb. So, once the barb's heiro ticks, you have to get off 5-6 spells.

    Do you really think the barb is going to let you get off 4-5 spells.

    2 or 3 in they're going to stun you or kitty form or pink pot or walk away from you until their heiro ticks.

    Enter light mage.

    3 spells at 2k each, their heiro is ticked. Now, normally it would take you another 5-6 spells for the 10k, the issue is, your damage is not "easily assumed" like the robe mage. You could get your first two/three spells off and crit your third - bye bye. It's not even unlikely to crit twice in a row, happens all the time. Your target is unable to estimate your damage because of your random spikes and will be running from you constantly or simply dying instead of ruining your chances of killing him every time his heiro ticks.

    The issues with full int are as follows:

    1) Your survivability is a joke, obviously.
    2) Your damage is sustained instead of spike - and sustained damage sucks ****.
    3) Your damage is basically the same as light to begin with.

    I don't understand why you want me to put the crit chance in a different method of speaking. It's 13%. How often do I crit in PVP? About 13% of the time (although it feels more like 20%). I don't know what you want me to tell you.

    And don't throw around **** about "the potential of full int mages" and them not being realized by guilds, because you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. The highest level, best equipped mage of my guild is full int, lol. He does alright in TW if nobody notices him, but his abilities in world pvp are nothing compared to mine, and as soon as an archer notices him in TW, he's dead.
    LA 2k, pure int 2,2k? what spell did u use? pyrogram lvl 1?
    anyway it sounds like a good joke - i will compare my dmg with LA wiz soon so u will see the real difference
    im a pure int wiz (435int atm)
    some time ago i dueled a LA wiz - we tested our AoE skills lvl 59 (we both have all skills at lvl 10)
    it was like 430 int (arcane user) vs 300-320 int (LA user) (lvl 93 vs lvl 92or 91)
    Black Ice Dragon:
    LA wiz hits me as a first - 1800 dmg (ROFL)
    i hit LA wiz - 3000 dmg
    Blade Tempest: (i had 1300 phys def and LA wiz had almost 6k)
    LA wiz deals 2800 (not bad)
    pure int deals.... - 2900!!! O.o

    maybe as a LA wiz u're good against archers and BMs but against pure int wizards and clerics... u sux b:chuckle
    i would say:
    if u are a pvp server player - yea LA build is a good idea coz of very high nr of archers there
    if u are a pve server player - pure int > LA

    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    maybe as a LA wiz u're good against archers and BMs but against pure int wizards and clerics... u sux b:chuckle
    i would say:
    if u are a pvp server player - yea LA build is a good idea coz of very high nr of archers there
    if u are a pve server player - pure int > LA


    Well there you have it. Not of all of can switch to blue name when an archer is near :3
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LA 2k, pure int 2,2k? what spell did u use? pyrogram lvl 1?
    anyway it sounds like a good joke - i will compare my dmg with LA wiz soon so u will see the real difference
    im a pure int wiz (435int atm)
    some time ago i dueled a LA wiz - we tested our AoE skills lvl 59 (we both have all skills at lvl 10)
    it was like 430 int (arcane user) vs 300-320 int (LA user) (lvl 93 vs lvl 92or 91)
    Black Ice Dragon:
    LA wiz hits me as a first - 1800 dmg (ROFL)
    i hit LA wiz - 3000 dmg
    Blade Tempest: (i had 1300 phys def and LA wiz had almost 6k)
    LA wiz deals 2800 (not bad)
    pure int deals.... - 2900!!! O.o

    maybe as a LA wiz u're good against archers and BMs but against pure int wizards and clerics... u sux b:chuckle
    i would say:
    if u are a pvp server player - yea LA build is a good idea coz of very high nr of archers there
    if u are a pve server player - pure int > LA



    She demon furied, I waited the safety, FoW'd her and heaven furied, we both phoenixed and we both gushed. Same damage. zzzzz.

    Regardless, getting back away from people who can't accept their build sucks, light armor remains spectacular. Here's a screen I squeezed off during wars.

    Bloodlust doing their usual **** hate-based targetting. Athran and SlayerS are 9X warriors, Viriliink and AznArcher are archers.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Eh... is that your +8 tt90 quiot? that would answer a lot of questions.... and what level is spiera again? I forgot :|
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    im a pure int wiz (435int atm)
    some time ago i dueled a LA wiz - we tested our AoE skills lvl 59 (we both have all skills at lvl 10)
    it was like 430 int (arcane user) vs 300-320 int (LA user) (lvl 93 vs lvl 92or 91)
    Black Ice Dragon:
    LA wiz hits me as a first - 1800 dmg (ROFL)
    i hit LA wiz - 3000 dmg
    Blade Tempest: (i had 1300 phys def and LA wiz had almost 6k)
    LA wiz deals 2800 (not bad)
    pure int deals.... - 2900!!! O.o

    I'm a pure int mage, so don't think I'm quoting this because I'm in favour of my own build. (I love being pure int), but.. there's a flaw with your argument right here.

    1) The LA Wiz you dueled has lower resistance. That boosts your damage on him.
    2) You are a robe user, that lowers the damage the LA wiz would otherwise have done.
    3) That's why water dragon hits him so much harder. Its magic. Look above.
    4) That's why blade tempest is similar, because he had the phys to reduce the damage from blade, and you had the magic.

    In conclusion, your quote here actually looks like you're supporting LA more than pure int.
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    streaker wrote: »
    Eh... is that your +8 tt90 quiot? that would answer a lot of questions.... and what level is spiera again? I forgot :|

    She's at least 89, as you can see her devil there in the screenshot.

    Yes, I have a better weapon than her, but she has the huge robe mdef advantage, while I have the light mdef disadvantage, which means even with a better weapon her damage on me should be way higher than I on her if the omgintroxxx sayers were right.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Taurzo - Lost City
    Taurzo - Lost City Posts: 170 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I tried both LA build and Pure INT and PERSONALLY enjoy Pure INT over LA. When I was LA I was taken down by practically everything and did minimal damage. Now that I'm Pure INT I still am taken down yet I hit for a lot more damage and see a significant improvement in my overall gameplay.
  • streaker
    streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Your gonna have to tell me where to look for the devil fury, cuz I'm not seeing anything o.o and did they also have the cleric buffs? That can make a huge difference... for all I know, they are level 88, and were not buffed at all, and you undined em, but what do I know, I'm just a lowly lv 56 wizard, and you are level 90. Light armor tt90 give 2920 magic resistance, tt85 robes give 4455 magic res, with a celestial cleric's magic shell, light armor now has 4818 magic resistnace, which is higher then the robe users, and as for magic attack... well, I won't even start on that... Maybe its just the way I think, but your not really telling us all the details, so your not proving much. But again, maybe its just how I think.
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I'm a pure int mage, so don't think I'm quoting this because I'm in favour of my own build. (I love being pure int), but.. there's a flaw with your argument right here.

    1) The LA Wiz you dueled has lower resistance. That boosts your damage on him.
    2) You are a robe user, that lowers the damage the LA wiz would otherwise have done.
    3) That's why water dragon hits him so much harder. Its magic. Look above.
    4) That's why blade tempest is similar, because he had the phys to reduce the damage from blade, and you had the magic.

    In conclusion, your quote here actually looks like you're supporting LA more than pure int.

    lool lool and.. loool
    as u can see im a lvl 94.... so realy... i dont need any lessons about wiz skillsb:chuckle

    i compare LA wiz vs int wiz 1 vs 1...
    4) it deals phys dmg+mag dmg - he had 6k phys def and i still dealed higher dmg than him - what a suprise!!

    and pandora - i can say only one thing about that duel.. that int wiz has sux gear or he's a nOOb
    if both chars have same gear in duel w/o using sparks int wiz >>>>>>>> LA wiz... the only way when LA can beat int wiz is a duel with all 3 sparks and LA attacks as a first - sutra+force of will+undine strike+blade tempest (mountain's seize+sandstorm) - it can nuke int wiz b4 he get a chance to do anything

    dont believe me? duel meb:chuckle pity u cantb:surrender
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I tried both LA build and Pure INT and PERSONALLY enjoy Pure INT over LA. When I was LA I was taken down by practically everything and did minimal damage. Now that I'm Pure INT I still am taken down yet I hit for a lot more damage and see a significant improvement in my overall gameplay.

    Well, LAs are not the way to go pre 60 anyway since you take forever to level. So pretty much wizards should start off as pures and then restat to LA or stay pure later on (I won't even get involved on which is the superior build). A majority of people will agree that at your level, you would of course feel that pure int improves your "overall gameplay".
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    i compare LA wiz vs int wiz 1 vs 1...
    4) it deals phys dmg+mag dmg - he had 6k phys def and i still dealed higher dmg than him - what a suprise!!

    If you could get off your high horse for a second...
    Yes, blade tempest deals both phys and magic damage...

    a) We acknowledged that pure int has higher damage overall.
    b) Light armor had 6k def, but lower magic resist. The magic from the fire damage then deals more damage on him towards that end, but the physical side balances out and deals less.
    c) You have a higher fire resist than defence, therefore you take more damage from the physical aspect but less from the magic.

    In other words, while you're reducing the magic portion, he's reducing the physical portion. That balances out (a little..), and the fact you still did more damage is pretty obvious.. you're a pure int mage. I don't see why you're so happy about dealing higher damage.

    If blade tempest was PURE physical damage though, and you still did more damage to him than he did to you... then yes, that'd really be a surprise.

    Anyhow, yes, pure int mages can beat LA mages in duels.
    How's that surprising... LA mages are sacrificing their magic defence (against mages) to raise their physical defence. They're playing the numbers in their favour since magic resistance in the higher areas diminish really quickly whereas higher physical resistance in the lower numbers makes a big difference.

    Although I'm a pure int mage, I can see why its more benefitial to shift towards survability towards 5 other classes (cleric's plume shot), than to keep yourself resistant towards 1 other class (other mages) who's numbers aren't even that great on a pvp server...

    I'm not saying you didn't know the spells well, Mr.I'mSoHighLevel... you were just missing a few vital reasons to why water dragon/blade tempest isn't an accurate test of which side's "stronger".
  • RapiBurrito - Heavens Tear
    RapiBurrito - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Although I'm a pure int mage, I can see why its more benefitial to shift towards survability towards 5 other classes (cleric's plume shot), than to keep yourself resistant towards 1 other class (other mages) who's numbers aren't even that great on a pvp server...
    Yes, i get two shot from cleric plume shot.... Not yet restated thoug :D
    I'm not saying you didn't know the spells well, Mr.I'mSoHighLevel... you were just missing a few vital reasons to why water dragon/blade tempest isn't an accurate test of which side's "stronger".

    I will second that :)

    Remember Pandora said this was for mass PvP not 1vs1.

    By the Way, why dont u bring ur screens and try doing what Pandora did(Damage tests) before trying to bring down what he/she says? :(

    Greetings and Let me get some mats ;D
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So, I just tanked Belial.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Chaotiic - Lost City
    Chaotiic - Lost City Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    So, I just tanked Belial.

    b:shocked one word PRO
    Official Guild History

  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    b:shocked one word PRO

    Kradlord does it for GZ and Yoshiki does it for BLT, but as far as I know I'm the first mage to pull it off.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Leprechaundh - Sanctuary
    Leprechaundh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Options, back to the actual topic of this thread for one moment...

    To follow a light build, your STR and DEX must be your level +4, and 3 int every level.

    ok, on my server, there is no int in the stats, but im guessing that is mag because a wiz would have to be mad (well, choosing to be a wiz makes you already somewhat insane in a sadomasochistic sorta way. And what of Vitality, do I just let it rot?
  • Legerity - Sanctuary
    Legerity - Sanctuary Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Vitality = useless stat for a wizard since it gives 10hp per point. So yes, let it rot.

    Also, you are correct; Int = Mag.
  • Leprechaundh - Sanctuary
    Leprechaundh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Thought so.
  • drag0nball
    drag0nball Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    well yeah...Jrundora i see your point. But there are another buggy things what makes uus unsure.
    You know you dueled a LA wiz...but I cannot say this a real test.
    There are not only mages playing in the game you know....

    So I think that needs to test out duleing an for example a LA mage an archer (or any class) and a full int mage the same archer (or any class) too and to see how much hits him (with same weapon and lvl of course). And then we shall see who has stronger spell and which spellhow much stronger it is. And I am not conserning only archers... Need to duel every single class to test out what is the diffenrece with the damage.
    And overall can see how much is worth to be pure or not. If the pure int deals only 200 more damage to other classes than it is not worht it I say...
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    If you could get off your high horse for a second...
    Yes, blade tempest deals both phys and magic damage...

    a) We acknowledged that pure int has higher damage overall.
    b) Light armor had 6k def, but lower magic resist. The magic from the fire damage then deals more damage on him towards that end, but the physical side balances out and deals less.
    c) You have a higher fire resist than defence, therefore you take more damage from the physical aspect but less from the magic.

    In other words, while you're reducing the magic portion, he's reducing the physical portion. That balances out (a little..), and the fact you still did more damage is pretty obvious.. you're a pure int mage. I don't see why you're so happy about dealing higher damage.

    If blade tempest was PURE physical damage though, and you still did more damage to him than he did to you... then yes, that'd really be a surprise.

    Anyhow, yes, pure int mages can beat LA mages in duels.
    How's that surprising... LA mages are sacrificing their magic defence (against mages) to raise their physical defence. They're playing the numbers in their favour since magic resistance in the higher areas diminish really quickly whereas higher physical resistance in the lower numbers makes a big difference.

    Although I'm a pure int mage, I can see why its more benefitial to shift towards survability towards 5 other classes (cleric's plume shot), than to keep yourself resistant towards 1 other class (other mages) who's numbers aren't even that great on a pvp server...

    I'm not saying you didn't know the spells well, Mr.I'mSoHighLevel... you were just missing a few vital reasons to why water dragon/blade tempest isn't an accurate test of which side's "stronger".
    as far as i know Blade Tempest deals more phys dmg than mag dmg - so it is NOT so pretty obviousb:surrender
    Yes, i get two shot from cleric plume shot.... Not yet restated thoug :D

    I will second that :)

    Remember Pandora said this was for mass PvP not 1vs1.

    By the Way, why dont u bring ur screens and try doing what Pandora did(Damage tests) before trying to bring down what he/she says? :(

    Greetings and Let me get some mats ;D

    what dmg test? what's a point of posting some SS against wiz with some crapy gear while u're using hh90 gear+7/8? that proves nothing <.<
    or u think that LA wiz deals higher dmg than pure int?

    btw one more thing - dont forget about 2 lvl 100skills... they inc dmg and deal dmg according to caster max mana... i think u all what that means
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Blade tempest is 50% magic, 50% physical... or was I mislead all along? O_o
  • Pandora - Lost City
    Pandora - Lost City Posts: 454 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's correct, Jrudora.

    And Sheswes, we can worry about level 100 skills when/if we get there.

    Stop posting in my thread, you're from Heaven's Tear which wrecks any sort of authority you might have had. Nobody can kill your bot there.
    Because the bigger your damage, the bigger your epeen.
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    That's correct, Jrudora.

    And Sheswes, we can worry about level 100 skills when/if we get there.

    Stop posting in my thread, you're from Heaven's Tear which wrecks any sort of authority you might have had. Nobody can kill your bot there.
    LOL look at HT ppl lvls and LC ppl lvls... think few times... like 5... 10... not enough? 10 more times... and ta da!!
    LC = top 50 = 50% bots
    HT = top 50 = maybe 5% bots?

    LC bearsb:laugh
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • Rundora - Lost City_1243871147
    Rundora - Lost City_1243871147 Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LOL look at HT ppl lvls and LC ppl lvls... think few times... like 5... 10... not enough? 10 more times... and ta da!!
    LC = top 50 = 50% bots
    HT = top 50 = maybe 5% bots?

    LC bearsb:laugh

    LC bears. What a great insult.

    But yes, bots is a very convenient excuse for explaining how a server with nowhere near as much PVP still trails behind in terms of levels.
  • Cyanea - Lost City
    Cyanea - Lost City Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    LC bears. What a great insult.

    But yes, bots is a very convenient excuse for explaining how a server with nowhere near as much PVP still trails behind in terms of levels.

    This LC bot bear thought LC opened before HT?
  • VonTerror - Lost City
    VonTerror - Lost City Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    This LC bot bear thought LC opened before HT?

    No, they opened the same day, Sanc was the one that was later
  • Zzathenazz - Lost City
    Zzathenazz - Lost City Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    WOW. I'm using Full INT, I hit L3 before I walked inside Ether... And I mean just doing the quests, and killing stuff along the way.
  • perplexity
    perplexity Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    wow. I'm Using Full Int, I Hit L3 Before I Walked Inside Ether... And I Mean Just Doing The Quests, And Killing Stuff Along The Way.

    Omfg Lvl 3 Srsly?

    @ topic: It doesn't matter what build you use for PVE, as long as you kill mobs without dieing you're fine. For PVP, restat to pure int at 100 imo. I can honestly say, from experience on the MY server, that full int mages definitely outshine light armor in every aspect of the game (except tanking, lul).
This discussion has been closed.