Are you happy with the expansion?



  • lazyness
    lazyness Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i'm not liking the expansion at all so far

    the thing i dislike most is the number of high level elites in low level areas... i've nearly died 3 times so far due to this

    it seems like they've just decided that they can't be bothered making new lands, so they'll just cram elite bosses anywhere on the current map
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lazyness wrote: »
    the thing i dislike most is the number of high level elites in low level areas... i've nearly died 3 times so far due to this

    I think that's one of the sneakier things that the developers did when making the game, you have to be careful when grinding so you don't drift into an area with higher level mobs, or even stumble upon an elite!

    I think it makes the game kind of exciting, instead of just staring at the same little monster for 2 hours you can see other things around, even get a preview of the mobs to come later in the game. I got a great view of a Mantavip Scout battle yesterday, it was really fun to take a break and watch.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think it makes the game kind of exciting, instead of just staring at the same little monster for 2 hours you can see other things around, even get a preview of the mobs to come later in the game.

    Putting them in the middle of lower level mobs also shut off those area for lower levels. They should have put them into deserted areas, there are enough of those everywhere on the map.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Putting them in the middle of lower level mobs also shut off those area for lower levels. They should have put them into deserted areas, there are enough of those everywhere on the map.

    There are parts where higher level mobs and bosses are *close*, but if you just look at your screen before moving, you should be fine. I saw a Blue name run right into a Level 59 Taurox thing today, I don't know what she thought she was doing but it took her out with one hit of course.

    The solution? Before you go near a mob, click on it. Pay attention. If you forget, but you notice that the name is orange when you get closer, BACK AWAY. Don't keep moving >.<

    And finally, even if there really is an area where it's somehow impossible to get near a single one of the mobs you need to kill, , nuff said. Google is a gamer's best friend. b:victory
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    They also put these level 85 Bulldoc Massacrers or something near the level 62/63 mobs, the boneyard defectors / adalwolf geomancers.... its pretty annoying.
    But life goes on.
  • rugal
    rugal Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Come on, not only does it only catter to the lv 70+ players, those players are also disappointed by it, judging from this thread. That's massive fail right there.

    And yea, putting ? bosses near low levels monsters is just bad game design. Its purpose was not to make players more vigilant.
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Heh, I haven't seen a ? monster yet but hopefully I will soon, the mobs and bosses in PW seem to get scarier looking as they increase in level so the ?s should be awesome. In Theory.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • daddyj
    daddyj Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Dont know yet Im still having trouble DLing PWI :)
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Putting them in the middle of lower level mobs also shut off those area for lower levels. They should have put them into deserted areas, there are enough of those everywhere on the map.

    They did it so the griefers can come pk the lower levels for a reason now....
    Expansion is a joke as is PWI has become...
  • mecurial
    mecurial Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    a big NO....i don't mind the expansion adds new bosses and regions for high lvl least they should include sth they mention on the expansion mounts?? new skills?? just premention those are for damn high lvl
    and we r fine....
    even the normal patches allow me to experience the changes like buying the new mount, clothes, gold hiero pack and some more...

    the trailers r just misleadig and put more hype on it ....b:sad
    ~~~~la la la~~~~~~
  • Xei - Lost City
    Xei - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I beg to differ on this topic. Having started the Wraiths Ploy quest line and not stopping until I was done I rather enjoyed the whole story along with it. As for going back into the past I also took a liking to it as well, now don't get me wrong the bosses I have to face in there do not seem like much of the solo type but I think it will stand a better chance of bringing people together and not just for FB's and PK fest's but maybe it has a chance to just connect everyone.

    When it comes to skills,items,mounts and the such I really don't put much into it I mean come on there is only like what 50 or so above 80 so for those gripping now at 70 and below not sure why you haven't even finished getting all of your skills and equipment yet. I think what the people at PWE did was fine they added some things too keep their overall player base happy, give them time I am sure that when an increase in the game happens they will continue to add bigger and better things, let me get a feel for everything.

    Besides I find this version of the game for better then the others IMO. So with my final words.....

    70+ Just be happy we get more then 2 quests a level now, and someday get all the Apocalypse and Chrono Pages we need to make those new skills, and find the items to craft some of that equipment.

    70- How about get to 70 so you can give an actual validated argument to why you don't like the expansion.
  • Branninya - Sanctuary
    Branninya - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The hype could of been alot more specific about the level range the new content was geared for. Even so, I'm very happy to see our higher levels get something new as they are usually the ones that lose out with updates and such. Considering how easy it is to level up to 50 in this game, I just don't see much use for added content on the lower levels (and if you think I'm joking about leveling, go play a game like Fiesta and get back to me). If I can keep gaining my 1-2 levels a day, I'll be 70 by New Year's and able to enjoy it myself.
  • dave379
    dave379 Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    only 1 new skill and i cant use it
    we need more skillz!!