Are you happy with the expansion?

Blizzaga - Lost City
Blizzaga - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
Are you? Explain...
Post edited by Blizzaga - Lost City on


  • shaminy
    shaminy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well, it dosent realy feel like "expansion", so as for expansion this is letdown. Not much new things added. Usually "Expansion" means atleast 1 quarter of new content into game.
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    How would you be able to tell if it's good or not, after just one hour? oO
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    shaminy wrote: »
    Well, it dosent realy feel like "expansion", so as for expansion this is letdown. Not much new things added. Usually "Expansion" means atleast 1 quarter of new content into game.

    um, they added alot, including new skills and new areas, new quests and more story line, and a new mount, and more new features

    it is the FIRST expansion as well

    from what i can see on my map

    you dont get to see the new land untill level 70

    i have little places poking out but are still shadowd over

    and if i read correctly you dont get to go there untill level 70 and i believe that is why they have it shadowd out as well, though no one has confirmed this for me yet

    if you think about it they accually did do alot in the expansion and it does qualify as one

    new land new skills new mounts new features new quests new story line
  • Blizzaga - Lost City
    Blizzaga - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Still for as long as they annouced the expansion there is really nothing "new"
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ive only been playing for a few days so i cant say anything towards that haha

    but just look at the bright side of it

    new skills

    new storys

    new lands

    new mount ( of course those come anyhow )

    new armor

    new weapons ( right? )

    new quests

    its better then nothing alot of it is for higher levels but there are reasons they did that, plus its kind of like them making alot of new stuff for people who have put more effort in, wich makes them more possible to be the people who play often

    i cant use anything from the expansion right now seeing as how im only lvl 30

    BUT im glad they did it

    start small and go big right?

    just be happy that they are still putting time in this game while working on others, some ftp games dont get half the love PWI does and to be honest im impressed by the effor tthey DO put in, and they obviously havnt just been working on pwi alone, it takes time to make a good game, and even longer to make it better :)
  • Blakiepoo - Sanctuary
    Blakiepoo - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It sounds like a lot but it's actually not making a difference in most people's game.
    After playing expansions in other games, I wouldn't classify this as one. It's not much different than a regular update with new things to buy except a new area most people won't get to.

    I think the disappointment is from work being put into places that won't improve gameplay. I was hoping for some bugfixes or implementing features that aren't in this version.
  • Ocane_II - Heavens Tear
    Ocane_II - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It sounds like a lot but it's actually not making a difference in most people's game.
    After playing expansions in other games, I wouldn't classify this as one. It's not much different than a regular update with new things to buy except a new area most people won't get to.

    I think the disappointment is from work being put into places that won't improve gameplay. I was hoping for some bugfixes or implementing features that aren't in this version.

    well i come from the early diably 2 games

    and shadowbane

    SO i beg to differ

    but thats my personal opinion is all

    besides they still did add alot of stuff that wasnt there

    that could never have been there

    infact they could have completly left this game untouched and thats that

    and from what ive seen back in the day anyhow is that they dont typically fix buggs in expansion patches do that

    and my idea of an expansion is expanding the game

    wich they did do in many aspects

    and word to the wise haha be nice to the people that make sure your game runs

    they have alot on their tables as it is and someone needs to be kind to them for once

    ill be the first to do it


    i used to be a tester on Z-Day and from my inside little world i noticed how long it takes and how minimul some patches/expansions can be, and like i said before even more so when other projects are underway

    think about it

    they have the same amount of hours in aday

    only so many people working on multiple games that beet the pants off of any you would have playd 20 some odd years ago

    im not trying to be rude or anything so dont get me wrong

    but i strongly feel abit more appreciation is due
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Still for as long as they annouced the expansion there is really nothing "new"

    I am sorry if I might sound a bit sarcastic here, but what "new" things did you expect? Starships? Laser Cannons?

    I think new areas and new skills etc. count as "new", no?
  • Foxygoth - Heavens Tear
    Foxygoth - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well so far it seems to get the newlv 79 skills u need to farm pages in fb89
    After repeat attempts to kill the first new quest bosses the quest items havent dropped
    And you need to be insanely rich ingame or in real life to afford the new battle pets
    And the prices of zen in the AH are climbing rapidly
    So all in all im not impressed at all
    foxygoth-lvl92- arcane veno

    ElfyGoth-lvl 65-support cleric
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited December 2008
    So if i understand well, You cant get to the new area if you are not lv at least 70...
    Dvorak wrote: »

    If you're not quite at level 70 yet fear not - this week will also see the activation of our EXP Bonus award. Thanks to the spirited efforts of our members participating in the MySpace Community Event all EXP has been boosted 1.5x on all servers for 1 week and will end at the shutdown of our servers during our next scheduled maintenance on December 9. This bonus EXP boost will surely come in handy for those who are close to Level 70 and jonesing to explore 'The Lost Empire.'
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    nounours wrote: »
    So if i understand well, You cant get to the new area if you are not lv at least 70...
    I would like to know where this new area is. I've been looking. =/
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Mt - Lost City
    Mt - Lost City Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It's not really an expansion and not even near it.. All I can see new is a new battle pet for ONLY very rich Venomancers and some new chain stupid quests for every level range... They really disappointed me T_T
    . . . . . .
  • nounours
    nounours Posts: 453
    edited December 2008
    I would like to know where this new area is. I've been looking. =/

    "Keep in mind that access to 'The Lost Empire' will require characters to be at a minimum level of 70 in order to start the quest chain that allows entry to these new zones. "

    Talk to General Summer in Archosaur to get started(lv70)....and you ill see...
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The expansion is free, so even if you don't see anything useful in it for you then you can consider it a larger update than usual. b:pleased
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • rugal
    rugal Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Honestly how many people are over lv 70? In my guild of 15 the highest is lv 62. A expansion for 5-10% of the population? REALLY bad business plan.
  • Mistigris - Heavens Tear
    Mistigris - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I'd like to see a new race/class in future expansions but I know that's not really realistic for a free game. It'd be a lot of work, after all. :P I'd still like to see it though.
    images by ForsakenX
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    rugal wrote: »
    Honestly how many people are over lv 70? In my guild of 15 the highest is lv 62. A expansion for 5-10% of the population? REALLY bad business plan.

    WHAT business plan? Are you stupid or something? It's free and it gives you something to work towards! Now quit whining and go recruit/grind.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • Blizzaga - Lost City
    Blizzaga - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Joy we get a moose and OP WF pet that costs hundreds of dollars worth of zen to get and some new area that you cant even go till lvl 70....

    I played on MY in 1 normal update we got like 5 new flyingmounts and riding mounts with tons of fashion..... this is sad
  • Blizzaga - Lost City
    Blizzaga - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Comon people vote
  • Kelebek - Sanctuary
    Kelebek - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't think you can classify 38MB to be an expansion. WoW's bug-fixing patches are 10x the size of this so-called "expansion". It's pretty much the same as any other maintenance, except now there's a few more bosses in the world.
  • shunny
    shunny Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Some1 has issues downloading patchs of PWI Expansion?
    I got 5 errors atm and still downloading.
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    rugal wrote: »
    Honestly how many people are over lv 70? In my guild of 15 the highest is lv 62. A expansion for 5-10% of the population? REALLY bad business plan.
    A lot more than you would think. Radiance in Heavens Tear has well over 60 people that are level 70 and above. Evolution and Empire has a good number too.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Davitiel - Heavens Tear
    Davitiel - Heavens Tear Posts: 978 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Awww, come on people, at least they're trying. This is the first expansion, do you expect that the whole game will all be released at once? Although, yes, I agree that the expansion was less than we expected but its something. The only thing I dont like is that the quests are of a level that most of us haven't reached and that the new areas (which I was looking foward to explore) are not available for us lower level people. Other than that I have faith that as time passes the expansions will get better. Maybe the developers are just using the element of supprise lol. The holidays are comming soon, perhaps they have something better (better than passed events) planned out for us.
    And now faith, hope, and charity remain; but the greatest of these is charity.
  • Saiena - Heavens Tear
    Saiena - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think a lot of people are disappointed because of one thing: unmet expectations.

    In short:

    1. There was a lot of hype about the Lost Empire expansion.
    2. People started building expectations of great new additions.
    3. It wasn't really clear to everyone that the majority of the content would be for 70+ players.
    4. People found out the level restriction the night before, or on the day that it was released.
    5. Previously high expectations + inability to access expansion content = mass disappointment.

    In the end, I think that this is once more a matter of miscommunication between the devs and the general playing population. If people had known months before that this was a high level expansion, there might not have been this much of a negative response.
  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think a lot of people are disappointed because of one thing: unmet expectations.

    In short:

    1. There was a lot of hype about the Lost Empire expansion.
    2. People started building expectations of great new additions.
    3. It wasn't really clear to everyone that the majority of the content would be for 70+ players.
    4. People found out the level restriction the night before, or on the day that it was released.
    5. Previously high expectations + inability to access expansion content = mass disappointment.

    In the end, I think that this is once more a matter of miscommunication between the devs and the general playing population. If people had known months before that this was a high level expansion, there might not have been this much of a negative response.

    Not just that but I think the more foolish people were expecting some kind of massive thing with like 20 new mounts and a Platinum charm type and battle pets that you could just buy straight away without the collection thing..

    38MB it may be, but I think you guys are forgetting what game you're playing. This is FREE-TO-PLAY, Perfect World, not WoW: Wrath of the Lich King >.>
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • falcus
    falcus Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well since the game was promoted as the most up to date (ie on par with the Chinese version) , and any one smart enough to goggle PW data bases can see. This version has about 5% of the cash shop items avaliable on other servers.

    Why would anyone expect anything other than high hype, that results in 5% improvement to the game. The PWI staff has succum to the lure of greed and see no need to pony up and keep thier word. As long as the cash shop keeps raking in the dough. They like others, respond to one

    You want improvements, honesty and staff that cares for it's player base........STOP USING CASH SHOP.........till they come to thier senses.

    Otherwise stop whining and deal with a nerfed, scarcely stocked, half a game. Besides it's free to play for those not noobish enough to buy the **** items, knowing that there are better items to come........sometime before 2012.
  • Kelebek - Sanctuary
    Kelebek - Sanctuary Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Everyone's headed for 70+ anyway, and now at least it's in place for when most people get there, even on Sanctuary, the newest server, we have people level 80 already, and probably a few hundred 70+, with thousands more in their 60s. The timing was good.
  • DarkDefender - Sanctuary
    DarkDefender - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    EXPANDsion basically, expanding the game not fully creating a whole new game inside another. Expansions are for expanding certain aspects to better our experiences, shoot most expansions come with bug fixes too though no one may notice.

    Just be happy this means we'll have more in the future of course can't wait.
    I'm looking for a guild! Please message me in-game! I hope to find one that is family oriented and willing to help!
    Server: Sanctuary
    Name: DarkDefender
    Email: TheDarkDefenderMgo[at]Yahoo
  • Nicestuff_Ty - Heavens Tear
    Nicestuff_Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Not much of an expansion it seems more of a update for 70+ people, A few new bosses around but thats it. The new armour/weps require Cube of Fate time, some don't do that because of the cost of mirage stones (which might rise because of the armour n weps and ammount of people buying them). I don't see a difference in gameplay, same old PWI really. They should have done more impressive updates, such as new weapons for ALL classes and for all levels. They gave Venomancers a chance to get Two new extremely strong pets, What did the other classes receive? They took Jones Blessing that helped alot of classes, The new mount is 9.0 speed max unless you spurr it which is more money for nothing. New land and quests only for 70+ not happy about that, But gives some people more insperation to level. As for new skills they seem poor really, I read them and there isn't anything tooo impressive about them. They seem good but not impressive and its only 1 skill update for each class and thats at 79, Moreless they should have more skills after 59. Im not complaining because Im not 70+, Ill reach it one day. Im merely saying how it's not impressive from my point of view, more trouble/cost then anything.
    I like when I say stuff that make kids go b:cryb:cryb:cryb:cry.

    TenderMeat. b:kiss (New character, retired this BM)
  • Transcend - Lost City
    Transcend - Lost City Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Geez.. be happy they're adding more end-game content, it's where you'll be spending most of your time anyway. Did everyone already forget that there's 1.5x exp to help everyone level up a few times?

    PWE expanded the number of areas high-levels can go to. With 2mil+ EXP needed to level up, a little variety in scenery helps to break up the monotony of the grind. I have yet to log in and start my quests, but I for one am happy to see the new content and can't wait to check it out and maybe find more grinding areas.

    The OP is level 60, and it takes about 1-2 weeks to get up to 70, maybe even faster with exp boost. Have you even started farming your Twilight Temple (or HH) mats yet? I'd worry more about getting my green weapon than some place I won't be able to access for another week.

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