Level 19 Spiritual Cultivation issues



  • Hallidae - Sanctuary
    Hallidae - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm a level 30 venomancer with 220 rep and still stuck.

    One thing that i have noticed, was that around 170+ reputation, when clicking the find quest button on the quest panel, i have gotten a quest to go see the Miao the Taoist, the untamed spiritual cultivator quest guy. However when i got around to it, the quest wasn't there anymore. I didn't think too much of it at the time as i forgot that this was the guy who i'm having quest troubles with. So after i realized, i began spamming find quest button after every quest to see if the quest would pop up again. However that quest find hasn't appeared again yet.

    From reading the other threads, people have mentioned that they've gotten the cultivation quest after completing other random quests, and raising their rep by a bit.
    I'm guessing that above a certain reputation eg. 80, you will need a certain reputation digit combination to get the quest again.

  • markfil
    markfil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    im l archer lvl 20 now and still dont have aware of principal the oldman tell me i dont have enought reputation i have done every quest exp one man army so what quest i need to be done or do something i even try to suicide to find out if the quest will be automatically triger just like lvl 39 cultivation quest but its not i just lost exp b:angryb:angry this is ********!!!!!
  • chimagun
    chimagun Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    might it have to do with the "jone's blessing" item? it started happening after the halloween event started right? and thats when this item started showing up. so maybe it gotta do with this item?
  • akainyoko
    akainyoko Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm having trouble with the same issue as well. My character's name is Tekkina and is a 22 lvl Wizard, with 108 rep; I'm on the Sanctuary server. I tried doing random quests, including the banker quest and the gem merchant, didn't work. The same with quest is Archasaur. I did visit Jolly Old Jones, but I didn't bother looking for a Guardian Angel. Is there a possibility that his quest is the one which causes the bug? Really hope the problem is solved soon. It's really ruining the game for me.
  • lumius
    lumius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I too begin to believe that Jolly Old Jones is responsible because people say it took them 5 days or so to regain this quest... Well Jolly's blessing lasts about 7 days so they might have gotten this quest 2(or 3,4, etc) days after they got the item....
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm posting on my friend's behalf who is on Heaven's tear, name: "cottonbuds".
    He's level 22 with 100 reputation and has done all quests he can, like the darkbreeds too.
    Whenver he tries to get the quest from he taoist it says he dosen't have enough reputation o.o
  • quarky1983
    quarky1983 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Finally I figure it out... you have to finish off the Banker quest first to gather 5 different materials in order to get this Aware of Principle quest. Hope this help...!
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    My level 22 friend cannot do it with 100 rep, it's definitly a bug :0
    He created his character not too long ago.
  • quarky1983
    quarky1983 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Try finish off Banker quest that gather 5 different materials first.
  • brekan
    brekan Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i too belive that its jolly old jones that is causing this... im going to try getting rid of the things he gave me. but i have never seen this before and i have a total of 9 chars on bouth INT and Malaysian. and this is the first time it hapens but its the first time i get something from a guy like jolly.

    im a lvl 21 archer on lost city

    btw u dont need to do the solo army quests and u dont need to gather for banker quest and its not soposed to be a lvl requierment on quests if u go past whit a few lvls if it doesent say so in the quest info.
  • lumius
    lumius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I understand that they made Jolly Old Jones for the Halloween occasion (and it might have been a good idea) but it's clear that the issues began after the patch with him arrived... Why not just make him *poof* vanish just to make sure? I mean there is hardly anyone that likes him... (No offense)
  • Brekana - Lost City
    Brekana - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i just looked... my venomencer is lvl 26 and i havent gone to jolly whit her and i have over 200 rep and i did fb19 at lvl19 and my archer is lvl 21 and only 102 rep....
  • marodin
    marodin Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I have a lvl 22 Wizzard on Sanctuary and suffer from the same problem. the only thing i know is that i haven't made the "added with strengh"(or so) quest of the sentry but at mylvl i cant start it anymore, so may that should be changed either. May it helps
  • lickthis
    lickthis Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hey people, I have some problems =/ when I go to the Mangman The Taoist, he says that my reputation is too low and I can't take "Aware Of Principal" quest.. =/ I have 106 reputation and have no ideas what to do =/
  • Dragoni - Sanctuary
    Dragoni - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yea, sorry i don't remember exactly when i couldn't accept it but i think it was after the Halloween event....... with that attack bonus charm
  • uncensored
    uncensored Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I am having the same problem started at lvl 19 with 87 rep wouldnt let me got 101 rep now lvl 21 still wont =(
  • uncensored
    uncensored Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    My issue was fixed when i bought new gear.
  • Adriazirma - Sanctuary
    Adriazirma - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm one of those lucky. I had a trouble first on lvl19 because it said I have little rep. So I finished some quest - but I can't remember which one - but it was one of those pre-lvl19 quests. All was fine.

    Howerver: I bet you (devs ;-)) have many volunteers with their broken characters - why can't you test with them directly? I'd lend you character any time if I had this problem.
  • lumius
    lumius Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The new gear worked for me too... This issue is weird to solve... Very random but this still continues on my other char...
  • rytier
    rytier Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I emptied my inventory... after lots of other desperate attempts (solo quests, banker). with empty inventory (except equipped items) i was able to start the quest.
    Maybe the point was to get rid of some (kind of) item(s).
  • Yadira - Sanctuary
    Yadira - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i just put all my items in the banker .. and it works xD
  • matt0201
    matt0201 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I too had this problem but after reading how some you stored stuff and it worked, I stored all my halloween gear at that banker and it worked too. Seems like halloween items ( in my case the costumes, the special ones from jolly joe) might be the problem.

    Lvl 21
    no faction
    100 rep
    Spirit points left over - yes, can't remember number.
    Other quests - yes
    joe's blessing - yes
    Trashed qusts - yes
    Completed all quests upto and including lvl 19
    Problem solution - unequiped halloween special costumes and put into storage.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited October 2008
    If you have not done so already, please give us the following info, either in this thread or via a ticket to tech support (if you have an existing ticket, please reply to that one instead of submitting a brand new one):

    Character name
    Do you have Jones' Blessing?
    Do you have other quests in your log?
    How many unspent attribute points do you have?
    How much spirit do you have?
    If you solved the problem, how did you do it?
    Did you Trash any quests?
    Approximately how old is your account?
    Is there anything else you can think of that might be relevant?
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Dragoni - Sanctuary
    Dragoni - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I sold the costume i got the the Halloween event so would that effect it?
  • pendradin
    pendradin Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I reached to lvl 19 two times, with my 1st character i couldn't learn aware of principle cultivation (''reputation too low...'') so i made a 2nd character following a quest guide to get max reputation...It was useless, am lvl 2X with 1XX reputation.

    Please GM check it ASAP many people got the same problem.

  • Emugod - Lost City
    Emugod - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Apparently, you haven't seen the Level 19 Cultivation is bugged. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=90432
    I'm not sure what to say at this point but to wait for the magnificent workers to fix it. Sorry...
    Also, try using the ticket thing.
  • Dragoni - Sanctuary
    Dragoni - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    HEY I THINK I FIGURED IT OUT! I put that charm u get from hidden hero's village i had the def one in bank and i sold some lumber and i was able to accept quest!!!!
  • k1tty
    k1tty Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Class Venomancer
    Gender Female
    Character name WildHime
    Level 21
    Rep 87
    Faction No
    Do you have Jones' Blessing? No
    Do you have other quests in your log? 5
    How many unspent attribute points do you have? 0
    How much spirit do you have? 21188
    If you solved the problem, how did you do it? Still bugged
    Did you Trash any quests? No
    Approximately how old is your account? 2 week
    Is there anything else you can think of that might be relevant?

    FIXED - by removing all item from my inventory!
  • lickthis
    lickthis Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    People, it really works! U should put ur items to banker xD
  • dshiki
    dshiki Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yeah it seems like putting items in the Bank lets you do the quest. From what I experienced, you don't need to empty your entire inventory, or even any specific item. I just unloaded as much of crafting material from my inventory into the Bank and voila, I got the quest.
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