Level 19 Spiritual Cultivation issues

x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
edited April 2009 in Support Desk

UPDATE 10/31 10:44am PST - I believe we've figured out the issue. We're still doing some testing to try and push the fix out in Wednesday's patch, but no promises. If you are unable to take the quest, free up at least eight slots in your inventory (either by stacking, selling, dropping, or banking items), and this SHOULD cause the quest become available for you. If this doesn't work, please say so in this thread. Thanks to everyone who helped us narrow down the cause.

We are aware of the issue that is preventing many of you from taking this quest. We hope to have a fix available in the next patch. However, to better help us ensure that we can solve this problem, please post as much information here as you can about the state of your character when you attempted to take the quest and anything you did beforehand that might be important.

Thus far we've been unable to reproduce it ourselves (either internally or with our characters on the live servers), and there doesn't appear to be any consistency between the people who have the problem or between the people who have avoided/fixed it. Finding a common link between everyone who is experiencing this problem is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack, and it is for that reason that every possible bit of information you can give us is extremely helpful, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

Character name
Do you have Jones' Blessing?
Do you have other quests in your log?
How many unspent attribute points do you have?
How much spirit do you have?
If you solved the problem, how did you do it?
Did you Trash any quests?
Approximately how old is your account?
Is there anything else you can think of that might be relevant?

I'm lvl 21 elf archer, I've exhausted every single quest I can find. Even solo missions. The solo missions to kill lvl 20 archer wearwolves ran out. I can't find anybody in any city, dreaming, bamboo, plume, brute, north of brute, lost, nowhere has any quests, please help. I need 4 more reputation points to progress in spiritual cultivation. I have 96.. I presume it is 100 but without quests I don't know how to get them..
Post edited by x3rox on


  • Daoshi - Heavens Tear
    Daoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I'm quite sure cultivation has nothing to do with reputation. You should have got a quest from an NPC that will raise your cultivation when you finish it.
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No, I didn't get any gold colored quests...
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If the quest is called Aware of Principle, the the quest issuer MangMang says "Your current reputation is too low to allow further meditation" and he has a silver shield instead of orange. Only guy who has a shield at all to me now,
  • Daoshi - Heavens Tear
    Daoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Been a while since I've done the quest, but I think that you have to visit the Recluse at some point. After that, I think you need to kill Carapest Terrors. Have you done either one?

    If it's really reputation that you need, maybe you could head over to Archosaur and do some of the quests there first. 21 is about the level you should be going there anyway.
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Where is the recluse, and I don't remember these terrors
  • Daoshi - Heavens Tear
    Daoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    320 330, it seems, in the White Ridge area.
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    all she says is flying is a basic skill for elves, and i've done quests for her before
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The Test
    1. Speak to Priest (325, 424)
    -Kill 30 Longhorned Carapests (Located around 299, 477)
    2. Report to Priest (325, 424)
    -Kill 30 Werewolf Archers (Location: West Shore of Unworried River)
    3. Report to Priest (325, 424)
    -Kill 30 Lithic Scorpion King (Location: West Shore of Unworried River)
    4. Report to Priest (325, 424)
    -Celestone Fragment: 1
    -Reward (Gold: 8100 Exp: 13500 SP: 3000 Rep: 2)

    Level 19 Cultivation Quest
    Spiritual Cultivation Guide-Spiritual Progress
    1. Speak to MangMang the Taoist (322, 421)
    -Reward (Exp: 50 Rep:4)

    I've compleated all of that.

    Aware of Principle
    1. Speak to Mangmang the Taoist (322, 421)
    -Collect 1 Celestial Sprite (Quest drop from Carapest Terror, near Scorpion Cave)
    The once the quest item is collected, it will auto-move on to the next portion of the quest which is to go after the other Celestial Sprite. Keep a close eye on your quest details.
    -Collect 1 Celestial Sprite (Farmable. Locations are: 295, 429;281, 404;292, 446)
    2. Report to Mangmang the Taoist (322, 421)
    New Teleport Point Archosaur
    -Choice 1: Elite Rending Blade Hierogram +Resurrection Scroll
    -Choice 2: Elite Enchanted Heirogram + Resurrection Scroll
    -Celestone of Hell/Heaven/Human: 1 (Random)
    -Reward (SP: 8000 Rep: 20)
    Cultivation status changed to Aware of Principle
    3. Continue to Lvl 21 quest "General's Expectations"

    Cannot get to this point.
  • x3rox
    x3rox Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yes, still stuck and can't get the quest, can't find ANY other quests. Yay for linear progression.
  • tervel
    tervel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    x3rox wrote: »
    Yes, still stuck and can't get the quest, can't find ANY other quests. Yay for linear progression.
    I was stuck the same way - than I did the Banker quest (the one that extends the bank inventory by collecting the materials) and viola I was able to get the Aware of Principle guest. Good luck.
  • ithilwen
    ithilwen Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    That's funny. I haven't done the banker quest (though I've started it). I'm lvl 19 archer with a rep at 83 and I had no trouble starting the Spiritual Cultivation quest...
  • dragonz1
    dragonz1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think its a Bug or something I am stuck as well...big time... can't get that silver shielded quest from NPC to complete it :(
  • brooooo
    brooooo Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    im still Stuck with that im lvl 22 and 108 Reputations points and cant get the quest, what im able to do?
  • aeonbackflash
    aeonbackflash Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Stuck too....lvl 20 BM with 100 Rep. I don't get it either. I haven't finished the Banker quest yet either....
  • Maeria - Heavens Tear
    Maeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It has to be a bug but I have no clue how it happened. What's even weird is that my friend was able to complete the quest fine just yesterday.
  • dragonz1
    dragonz1 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I finished the quest yestrday and my Reputation was 90...
    I had a quest from senetry Li which I trashed...IT was killing 30 Cheif can't remember the name of mob...I did the quest again from Li and I got 90 reput. and I was able to get Cultivation quest...and then did FB 19 quest with help of a some Guild players.. (Don't know if i can give their Guild name here or not )Thanks to them, They helped me getting lvl 19 boss quest and fiinishing it no time...

  • darkzeidz
    darkzeidz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Those who stuck in lv19 Cultivation quest stil stuck ? (I'm still stucks b:victory)
    If some of you can do it already after stucks, can share what did you do/how you do it to solve the 'stuck' problem ? :)

    Thank in advance..
  • managementz
    managementz Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    lvl 23 BM 120 rep points still no culti quest....this is getting stupid -.-
  • Kamikirimusi - Heavens Tear
    Kamikirimusi - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    To fix this bug you need to do the bankers quest. theres two parts to it. i did the one where you gather the materials for him. after that the shield turned red or w/e
  • darkenedone
    darkenedone Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    To fix this bug you need to do the bankers quest. theres two parts to it. i did the one where you gather the materials for him. after that the shield turned red or w/e
    That's not true, my girlfriend has done the banker expanded inventory quest and she can't do cultivation on her cleric. I some how think this is related to trashing quests. >.>
  • darkzeidz
    darkzeidz Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    AS there's so many thread about this bug (PPLs, please don't keep opening a new 'similar' thread..), i'll try to post about what happen to me in as many as possible thread.. (pls don't do it again next time..)

    Just to share with everyone that stuck in this quest (Lv19 Cultivation Qst)...
    -. 2 days ago i logout with this quest still stuck...
    -. Today i login, i can take them already (w/o doing anyting at all).

    You guys mite wanna try to see whether or not it's ok already for you (might be GM fix the quest, OR, GM fixed the bugged char 1 by 1 -> as it might be a char bugged and not a quest bug).

    Good Luck all...
  • Sixzero - Sanctuary
    Sixzero - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok folks. I've done some research on this and I shall now post my observations. This experiment has been tested with both a Pre-Jolly created character and a Post-Jolly created character. Here is what has been determined.....

    1. If you created your character BEFORE the patch that included Jolly Jones, chances are that you are in the clear and can proceed with the quest as normal, but there are no guarantees.
    2. If you just recently in the past 4-5 days created your character, the chances are that your Aware of Principle cultivation quest will be broken for the time being, but then again you may get lucky.
    3. This bug IS NOT CLASS OR RACE SPECIFIC. I have spoken to at least 1 player of every race and class on my server who is experiencing this bug, and every single one of them created the character they were playing on either on the day of the Jolly patch or afterwards.
    4. Whether this bug involves the Taoist NPC or the player characters themselves is undetermined.
    5. If you created your character before the patch, leveled it up, then you obtained the quest on the day of the patch BUT did not complete it, chances are that the quest disappeared from your quest log and that the Taoist would refuse to give it again.
    6.If you created your character after the patch, leveled it up, then tried to obtain the quest, the Taoist tells you that you dont have the reputation to obtain the quest (which is a total lie).

    If neither one of these scenarios applies to you, please post the following information.....

    A. The date you created your bugged character.
    B. The date you obtained, or tried to obtain the Aware of Principle quest.
    C. The results of your quest completion or non completion.

    The more information we can gather about this issue, the sooner the devs can pinpoint the problem for you folks. Thank you for your time and consideration into this matter.
  • othinn
    othinn Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    sixzero, bad luck is all about it.

    I created elf archer and cleric at same time pre-patch. and i hit lvl 19 1~2 days ago, so archer went on speak to taoist, didn't get the quest, then i started search for rep need for the quest, only found out need to finish pre-20 quests to recieve it. ok onward i go with archer and cleric (cleric didn't speak to taoist at any point) as we hit lvl 20 and finished all pre-20 quests (all the standard ones, no bank/gems). and archer spoke with taoist again, as usually didn't go, cos i found out missed blind elf girl quest. but interesting things happened CLERIC lvl 20 rep 90 got the quest, at time, we had same quests finished (beside crafting ones only on archer)

    only notice different here is archer spoke with toaist at lvl 19 before finishes 2 lvl 19 quests. and with all 4 craft skills.

    some ppl say need high rep which is incorrect.

    at this point, i am very discourage to continues on.
  • Fiesty - Lost City
    Fiesty - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Glad to see a response on this. I'm stuck on two characters, my level 20 cleric (90 rep) and my level 21 werefox (86 rep). On my Werefox I've done every single pre level 20 possible, except the "ripoff" lost book quest. My cleric I think I has one or two quests left to do, but after seeing what my Werefox went through I'm too discouraged to even bother with it really. I hope the next patch fixes it.
  • khelgar
    khelgar Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Glad to see I'm not the only one too. I tried getting the quest at level 19 with 70 rep, and didnt worked.. told me I needed more rep, so I figured that I probably needed 100, so I quested until I got there. Was about level 23-24 by then, I went to Miao with 102 rep, still didnt worked. Quested even more, noticed I had 1 quest that was level 19, so I finished it, and went on more level 20+ quest to raise rep... went back to Miao with 124 rep, level 26, and still can't get the quest. I then contacted a GM, and he told me it was a known bug to come look here for info.

    Things are getting hard tho, can't level my skills anymore, need cultivation. Please try to get it fixed tonite, it's probably nothing big.

    I know you can do it!
  • Dragoni - Sanctuary
    Dragoni - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Same Problem here!
    At level 19 i went to get the quest and it wouldn't let me because i didn't have enough exp or rep and it still wont let me get it. Even now that I am level 21 with 100 rep! Please get this fixed soon and Good Luck!b:thanks
  • marianeku
    marianeku Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Im bugged too (lvl 20 cleric) , is anyone gonna fix this bugg someday or we just have to be stuck forever in this failure bugg x.x
  • katki
    katki Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yes yes, currently very annoying. I've made 2 characters pre-Jolly; both getting to level 19 after Jolly patch used... tried every single thing I can think of under the sun without any serious leveling (both now 21) and... of course no luck.
  • Shikyura - Sanctuary
    Shikyura - Sanctuary Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i had the same problem.....or so i thought?

    i finished my quests..n went to the taoist...didnt let me....at the time iw as lvl 21 already

    what i know is thi.s...questwise and repwise....hope it helps

    i got 96 rep and did it....this 96 rep includes doing each 3 areas SOLO quest (gives no XP only rep + celestone frag) TWICE...i was at 95 rep...and he wouldnt let me tak equest...so i was tryin to locate my missin quest...luckily i had gotten the 2nd solo quest at the third area.....before i was too high n......i completed it and he let me

    im figuring is that you gotta complete every quest before the cultivation.....and do each solo quest twice in each of the 3 areas? perhaps you g uys are bugged that u cant do the cultivation because...you did the solo quest only once in perhaps one of those areas...and once u pass the level you cant do it anymore (i know that as a fact cause everytime my lvl goges past i cant do it anymore.....but i DO know i did each twice before my level went past)

    thats the best i can explain....unless you guys tell me you did each areas (dreaming bamboo and the one with sentry yi) twice n still have the probem
  • bigkahunaburger
    bigkahunaburger Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    For those of you who are still having problems, if you could please send a ticket to Technical Support/Gameplay at http://support.perfectworld.com/ticketing.

    Please include the following information:
    1. account name (not nickname)
    2. server
    3. character name
    4. screenshot that shows your character info (jpeg format please)

    We are trying our best to resolve this issue. Thank you for being patient and your continued support.
This discussion has been closed.