The Cube of Fate



  • Serjah - Heavens Tear
    Serjah - Heavens Tear Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    the cube is a nice event, but too bad its so badly tuned, some rooms are just unbeatable, some rooms are cool
    A patch full of glitch,
    Makes my eyes twitch.
    Should i continue playing this game or switch,
    because this is a serious problem and not a simple itch.
    Some bug abusing noob gets rich,
    While a honest players get the ditch.
    Please rollback if you wanna enrich,
    or this game would just be a ****

    by xtrm9
  • Tanri - Heavens Tear
    Tanri - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    0. Introduction

    1. Before u start

    First of all, u can only obtain the quest once a day so make sure u brought all the necessary items before u talk to the Room teleport master. Things u will need are:
    1. hp charms, pots
    2. mirage stones (as many as u can get)

    2. Starting the puzzle cube quest

    1. Talk to the giant cub in either Cit of Lost, City of Plume, Etherblade, Archosaur or any other large towns.
    2. Choose the option "Duty Badge" to obtain the duty badge, u can get 1 each day
    3. Choose the option "Enter the hive" to enter the puzzle cube
    4. In the middle of the room, next to the Room Teleport Master, there is a forge tomb similar to the ones next to the general in Archosaur. Click on it, go to the third tab "Trd" and make Dice tickets out of your mirage stones (MS). For each MS, u get 2 dice tickets. Each room will require a puzzle cube (which u will get after completing the previous room) and 1 dice ticket, hence u need to bring alot of MS.
    5. After obtaining the dice ticket, talk to the Room Teleport Master, he will give u a "Thrown Die", right click it to start the challenge!

    3. Advancing in rooms

    Each room will require a dice ticket. Only then u can talk to the teleport master inside the room or other npc to receive the quest. U also need a puzzle cube but you should get this automatically after finishing your previous room. Each room will therefore take away a dice ticket, thats why u need to bring alot of mirage stones

    After finishing the mission, u will receive a new "Thrown Die", right click it to advance to the next room. The room u get transported to will be determined as folows: current room number + Thown Die number = new room number

    4. Reward

    if u get to room 49, u get to kill mobs in 2 min, each mob gives 5000 xp, and 1000 spirit

    if u get to room 50, u get to open chests and get exp and spirit depending on your level
  • Tanri - Heavens Tear
    Tanri - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    U can use that guide, If i ever feel like it, and have time, Ill update it with details about each room.

    Ive started puzzle cube ever since I was 40, ofcourse I didnt know anything about it, so I just googled. With all the pieces of information I gathered from some websites, and the introduction from the npc, I manage to figure it the game completely on my own.

    If u play it, there are more rewards than just exp/spirit ... Ofcourse, those who actually tried to do some effort to understand the game already knows about it.

    Also, the first npc gives u a brief summary of each rooms (last option of introduction). If u have taken the time to read this, u would know what to do in each room
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    0. Introduction

    1. Before u start

    First of all, u can only obtain the quest once a day so make sure u brought all the necessary items before u talk to the Room teleport master. Things u will need are:
    1. hp charms, pots
    2. mirage stones (as many as u can get)

    2. Starting the puzzle cube quest

    1. Talk to the giant cub in either Cit of Lost, City of Plume, Etherblade, Archosaur or any other large towns.
    2. Choose the option "Duty Badge" to obtain the duty badge, u can get 1 each day
    3. Choose the option "Enter the hive" to enter the puzzle cube
    4. In the middle of the room, next to the Room Teleport Master, there is a forge tomb similar to the ones next to the general in Archosaur. Click on it, go to the third tab "Trd" and make Dice tickets out of your mirage stones (MS). For each MS, u get 2 dice tickets. Each room will require a puzzle cube (which u will get after completing the previous room) and 1 dice ticket, hence u need to bring alot of MS.
    5. After obtaining the dice ticket, talk to the Room Teleport Master, he will give u a "Thrown Die", right click it to start the challenge!

    3. Advancing in rooms

    Each room will require a dice ticket. Only then u can talk to the teleport master inside the room or other npc to receive the quest. U also need a puzzle cube but you should get this automatically after finishing your previous room. Each room will therefore take away a dice ticket, thats why u need to bring alot of mirage stones

    After finishing the mission, u will receive a new "Thrown Die", right click it to advance to the next room. The room u get transported to will be determined as folows: current room number + Thown Die number = new room number

    4. Reward

    if u get to room 49, u get to kill mobs in 2 min, each mob gives 5000 xp, and 1000 spirit

    if u get to room 50, u get to open chests and get exp and spirit depending on your level

    I like the last two lines the most the BIG word is IF i guess these mobs are super hard and you only would kill a few in 2 mins IF you survived and IF not everything you used to get there is wasted and gone..have to restart.. No wonder no one uses it does seem fixed to lose so i agree it designed to waste Mirage Celestones sry
  • smoo
    smoo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008

    For reference... room 46 is one of those "not yet enough" rooms where you receive 9/10 of a quest item and you need someone else to enter the room and get 9/10 quest items and give you one for one of you to proceed.

    Oh, that's just EVIL.

    My feedback:
    I wandered into the puzzle cube out of curiosity, read all the stuff, and was still fairly confused, but willing to try. Then, after I'd burned my only means to get in, it mentioned that I needed a mirage stone that I didn't have. So that was day 1. Not very exciting.

    There is no day 2.

    I've been collecting the badges, just not using them, as I have better things to spend it on.

    Conclusion: I had 100k before the Halloween event stuff, and a bit more after I sold a bunch of 20 an 31 DQ items. At 40, the players don't HAVE millions to spend on this stuff, unless they dump hundreds of dollars of real cash.

    So expecting players to have scads of money and celestones to burn is a bit unfair. Slap in a high level puzzle cube for the maxed players and money dumpers if you must, but put in SOMETHING for the people who don't spend THAT much, and throw SOMETHING to totally freebie players...

    First off, put in a free initial couple of dice tickets. Maybe have dice tickets function as level skippers, but put in ways to solve the puzzles that don't require massive stores of Mirage stones and coin. Cheaper=slower. Or, make it so duty badges can be used in place of mirage stones! Again, cheaper=slower. People could do rooms until they get stuck, then go back one and try to use dice to skip, for instance. Then track the skips and revisit particular rooms that get skipped by everyone.

    That, and from reading other posts, making absolutely sure all the quests are coherent and can be solved correctly. No "count the red things" "ok, how many blue things were there?" shenanigans. >_>

    I guess you need to answer the question "do we want players actually DOING this daily, or is this simply a money sink for players with millions to throw around." Then make a few modifications accordingly.

    If it's the latter, you don't need to bother writing up that guide for it, as 98% of the players probably don't care. ;)
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I absolutely LOVE the puzzle cube and Im addicted to it lol. Definately by far one of the best things in the game. Its very entertaining and some rooms actually make you think which is good from the old **** and slash.

    My only suggestion would be to provide a little more alternatives to the rooms like the bully room and the robber room. Just not enough people do the cube to be able to continue from those rooms really. Or make it so you can get do it all cards easier.

    For everyone else the cube is really best done at lvl 60+. Usually all you need is 20 or less mirage stones and always take about 500k in cash with you too. The experience is great.

    I beat it yesterday and today and the extra 350k exp a day is AWESOME!!

    And for some of the whiners... really the cube isnt hard to figure out or do.. Just try to use your brain a little. I know its hard for some of you who just come on and want to swing your big weapon around but seriously, its not that hard to figure out if you just put some effort, thought, and time into it. I personally dont really think they should write up a special guild(the one the main npc gives is plenty and you can read it again while in the "jail" rooms) or give free tickets or etc. If your not going to put the effort into it or try to do it without being baby walked through it, then you dont deserve the great rewards from it.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Shamrock - Lost City
    Shamrock - Lost City Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    What do you do with the Cube Lottery Invitation when you complete the event?
  • Tanri - Heavens Tear
    Tanri - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Small hint: i dont do puzzle cube for the exp
  • Mosz - Heavens Tear
    Mosz - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,181 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Small hint: i dont do puzzle cube for the exp

    <=O you do it for the high lvl armor prereqs to make woo.

    yah some rooms/the npc are bugged which is the part that sucks. then thers the 3 or so evil rooms that are pretty much made for you to restart unless someone else is there.

    GMs should play through all the rooms and see which have bad dialog/ bad rooms

    ill do it sometiems if it gets fixed. already had enough "fun" with it
  • Tanri - Heavens Tear
    Tanri - Heavens Tear Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    how are they bugged? They are meant like that ...

    The problem is just that there are too little people that know about puzzle cube, and therefore too little players
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    you have to be lv 60+ with a decent equips to survive in some rooms..... I was lv 68 @ the time I tried cube... I tried killing a boss w/ unknown level... took me 30 mins! to get the boss' hp bar to 3/4 "that's 1/4 dmg inflicted on the boss and I'm an archer (a.k.a. Damage dealer) -.- costly... time consuming "specially when you get trapped inside w/o TP and GM Usagi comes in the room, transforms into fox form and smell your character's butt" LOL (Usagi ftw)..
  • anhdao
    anhdao Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Love it, easy and fun. Great rewards. 350k exp in the end just priceless :D
  • Ecclaire - Lost City
    Ecclaire - Lost City Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Cube of Fate. More like cube of ripping you off. 1.5 million in mirage stones and you have to complete it multiple times to be able to get anything decent. You get a chance to make 1 million in there at the chest of fate room but it's like 1 in 1 million chances you will get the million credit ticket.
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Cube of Fate. More like cube of ripping you off. 1.5 million in mirage stones and you have to complete it multiple times to be able to get anything decent. You get a chance to make 1 million in there at the chest of fate room but it's like 1 in 1 million chances you will get the million credit ticket.

    Dont take this the wrong way but if you spent that much in there you arent doing something right lol. I have beat it everyday for the past week and I have never used more than 20 mirage stones in a run.

    Also there are 4 rooms called Mystical Messanger. These are the rooms that if you beat the mobs and talk to the npc in less than 60 seconds you get chips. Chips can be traded in for molders and the exchange rate isnt bad.

    Lvl 77 arcane wrist guards.. -6% Casting is like 8 chips..
    Cloud and Sky(?) Molder.. like lvl 69 archer weapon 3 chips..

    You can get up to 20 chips in a day from the cube.. Thats 2 to 3 molders a day for some of the molders and up to 6 molders a day.

    I have also got the million dollar tickets so yes they do exsists and yes you can get them.

    And you can ONLY complete it ONCE a day.. So dunno what yuor talking about with the multiple times, and once you complete it you get 350k exp+ and 70ksp.. I call that pretty damn decent lol.
    Take the time to LEARN the cube and know what your doing. It will be a whole new ball game then.

    Just wanted to add on the more you do it the more you learn and figure out too..

    Do it all cards come from room 37. You can use do it all cards to trade for robber and bully cards so you dont get stuck in those rooms. Another big hint is if you do get stuck in a room, take some teleport incense with you. Teleport Incense cost 10s from the cash shop so you can buy it for about 10k per 1. Use the teleport incense to get back to the main room and get out of the room your stuck in. No waiting on town teleport cooldowns etc.

    As I said in the previous post.. If you actually take the time, put in the effort, and some thought into it.. Its really fun and not that hard.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    As I said in the previous post.. If you actually take the time, put in the effort, and some thought into it.. Its really fun and not that hard.

    It's still mostly an event for the rich players who can afford to buy 20 mirages a day and the venos who can solo and hoard mirages in solo TT runs.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear
    Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I ant to finish it at some point but being a level 50 it is low chance ...

    350k xp ... that would be so nice, 1 level and like 75% form oen run :P
  • Foxygoth - Heavens Tear
    Foxygoth - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i have completed solo once,my main concern is the few rooms which are almost impossible to pass.
    do all cards are needed as are robber cards yet the room u get them in is AFTER u need them?
    wheres the sense in that?
    If you want ppl to use this feature then it really needs to be better explained so ppl dont waste mirage stones and coins.
    on my 3rd attemp(died twice) i got to room 47 and died.....back to room 1 minus 18 mirages and 400k!!!!!!
    then i got to the room that u cant kill the mobs complete needs 3 do all cards........................
    WTF!!! ive done this everyday for a week now AND NOT GOT 1 DO ALL CARD
    fix it or lose more ppl through lack of playable unbugged content..
    foxygoth-lvl92- arcane veno

    ElfyGoth-lvl 65-support cleric
  • Cat - Heavens Tear
    Cat - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,187 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Its really not supposed to be a solo thing. I think thats the problem alot of you are running into. If your doing it solo then expect to pay more because there are rooms you need a party for.

    For example if you dont have the do it all cards or any teleport incense, then for ther robber and bully rooms the purpose is to WAIT in those rooms until one of your party members catch up or until someone else comes and GIVES you one of their cards. Then in turn that person waits for the next person etc.

    The I dont wanna leave room ( the room that asks you for 3 do it all cards) once again you dont understand the objective of the room so you claim its impossible. In that room you also need to wait for a party member or for someone else to come. Its another what I call sacrafice room. If you wait in that room until another party member comes or until someone else comes in and that other persons dies.. When they die the room npc will appear on the opposite wall to give you your dice to continue. No do it all cards needed. You just need someone else to come in the room and die to make the other npc appear. Which is explained by the npc who explains all the rooms to you at the beginning.

    And yes it may seem like alot of work, and yes it can take some time somedays. But your getting 300k++++ EXP? WTH should that be easy? What you want another daily quest lets all walk into the cube and hand him a mirage stone wait 10 min and get 350k exp weeeeeeee.......Its the challange that makes it fun. Figuring out the puzzle and riddles and be rewarded for doing so. THe 2 tips above are the last 2 Im giving. If I can figure this stuff out you guys can too.

    The cube ISNT bugged and it is DOABLE. But hey the more of you who give up and whine about its too hard or refuse to believe its not bugged so you give up. Works for me :) Ill sell you the molders I get everyday happily enough.
    "Jesus fricking christ on a pogo stick. Your a mass of fricking idiots I swear!"

    Didn't anyone tell you that you wanted to sleep with me?!?! I thought you knew....
  • Albione - Lost City
    Albione - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well put, i havent completed it, but i understand the instructions, i just know im too low lvl, noticed after i was pit vs that boss with more HP than all game bosses put together. For lvl 40-50 or so, it may be impossible, but at higher lvls it's completely possible, just hard.
  • Knightblade - Heavens Tear
    Knightblade - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ditto for me. I turned in my duty badge for a puzzle cube with the teleport master in the starting room but then he asked for my puzzle cube and i gave it to him. The next thing I know I have nothing. I guess I needed the puzzle cube to start, but then I found out from another player I had to trade my mirage stone to get a roll dice to get to the next room, but my problem was I left my mirage celstone (yes singular) in my bank with no way to retrieve it. To top it off, if I leave to get my celstone, I lose everything I had gained (which was nothing since the instructions were not that clear!)

    I like the idea of puzzles to make you think, It breaks away from the mundane grinding associated with most quests, but this is no puzzle, it's an enigma

    Bottom Line: Once I found out I needed 30 (minimum) celestones for starters, I left and vowed not to try again, ever.

    Needed Changes: Lower the requirements of celestones to play or change the currency to get a roll dice. Maybe you could get drops from mobs adjacent to starting room that are only good in CofF. Also, if there is something that will be needed that you can't obtain before going in, please make that know in the conversation with the NPC before you go in.

    I love the idea, but not the current CofF. Devs, thanks for trying to give us something other than quests to keep it dynamic and exciting. :)No flame or sarcasm intended.
  • Wynnia - Heavens Tear
    Wynnia - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Not voting in the poll, because there isn't a choice I agree with. Found out about the CoF in game and want to try it.

    Being a puzzle fanatic, the cube sounded very interesting so I went in to try it. Got to the first room and found out that I need mirage celestones to continue into the cube. Needless to say, without any mirage stones on hand I couldn't go in.

    I appreciate the tasks and puzzles being difficult, but if this is a puzzle it should be dependent on the mind and skills of the player rather than the abilities of the char. Also with the randomness of the die, the rooms that require a party of a certain size to pass seem exceedingly difficult without any skill involved. Also the rooms that require a player sacrifice (either one dying or one giving up a card, so another may pass) seem overly wasteful. It demands player cooperation but what does the sacrifice player get in exchange for their work to get only that far?

    And speaking as a player who cannot sit in game all day or afford to pay real money for a game, paying 100k to get a ticket with the chance of getting 1 or 1mil is quite unfortunate. I spend a couple hours grinding to make that much coins; maybe make it so that you have a chance for 50k or 1mil? You still take a hit from the sad ticket but it is not as severe.
  • Miaoz - Lost City
    Miaoz - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    oh no... this cube of fate is supposedly slowly discovered by users on their own b:chuckle It supposed to be "Fated" :P

    Now, the mirage stones prices are gonna go skyrocket b:sad

    Anyway the cube of fate is fun, my hubby is absolutely addicted to it. Yes before you go in, invest 20-30 mirage stones, good amount of pots, speed pills (for one or two of the rooms which you really need to run as quickly to talk to npc) and 500k in your inventory.

    2 rooms, room 8 and 17 you will pay 100k for your chance of 1mil

    room 40 for your chance of 5mil b:chuckle

    oh, i think i'm the first few who sold robber cards and bully cards in cube of fate too while waiting for my hubby to play it :P heehee (they are good money making scheme, oh darn did i give it away?)

    at lvl 40, one of the room 4x. he took 40mins to kill tat boss that has so much hp, thats uber hard, but i think it should get easier as you lvl up.

    A guide? I've gotten a good guide from some chinese website which i use to guide my hubby through it during the early phase. For now he can remember all of the rooms by heart. I think once you get used to it, it will not be hard anymore.

    And yes... there are secrets of how to get pass some rooms... b:chuckle

    Wish you all luck playing it, it's a game you either hate it or love it.

    If you're good it's worth investing, like they said, you get chips for molds, 1mil or 5mil, lots of experience and spirits. I forgot which level you also get pages for advance skills if i'm not wrong..
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Bottom Line: Once I found out I needed 30 (minimum) celestones for starters, I left and vowed not to try again, ever.

    I beat cube using 7 mirages once...
    ... too bad i never get past room 46 these days, ugh. so many dead end rooms. cube doesn't work unless you merge all 3 servers, not enough players in it.

    seriously, let us bypass the do-all card/robber rooms without needing player interaction if you won't merge the servers. i told you guys in the first place even 2 servers would spread it too thin.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Fawksi - Sanctuary
    Fawksi - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It's a free teleport to ADC from every major city, whoever votes against the CoF would kill a kitten.
  • wesker
    wesker Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    fix that damn Cube of Fate!! once again i didnt get any chips from moobs at room nr 15!!
  • Serengetti - Sanctuary
    Serengetti - Sanctuary Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    We here at PWI wanted to conduct a quick poll regarding the Cube of Fate. In most towns, you can find an Adventure Assistant standing near a giant wolf named Kahtru Pup.

    The Cube of Fate is an instance for players level 40 and up that pits the user against a series of challenges in pursuit of great EXP and item rewards.

    We want to collect some feedback from you guys regarding this daily instance.

    Please answer the poll and feel free to reply to this thread with any suggestions that you might have for this feature in PWI.
    i simply didnt hate it or love it because i didnt know what to do,i think the very first npc got a list of rooms and some kind of explanation what to do there,but once you are in other rooms npc only tells you something like 'no new quests for you',so i guess you have to write down all quests at first npc?
  • Whiteknight - Heavens Tear
    Whiteknight - Heavens Tear Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    ok its to much. cost is to high for anything. Plus u got a random of u paying 100K (Sux if yer poor) and u get a chance of 1 coin or up to 1mil or 5 mil. didnt like that. there are party spots that is ok. But kinda defeats the purpose a little of wait nvm i dont know much there. I just skipped it. U get stuck in there and have to either die or wait til the Teleports recharged.
  • Kaishi - Heavens Tear
    Kaishi - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I tried Cube for the first time 3 days ago at lvl 68. A bit late because I'm cursed with any PWI activity involving luck. So far I've spent 40 mirages and never got to the last room... I always end up in 'I dont wanna leave', bugged 'try to listen ex' with no passage or bully card room (I usually get 1 rober card before I start cube run so room no18 is not a problem). You say I should wait... And I did... But since there's a time difference (EU players are in a bit difficult situation since US players aren't as active when we play) I could wait there for one hour or even longer...

    Generally I like the idea. It's really great but there has to be a little update. First of all, 40lvl player can do it... but maybe in 1 try out of 10. Some rooms should be different for low lvl players. What's the fun for them when they get to axis of fate EX? Giving to players 3-5 tickets at the start would be also a good idea. And one more thing... One time 'skip' option which allows player to skip one room per day. Cube itself is not expensive for 60+ players but if you start advertising it and reminding players that they can use their mirages, celestones prices will go up again and we'll have more complains about venos getting extremely rich.

    Anyway, gl to anyone who tries it ^^
    Whenever I fail...
    I make it epic.

    Be nice to your local fail veno before it becomes nice to you.
  • advoc
    advoc Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This is just another one of the things that seperates people with common sense from all the other players. Ya get in, ya talk to the teleport master and ask him about all the features of the cube. Guess what, he tells you to make some dice ticket at the forge. Click on the forge, oh look, you need mirage. Use mirage and follow the on screen instructions. Not clear enough, look in your freaking quest menu. It goes in-depth on everything else you need to know. Too lazy to learn it as you go? Do a search of these very forums. I've got a favorited thread that I go to whenever I see a new room. Gives me the info on most of the rooms that exist. The other ones aren't too difficult to figure out.

    Improvements for the cube: Add the option to leave as a main topic. If it's put in quest section, people might accidentally hit it every once in awhile, which will get some anger. Without the option though, you stand around waiting for your teleport to recharge.

    Less auto-fail rooms. The idea itself has some merit, but the idea only works when there are actually more people playing the cube at one time. Waiting 10 or 20 mins for 2 people to decide who goes on and who fails is one thing; 6 hours of never seeing someone kinda ruins the whole premise of the room. Add in a buyout for some of the rooms until more people are playing them.

    Those are the two big ones that would help make it more enjoyable. Other than that I've had a blast in there, already earned 5 million coins for the cost of 800k coins. More than enough to fund getting more mirages at any rate, and the mold was a nice extra :)
  • Serengetti - Sanctuary
    Serengetti - Sanctuary Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    advoc wrote: »
    This is just another one of the things that seperates people with common sense from all the other players. Ya get in, ya talk to the teleport master and ask him about all the features of the cube. Guess what, he tells you to make some dice ticket at the forge. Click on the forge, oh look, you need mirage. Use mirage and follow the on screen instructions. Not clear enough, look in your freaking quest menu. It goes in-depth on everything else you need to know. Too lazy to learn it as you go? Do a search of these very forums. I've got a favorited thread that I go to whenever I see a new room. Gives me the info on most of the rooms that exist. The other ones aren't too difficult to figure out.

    Improvements for the cube: Add the option to leave as a main topic. If it's put in quest section, people might accidentally hit it every once in awhile, which will get some anger. Without the option though, you stand around waiting for your teleport to recharge.

    Less auto-fail rooms. The idea itself has some merit, but the idea only works when there are actually more people playing the cube at one time. Waiting 10 or 20 mins for 2 people to decide who goes on and who fails is one thing; 6 hours of never seeing someone kinda ruins the whole premise of the room. Add in a buyout for some of the rooms until more people are playing them.

    Those are the two big ones that would help make it more enjoyable. Other than that I've had a blast in there, already earned 5 million coins for the cost of 800k coins. More than enough to fund getting more mirages at any rate, and the mold was a nice extra :)
    would you mind sharing what that thread is please?