The Cube of Fate



  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    greetings jebbediah:

    let it be known that this is your first and final warning that you are in violation of rule #5 of these forums. specifically:

    "5. Harass, threaten, verbally abuse PWE as an entity along with its staffers, representatives and all registered users through any and all available channels (forums posts, PMs, in-game chat, etc.)."

    your use of language is also borderline offensive. your next violation will result in disciplinary action ranging (at the discretion of staff) from 1 day to a permanent ban.

    we ask that everyone please keep this discussion on-topic and civil as this thread exists solely to gather user feedback on a specific game development related issue.

    thank you for cooperating.

    I'd just like to say its funny how you jump on people in a forum when someone abuses someone else but harassment inside the game is instantly dismissed as "PvP" i sent a ticket about Harassment in the game i'm yet to see a response back and the said people are still at it everyday can we please get you in game with as much zeal as you spent here.. thank you

    to stay on topic i must agree the Cube of Fate is a big waste of time and money/items unless your high level and can understand the cryptic stuff they say ..
  • Vallren - Lost City
    Vallren - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You rolled on a pvp server and as such you accept the fact that any and all types of harrassment are dealt wih through pvp and only by pvp. That is the point of the pvp server.

    I DESPISE people like you that whine about such arbituary things when you WILLFULLY rolled on a pvp server.

    ANWAY. as far as the Cube goes. I have never personally been inside of it, but from the sounds of it it sounds like a BRILLIANT idea that is poorly executed.

    I understand you gents need to make some cash off this game. Completely understandable. However when logic is involved, a comprehensive explanation must be given and conflicting information is completely unacceptable. So here is my suggestion as far as this goes.

    Remove the need for Mirage Celestones. There is already a major use for these. Putting another major use for them only makes matters worse. Either sub in an item or use something else that is attainable with some effort.
    Here is a brilliant idea.

    Add a quest in each FB that grants a "token" starting at FB39. This quest could involve anything from killing X monsters to killing the boss. Have this quest grant some exp. Not as much as a tablet, but some. Maybe 25% or 50% of the tablet reward. Now, make each of these tokenshave a tag. The 39 tokens can only b eused by 40-50, 49 can be used by 50-60, etc. And allow one to turn in say, 10 tokens to an NPC for 1 token of the next level. This GREATLY promotes people helping lower level people, and the reward is an engaging and challenging dungeoun with great rewards.

    This is but one suggestion to this problem that would turn something people loathe into something people would love.

    Now lets take what I said and take it a step further. Dedicate one day out of the week that people can do Cube events, say Friday. One try per person. This way even though it is much cheaper (however overall more time consuming), people are STILL limited. This also creates a hiero drain from people helping with FBs, which is definatly in your guys favor. Now simply lower the Hiero costs a little bit and boom. you just vastly improved the game and are making MUCH more cash off this game in one fell swoop.

    Lets take it even another step further.

    With this system, many more people are going to be willfully going into this cube each friday because of all the tokens they have been amassing since FB's are a great way to level from what I have seen, and having a spammable quest that gives even half of a token quest would be highly sought after. You could even improve this system by forcing the quest to require a full group to prevent mass solo farming.

    Then, to get the word out, create a quest for level 40s that involves entering the cube with a party and giving the leader a free 5 or 10 tokens so he can experiment and get a taste for what to expect. Preferably 5 tokens to prevent abuse. You could easily make tokens tradeable allowing another cash sink in the game, as the higher level tokens would defiantly be rather expensive.

    Just a thought.
  • Typhoon - Lost City
    Typhoon - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Jebbediah, I must say that frankly, your whiny reasoning makes me want to rush to the toilet and puke. You want to play an easy video game to relax after a hard day's work that takes no thought input whatsoever? b:sad b:cry WAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Pathetic.

    A game should be a challenge, not a freakin relaxation tool. Go play Freddy the Fish or something if you want a pat on the back for your zero effort. I work full time too, and I've gotta say that if you feel that way, you probably feel the same way about your job, too. Putting effort into the things you do has a tendency to yield better results - just a truth you may find useful. Good luck in your future!
  • spudfuzz
    spudfuzz Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hmm I tried it on my venomancer once, I was even unsure about entering because there wasnt anything clear about how to get out of there D:

    I got into the starting room, had a look freaked out trying to find a way out..But really what everyone else said is pretty much true, even if it's a brain teaser you need to put it in plain english for us mere mortals to make some sense of :0
  • Pinyin - Lost City
    Pinyin - Lost City Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You rolled on a pvp server and as such you accept the fact that any and all types of harrassment are dealt wih through pvp and only by pvp. That is the point of the pvp server.

    I DESPISE people like you that whine about such arbituary things when you WILLFULLY rolled on a pvp server.



    What kinda dumb statement is that? So rolling on a PVP server means u cant have any decent manners and dont give a **** about common courtesy?
    ppl are not complaining about getting ganked in general u .......!

    back 2 topic: 'nuff said cube sux atm
  • Typhoon - Lost City
    Typhoon - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited October 2008


    What kinda dumb statement is that? So rolling on a PVP server means u cant have any decent manners and dont give a **** about common courtesy?
    ppl are not complaining about getting ganked in general u .......!

    back 2 topic: 'nuff said cube sux atm

    While courtesy and boundaries are indeed necessary on a PvP server, what he was saying is that PK'ing is not harassment no matter how you put it. You come onto a PvP server with the knowledge of the fact that any level 30+ can PK any other level 30+ in whatever manner and as many times as they please. As such, it's foolish to waste your time filing harassment to the GM's for any PK reason.
  • Tres - Lost City
    Tres - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I used it and the bloody thing put me in a room with the "axis of fate" a mob that took hours to kill and just respawned on me.. no npc no nothin else So basically it ate my mirage stones to get me stuck BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badb:angry
    Previous Character: Tres_Iqus 95 MG
    Current Character: Tres Cleric (See level above)
  • Vallren - Lost City
    Vallren - Lost City Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you Typhoon for having good reading comprehension :D

    But yes. I already expressed my view on teh cube. so... bump.
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you xarfox for this thread! Actually, I didn't even know about the Duty Badge from the Adventure Assistant until I was around level 64. And then, I started collecting Duty Badges for use in Rebirth Orders, not for Cube of Fate. It's also very useful to know that all the rules can be accessed from a NPC in a starting room, so if I try it I will be sure to read.

    Maybe if there could be an automatic quest at level 40, directing one to the Adventure Assistant who then has info on the Duty Badge type quests? A guide on the forums would serve the same purpose to inform.

    The post by wintertitan was very informative. So basically, we should bring a lot, a lot, a lot of mirage celestones, and hope for the best.

    A guide about Cube of Fate would be greatly appreciated! b:victory

    I love the bear emotes on the forums btw! b:heart

    I hope we get them in game soon! b:shy
  • Ganjaraised - Lost City
    Ganjaraised - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ive been in it about a dozen times used over 50 mirage stones and have spent an unknown amount of millions. The furthest Ive gottne I believe was room 46or47 or whatever it was that I needed to get 1 robber card with no way of getting one. The only rewards Ive gotten out of it are sadness cards which are only worth 1 coin each, not a very good return for my money.
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ive been in it about a dozen times used over 50 mirage stones and have spent an unknown amount of millions. The furthest Ive gottne I believe was room 46or47 or whatever it was that I needed to get 1 robber card with no way of getting one. The only rewards Ive gotten out of it are sadness cards which are only worth 1 coin each, not a very good return for my money.

    Sadness cards... don't sound like happy rewards.

    I will give it a try tomorrow and comment. There haven't any outright positive endorsements of the cube of fate yet on this thread~

    XP is nice to have, but the costs seem really really great~
  • Retrickster - Lost City
    Retrickster - Lost City Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Has anyone even finished it before?
  • Retrickster - Lost City
    Retrickster - Lost City Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Ok... I went in the puzzle cube with 25 mirrage stones. I am now stopping to save the remaining 13 left.

    Farthest I made it was room 25, in which all 6 of the surrounding area's around me all exploded at the same time....

    There are serveral rooms that you need preplaning to pass... and some that are just bad rooms.

    I went in with a party btw.


    #1..Room 9: 100 Second Stand
    A member of my party got sent to the 100 second stand room... He wasted 60k on his heiro.... the timer ran down to zero... and he could not leave the room so... he just stood there as things took his heiro out cause he couldn't escape.

    #2..Room 18: Not Enough Yet
    My favorite... room 18.... There is no way I could figure to get a "do it all card".. so... you are stuck in there infinitely in less someone "maybe a month later" comes in to the room and wants to give you an extra robber card.

    #3.Room 8: Try Your Luck
    I get sent to room 8... wow bad luck, I dont have 100k coins to just START the quest... so..... with my town portal down.. I get marooned in the room for an 45 mins.

    #4. Room 13: Squad of Six
    yea.... getting a squad of 6 people in this room? It is never EVER happening... I used 3 dice tickets to pass..... and got sent to room 18... haha....

    I can list serveral other ridiculous rooms.... solo most are impossible.... this is no puzzle its more like a death sentence.
  • serathis
    serathis Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    We here at PWI wanted to conduct a quick poll regarding the Cube of Fate. In most towns, you can find an Adventure Assistant standing near a giant wolf named Kahtru Pup.

    The Cube of Fate is an instance for players level 40 and up that pits the user against a series of challenges in pursuit of great EXP and item rewards.

    We want to collect some feedback from you guys regarding this daily instance.

    Please answer the poll and feel free to reply to this thread with any suggestions that you might have for this feature in PWI.

    Xar, correct me if i'm wrong because I read the CoF stuff being implemented here and immediately went to the MY-E databases about it. I've come to understand that between the group it can take hundres (they suggested at least 200) of Celestones to participate in with any level of success. Which I think is a big aversion to participation, as most people can't really rummage that many up. I think even in the 60's I had ~40 to my name, and that was including 3s decomps that I knew wouldn't sell.

    This becomes a major participation issue, because as most people are too busy dealing with leveling and upgrades, with no group (afaik) having any level of real success so far in the CoF; it's done little more than leave the community with a huge stigma of failure to be involved anywhere near the Cube. The market economy literally isn't strong enough yet for players to accomplish much more than sheer frustration (which has been nothing more than a complaint-fest thus far in the thread, it would seem) and will probably remain the same until the devil/sage books are available through the cube and only then high-level guilds will really be affiliating themselves with it just for the sake of books.

    tl;dr: We aren't really stable enough for the cube to be implemented and will most likely be left alone by everyone as there's better alternatives of gathering materials and xp until the 90's and by then it will be near obsolete. :{
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    serathis wrote: »
    I've come to understand that between the group it can take hundres (they suggested at least 200) of Celestones to participate in with any level of success.

    Reading this leaves me to beleive that the CoF's main purpose it to increase the sales of Mirage/Celestones in the cash shop...

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Miriel - Heavens Tear
    Miriel - Heavens Tear Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Reading this leaves me to beleive that the CoF's main purpose it to increase the sales of Mirage/Celestones in the cash shop...

    Yep, I think most people feel that way.

    Ultimately, though, if there is such a stigma of failure involved with CoF (and it seems that there is), people will not buy the stones at all, because it's a waste of good ZEN. Most people aren't willing to spend that much cash on something that's as frustrating and unrewarding as CoF.
  • Birdie - Heavens Tear
    Birdie - Heavens Tear Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Let me start by saying the "concept" is great. I love a good challenge. But, I want to be able to accomplish something. Yes, I feel that the cost is way too much. Mirages sell for anywhere between 25-50K. That is a lot of cash to accumulate any amount of stones. I saved, and saved and went in with 8 mirage stones. (sold all my DQ items so had about 187K on me). I left w/no mirage stones and 87K on me.

    it took 15 minutes to read each item on the npc.
    side note: when you read something from the npc that has multiple items to read, can you please have it stay where you were when you click "done" "back" instead of going back to the top. I would scroll down about 6-7 topics and click to read, hit back and im back at the top of the list. Now I have to remember where I was in the list and have to scroll down again. too many clicks.
    I want to say "back" and have it put the topic I just read visible so I know where I am in the list. it is this way for any npc in the game and it is frustrating. We click enough as it is.

    Finally I figured out that you need to exchange a mirage for dice tickets. give duty badge to npc to get the quest. then click the npc again to continue the quest (sigh) he changes the ticket to a dice with a random number. (hope you dont get a two)

    One note in the starting room. What are the furnaces that are numbered around the room for. Is it to "change" your dice to a different number?? So if I have a two I can go change it for a 5 or 6?? not sure what they were for.

    I was sent to the room with the mob n the middle with all the eyes. IT TOOK FOREVER! I did 3-400 damage on it while it did 100 on me. a second person, a veno, came in and we partied up. even with both of us and her pet it took us 20 min to kill the thing. Great mana draini on my heiro also. thought i was at the final boss in TW. so we head to the npc. It is my first room in there so I "read" what the npc has to say and "poof" he is gone and guess who is back...the eyes. scared me for a minute as I forgot that I needed to right click the die to tele to next room. did so and got to the guess the apples. I wrote down my answers for each color ( i came up with 7 for each color) go to npc and 7 is not a choice. so i picked nine and got a die. off to my next room.

    A room with a bunch of chests. npc says this is the room of luck or something. pay 100k get ten gold tickets and he will give me a chest. it can hold anywhere from 1-1mill in it. I (dumby) paid 100K. now.. how do I get the tickets.... okay i click on a chest and start to open it and I get a ticket. I clicked on ten and got ten gold tickets. Have no idea if all the chests have tickets or not and whether you can click on more than ten chests or only have ten tries. gave to npc and go my chest that had..... a SADNESS THING. worth 1 coin.. thank you very much.

    on to my next room where I had to kill 10 of the tombstones one hit they die no biggy.
    cant recall exactly if this is when the npc said I could determine how many the next person through had to do. 5-10 or 20. I clicked a number and was not sure what I did to the next person through.

    next room was a room with things appearing and then blowing up then dissappearing again. they were all over the room disecting the room into sections. they all appeared and blew up and dissappeared at different times. you have to get to the other side of the room. I made it about half way there before i died. BACK TO SQUARE ONE.

    I am now down to 1 mirages so i get two more tickets. (praying I do not get the room with the eye again) i roll at 2. In I go and there is a room full of dustwraiths level 75. npc says kill 5 to progress. I am thinking okay they wont do major damage to me like the eye thing i can handle this. I attack..He breaths on me and I die. wow back to square one again.

    I use my last ticket and rollllllll you guessed it... a two again. one hit im back to square one.
    time to leave mirageless and 100K poorer.

    I absolutely love the concept but give me a break.. make it to where I can remotely have a chance.

    The suggestions of getting tickets by doing FB's is a great suggestion. put something else instead of mirages is an idea too.

    I guess I thought I could solo this but no it does not sound like it. and how to get a party to go to the same room is about as clear as mud.

    I WANT SOMETHING I CAN DO SOLO THAT IS NOT GRINDING. sorry for caps but it is hard to get 6 people together for something this expensive.

    nuf said on my part, sorry it was a book.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Nice summary Birdie.

    I guess it's more profitable to sell the mirage stones and buy order scrolls with the money.... At least you get something in the end....

    5 people voted they liked it. Would like to see a post from them explaining why they do...

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Retrickster - Lost City
    Retrickster - Lost City Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    After I loaned a faction buddy of mine 14 tickets and he spent some of his mirage stones getting tickets, he mangaged to make it to room 46.... where he was stuck of course... because no one else seemed to be making it that far.... it was a pity... to lose so much money... on top of the mirage stones.... he spent 400k getting through the payment rooms he landed in.

    To be stopped in a room so close to the end simply aggravating. We have decided we will not return to puzzle cube till we are both level 100 and preferably with a squad.b:angryb:angryb:angry

    For reference... room 46 is one of those "not yet enough" rooms where you receive 9/10 of a quest item and you need someone else to enter the room and get 9/10 quest items and give you one for one of you to proceed.
  • Belial - Heavens Tear
    Belial - Heavens Tear Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I used it and love the concept but feel that some of the execution is slightly flawed.
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The concept is good, but the delivery is not. If you removed the need for mirage stones or money I would like it. It can be a good challenge, but right now it is just a way to throw money away. It should not cost anything to do it. It should just take time to get through it. The level of challenge is fine. The cost is completely unacceptable.
  • Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear
    Wotsmaleus - Heavens Tear Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Er.. I think I'm lost.. I followed the starting instructions and turned in my starting cube and got nothing.

    Clearer instructions would be helpful.
    "Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay for it." -Publius Syrius

    "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." - Emma Goldman

    "The Bible is a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish, no interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." -Albert Einstein

  • fossy
    fossy Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Reading this leaves me to beleive that the CoF's main purpose it to increase the sales of Mirage/Celestones in the cash shop...

    First, i would like to say that if people havnt noticed, they do not sell mirage stones in the cash shop on this version. They do on the MY version, and im assuming the chines one as well but dont know cuz i never played that one, but not here. Having said that, on to the good stuff.

    This place is not that bad. Yes, it takes alot of mirage stones, but honestly, you shouldnt need to really use them unless you have a nice 3star or mold weapon or armor, otherwise, you outgrow your gear to fast to make it worth the refine until your 60s and 70s and higher. And for those people that complain that it frustrated them that they wasted millions on this place, the only answer i have for that is you frustrated yourself. It was not the games fault. You knew that this place is hard and yet you still spent the money to do it. If you want to do it that bad, wait until you start doing TT runs and you will get more mirage stones than youll know what to do with. I did this my first time when i was around lvl40 and i was able to gather all the info i needed on it from talking to the npc inside. True, some of the rooms are hard or not put together very well, but if you can actually manage to finish it i believe it is worth it. If you want that kind of EXP, you better not expect it to be easy. As for spewing out ideas for the GMs to take into concideration to make this place better, i suggest one thing. Find out how you can apply and work for PW and when you get a job there, do something about it. Otherwise, spouting useless stuff to the GMs on something you deem "to hard" wont do you any good cuz it is not a GMs job to just up and change something because we want them too. They have a reason for what they do, so i suggest we just let them do their thing and just play the game. Like i said before, if its to hard, dont do it or wait until you are a higher lvl and then do it so you can actually finish it. Aight, thats it. Now chew me a new one because you think im incorrect.b:coolb:beatupb:nosebleed
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    fossy wrote: »
    First, i would like to say that if people havnt noticed, they do not sell mirage stones in the cash shop on this version.

    The CoF is not activated on this version only. I still think it was thought with that aspect in mind by the dev. Just like PvP TW are tought with the aspect of increasing the sales of hieros.
    As for spewing out ideas for the GMs to take into concideration to make this place better, i suggest one thing. Find out how you can apply and work for PW and when you get a job there, do something about it. Otherwise, spouting useless stuff to the GMs on something you deem "to hard" wont do you any good cuz it is not a GMs job to just up and change something because we want them too.

    Before spouting a message on a thread, I suggest you take the time to read all of it. Xarfox ASKED for feedback and suggestions. And beleive it or not, taking notes of players desires is part of a GM's job.
    xarfox wrote: »
    We want to collect some feedback from you guys regarding this daily instance.

    Please answer the poll and feel free to reply to this thread with any suggestions that you might have for this feature in PWI.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Fossgrath - Heavens Tear
    Fossgrath - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The first part of my post was just stating that this version doesnt sell mirage stones in the cash shop because someone mentioned buying them from there. That was the point of that part. They might do it in the future, but i was just correcting that. Secondly, yes GMs do take into concideration what the players have to say, but they are humans just like us and can only take so much whining and crying about something people deem to hard or to costly. People keep saying the same stuff over and over about reducing cost or making it so you dont have to use mirage stones. The cube is not meant to be easy. Its meant to be hard and challenging. I am not saying this to be mean, but if people dont like it because its to hard or costly, then dont do it. Its that simple. It is not required to further progress in the game. Its there as an added bonus. If they reduce the cost and take away mirage stones for it, you might as well either just lower the exp reward by alot or just get rid of it all together, because if that stuff if reduced, it takes away the point of giving so much exp as a reward for completing something so hard. Now, this isnt pointing at people who are saying they should give more instruction in some parts, because i will admit that some rooms dont make much sense. This is just for people that dont like how hard or costly it is. Ok, im done. Im gonna get **** from people for posting these posts, but I felt it had to be said.
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    You rolled on a pvp server and as such you accept the fact that any and all types of harrassment are dealt wih through pvp and only by pvp. That is the point of the pvp server.

    I DESPISE people like you that whine about such arbituary things when you WILLFULLY rolled on a pvp server.


    What kinda dumb statement is that? So rolling on a PVP server means u cant have any decent manners and dont give a **** about common courtesy?
    ppl are not complaining about getting ganked in general u .......!

    back 2 topic: 'nuff said cube sux atm

    Totally agree if it was player vs Player these people would even play its at a point where you cannot even play this anymore you leave town 5vs1 over and over just to steal your gear you leave the areas they chase you until they find you and camp you in town for hours if thats PvP you need to be shown PvP in real life man..why bother playing this just so morons can get your gear you bought with real money... as you said above PvE is looking much better (i wrote this here so the GMs may actually respond to these scum) not trying to derail the thread in any way.. sry
  • Allnighte - Lost City
    Allnighte - Lost City Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i tried it.

    level 40? come on. maybe if you were level 40, had all legendary gear, enough heiros to last you a months worth of TWs, and bought all the mirage celestones on the market, which you got money for by selling heiros to the public.

    i was hoping i could use my brains instead of my wallet to get some more exp and spirit, i guess i was wrong.
  • Moander - Heavens Tear
    Moander - Heavens Tear Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The first part of my post was just stating that this version doesnt sell mirage stones in the cash shop because someone mentioned buying them from there. That was the point of that part. They might do it in the future, but i was just correcting that.

    Secondly, yes GMs do take into concideration what the players have to say, but they are humans just like us and can only take so much whining and crying about something people deem to hard or to costly. People keep saying the same stuff over and over about reducing cost or making it so you dont have to use mirage stones.

    The cube is not meant to be easy. Its meant to be hard and challenging. I am not saying this to be mean, but if people dont like it because its to hard or costly, then dont do it. Its that simple. It is not required to further progress in the game. Its there as an added bonus. If they reduce the cost and take away mirage stones for it, you might as well either just lower the exp reward by alot or just get rid of it all together, because if that stuff if reduced, it takes away the point of giving so much exp as a reward for completing something so hard.

    Now, this isnt pointing at people who are saying they should give more instruction in some parts, because i will admit that some rooms dont make much sense. This is just for people that dont like how hard or costly it is. Ok, im done. Im gonna get **** from people for posting these posts, but I felt it had to be said.

    Amazing what the ENTER button is capable of.....Wall of Text FTL.....

    Anyways....I went in twice, got totally confused by the cryptic quest dialog, and zoned out... I use the CoF for teleports......that part works great......
  • erethizon1
    erethizon1 Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The first part of my post was just stating that this version doesnt sell mirage stones in the cash shop because someone mentioned buying them from there. That was the point of that part. They might do it in the future, but i was just correcting that. Secondly, yes GMs do take into concideration what the players have to say, but they are humans just like us and can only take so much whining and crying about something people deem to hard or to costly. People keep saying the same stuff over and over about reducing cost or making it so you dont have to use mirage stones. The cube is not meant to be easy. Its meant to be hard and challenging. I am not saying this to be mean, but if people dont like it because its to hard or costly, then dont do it. Its that simple. It is not required to further progress in the game. Its there as an added bonus. If they reduce the cost and take away mirage stones for it, you might as well either just lower the exp reward by alot or just get rid of it all together, because if that stuff if reduced, it takes away the point of giving so much exp as a reward for completing something so hard.

    Taking away the need to spend money (either in coin or on mirage stones) does not make the quest any easier. The challenge of the cube is based on what you have to do in the cube. The need for mirage stones and coin simply makes it so that you have to either spend real money or spend days farming before you can do it. That is not a challenge. That is a tedious and unnecessary prerequisite. I would not mind if they doubled how challenging the cube was. I just don't want it to be a money sink. The experience reward may sound nice, but it really isn't when you consider what it costs. This game has plenty of ways to buy experience ranging from the crazy stone quest to training esotericas and they are all both easier and much cheaper than the cube. The difficulty of getting through the cube is why it should have such a large experience reward. The money sink is unnecessary to justify the experience reward.
  • legali
    legali Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    as if the devs are gonna pay any attention too anything the players have to say