~Petition to Keep Charms at Sale Price



  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i believe this sale was just to get a rough idea of how well charms would sell at lower prices compared to before at higher prices. most likely after this sale, or perhaps already during, someone will be writting up a report of their findings and passing a recommendation to their boss regarding future prices.

    and from the amount of people i have seen using / buying / selling charms since the sale started i would think their recommendation would be to permenantly keep the current price of charms.
  • X_final_x - Heavens Tear
    X_final_x - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes I hope they do, those charms saved my life alot XD.
  • Zahara - Heavens Tear
    Zahara - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I think the current price is a good compramise, and it would be possitive to keep them as is and not raise it. I vote for keeping them at their current price

    I know I can currently heal through all boss fights I've been presented with, without a charm, the future I dunno, but for now I can. I'll always at least try because its more fun when its challenging.

    I will admit though, for time saving purposes, I've purchased quite the amount of silver charms since the sale. B4 the sale, I only bought 2 because I was curious (and I mean 2 of the little ones). Did spend a bunch on mounts and stuff, ah I couldn't help it, deer was so cute and Raptor was cool.

    So... I for one must say, dropping the price worked on me. Though I am completely understanding that PWI needs to charge more than PW-MY, I can attest that income wise - PWI has gotten more out of me for charms at the lower prices. ;)
  • jp87
    jp87 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    i cant stress how much it cost if it goes back. might even just slower the process of this game making it big and fun.

    LEAVE THE CHARM the way they are and give it a little more cash break because you know you need our support.
  • clunker
    clunker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    keeping the charm prices at 1.50 is a very good idea. (although dropping them even more would be better) i think more people donated during this sale than during the time we didnt have the sale. keep it plox!
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    clunker wrote: »
    keeping the charm prices at 1.50 is a very good idea. (although dropping them even more would be better) i think more people donated during this sale than during the time we didnt have the sale. keep it plox!

    bump I don't really care as long as I can buy them cheap with coins.
  • hugsnotdrugs
    hugsnotdrugs Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    /agree and bump
  • acolyte
    acolyte Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No the old price were just fine, set them back to the old price before they got low.
    This game is getting more & more Hostility each day.

  • Drivel - Heavens Tear
    Drivel - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I bought a silver HP charm during the sale, but I'm not likely to buy anymore if the prices go back up.
  • icebreath
    icebreath Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you guys are Pathetic!! your spend 35zen on a mount but the charm's are to high in price??

    and to top that, you spend 10zen on clothes!...


    I vote a big NO!
  • Hidden - Lost City
    Hidden - Lost City Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    icebreath wrote: »
    you guys are Pathetic!! your spend 35zen on a mount but the charm's are to high in price??

    and to top that, you spend 10zen on clothes!...


    I vote a big NO!

    that $35 mount will most likely remain with u for the next year or so.

    but if u wanna play a year with $2.50 herios, burning at least 1 per day at higher lvls, u'll be paying over $700. that $35 mount suddenly sounds cheap.
  • marccc
    marccc Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im only lv50 and I can stand getting a charm every 2-3 days at this level.

    but going through 3-4 every DAY at 70+, there will be no more than a handful of people buying them at $2.50 a piece.

    if you lower the price to $1 a piece, (yes lower than your sale price), the amount being bought will skyrocket.
    If they go down to $0.75 a piece, you're looking at a very nice amount of money because more will be sold.

    its basic business economics, - you're only hurting yourselves.

    either way, im signing this for $0.75 a silver charm, the amount that would be bought would be LOADS.
    give it like a 3 hour try-out, im sure you'd make more during those 3 hours than you would in a whole week of $2.50 pricing.
  • Kyurii - Heavens Tear
    Kyurii - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I cant believe they kept the old prices, they MUSt have realized how many more hieros sold during these last 2 weeks... I myself hadnt bought a hiero until the sales price, and now I already bought over 15 easily, but Im not touching hieros until they drop again, and everyone should do the same

    If I have to Ill just go play my fox again until they do it, dont give them money, they are forced to reduce, simple
  • phate
    phate Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Seriously, you are complaining about prices... No one is forcing you to buy anything. If they prices are too high just dont spend money. You can just buy gold from the ah with money you get from drops and dq items. Not a big secret at around 60 you make about 1m a day. Sooo.... stop complaining.
  • Blessing - Heavens Tear
    Blessing - Heavens Tear Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    phate wrote: »
    Seriously, you are complaining about prices... No one is forcing you to buy anything. If they prices are too high just dont spend money. You can just buy gold from the ah with money you get from drops and dq items. Not a big secret at around 60 you make about 1m a day. Sooo.... stop complaining.

    QFT. You probably play a WF.

    I'd like to see you do a higher end dungeon with clerics that DON'T USE CHARMS.

    FYI, wait till inflation hits. You'll be crying that it's 400k coins for 1 zen. I'd like to see your 1M per day support 4x+ silver charms at that price.
  • isoton
    isoton Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    phate wrote: »
    Seriously, you are complaining about prices... No one is forcing you to buy anything. If they prices are too high just dont spend money. You can just buy gold from the ah with money you get from drops and dq items. Not a big secret at around 60 you make about 1m a day. Sooo.... stop complaining.

    Yea we are complaining about the prices because the people who made this game made it for the public to play. The public has a voice that should be listened too. They did not make this game to lose money so they could play with themselves. This is a business and they will lose a lot of it if they do not start acting fair. The people complaining are people who do not want to get ripped off but dont want to see a good game go bad. were trying to save the company not make it worse. So you should seriously take a step back look and think about what the CASH SHOP HUDDLE forums is about.
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Keep on sale. DX Too expensive if its on regular prices. (Ignores all other negative posts)

    I cant afford much since I totally suck at the buy/sell stuff and I cant even leave my computer on at night. Even if i do buy/sell I'll just end up loosing money at the end and spending 1-2 hours per day browsing through shops.
    Siggy by Santacruz

  • crimezone
    crimezone Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    which classes actually need the charms most? I haven't spend anything on this game yet...but I'm NOT going 2 spend 10$ a day on charms...
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    crimezone wrote: »
    which classes actually need the charms most? I haven't spend anything on this game yet...but I'm NOT going 2 spend 10$ a day on charms...

    Blademasters and Barbarians needs charms the most for tanking and most expensive class to support.
    Siggy by Santacruz

  • Blessing - Heavens Tear
    Blessing - Heavens Tear Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Blademasters and Barbarians needs charms the most for tanking and most expensive class to support.

    Clerics. If you have a good cleric, the tanks HP charm rarely ticks. However, the cleric's MP charm ticks like once every 10-15 seconds.
  • Tomiko - Heavens Tear
    Tomiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    crimezone wrote: »
    which classes actually need the charms most? I haven't spend anything on this game yet...but I'm NOT going 2 spend 10$ a day on charms...

    Archers and clerics or maybe wizzies need MP charms for zhen party (AoE party)

    Clerics always need charms so they can spam heal and other spells

    BM and Barb needs Hp charm because they tank.

    basically.. everyone needs charms even venomancers

    If you pk/pvp or join TW, you need to have charms
  • Ordain - Lost City
    Ordain - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008

  • Wishfox - Lost City
    Wishfox - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    wow, now that I finally see the non-sale cash shop pricing on charms, the sale DEFINITELY needs to be permanent. Stuff in this game is already pretty expensive overall, but the charms have a lot of people hooked, and will continue to be a consistent cash cow at their lowered prices...hopefully the sales were so awesome that they will lower the prices again, permanently! Until then, I'll use pots, or find someone selling them at a good price of in-game gold.
  • Hitsuu - Lost City
    Hitsuu - Lost City Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1.50 isnt low enough for me per charm anyways... 1.50 per charm lets see.... I can buy how many cheeseburgers with that?? come on now. DOLLAR MENUS.... think about it..
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1.50 isnt low enough for me per charm anyways... 1.50 per charm lets see.... I can buy how many cheeseburgers with that?? come on now. DOLLAR MENUS.... think about it..

    I totally agree. They should remove bronze heiros, reduce the silver heiros to 80 silver and then add gold heiros to the cashshop at 1.5 gold.
  • Deadbone - Lost City
    Deadbone - Lost City Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    as that would be amazing, thats too much to ask for right now
    a permanent price of 1.50 for a silver charm would be the best way to go right now as it is impossible to spend at least 5$ a day with the current prices
    (would still be 3$/day, but thats cheaper than 5$ isnt it?)
  • Ren - Lost City
    Ren - Lost City Posts: 355 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    as that would be amazing, thats too much to ask for right now
    a permanent price of 1.50 for a silver charm would be the best way to go right now as it is impossible to spend at least 5$ a day with the current prices
    (would still be 3$/day, but thats cheaper than 5$ isnt it?)

    The gms dont play the game so they have absolutely no clue what high level EPs and WBs are forced to spend.

    $1.5 is still a bit expensive but tolerable, 2.5 is going to kill the game fast.

    Zoe is so full of it, that he must be Karmelia.
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    at my level even my silver hp charm runs out fast so i force my self to farm for herbs and use hp powder and kill at a decent pace,

    i cant offord so spend so much on charms like this,

    if they were at 1.5still or better yet even lower ppl would spend like crazy
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • kingcorp
    kingcorp Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    yep... I'm around lvl 30 and I use charms too, I also agree with the 1st post :D... I really like the charms to be at the sale prices... woot ... *bumping post*
  • Elysoun - Heavens Tear
    Elysoun - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree with the OP as well, I came pretty close to quiting after the price went back up, my guild somehow talked me out of it xD (<3 guild).

    And when PW EU comes out with gold charms at 1.5, guess where all the clerics are going to be?

    At my level the silver charm is already ticking like mad, and with skills costing over 450 mana each I don't see a way out apart from the charms.. farming for herbs will take forever