So pvp or pve?



  • johnnyboi
    johnnyboi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    They wouldnt close down pvp server xD some people like pvp and most will go to it. From ppl saying less drama in pve i think both side be dramas i think pvp for geting gang and pve for ksing ect, I could see a high lvl just aoeing a pve sever in zhening xD for fun and u cant do anything about it justto be a ****. And one last thing most peaple are pking in closebeta just for fun why waste ur zen on dolls when the zen price pretty high up atm? Zen what i heard 1$=1zen xD? When ob stars ppl well just lvl both pve and pvp.. But for me pvp ftw I wanna kill thos ppl that ks me and when i killing bosses u cant ks me :D.
  • seraph083
    seraph083 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    PVE FTW !!! im not a competive person lol
  • lycoon
    lycoon Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am going PVE. I usually go pvp for most games but reason im going pve is due to school/work. I won't be playing the game as much so when I do i'll just want to play with no drama or interruptions and just do my own thing.
  • osofresh
    osofresh Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    "Random killing was never a problem on the MY servers. In 80 levels I got random pk'd once. Of course if Id been in a stronger guild and challenged warlord land, I would have been pk'd over and over and over."

    This has to be the single most important fact in the freakin thread. Many of you guys are complaining " I don't want a lvl 80 killing my lvl 30!". That is a RARE occurence. You don't even lose exp from getting pked. The only consequence is an extremely small chance of dropping an item. The only time I do agree with pk being annoying is when your trying to zhen; Even then, as long as your not KOS or anything like that you should be fine.

    Most level 80s aren't wasting their time killing some low level people.They are in HH, grinding, or in TW.

    Another thing is trash talkers. I don't know about you guys, but if I'm in the fields fighting monsters and some idiot starts spewing some **** at me, I wanna shove that **** right back down their throat with a swipe from my axe. On the PVE server, all I see is a whole bunch of people talking **** with no one backing anything up. Instead of physical pk, it's gonna be verbal pk.

    Regardless, I'm probably still going to try out the PVE server to see how it goes. I already know how a PVP server runs, so why not try something new?
  • lineage
    lineage Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im definetly going to the pve ser now!
    what about u guys?
  • kyou
    kyou Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    First MMORPG that can provide a real quality PvE.
  • lazor
    lazor Posts: 36
    edited September 2008
    We, The Empire are moving to the PvE server where every 1 has the option of pvping or not. As for me ill have the pvp option cranked:D
  • relek
    relek Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Im going PVE most likley. But thinking about it, people keep talking about people 30 levels over them pking them.... There wont be anyone 30+ levels over you....everyone will be level 1. Just go get to the grinding field and go at it. If some noob comes and tries a pk, own him, he'll be your level more or less. You really cant base your whole downlook of a server on just a handful of people who waste grinding time killing folks for "fun". If you dont pick the pvp server for the mere fact that you might get pvped... thats just whack. Im going PVE cause appearently thats where the population is going, and im not much of a pvper anyway.
    *Actual screenshot taken in game.

    IGN: Relek
    Server: Lost City

    PVE Is for Cowards b:surrender
    PVP is for the Cool people b:cool
  • warlordinpw
    warlordinpw Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    khaai wrote: »
    I can imagine the fate of a PVP server:

    -people who play 24/7 will lvl fast and become strongest PK quild;
    -90% of the people will start whining not being able to lvl after 30 since PK guild travels in packs and kills everyone 10 times an hour;
    -people start spamming world chat with whining, insults, KOS threats and such, a lot of people will quit PW;
    -GM not being able to do anything will be forced to close PVP server as it won't be getting any new players either..

    This is rather sad, I would say.... If you want to save a lot of time, nerves and most of all real life money, join the PVE server. You have PK protection until you lvl enough, and once you reach 50-60-70 or higher you can turn PK on, other players will do it too. So there will always be people to PK. It's your choice anyways, but if you go to PVP you may regret it bitterly later in higher lvls.... When you start participating in TW there will be PK and KOS which will get absolutely uncontrollable, and you may find yourself unable to lvl or trying to lvl up.:eek:

    Good Point khaai but,
    These is mah opinion on why pvp is alright to go to.

    Like said on the other Thread, der's nothing to looose when getting pked, (or is there? :rolleyes: lol)
    There would be Anti-Pker Guilds (i'm 1 of em ;))
    There's not gonna be that much pkers coz many r scared to be pked by other high lvls when thier name is red, they could drop thier Gold weps/eq's :p (yummy)
    Most pkers PK players many times People who gets **** and cusses when they get pked.
    there's more reasons why PVP is better *drools on keyboard* but i dont have time to think nyahahahaa *farts* mmmmmm dats sum good mexican burritos
  • seanie
    seanie Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    osofresh wrote: »
    "Random killing was never a problem on the MY servers. In 80 levels I got random pk'd once. Of course if Id been in a stronger guild and challenged warlord land, I would have been pk'd over and over and over."

    This has to be the single most important fact in the freakin thread. Many of you guys are complaining " I don't want a lvl 80 killing my lvl 30!". That is a RARE occurence. You don't even lose exp from getting pked. The only consequence is an extremely small chance of dropping an item. The only time I do agree with pk being annoying is when your trying to zhen; Even then, as long as your not KOS or anything like that you should be fine.

    Most level 80s aren't wasting their time killing some low level people.They are in HH, grinding, or in TW.

    Another thing is trash talkers. I don't know about you guys, but if I'm in the fields fighting monsters and some idiot starts spewing some **** at me, I wanna shove that **** right back down their throat with a swipe from my axe. On the PVE server, all I see is a whole bunch of people talking **** with no one backing anything up. Instead of physical pk, it's gonna be verbal pk.

    Regardless, I'm probably still going to try out the PVE server to see how it goes. I already know how a PVP server runs, so why not try something new?

    It happens way more then you think just cause it didn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and that's why when you left towns there would 3-4 level 80+ people flying around? Also theirs more verbal talk on pvp servers then pve.
  • kartuhn
    kartuhn Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    PVE is fine for me. I have enough hostilities to deal with without having some 12 year old kid beating the **** out of me lol. When they invent a game with a "Choke the **** out of other player" button that wrings their neck a little at their desk I might go PVP. :D
  • divideby0
    divideby0 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    appreciate someone recommending to me what I should do.
    I have not played this game before and will put in ~ 10 hrs per week with it.
    I was thinking PvP, but now I am more leaning the other way.
    So I hope a vet here can suggest where I should start out, knowing that I do have a bunch of time to play this game and what is the big diff. between the servers ?
    thanx in advance
  • smoker
    smoker Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have always leaning toward to Open PK, but now Option PK is starting to sound good. PK is fun, no problems with it just that I find Duels, Arena and TW more entertaining actually. As well in Option PK, I like the idea of people that are WILLING to go into PK Mode which changes the dynamic and seperates the people that have them off... So if I do go to Option PK, I'll definetly switch PK on to honor the others who have them on... to fight them.

    In Open PK the realistic of it is "you can PK anybody you want at anytime"... but Option PK have a counter realistic to it too, as in "no respawns in real life". Which creates a realistic boundary that I ain't going to explain about.

    So wondering will there be more activities in Duel, Arena and TW in one over the other server or will it just be the same for both?
  • stoneruler
    stoneruler Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Is there an ignore command in the game? if so it's an easy way to deal with jerks in the PvE server.... The PvE server sounds a lot better than I thought. I had thought it was a no PvP period type deal. But if TW will still be available and duels and optional PvP.... that sounds pretty rockin to me. I'm in
  • karmelia
    karmelia Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Yes. You can ignore someone talking.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • chip
    chip Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I was cool with the mixed population on the Malaysian servers, but the thing is if they're going to divide it up, the PVP server is going to be mainly people who random PK most of the time.
  • vanor
    vanor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'll be going on the PvE server mostly because then it's my choice if I'm involved in PK'ing or not. If I just want to go and do quests and such I can do that without having to worry about someone coming along and PK'ing me.

    If however I want to get involved in a guild war of some sort I can turn on PvP and do so.

    The fact that I can control what's going on somewhat is something I really like.