PvE dissapointment



  • dudemansir
    dudemansir Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    kuruno wrote: »
    I really now don't feel like playing...i dont wanna be forced to play in a PvP server...you guys said both servers not only PvP....this is disappointing. :(

    Would you like some cheese with your whine?

    Seriously though, this is closed beta....
  • cruelty
    cruelty Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    What are those "variety of reasons"?


    This thread, is amazing!
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    christ don't bump this thread with more "QQ nub" **** - i just posted something thoughtful and want people to be able to read it :mad:
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    In agreement with some recent posts, I wanted to bump my previous post in this thread. They should have told people about this ahead of time. People automatically expected to have one PvE and one PvP server for CB because they assumed that both aspects of the game needed to be tested. This is an obvious blunder.
    ragingwind wrote: »
    Trust means a lot to me. I'm not mad about PK. I'm mad about PWE not giving us any notice of this before CB launch. It shows a huge lack of judgement. If the PvE servers are simply not ready or if there is another good, logical reason, then they should have told us ahead of time. That is a key element in customer relations and in building trust with people. By surprising us, people feel betrayed. It is a bad choice that symbolizes more bad choices to come. Is this the service we should expect from you?
  • matthew
    matthew Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The decision made was not told to the community, when you knew a lot of people were interested in the pve servers. That shows a lack of care for the community. I really don't see how this helps beta testing either, as pk will be the overwhelming factor 30+ on a pk server, not bug testing. Should have opened a pve server so people can get familar with the pk toggle.

    Another thing is I wanted to roll on the pve servers and meet people to see who was going to make guilds and what not. As of now, there is only one guild section, it's not even divided by server or pvp/pve, and you have eliminated the chance for future pve server players to have a place to meet and discuss options.

    Overall, I think it was a poor decision, and there is no point to playing the closed beta for pvers unless they just want to test the game out if they are new. This is already setting a bad example for things to come.

    Also, pk-enthusiasts, try to understand things from other people's viewpoint. How about if closed beta went live, and there were only two pve servers? How would you feel?
  • soukyuu
    soukyuu Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You people assume that the PvP server has people PKing eachother non-stop. I don't remember being PKed on my-en even once, same for a certain other server which was PK only :p
    PW has been endless frustration for me #2
  • matthew
    matthew Posts: 135 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    soukyuu wrote: »
    You people assume that the PvP server has people PKing eachother non-stop. I don't remember being PKed on my-en even once, same for a certain other server which was PK only :p

    Closed beta on pw-my was a gankfest.
  • troll
    troll Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    soukyuu wrote: »
    You people assume that the PvP server has people PKing eachother non-stop. I don't remember being PKed on my-en even once, same for a certain other server which was PK only :p

    this game's pvp servers are going to be random pks a lot of the time...lots of people will roll on the pk server to do only that (release steam from time to time).
  • carion
    carion Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    azrim wrote: »
    1. It is not hard to get past 30.
    2. You have yet to post something constructive.
    3. Some people want to test PVE content.
    4. Go back to school for eglish class.
    5. You're clealry a PK kiddie who only plays the game to **** people off, get over yourself and realize that there are other play styles in your jaded little world.
    6. I'd rather be a lifeless carebear then whatever you're attempting to be.

    lol at ur number 3 PVE content there is no PVE content its the same as PVP with out the PVP/PK maybe u should look at ur post b4 u try to say someone elses is not constructive
  • xanados
    xanados Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well the PVP servers, you gotta be lvl 30 to start ganking people and you can't roll anyone lower than 30. At the way this game is going with the excessive KSing, players vs. mobs ratio being bad, and lack of resources since it's like a needle in a haystack looking for pig iron. You can still comfortably play PVE on a PVP server no problem. Just watch your back, I think some of the classes are balanced enough to where they won't hit you too hard.
    Syndacus L. 31 Stoneman Protector - 1250 Patk
    Dingleberry L. 14 Marksman
  • griffpad
    griffpad Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I haven't actually run into anyone PKing yet, or at least, I haven't seen it nor has anyone tried to do it to me. I think people are too busy testing the game out.

    Funny how that works, right? It being a beta. You know, to test to make sure ALL of the game mechanics work. I mean, far be it for all of us to try to get max level, camp some pve raid dungeons and hold some pvp objectives like this was a released game. Amirit??

    Maybe those of you complaining about a lack of pve server should man up and get to testing. I mean, if you're so worried about being PK'd and greifed, why don't you just group up together?

    I've seen one large guild, and I haven't actually seen them do **** yet.
  • severan
    severan Posts: 703 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    azrim wrote: »
    6. I'd rather be a lifeless carebear then whatever you're attempting to be.
    i would <3 that Karmelia ^_^
    Sever: Lost City
    Making players RageQuit since 2004


    Hello, You have reached Severan on The RQ carebear's automated phone system
    To tell me I've got no life and I live in my mom's basement, press 1. To tell me that you are logging on your level 90 character to kick the **** out of me, press 2. To tell me that your friend is a GM and you're getting me banned, press 3. To tell me RQ is going to fail and talk more **** about RunQuick press 4. If none of these options fit your need please hold the line for idiot assistance, they will be with you shortly...
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Aaaad the number one response.. CB is only 7 days, do you realise just how much you need to play to reach lvl 30 in 7 days? Why would u want to reach a high lvl anyways?

    In essence the entire game is PVE mode cos only 10% of the population will bother leveling into the 30's where pvp is activated.
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • puppetsoul
    puppetsoul Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    karmelia wrote: »
    What are those "variety of reasons"?


    There are no RQ on the "Future PvE" server; so what would it have gained us to pay them to make it into a PvP server? If anything, it'dve been to remove it entirely and force you to play on the remaining one.
    lipe124 wrote: »
    Aaaad the number one response.. CB is only 7 days, do you realise just how much you need to play to reach lvl 30 in 7 days? Why would u want to reach a high lvl anyways?

    In essence the entire game is PVE mode cos only 10% of the population will bother leveling into the 30's where pvp is activated.

    There are already dozens of 30+, likely to be a hundred by the end of today, then a thousand by the end of the week. If you're not completely incompetent, you'll fly up in levels.
  • itch
    itch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I thought to share this with you as it seems 90% of you don't know what the hell you're talking about:


    A program that has not yet been introduced to the public but is being released to a select few to test, examine and report problems they may experience so that those errors can be fixed before the final release. This type of product should never be purchased.
    Often there are two types of beta testing, open beta and closed beta. Open beta refers to a type of beta testing that is open to any user. Closed beta refers to a type of beta testing that is only available to a select few individuals or to company individuals.

    EDIT: Hello Karmelia aka azrim
  • wabbitt
    wabbitt Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Something struck me yesterday....
    Why are the servers called pve and pve? Both pve and pvp will occur on both servers, and I would claim that meaningful pvp will happen just as much on the pve server as the pvp one. (You should have seen some of the battles we had on our pve WOW server back in the days of Southshore-Tarren mill)

    The difference between the two is that one has non consensual pvp, ie PK, ie Ganking. The other doesnt.
    More logical names would be "PK server" and "non PK server", or perhaps "Gank" and "non gank" server. (or even Carebear server, but I think that has a derogatory tone so probably not a good choice)

    Of course I can understand them following the same names used for the WOW servers. Everyone knows what they mean, even if they arnt entirely accurate.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You Carebears! Untill Lvl 30 you Carebears are Carebear blue like in PVE servers. So where is the problem?
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • mastaphenox
    mastaphenox Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Would this game be able to work with Windows Vista :confused:
    Cause if it isn't when will it be able to :(
  • itch
    itch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yes it works in Windows Vista.
  • manorchid
    manorchid Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    anima wrote: »
    Guys, get this right please. No one can touch your **** until you reach lvl 30. For a normal person, it takes around 4 days to reach 30. So in 4 days, you feel just like PVE server.

    so what you're saying is that PvE players should be limited to 29 levels while PvP players get run of the board? That is idiotic. Why would we want to be limited to your "4 day play"? "Safe till 30" is a failed attempt at minimizing people getting **** by higher level players. Please stop bringing this up as a selling point for PvE players.
  • ambushmartyr
    ambushmartyr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    First I want to say Hi to some of the people who are flying in from 2 other games I play. 1 Being Rappelz and the other Requiem. Puppet Soul, listen to him, hes teh awesome (like Henley only better engrish) and The Admin Orinj, oh yeah I remember her from Gala-Net, When she says she cares about how you guys feel, I can vouche for that ! She does, and in ways I wish she was still around in Rappelz forums, but I bet its a better boat here in a lot of ways!

    As for those from Requiem like RageQuit and a few other guilds, welcome, Its good to see familiar faces here. While the guild I belong to now isnt exactly PvP oriented, we do participate in it, IF its separated from the PVE aspect of games, in this case its not, and for various reasons we do not promote this type of PvP mechanic, but that could change with this game, we will have to see.
    Hello to the Guild Nemesis, one of your ranks used to be my guild leader in Turf Battles, a PvP oriented game, more so than most of these games now, including PW. Hello Anyandrell! I miss ya, and you were one of the most wonderful guild leaders I had the pleasure of being apart of your team! I wish you all the best in Nemesis!

    Now with that said, I want to say I wrote out a lengthy apologie for my own actions concerning the lack of PvE servers for CB. I was WRONG! Seriously WRONG! And it only took a couple of people within this very thread to make me realize they were right! Thank you to those who contributed to helping me realize I was only thinking of my own playstyle atm and not taking in all the angles to this dilema including others playstyles, and the fact that testing both PvE and PvP under one roof kills 2 birds with one stone.

    I also wanted to pat Xarfox on the back for his amazing patience with me when things got a little heated over last minute chnages. Ive come to realize I was WRONG! For that I apologize to Xarfox as well as the whole staff, and the PvP community!

    I understand a lot of the people are in fact a bit pissed over the last minute changes, hell I was too! But niow after playing for a full day and a half, I have no problems with this as i have been shown that PvP doesnt actually start till level 30, plus this is CB, a short one at that, so everything will be gone in a matter of days, I doubt most of us will even hit 30, but for those who do and do not like PvP aspect of playing I ask this, Please give it a chance first before you condemn it! I can name a few reasons why I dont like the fact PK and PVE is integrated into this game, and hopefully my fears of that will not manifest! But, its not gonna stop me from trying it out as I at least know in a few days there will be in fact PvE servers to play on.

    But you might say "Well thats not the point, we were told we would get those servers!", and yes your right, but **** happens. Think of it this way too, what if they decided to only have PvE servers and no PvP ones, wouldnt you be thinking thats not fair to PvP players? Sure they can play but they cant PvP. On the other hand we can still PVE till level 30 and at least TRY the PK. Nothing lost as everythings getting wiped anyway.

    So try to understand, and remember if ya havent ever tried it, how do you know for sure you might not like it or not? Allow yourself the gift of being open minded and give some things a chance before we condemn them.

    Try to enjoy whats left of the CB and focus on the OB ahead and release. I know the game will still be here when we all possibly decide to maybe play on a PvE server, that is, if we dont get hooked on PK!
  • iroiro
    iroiro Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Why is this topic even worth discussing?
    This is a one week only closed beta, plus you are basically protected to at least level 30 in PvP server. Sure, you can get past 30 when you level fast in CB, however, there is a character wipe before the OB. If you can't get past 30 in CB PvP server it is the same as PvE, and how far past 30 do you think you can get before the wipe?

    Personally, I do not see the reason to over react when something doesn't go the way you expect.

    I am currently waiting on 2 things:
    1. See if cash shop will be affordable enough for me to play at all.
    2. Planning out my characters, stats build, skills to learn, and plan what I want out of it.

    P.S Yes, I am aiming for using the PvE server too. Nothing is worse than getting shot in the back while quest/grinding and being called a coward for trying to survive by running away. Sometimes I wonder why the PKer think its ok for them to shoot people in the back and not ok for the people to retreat when ambushed? LOL
  • ryuuzaki
    ryuuzaki Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It's not been discussed for a couple of days now, especially after the announcement that the closed beta was ending after a week instead of a month. ;)

    I think we can put this one to rest.
  • devotion
    devotion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    in before lock
    I like to rub it in. Enjoying the game?