Venomancer F.A.Q.

Posts: 33 Arc User
edited August 2012 in Venomancer
First of all, gratz to Elissie from PW MY-EN and i hope GMs could Sticky this Thread

Frequently asked Questions

1)Is Venomancer a female only character ?
- Answer is Yes, Venomancer is only a female only can also discuss this under "Can we choose sex?" Thread

2)If i am a Male, is it ok to play a Venomancer eventhough it is a Female character?
- Well, i think it is alright , as long when people ask you your gender you tell them the truth. Dont overuse your "assets".

3)What lvl can i get a Pet?
- At lvl 3 you can do a quest to get a wolf or a scorpion

4)What lvl can i catch pets?
- At lvl 7, you can learn the skill Tame

5)What pets can i tame?
- Only animal have face green or yellow
( green = higher chance than yellow )

6)What does it mean when a Pet Icon changed color?
- If the pet Icon becomes Yellow or Red, it means that the pet is hungry. You must feed it for it to continue fighting for you.
- Normal i myself feed the pet the moment the icon turns green

7)What do i feed my pet?
- Animal food, it can be bought from NPCs so no worry.
( Every pet takes water for food so no worries :D, except legendary ones )

8)What armor should i go for?
- Well this totally depends on your build.
A general breakdown will be something like this...
Heavy : For Fox mode morpher ( also know as the tanker build )
Light : Hybird
Robe : Nuker ( also know as the mage build )

9) What lvl i can FLY ?
- Lv 30

10) What are the skills of a Venomancer ?
- You can check out the fan site
Venomancer Skills
-also pet skills might be useful Pet Skills

11) What build is the BEST ?
- I cant give you a real answer for this... but you can check the discussion here on the different types of builds or on the second thread

12) Best Pet for Venomancer?
- This question is very subjective. Depending on your build i guess...but the most common pet is a golem. Golems are a typical pet used by Mage type Venomancers
- Heavy Type Venomance normally try to get offensive pets ( Wolfs or Scorpions , Aqua Barrier , etc etc ) but that doesnt mean it is bad for them to use golems also. Having 2 tankers are better than one.

13) Skill Simulator for Venomance ?
Click Here for the skill simulator

14) Stat planner for Venomancer?
- Do take not this stat planner is still in the Alpha Stages is not 100% correct, open it with Internet explorer, stat planner

15) Rare pets for Venomancer ?
- Rare Pets are same thing as Spirit Pets..they have certain spawn times.

16) Do i need magic Weapons to fight in fox mode ?
- yeah, you need a magic weapon to shift into fox form... unless you prefer being unarmed... barehanded works well for fox form too
( Credit to Hell for question 16 )

17) Will there ever be a Male Venomancer ?
- I doubt so, but someone has suggested it.

18) Bramble Guard/Bramble Hood information
Bramble Guard/Bramble Hood mini guide

19) What quest is available to Venomancer
- A list of available quest until lvl 19 is on the Perfect World MY-EN official website, but names aren't the same :|, here's a list with quests from a fan site

20) How to lvl up fast?
- Do Quest. A list of quest available is in the answer for the question above.

21) What quest do i do after lvl 20? The website doesnt show quest after lvl 20.
- Open your quest window and click search mission. The NPC coordinats for available quest will be shown.
- Note that after lvl 20 , everyone gets the same quest EXCEPT..Venomancers might get certain extra quest which involves you catching 1 pet egg of a certain monsters.

22) What are the legendary Pets ?
- The Legendary Pets are Hercules , Pheonix and Giant Turtle.
Picture is available HERE

23) What is the available tamable pets and locations ?
- A list for lvl 1 to lvl 20 is available HERE

24) What is the chinese name for Venomancer
- Yao Jing

25) How and what is "Pulling" ?
- Read this

26) Rare Pet Locations ?
- Read This

29 ) Soul Transfusion ?
- Read this for a guide

30 ) Bramble Guide
-Read this for a guide

31)Which Golem has better stats
(Credit to bron for question 31)

32)Pet list with starting lvls HERE and pet raising/selling/statistics HERE
Credit for question 32) to hanibani

33)Want some Venomancers pics?
click HERE

34)How can you level successfully more than 1 pet?
click HERE

35)Which is the Best Flying Pet?
click HERE

36)A basic guide on surviving with no defenses (PvE)
click HERE
(credit to: Amiris - Sanctuary)

37)What are Cash Shop Pets?
click HERE
(credit to: Solandri - Heavens Tear)

38)Level 79 Venomancer skills video
click HERE

39)Sage/Demon for Venomancers?
click HERE
(credit to Damewort - Sanctuary for question 39)

Pet Feeding Tip

Water, price 52 : add 10 loyalty to your pet
Paenut oil, price 320 : add 50 loyalty to your pet
Ginger oil, price 740 : add 100 loyalty to your pet

Just use ginger oil ( about 9-10 ) to make your pet loyalty 999 , and continue on later to feed with water.

Loyalty 1-499 = 100% Attack 100% Exp
Loyalty 500-999 = 120% Attack 150% Exp
IGN: JusT_CooL
Server: Lost City <--- PM with that name if u want sth,
Guild: Conqueror

Follow the example of good GMing :D
Post edited by mihai on


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  • Posts: 662 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Venomancers don't exist, they are either their real name (yao jing) or what they ARE (werefox).
    Official PWI irc: (mirc command, opens in a new window and won't interfere with any servers you're already on) /server -m -j #pwint
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mihai wrote: »
    3)What lvl can i get a Pet?
    - At lvl 3 you can do a quest to get a wolf

    You can either choose to tame a wolf or a scorpion
    7)What do i feed my pet?
    - Animal food, it can be bought from NPCs so no worry.
    ( Every pet takes water for food so no worries :D )

    Almost every pet. At least one (the level 84 Firebat, or whatever it's name will be here), cannot be fed water.
    10) What are the skills of a Venomancer ?
    - You can check out the official site
    Venomancer Skills

    That's a fansite, not an official site. Nice one tho.
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    Venomancers don't exist

    Venomancers do exist :
    Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."

    (We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ren wrote: »
    Venomancers don't exist, they are either their real name (yao jing) or what they ARE (werefox).

    i would really love to call it werefox, that's how i'm used to anyway, but since GMs changed the name... we have to call them however they like :(
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City <--- PM with that name if u want sth,
    Guild: Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    If you're going to post this, post the full FAQ, not parts. Also I reposted my Golem compare thread here, which you should add to this like she did.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bron wrote: »
    If you're going to post this, post the full FAQ, not parts. Also I reposted my Golem compare thread here, which you should add to this like she did.

    i did as much as i could, many posts were needed to be made here first, so i couldn't put all the links in the first post, i needed to post them first, ex: rare pets, pulling etc.
    as for the Golem stats, i simply forgot :P
    Thx anyway for reminding me
    And if some1 else wants something to be posted there, just tell me and i'll edit it
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City <--- PM with that name if u want sth,
    Guild: Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Cool. Well, some posts will have to be remade and credited, since not everybody from MY-EN is moving. If you're bored you could do it. I'm sure people wouldn't mind, since credit is given.

    Keep up the good work on this FAQ. :)
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Ah the Werefox from the Malaysia client - Venomancer is a much better name methinks!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    19) What quest is available to Venomancer
    - A list of available quest until lvl 19 is on the Perfect World MY-EN official website, but names aren't the same :|
    --better list of quests with correct names at (and yes it is a fan site)
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    you may also wish to add the following to FAQ given how many people are confused by it;

    Originally Posted by kysono
    What are the Heal Pet and Revive Pet Books for?

    -these are for learning 2 support skills for your pet, actually a bug here, to learn support skills that you use (related to pet) while talking to pet manager choose 'tame pet' the 'learn pet skills' relates to the 'pets' skills
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    peregryn wrote: »
    you may also wish to add the following to FAQ given how many people are confused by it;

    Originally Posted by kysono
    What are the Heal Pet and Revive Pet Books for?

    -these are for learning 2 support skills for your pet, actually a bug here, to learn support skills that you use (related to pet) while talking to pet manager choose 'tame pet' the 'learn pet skills' relates to the 'pets' skills

    can't add anymore.. don't know why, but i can't edit my post ...
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I said it in another thread, but you probably didn't read it, I forgot which. You should be able to edit if you change your name to display mihai again. If you can't then that's another glitch with the forum, and you should post about it in the suggestions area. I've changed my name to my character and back again, and although I didn't keep it that way after changing it back, I can still make edits to all my posts. When you need to edit, change your name then change it back.

    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    bron wrote: »
    I said it in another thread, but you probably didn't read it, I forgot which. You should be able to edit if you change your name to display mihai again. If you can't then that's another glitch with the forum, and you should post about it in the suggestions area. I've changed my name to my character and back again, and although I didn't keep it that way after changing it back, I can still make edits to all my posts. When you need to edit, change your name then change it back.


    thx :):):)
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I was told u could turn off your pet's skills when he fights to avoid taking aggro from a tank. How do u do that?
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sithney1 wrote: »
    I was told u could turn off your pet's skills when he fights to avoid taking aggro from a tank. How do u do that?

    just right click on the highlighted skill :D
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Wanted to say thanks for the info.
    The pets loyalty %'s I didn't know. Didnt know the higher the better which actually makes since now that I think about it.
    Buying ginger oil tonight.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    how do the venomancers transform to a animal
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    u need to be at least lvl 9, finish cultivation quest, and u'll get a skill for that :P
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I really do not understand this commonly occuring idea that a male who plays an MMO as a female is somehow deviant. It is a --roleplaying-- game...I am starting this game, and the venomancer seems the most interesting to me, so i will play that class. I am a not a female, but here is somthing to think about...I cant fly, turn into a fox, cast spells, or even wield a sword in real life either. Why should i have to look like the same sex I am in real life? ...this is a game. IT IS NOT A DATING SERVICE! ;)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    What happens if the aerobeast timer runs out?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i cant heal my pet, how can i learn the skill to do that?
    (lvl 19 venomancer) )i feel so dumb :P
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    nihasa wrote: »
    i cant heal my pet, how can i learn the skill to do that?
    (lvl 19 venomancer) )i feel so dumb :P

    u get that skill at lvl 3, from a book, if u lost that book, don't really know what u can do.. but go check the pet skill trainer and select: taming pets, u should get some skills over there
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    emtallis wrote: »
    What happens if the aerobeast timer runs out?

    That is when you use some form of Chi (from YiYuan stones to Mirage Celestones) to fill it up again. You drag the chi medium from your inventory into the place where your aerobeast is equipped, I think.

    By the way, regarding Veno quests, there are very nice quest tutorials right here in the forums.

    For Untamed quests, lvls 1-19:

    For quests lvls 20-29:

    And for quests lvls 30-39:

    There might be forum guides for past lvl 39, but I haven't found them yet simply because I am not there yet :P
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    nice info with the quests, i'll add it to the FAQ post
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    What if we didn't continue feeding our pets? (making this dark red color appear on the pet icon) I mean what is loyalty good for? Why do we keep feeding them if they are gonna stay with us even if they had the red dark red icon? Or does it actually effect the exp they are getting?

    'Cause I noticed that one of my pet (Level 36) fighting against level 41's and only gains 1 EXP each time I defeat any mob, is it because I don't feed it.....? A bit confused b:puzzled
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    'Cause I noticed that one of my pet (Level 36) fighting against level 41's and only gains 1 EXP each time I defeat any mob, is it because I don't feed it.....? A bit confused b:puzzled
    it starts to loose loyalty and, 1 exp/ mob, lol, not good at all :))
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    it starts to loose loyalty and, 1 exp/ mob, lol, not good at all :))

    It has no loyalty at all, lol, but what is the cause of 1 EXP?

    Does it make any difference if they had 999 loyalty or something to? In increasing states or what so ever?
  • Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It has no loyalty at all, lol, but what is the cause of 1 EXP?

    Does it make any difference if they had 999 loyalty or something to? In increasing states or what so ever?

    of course, after 500 loyalty it deals 150% of normal dmg and earns 150% exp, so u should feed it
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    Careless of me that I dropped their loyalty to 0/999 b:chuckle

    I'll be sure to feed them next time!
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    nvm i got it.


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