anti-female vibe in forum



  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    t0yo wrote: »
    Wait wait wait a second. You just noticed now that I'm a woman? Geeze you're slow >_> first dissing a guy on Rohan who was in your same guild , now not even knowing the sex of a member who has spoken to you frequently on vent.

    Whats next? You're not going to figure out that GMs are an alien race called the GanglerMarlians from planet Adminiflriltator 7. They have no concept of morality on any issue and are bent on destroying the human race by eradicating any shred of dignity they have

    You are not a woman! I specifically remember you saying "Im...I dont know."
    You quit Rohan like 2 days after I joined RQ :(

    But really, lets keep this thread on topic:
    Anyone want to hear the most hilarious joke ever?
    Doin' it my way.
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I do i do!
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    lipe124 wrote: »
    I do i do!

    Women's rights.
    Doin' it my way.
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    arcane wrote: »
    You are not a woman! I specifically remember you saying "Im...I dont know."
    You quit Rohan like 2 days after I joined RQ :(

    But really, lets keep this thread on topic:
    Anyone want to hear the most hilarious joke ever?

    I LIKE RAINBOWS GOD DAMN IT HOW IS THAT NOT LADY LIKE BEHAVIOUR *Lifts stereotypical 1 tonne anime hammer and hits arcane*

    I still don't get how puppet out of all people could be accused of being a sexist. He is the most down to earth person I've ever met. Then again meeting down to earth people is hard for me considering my totally extravagant character gets me with psychotic nuts.....

    OHHHH!!! Now I know why I joined RQ ;D ahahahahhaahahahahaahah......ahaha...ahaha..get it? Because that makes them ....ahhaha....psychotic nuts...=_=....DAMN IT ITS FUNNY LAUGH!!!!

    *awkward chirping*

    arcane wrote: »
    Women's rights.


    I have a better one. Arcane's sexual organ....

  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Puppet is crazy. He killed a man just to watch them die.

    I have a better one. Arcane's sexual organ....

    Actually not bad.
    Doin' it my way.
  • junk
    junk Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    arcane wrote: »
    Women's rights.

    Hah, I should've seen it coming.
    Anyway, here's mine:

    Before the Gulf war, a feminist journalist went to Kuwait for an article on gender discrimination. She found out all women were considered subpar citizens and had to walk 10 meters behind their man.

    After the Gulf war, the same journalist returned. Now, men were walking 10 meters behind their women. Amazed by the change, she asked a passing woman:

    "This is amazing! What could've possibly caused this phenomenal change in tradition?"

    To which the woman replied:

  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Lmao. +1 :P
    Doin' it my way.
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    omg *wipes tears* "I have a better one. Arcane's sexual organ...." bwahahaha - no offence arcane im sure it can only be rivaled by the mythical e-penor sizes on this forum.

    I love this thread!!
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008

    Junk your name couldn't be more of an oxymoron xD

    Awesome joke I can't stop laughing. Moar Moar!! ;D
  • handsomethecarlos
    handsomethecarlos Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    you know, i have actually seem this before

    in flyff i owned a guild called CCSN, anyways a guy started to call a guy "GIRL" because we lost a war...

    i want this sexism to stop right now!
  • arcane
    arcane Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    you know, i have actually seem this before

    in flyff i owned a guild called CCSN, anyways a guy started to call a guy "GIRL" because we lost a war...

    i want this sexism to stop right now!

    Its not sexism. It's guys being all-around better than girls in every aspect of life...

    ...Except cooking and cleaning.
    Doin' it my way.
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Alright everyone. Now I've read the entirety of this thread and I want to put in my two cents.

    Perfect World has been published in many regions around the world. Now across the globe, the female user base for Perfect World has been known to be much higher than other subscription based and even Free to Play MMORPGs.

    What's your point Xarfox? My point is that since the conception of this community, we have in fact seen the worldwide trend of an increased female population continue. MMORPGs have been a male dominated part of the online gaming market for years, but its starting to shift a little.

    If I can draw an analogy here. When I'm kicking it with my boys I talk differently than when I'm around my girlfriend.

    People who play MMORPGs are so accustomed to the community being 95% male that they truly don't see anything wrong with the vocabulary and language they use.

    Now I'm not saying, "Clean up your act or your banned!"

    I'm saying that if we want the female population of this community, and in MMORPGs as a whole to grow, then we should really be a little more sensitive to the language we use.

    I'm locking this thread because this discussion does not need to continue. Please refrain from flaming on another and more specifically flaming someone because she's a woman.
  • orinj
    orinj Posts: 460 admin
    edited July 2008
    i like waking up to:
    * the sweet kiss of a lady
    * the smell of fresh coffee brewing
    * the rays of the golden sun on my face

    i do not like waking up to the smell of smoke from the forums being on fire -- :(

    let's all talk civil for a moment - totally objective - and examine the items that are being discussed within their context.

    puppetsoul wrote: »
    Courting is prostitution where the Jane gets to pick the John, but still takes payment for her services from other Johns even if she doesn't render them.

    So a she-male isn't really "scamming" you, since you're only paying for the POTENTIAL goods and services. If it were a girl at the keyboard, the situation hasn't changed: you invested in a relationship which didn't bare fruit.

    The only thing which is different, is the repercussions:
    In the real-world, if John dumps five Cloudsongs into Jane and Jane doesn't put out, Jane is gonna get ****.
    On the internet, John has to just suck it up and move on to getting exploited by some other woman.
    The only problem is, the internet has lots and lots of women on it; and lots of those women are actually men who are more than willing to exploit the flawed system in order to accept money from stupid dudes who aren't smart enough to get the milk up front before putting in a non-refundable bid on the cow.

    from what i can discern, puppet is talking about the nature of e-flirting/courting that takes place between female characters (not necessarily females on the back-end) and male characters (most likely males on the back-end) and how guys get duped because of the some attractive pixels.

    serial, it is my opinion that puppet's post was never meant to offend women - HOWEVER - describing a scenario where "Jane" doesn't comply and forcibly gets **** is not kosher, not even in the slightest. just speaking from personal experience, having to console someone that has been **** is not cool. **** has personally affected me as my cousin and some of my friends are victims of ****. i can assure you, they are never fully quite the same. and while you (puppet) may have been joking, the matter is a very serious one; maybe taken more seriously by me because i've seen it directly affect the people that i love.

    so going forward, let's not talk about ****. i know you (puppet) didn't mean to offend to me, my loved ones, or the people on the forum, but again, it's a touchy subject and pretty controversial; so let's keep **** out of our society and our forums. thank you for understanding.

    in regards to the term "****":
    many people use the term loosely - "oh damn, we rushed them fools and they got ****." - "dude, they had so many high levels, we hella got ****." - in this sense, the term **** is being used as a synonym for being "overrun" or "dominated". while i don't condone the use of that particular word, this is the extent to which it can be tolerated. but still, other healthier words, like "ganked", "jacked", or "hoodwinked" (ok maybe not that last one) can be used in their stead.

    remember, we live in this world together. we use the forums together. let's all try to be respectable netizens and try to respect each other. i encourage all of you to read the rules of the conduct:

    severan wrote: »
    Hence PK any female char that tries to flirt with you.

    in most possible cases, its the nerds who end up looking for love on the internet. well no offence but 90% of them are. the remaining 10% is a very rare case where it's a typical boy meets girl story :rolleyes:

    p.s. lol don't use strong concepts :p it's just a game

    i really like this quote from severan. you (severan) understood puppet's post within in it's context but also emphasized not using such strong concepts. i wholeheartedly agree.

    specter wrote: »
    Could you please stfu? Even lena, real girl, told you that she don't find it insulting ~~

    eh... try not tell people to stfu? it's kinda rude :) respect, peeplz... and also realize that one person cannot be representative of the whole.

    i grew up in Los Angeles. and while growing up i had a lot of friends that were of latin-american and african-american descent. my latin friends would call each other <insert derogatory term> and even call me that! even my african-american friends called each other <insert derogatory term> and called me that as well! they were also totally fine with me using that term around them. but if i went to a random spot in east LA or compton and started calling people these terms, i assure you that my excuse of, "well my friends said it was all good, and they are the same ethnicity as you" would not fly.

    so one cannot speak for the whole.

    puppetsoul wrote: »
    On a PK server, you can exact vengeance. You can beat on their guild's lowbies in retaliation, you can call fifty dudes to run a train on them, you can even the score.

    On a PvE server, you can... stand next to them calling them a girl's genitals for six hours while they AFK in an AOE party because they clicked back into protection mode.

    i didn't really see anything too bad in this. puppet was trying to avoid using the term that rhymes with "wussy" (matter of fact, he could have used that term in his quote above! shame on you, puppet). that particular term (the one that rhymes with "wussy") is a homonym with the term that is used as slang to describe the female private-parts. female private-parts =/= cowardice, the word that rhymes with wussy = denotes cowardice. so yes, he could have chosen his words better, but in the end, i firmly believe that it wasn't puppet's intention to make slander against the female species or their respective parts.

    -- so in the end --

    "why so serious...." let's all be cool, cool like fonzie (maybe an out-of-date reference for ya'll, hahaha). be like aretha and give each a lil r.e.s.p.e.c.t. don't bash, name-call, falsely accuse, or spread vibes of negativity.

    [remove religious connotation]
    do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    [/remove religious connotation]

    on a side note -

    i do not drink or smoke.
    i do not stumble into the office after hangovers. i can walk completely fine while hungover. jkjk, see note above - i don't drink.
    karaoke was last week but i'll prolly be back there this weekend =)

    thank you all for understanding and hope this puts an end to this.



    p.s. i actually have a family emergency i need to deal with today and won't even be able to make it into the office. but you guys are important to me so i check the forums before even doing anything. i just woke up and didn't even brush my teeth! >_<
    F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
This discussion has been closed.