Are you happy about the Ip block?



  • Kyou - Heavens Tear
    Kyou - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    rev wrote: »
    Europe won't be blocked, that's been confirmed so no, it doesn't conflict. And my opinion on ip block:

    For things like making friends, yeah it's bad. HOWEVER, it does have it's benefits and (from my personal experiences) it keeps out:
    1a: People who cannot speak english (most of them anyway)
    1b: People who can speak english but choose not to
    1c: People who are rude to english speaking players by speaking in a foreign language, often times (in my experience) swearing or insulting the english speakers.

    2: most of the cheaters, botters, gold farmers, hackers, etc. As they are mostly from places like Brazil and China.

    The best IP-ban related post ever b:bye

  • shizuru19
    shizuru19 Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I am going to download this game, and if I enjoy it I will possibly bring over about 30 people (my guild), soley based on the fact that Brazilians will be banned.

    I have been playing mmorpgs, both free and commercial, for about 8 years. While free to play is fantastic, there does often seem to be an issue for those games which do not impose an IP ban on certain countries. I can count on the fingers of less then one hand, the amount of Brazilian players I have met who were curteous or aware of how to play their characters. The bulk of experiences I have had (and my husband and I speak Spanish and Portuguese, and live in Mexico so it isn't because we are bigotted gringos), have been that the Brazilian players PK, KS, scam, and often get their groups killed due to a lack of patience and skill level. I have also played on games with people from all other latin american, european, and asian countries, yet have never have had the kinds issues that are had with games that have a significant amount of BR players.

    If the game you are playing is in a language you can't understand, and made primarily for players who speak the language that game was created using, I really have no idea why you bother playing. All games have a learning curve, and much of the important information you need to know is usually disseminated through the websites and the quests. If you can't understand them, you can't ask anyone about them, and furthermore you can't communicate with people you are supposed to be cooperating with, you are severely disadvantaged, and probably ruining the gaming experience of people who can speak the language and therefore are able to cooperate and master the game effectively. I think that just because something has the label International on it, and that's the one word you can understand, it doesn't qualify you to play it. If you can understand the language, then be smart and google how to change your proxy so you can bypass the ban. No one will notice the difference if you just abide by the rules, and speak correctly.

    I for one am ecstatic to find out this game has an IP ban.