Heero's 2017 Update Challange!! (Community) Failed 21.80%



  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »
    Now this sounds like an April fools I can remember... The GIANT cat shops...

    Ah YES! Im liking where this is going. No smoke with out fire.

    The giant catshop was a really fun one. I can remember it well. Thought they could have added "sinking through the map due to excessive weight" feature.

    Another feature for the train would be "bowling everyone out of the way" at its passage. The angles of the toss would depend on the speed of the train, the position of the character, and the size. Panda barbs will roll away like crazy, striking down anyone in their path

  • classicbeauty
    classicbeauty Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Wish I had seen this thread earlier, I know how to spam without it being picked up as spam (upz did I actually say that out loud?) .
    This thread has the makings of becoming a classic, if we just all pull together.

    Begin spam

    Begin rant

    My contribution with this post will be acting the anxious and grumpy old cleric. I fear for the future of pwi. Are there any clerics growing up in pwi today who know what a real bh 69 is like? Or do they all run with RA 2 toons who need the bh on their 3rd round to lvl 100? I see people run bh 69 to help the newbies too. Don't get me wrong, it is very kind to help people, I do it myself, but in the long run what kind of clerics do we get if they never faced running into the water where the Hornshell lives to save themselves and hence the squad from a total wipe? Personally I learned a lot from bh 69, like why purify can be alfa and omega, and tho it was tough to say the least, it was the best education I have had in pwi to date.

    End rant.

    I hope you all have fun contributing to this thread, sadly its way past my bedtime, or I would hang around just to enjoy reading the posts. I hope when I wake up tomorrow, there are so many posts I decide just to read the most recent ones. I hope I will be excused for not reading all 499 before making my post, even if this causes me to post something that has been discussed earlier in this thread.

    End spam.
  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    My contribution with this post will be acting the anxious and grumpy old cleric. I fear for the future of pwi. Are there any clerics growing up in pwi today who know what a real bh 69 is like? Or do they all run with RA 2 toons who need the bh on their 3rd round to lvl 100? I see people run bh 69 to help the newbies too. Don't get me wrong, it is very kind to help people, I do it myself, but in the long run what kind of clerics do we get if they never faced running into the water where the Hornshell lives to save themselves and hence the squad from a total wipe? Personally I learned a lot from BH 69, like why purify can be alfa and omega, and tho it was tough to say the least, it was the best education I have had in pwi to date.

    Ah, I remember those times. Party always killed the turtle and lured bosses into the lake room so that people (aka, the cleric) could easily jump into the lake to save themselves.


    Run laps around the lake with boss running after you hoping not only to survive, but to also keep the boss busy while the unfortunate soul ran back to the battle from the nearby city (I did this a few times on as a veno. Sometimes I died, sometimes it was successful, and sometimes I was too fast and boss reset anyway. Now there were some fun times)
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    A steam train mount.

    Idk why but that reminds me of thomas the tank engine which then reminds me of that skyrim mod where all the dragons are thomas trains flying around whistling.

    Which makes me wonder if @phantomforce#4598 can pull some strings and create a flying whistling train engine mount. I think it would be perfect for perfect world.

    The best part is it will probably have foot steps sound effects like my fish mount o:)

    Edit: awe shucks did my post script count as noncompliance. I thought since it was about goats you might let slide.
    Ill be good from now on, promise.
  • torquoisegamer
    torquoisegamer Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    eirghan wrote: »
    Edit: awe shucks did my post script count as noncompliance. I thought since it was about goats you might let slide.
    Ill be good from now on, promise.

    I don't know about goats, were you kidding?

    Pun intended.

    If only they would let us have goat pets, lol.
    My mains:

    TorquoiseBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII psychic
    MidnighteBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII duskblade
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    I was thinking today that there is no reason for me to keep writing with a wheat font colour. Hmm.

    I started using it in the old forums when we had a lot of players using specific font colours to stand out, express individuality or just for fun. You could recognize someone's post from the font colour before even checking the name. Same goes for people that had writing quirks.

    I picked wheat to match the colour of cream fashion and pigments, which had developed into a sort of inside-joke among friends and faction. All of my fashion was cream coloured at some point and I had this persona of being obsessed with cream pigments. It eventually extended to the forums too. Alas, cream pigments eventually became too expensive for me to afford dyeing fashion and I switched to random pigments (thank you event boutique) so this joke started fading away with time.

    I continued using wheat font on the new forums out of habit, but I feel like it would be too weird for me to suddenly stop using it now...

  • bobdolejr
    bobdolejr Posts: 14 Arc User
    Oh my Pan Gu what have you done??? D:

    *throws Frail Blobs at Sadareen because they won't stop bugging me about it*

    So random but I love it

  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @eirghan I should ask surtr - I wonder if it's from his magical thesaurus...

    @heero200 PWI is love, PWI is life. Nah, in all seriousness, I don't mind communicating with the playerbase as this was always something that needed improvement. There's always stuff I can't say, but what I'm able to say, I try to share!

    @ladyblonde69 Let's see... it was all of main questline through unlocking Chronicles that got me from Mirage Sky I to Mirage Sky X or very close to maxing it (I can't remember how much Vitae it is off the top of my head to max that boundary) So take that amount and with dailies that give 700-800 in Neverfall, plus the dailies from Primal...

    I'm bad at math this late in the day since I've been crunching numbers all day :(

    Oh geez, the faction icon issue. That was fun. I think though at that time I was more worried about getting geared up in a TW faction than caring about a logo swap but it was definitely irksome for others. @nunuator While hilarious, that would be alot of stuff we'd have to fix I don't think CS would be too pleased by this or our Engineers.

    @ailiadrake Wish our physics were that advanced - I know the gold Neverfall train is gonna be poked fun at for at least a week once people see it in action.

    Ah yes - when kiting for your whole squad to come back was sort of a soft skill you needed. Nowadays, its either all or nothing. @classicbeauty I'm one of those clerics that remembers what it was like - in fact I was stuck for the longest time on BH 51 because we'd always have something unfortunate happen, someone aggros a walker and all of a sudden I'm having to scurry back into the instance to res people after I died because they didn't want to lose HP coming back. Being a Mystic has spoiled me.

    @catgirldesu the only reason I stopped using my blue font is that it was killing my eyes and probably everyone else too. It looks okish on mobile but doesn't play nice.

    @bobdolejr NO FRAIL BLOBS FOR JOO! D:<
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    Hmm so I guess the question everyone is asking is... Are we going to get some sort of mat farm like TT and or increase G17 mat drop rate in order to speed up the 1 year + process
  • subtleintuition
    subtleintuition Posts: 9 Arc User
    I am just tired of all the dailies we have in pwi
  • torquoisegamer
    torquoisegamer Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    I am just tired of all the dailies we have in pwi

    *shrug* You don't absolutely have to do all them. On most of my chars I only do the ones that benefit them the most. BH, snow, princess, pact on cleric. BH and morai on BM, etc.
    My mains:

    TorquoiseBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII psychic
    MidnighteBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII duskblade
  • jadasia
    jadasia Posts: 520 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Well, if some of us old timers want to start some massive thread posting drama I suppose we can dig up the old goon glitching fiasco and add the botting hysteria too it and top off the discussion with the vanquished scandal laden DQ point system created because the NPC value of drops were removed due to an issue that never existed on PWI until the devs created one with the in-game bot.

    500 pages... LOL! How about 500+ threads about the same raging topic.

    Good times and fond memories.

    I if some are still uptight about that we can get 500 pages easily.

    But no. We should keep those dead horses buried where they are..


    How about a discussion about all the items/events we were promised were coming but never did like guild base wars and such?
  • kyoske
    kyoske Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    Dailies are a pain and someone will say you can stop doing them and only do those you need, but with a game like pwi which 5 months from now will add another update and those very same bloods or starchart mats or vitae pills you thoughts u were finished with becomes a necessity again, PWI=Overtime Job, Anyway i dont care about that im ts10 i do them when i feel like and other times just click check in.

    @kalystconquerer#0876 ive been seeing this question multiple times but maybe i overlooked i still dont see a response, will there be an easier way to farm g17 mats or maybe a way to farm untradeable r9 mats. the whole g17 process is messed up, Lets talk about nv3 gears, to make nv3 gear it take 240 bagdes including weapons not to mention badges for rerolls if your not satisfied with what you get, its not easy but doable and fair to me. there is also luck sometimes we need a little leprechaun magic to get them molds, still fair. Nv2 the many nw one has to do to roll tt99 or the lunar ones to nv2 long but fair. Time vs money thats what we talking about. I wish i could buy everything but i cant so i farm.

    So boom great news tired of your old g16 gears, r999 players getting on your nerves, well my friend the time has come to move up like the Jeffersons, so i got all fired up going to update my Unicorn tragedy( weird name for my badass axes), OMG red weapons everyone know for PWI red means endgame, awesome, time to start farming, thats the spirit you literally need to farm, welcome to Homestead. Oh this is depressing but its new, pwi really needed new so what the heck for a while it was okay but then it hit me, im broke, i mean i was broke before but now im lvl 3 broke. HS =coinsink, shame all my coins were at the bottom of the see before hs. HS taking long, Let s go UP. This is even more depressing than HS, that poor SB today who kept linking her(well her toon, lots of weirdos on the internet) OP r999 weapon and couldnt get a squad. UP is next to UCH god bless that once great leader who became a drifter but still does UCH.

    Also are we getting more balanced pvp event you know like a balanced tourney not like the one where i have to pay 10m for because im lvl 2 broke now and we need away to break these people apart. Some of them are nothing without their faction. The End oh i forgot will you all restore PVE to its former glory, maybe tweak old instances, make pve drops worth something, rename orchid temple on tt server to theivery's wall, i mean everything you do now caters to pvp. but what about us noobs who just want to run around and smell the flowers
  • torquoisegamer
    torquoisegamer Posts: 96 Arc User
    Or let's just pretend like the April Fool's article wasn't a prank:

    Welp, RIP Perfect World, with the new Bless Box: Amazing

    rage rage rage
    My mains:

    TorquoiseBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII psychic
    MidnighteBlu 103 | 103 | 103 Twilight Sky VIII duskblade
  • leighlaa2
    leighlaa2 Posts: 10 Arc User
    I really wish I could post pictures and whatnot but apparently my account is too new. When will that end? I'd like to play the homestead contest game.

    errrr errrr something about the update... hmm... I hope the dailies are fast. I am sad that SoV will be self-cast. I am SUPER bummed about the wc nerfing (IT'S CALLED THE BLOCK FEATURE, FOLKS). I look forward to having the vitae to do the new instance. Bring back trials 19-27.

    That is all.
  • deathsembrace#6917
    deathsembrace#6917 Posts: 26 Arc User
    BH 49: Cave of the Carnivorous Cake Eating Kowlins, oh wait, that would be an instance...

    still sounds good though!
  • mtdew1
    mtdew1 Posts: 12 Arc User
    I know it said your bringing the invite a friend back for 2 weeks and ty for that. I remember an event you all did where u had to go into the different caves and you had the tree. that was fun running the lower lvls and peoples alts in for the exp. Is that a possible event for future again?
  • linder420
    linder420 Posts: 38 Arc User
    I wonder if there is a way y'all could make a new level range for Jolly ol' Jones say like 81-90. *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
    [SIGPIC]C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Stoner_zpsc496e801.gif[/SIGPIC]
  • ramjot
    ramjot Posts: 103 Arc User
    A repeated question: when will dragon quest be resurrected?

    I just had to ask. :)
  • dodgirls
    dodgirls Posts: 1 Arc User
    who remembers back in the day when you had to kill 50 mobs for one tooth. The pains any new players dont have to go through lol
  • deathsembrace#6917
    deathsembrace#6917 Posts: 26 Arc User
    ramjot wrote: »
    A repeated question: when will dragon quest be resurrected?

    I just had to ask. :)

    Likely never since those quests were a morbid pain to do and barely anyone did them anyways. Why keep something around that barely gets used?
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @mtdew1 I saw something about it in our testing docs a while ago but I need to check and see if it still works!

    I haven't heard of any other instance currently that allows you to farm the new upgrades outside of Colosseum. I wouldn't be surprised if they start making those items more accessible in a new tournament structure or gave you another way to get them. There's still a good few months between no and our next content update!

    Mmmmm dead horses...wait Guild Base Wars? Wasn't this a discontinued feature? I know there was supposed to be something dealing with the health of your base and we still have the HP count left over but it never depletes. This one my memory is hazy on, so unless there was something officially said about it, I might have to look into the docs to see what happened.

    @linder420 Wouldn't be able to be programed into JoJ...might have to be something inside a new NPC?

    @torquoisegamer So what you're saying is, I should come out to West Gate after Tuesday maint with that bless box equipped got it ;D

    Also updated the maint thread!
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    I still use my pink font when i can but i mostly. Check forums on mobile which hates bbcode so much it wont even let me edit it in after :(
  • deathsembrace#6917
    deathsembrace#6917 Posts: 26 Arc User
    dodgirls wrote: »
    who remembers back in the day when you had to kill 50 mobs for one tooth. The pains any new players dont have to go through lol

  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @dodgirls *shivers* that is all

    Dragon Quests themselves (the actual quests from the NPC) wont get a renewal more than likely however, keep an eye out for the orders that used to be obtained through them-you might see them be available!

  • linder420
    linder420 Posts: 38 Arc User
    @linder420 Wouldn't be able to be programed into JoJ...might have to be something inside a new NPC?

    even a new npc wold be nice just something to help keep the free players around is all im thinking with how all the new stuff thats coming sounds so expensive lol
    [SIGPIC]C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\Stoner_zpsc496e801.gif[/SIGPIC]
  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 153 Arc User
    I finished real need for primal dailies as well since star chart almost maxed on level and aptitude at 15 (need boutique items to progress further) and I am tw10 finally. Also finished my last passive the other day. As somebody else said if we need bloods in future, we'll have months of advance notice. So skipping primal dailies really isn't a huge deal at all. I'll probably cut them out when I've maxed the twilight 10 bar.
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • ramjot
    ramjot Posts: 103 Arc User
    So the dragon quest items that at still around will continue to be a pain and a complete waste of game resources for all players.
    Seems to me to be a failing of the process that was carried out to discontinue the quests chain.
    This was raised before in quality corner and the response at that time was that the quests chain was being rewritten.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    Morning all

    So will update soon. I think we are around 20% now so well off.

    Nope sadly it was a double post. I thought the goats where good topic. And HS related. I won't name cuz I'll drop us points...
  • bangbang
    bangbang Posts: 127 Arc User
    Will the coin limit in the auction house be increased to 1bil as well? Can we stop buying gold on 5 different chars?