Heero's 2017 Update Challange!! (Community) Failed 21.80%



  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    Well, 5 minutes of Neverfall dailies aren't that bad...

    ...until you consider:
    * Homestead dailies (must do if you want G17 weapons, higher level HS dailies require you to do instances and stuff)
    * Primal World dailies (the need for blood never ends, also Star Chart items)

    ...and then leave some time for:
    * Flowsilver Palace (unfortunate when it's neither BH nor HS daily)
    * Uncharted Paradise (unfortunate if you don't get it for HS as well)
    * Dawnlight Halls (not enough info for this one)
    * Bounty Hunter (for the chance of coins or because it's HS daily)

    * Phoenix Valley (if you're still leveling past or current lives)

    * Have alts you want to keep somewhat up date
    * Have geared alts you want to keep up to date to PvP with them

    I mean, I'm not trying to be negative here, I'm excited for the expansion! But the crazy amount of dailies is an undeniable truth. tiger-43.gif People miss the time when they could spam Nirvana over the weekend and then take a break/do something else/get a life during the weekdays.


    Yea, the dailies are pretty brutal but you can get past the point of needing to do them though.

    I personally dont do primal dailies as I dont need anything they reward, if new expansion requires bloods I got several months to see it on CN and start doing blood quests again before it hits here.

    I dont really do UP, dont have a set squad for it or I am busy with other stuff when my friends are doing it.

    FSP I could skip for I dont really need anything it gives either but everybody is still doing it so might as well get runs done. Plus its amazing to just stack HS quests into FSP and run it instead of doing all the other things for them, lol.

    Phoenix Valley isnt needed as 3x 105.

    And I dont play alts.

    So I am left with DH, HS dailies and BH, which I could in reality just skip as I dont bother with alt armies. And the new Neverfall dailies. I likely end up doing a lot more daily but point is I can skip a lot of things if I feel like it. Either way, after a while you can prioritize what you do in game and skip things you dont want to/have time to do. I am not trying to argue these dailies arent terrible but its not really as bad as some people make it sound, you really dont have to do all of them each day.

    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    I think some people might opt to drop Primal World dailies if they find themselves getting a huge Vitae gain off of the newer dailies...however, I suppose if you're min/maxing it's not ideal and you get as much as you're able to done.

    At least the BH you can pick between rather than getting another BH on top of it *shifty eyes*

    At least prizes for contests and in game events (like TW and xTW) have adjustments done to them. Will have to account for all the new little things though going forward.
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    @kalystconquerer#0876 don't really do tw. But would not surprise me. You need to check the morai info ui as well it says the same thing for influence and prestige last time I checked.
  • olympias
    olympias Posts: 16 Arc User

    @ nowayoutgtx960

    Dragon Form! Excellent idea!

    Construction in HS delivers only water when you sink the floor. Though this is a very nice and I couldn't do without it, I wonder if there could be an option of other materials to choose from. Say, some things like sand, lava, or even foam bubbles haha; Steam or mist? I realize it keeps things simple on the whole system to make as much uniform as possible for the entire instance; but, perhaps something like this could be employed for each area we open as distinct, for variety of coarse. Lord knows it costs enough to open areas anyway!

    Just a thought :smiley:
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @olympias You know that sounds like an amazing idea-might have to be wrapped in as a texture bush (?) either as part of a terrain package or a whole package of new textures just for "liquids". But I like this!

    @heero200 Might have to look at that post launch too - weird!

    I feel like this thread with either turn into a semi live Q and A session or discussion round table or devolve into memes not sure which...
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    Memes are always welcome. fox-4.gif​​
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    Yer. I did have another challenge set. But I'm holding that for another time. As long as the post is about pwi it counts. Good to see your checking this tho.

    I'll check the count later to see where we are on target.
  • justdax
    justdax Posts: 94 Arc User
    I love my alts and love to play them. I don't feel compelled to do dailies unless the spirit moves me. I've even stopped feeling compelled to check everyone in every day just to get perfect attendance since I've stacked so many of those rewards I'm out of space again.

    I can't wait for the new expansion because maybe some of the "normal" areas will clear out while peeps flock to get all the new stuff within the first 3 days after it's released. Then they can all go back to whining about how bored they are. ;)

    You want massive amounts of dailies - try FW. It's a lot worse. PWI forever (oh my god, i think i need serious help.) ;)
  • thedoc1212
    thedoc1212 Posts: 135 Arc User
    How on earth are we going to be able to get 500 post in this people on post stuff when they flame at people for messing up. OMG HELP the thread but best of luck. does it count if 2 people go back and forth and pwi stuff in this threat? And yay for NEVERFALL is that a spin off of skyfall just wondering
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @justdax I haven't played FW extensively outside of when it was in Beta.

    I hope the spirit moves you to try at least one of the new dailies since you can shoot bugs in first person from a helicopter machine or kill some pest in crazy bipedal wooden machines. You know, just because.

    @thedoc1212 Maybe we could ask them to move their flame war in here Kappa. And actually now that you ask I dont know o.o

    @ladyblonde69 I don't believe we do. I was tracking some of the main questline Vitae, but I haven't tracked it all the way through till the end.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    Just say something bad about one of the big factions of each server and you can probably start drama. Well, it would have been fairly interesting to see four-server-drama in one thread.... alas, the thread would probably end up being locked. dino4-9.gif

  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    Yer the post will loose count for any drama.

    Any random questions are good.

    Whats the name of the last boss in bh 19 human?

    I think we are doing rather well to be fair.

    Come on pwi community I'm egging ya on now.
  • thedoc1212
    thedoc1212 Posts: 135 Arc User
    @kalystconquerer#0876 is there going to be a use for grand commander orders now as well with this update? and could you look into a way to trade cards or maybe it could be a event npc that you could offer a card up a day that could be bid on by other cards or something? like for the 5-6 card A sets :)
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    Egging reminds me of the good ol egg smilies...

    We should be able to vandalize homes and or break into a person's home via a key to (players names house) and enter and steal anything... It's evil but, it would be fun and you could buy a home security system
  • kalystconquerer#0876
    kalystconquerer#0876 Posts: 1,421 Perfect World Employee
    @catgirldesu I'm sure people would find forum faction PvP funny, but at some point it would get out of hand.

    @thedoc1212 No we don't have anything for Grand Commander Orders in this update - there was a Zenith tab put in for Warsoul weapons that use Grand Commander orders, but I believe the cost is enormous and doesn't make much sense.

    @heero200 I was a WInged Elf main first you can't expect me to remember this *makes strangled angry noises* And I admit I don't pay attention when I'm doing Quick as the Wind or other things tied into killing that specific boss. Shhh!
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    Is there some sort of G17 mat farm or at least easier to obtain G17 mats coming via this update?
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    What i want to know is: what the hell is an incacerate
  • savla77
    savla77 Posts: 7 Arc User
    What is life? :D
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Pwi is life. I thought we knew this. Come young gr********* we will show you the way
  • phantomforce#4598
    phantomforce#4598 Posts: 397 Community Moderator
    eirghan wrote: »
    Pwi is life. I thought we knew this. Come young gr********* we will show you the way

    I always laugh when I see that word is filtered. I mean, even in the context where it might be offensive, it doesn't seem that offensive.​​
  • eirghan
    eirghan Posts: 1,912 Arc User
    Btw going back to the inappropriate names, i dont know about tw bosses but there was a hot patch on the reawakening update because the racoons were abbreviated into a 4 letter questionable term sometimes used as a racial slur.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    That update when PWE accidentally messed up faction icons and icons were assigned to the wrong factions was awesome. fox-2.gif​​
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    That update when PWE accidentally messed up faction icons and icons were assigned to the wrong factions was awesome. fox-2.gif​​

    This is to date my favorite PWI mess up. Likely because it involved a cute RQ from faction, where the one to "make" factions logo got upset we "changed it". For context, we were using PK swords as a logo and we happened to get auto-attack sword instead so they though we were trolling them.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    The faction logo problem was when servers merged on to other servers. The original server in my case Arch server merged with HT. When that happened HT was one of the factions to loose their logo. This was down to different image markers.

    @kalystconquerer#0876 kinda good ur gettin all the answers back. All of our old cm never kinda used to do this.

    I applause you for your efforts. It's something that the community has wanted and needed for a long time.

    I'll b home soon and I'll do a post count!
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    heero200 wrote: »
    The faction logo problem was when servers merged on to other servers. The original server in my case Arch server merged with HT. When that happened HT was one of the factions to loose their logo. This was down to different image markers.

    No, there was actually a time all the logos were swapped around and factions got logos of different factions. It was extremely funny all things considered. This happened sometime around 2011-2012 iirc.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    saxroll wrote: »
    heero200 wrote: »
    The faction logo problem was when servers merged on to other servers. The original server in my case Arch server merged with HT. When that happened HT was one of the factions to loose their logo. This was down to different image markers.

    No, there was actually a time all the logos were swapped around and factions got logos of different factions. It was extremely funny all things considered. This happened sometime around 2011-2012 iirc.

    Yer I remember this as well...

    They managed to fix that tho didn't they. We didnt even get a reply on this issue when it was... It was just left to... Yer...

    PWI good times and the bad!

    My next post will be an update but I cant post until someone else does!!!!!!
  • nunuator
    nunuator Posts: 455 Arc User
    New April fool's idea swap all the faction logos and terriories as a joke.. would be funny to see all the factions rage at lands and logos.

    And to keep this going is an APS DB viable in PvP.
    I'm the only 4 APS one I know of and the only current way to hit 5 is to get the 4th cast R9 wep or 4th cast G17 wep..
    Going for the G17 but what are the thoughts on APS DB
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    Total Comments 59
    Compliance -2

    Total Running - 57/500 - Required.
    Total % 11.40

    Remaining Posts Required 443!

    As the Servers go down tonight remind people to pop on here and make 1 post. Its all it will take to complete this Challenge!


    P.S. I would like to See a Steam Train Mount next please. O Dear...
  • ailiadrake
    ailiadrake Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited April 2017
    heero200 wrote: »
    P.S. I would like to See a Steam Train Mount next please. O Dear...

    I can actually see this one. A giant steam train whistling and doing train noises and steam while it moves through the lands. No idea how it's going to do 90 degrees turns (or better, 180 ones), or if it'll flatten all the catshops in west upon its passage, but if it happens, I want to be there to witness it!

    (also, include huge plume of smoke rising high into the sky, so if someone ask "hey, anyone knows where ThisGuy is?", and everyone else can reply "Just follow the smoke.")
  • heerohex#3018
    heerohex#3018 Posts: 4,880 Community Moderator
    edited April 2017
    ailiadrake wrote: »
    heero200 wrote: »
    P.S. I would like to See a Steam Train Mount next please. O Dear...

    I can actually see this one. A giant steam train whistling and doing train noises and steam while it moves through the lands. No idea how it's going to do 90 degrees turns (or better, 180 ones), or if it'll flatten all the catshops in west upon its passage, but if it happens, I want to be there to witness it!

    (also, include huge plume of smoke rising high into the sky, so if someone ask "hey, anyone knows where ThisGuy is?", and everyone else can reply "Just follow the smoke.")

    Now this sounds like an April fools I can remember... The GIANT cat shops...

    Ah YES! Im liking where this is going. No smoke with out fire.

    Next Update will be in aprox 8 Hours from now. Remember This Challenge closes as soon as I can access the Live server after the update. (Hopes my internet does not die till next week now)