Class Nerfs?



  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @fury85 ok what video
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
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  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Weapon damage only kinda solves half of these since duskblades 3rd spark damage doesn't nearly as much multiply as a sin. Won't make it a db or sin who hits harder fight because even though the math proves it some ppl argue agianst it which is their right.

    But one thing we can all agree on sparks work off base phy/mag atk. Slills that multiply base phy atk by a large % mainly all sin skills then add on base wep damage have rediculous turnovers once sparked. Make all the multipliers weapon damage only like db seeks many other class then problem mitigated not solved or really nerfed but manageable
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • padautz17
    padautz17 Posts: 66 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Slills that multiply base phy atk by a large % mainly all sin skills...

    Sins got 2...i repeat TWO skills which add a % in front of base physical damage and that are the skills Elimination and Cursed Jail. The rest doesnt have a % for base physical damage. I know i already said it but i assume you guys have the memory of a fish so - even dbs have 1 skill which adds a % in front of base physical damage. Its just 30% which means it lowers the damage but still..its there :) - means 2 for sins, 1 for dbs..basically. Go make a sin and db and check it by yourself if you want. Db skills have base physical damage added to many of their skills as well.
    blazerboy wrote: »
    because even though the math proves it some ppl argue agianst it which is their right.

    Like i said there are only 2 sin skills which add % in front of base physical damage and you say its on "mainly all sin skills". So yeah, iam not surprised that people dont trust your math skills. xD
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    padautz17 wrote: »
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Slills that multiply base phy atk by a large % mainly all sin skills...

    Sins got 2...i repeat TWO skills which add a % in front of base physical damage and that are the skills Elimination and Cursed Jail. The rest doesnt have a % for base physical damage. I know i already said it but i assume you guys have the memory of a fish so - even dbs have 1 skill which adds a % in front of base physical damage. Its just 30% which means it lowers the damage but still..its there :) - means 2 for sins, 1 for dbs..basically. Go make a sin and db and check it by yourself if you want. Db skills have base physical damage added to many of their skills as well.
    blazerboy wrote: »
    because even though the math proves it some ppl argue agianst it which is their right.

    Like i said there are only 2 sin skills which add % in front of base physical damage and you say its on "mainly all sin skills". So yeah, iam not surprised that people dont trust your math skills. xD

    Um cursed jail and elimination are a sin's bread and butter many times will a sin use cursed jail and elimination in a typical pvp battle?

    You aren't even contributing to the discussion...all you did was throw out a bunch of skills and numbers with no context or relation to what everyone is talking What other class even comes close to being able to take advantage of massive base damage multipliers?
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  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    By mainly all sin skills I mean all the main skills they need to spam @padautz17..... There's literally no way a db can spam spark as a sin perhaps if he attempts spark twice with saber beads. But still the amount of damage multipliers they have with skills compared to every other class is much. Didn't expect by all skills ppl would take it as literally every single skill but you scale down those specific skills and it's manageable..... In a 1v1 scenario yes it's not too hard to On you but eh not many ppl even do 1v1 so it's unrealistic. For now Ima let it go because arguing this gets tiresome, when it starts affecting AA classes more when sins have paralyze I'll watch all the complainants silently.
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • modshadowct
    modshadowct Posts: 29 Arc User
    It's funny because I fought a db and had him antistun the entire length of tidal, but your QQ is focused so hard on sins. Sins don't have a major impact in Mass PK this game is balanced around Mass PK so /thread. If you balance this game for 1v1's now just cut out db's altogether. You have to realize that a sin without tidal is a dead sin, and if you try and take away tidal then most sins will just die. You can't balance the game around a +12 josd/deity, CF rb 2, 105x3, max chart. You take tidal and you break the class. Damage nerfs I can see but if sins lose tidal, db's lose defense passive and crit damage reduction buff. Anyway, you guys can QQ for a year on this thread, devs are in China and clearly don't care since they made duskblades and stormbringers.
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    It's funny because I fought a db and had him antistun the entire length of tidal, but your QQ is focused so hard on sins. Sins don't have a major impact in Mass PK this game is balanced around Mass PK so /thread. If you balance this game for 1v1's now just cut out db's altogether. You have to realize that a sin without tidal is a dead sin, and if you try and take away tidal then most sins will just die. You can't balance the game around a +12 josd/deity, CF rb 2, 105x3, max chart. You take tidal and you break the class. Damage nerfs I can see but if sins lose tidal, db's lose defense passive and crit damage reduction buff. Anyway, you guys can QQ for a year on this thread, devs are in China and clearly don't care since they made duskblades and stormbringers.

    Think you have sins and DB's confused...DB's are amazing 1v1 but lose effectiveness in mass, Sins are one of the best DPS classes in mass pk.

    Pretty much every class needs a purge or multiple AA focus to get a kill. Meanwhile sins are capable of getting easy solo kills regardless of how buffed and geared the target is.

    You either need a lot of venos/archers, or sins, to get anywhere in mass pk these days...otherwise it just ends up being a meat-orgy clusterfuck where people bash into each other's HP charms for 30m.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    Agian I'm not asking remove tidal just lowered to 40-45% if you remove sin tidal completely I understand it's dead just if 5 ppl gank a sin it shouldn't be able to survive outside genie and pots. Hell if you remove tidal and db buff entirely and replace with say a pdef buff and self only hurts squad more than anything and mass pvp ppl go back to being easily killed.
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    @dregenfox I disagree a mass of venos/archers or sins" part. A mass of venos,bms,sb,demon dbs and you can be gold. Venos ofc purged bm for aoe disarm spam, sb vortex, demon db for spam of vortex and unstoppable aoe paralyze and extra disarm bot. But just an oppinion
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    blazerboy wrote: »
    @dregenfox I disagree a mass of venos/archers or sins" part. A mass of venos,bms,sb,demon dbs and you can be gold. Venos ofc purged bm for aoe disarm spam, sb vortex, demon db for spam of vortex and unstoppable aoe paralyze and extra disarm bot. But just an oppinion

    Remove the veno from the equation and that group is taking at least 3-4m to kill one endgamed caster. Put the veno back in, and the caster drops in under a minute (if 0 def procs, it takes all of a few seconds).
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    @dregenfox not at all a buffed db can easily kill a caster with support or a sin easily able to kill one if supported by a bm or db. Imo casters just need a decent combo of classes or support fire on it not even op just decent.
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    @dregenfox not at all a buffed db can easily kill a caster with support or a sin easily able to kill one if supported by a bm or db. Imo casters just need a decent combo of classes or support fire on it not even op just decent.

    Well again you're bringing sin into the equation, which I mentioned earlier was needed for their pure kill potential. Otherwise DB needs a ton of support to consistently get a kill on a full-buffed target.

    This will change when G17 purge is included so DB can easily purge w/o veno help but it's not really a factor at the current moment.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Perhaps still even purge on sin is crazy
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • csquared5
    csquared5 Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    So much wrong information in this thread lol... check out this link:

    PWCN 6vs6 rankings

    Notice the CONSPICUOUS absence of assassins in the top rankings. Something to think on.
    »Go back to sleep...« PWI Youtube Channel

  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    csquared5 wrote: »
    So much wrong information in this thread lol... check out this link:

    PWCN 6vs6 rankings

    Notice the CONSPICUOUS absence of assassins in the top rankings. Something to think on.

    Nah, as someone has stated in that thread as well...PWCN and PWI are way different in terms of gear-equality. While PWI has loads of players of any class at endgame gear level that is not true for PWCN. The majority of classes you see there are the ones with the best gear hence this ranking has no meaning whatsoever...unfortunatly.

    At the current Meta of PWCN it is not suprising that any squad is filled with venos. Demon IW oneshot everything, no matter the gear and purge is also the most important aspect of their PvP, heck its always the most important aspect xD

    Still, CN or PWI doesnt matter. A 6x BM squad would wipe anything else effortlessly. Or to be ultra-mean...a 4x BM, 1x Storm, 1x Veno Squad would easily walk over every other squad except for a 6x Sin Squad...depending on how good they abuse the powers of their class.
  • catgirldesu
    catgirldesu Posts: 993 Arc User
    I'm too lazy to find his post, but @attackerv said no class repeats in the arena. It's likely you can have multiple people of the same class in squad, but not in the arena battle. You can make a squad of 5 people for 3v3, and you pick 3 to send to battle. Likewise, you can make a squad of 10 for 6v6 and you pick 6 to send to battle. Attackerv correct me if I'm wrong.
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    5-step guide to ''never being wrong'':

    1. Has opinion.
    2. Sees facts in conflict with opinion.
    3. Finds reasons facts are wrong.
    4. Slaps some XD on the post and claim its the most obvious thing ever.
    5. Continues to be wrong.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    ^ lmfao
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
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  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    blazerboy wrote: »
    Perhaps still even purge on sin is crazy

    Why purge when sin can just one-shot through full buffs and not give a sht LOL
    aradya6793 wrote: »
    man sins are trash in CH cause they still play APS meta...
    endgame ones are demon lmao they even aps on full r9​​

    I'm convinced the next expansion somehow broke/bugged all the sin skills, because 720% elimination + triple spark should just be pure faceroll. Hell, forget triple spark, just stealth + double spark should be enough. CN is doing SOMETHING wrong here.
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  • jsxshadow
    jsxshadow Posts: 1,414 Arc User
    People be like:

    "Uh I am max geared/def built and always have max support on me..I dont care about sins, I dont have trouble with sins. They are ok! Oh, all our DD could get oneskill-killed by sins even through full buffs? But the sin himself could never ever be oneskill-killed himself? Legit. Cause a sin is no DD, bruh?!"

    If that sentiment is not the pinacle of stupidity I don't know what is. The dad thing is? Alot of people think that way.

    However, people are only partially to blame for being so blindfolded. Use Youtube and check the sins from pwi and even from Pserver..the majority is absolute and utter garbage. Only DA has somewhat decent sins and ofc Pain. Don't tell me there are other good sins. Good sins take on people that outgear them. Any overgeared sin cannot be a good sin because any good sin knows that too much gear on a sin takes away all the challange. Good players always look for a challange. Like anyone purely focusing mass pvp cant be a good player since mass pvp is no challange. At least not on your own part.

    Please, spare your comments. We all know mass pvp is garbage in this game.
  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    I'm not even ganna argue about sins anymore I'm just waiting for the elimination damage and cursed long paralyze complaints "sin are manageable" everyone get your focus mind g17 weapon ready. I am more into 3v3 over 6v6 though. Especially with sb vortex involved
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
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  • blazerboy
    blazerboy Posts: 1,673 Arc User
    Honestly I can't even blame them though. A guild of majority eu vs half eu/na ofc they ganna have advantage due to timezone simple fix 2 servers eu na pretty sure most of us agree at this point
    105/105/105 Seeking ScallyMode
  • dingo488
    dingo488 Posts: 936 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I can understand why someone would say mass PvP is garbage, especially seeing how they run around unbuffed, frontlining as a Stormbringer in xTW. Thats like bringing a toddler to the NASA headquarters n the kid just wants to play with his toy cars. Maybe its just not for you Joe, maybe you should just stick to 1v1s
  • dregenfox
    dregenfox Posts: 713 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    I don't even see why we're trying to talk about skill and good/bad players in this's an RPG ffs. It's gear first, build second, class third, experience fourth, lag fifth, luck sixth, dik size seventh, and skill is like a distant eigth.

    Honestly there are a LOT of casual whales in this game who don't have enough time to devote 5 hours a day refining their knowledge of the game.

    I wouldn't say they're bad but rather just uninterested in improving their skills in PWI.

    If ppl are really that concerned with skill then play an FPS or MOBA. Or better yet, go learn to play piano or guitar, you can get a decent digital or electric for like 1/4 the cost it takes to build a competitive char on this game, lol.
  • chopstickstheii
    chopstickstheii Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2017
    LOL inc triggered in 3... 2... 1...
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