Nation Wars: The Information
1. Server TWs are more important than Cross -Server NWs, because right now there is no balance of soulforce .
2. Server TWs are more important than Cross Server TWs because more ppl can participate and not only the top factions.
We play 24x7 on a server and give server events more importance than and cross server events. So pls dont mess up the time slots of tws. Find a timeslot which is free for any event u come up with. Already pwi messed up everything with merges and cross server nw token rewards. If u guys want to stop this game as its not profitable then just say it..we can find another game. But every day **** decisions r making ppl mad. Lots already quit and now u making more ppl to quit.0 -
As you can see from every post on this topic a lot of people are voicing their opinion that TW >NW.
A lot of us still play this game mostly because of TW.
TW as an experience cant even be compared to NW, not even cross server NW, simply TW is better.
Priority timeslot should be on TW saturday 8pm how it was for years and how it works best for most people.
Incase there is a 3h tw are people suposed to play it until nw is about to start and then go to 2h of nw without rest or anything?
Or what if people have tw at 6.30 timeslot? If its 3h tw they will miss most of the cross server nw.
You say that you wanna listen to peoples opinions so I like majority of the people commenting on this thread am asking you to not change TW time slot to saturday 5pm and leave it like it was saturday 8pm.0 -
If you need a day to move the Friday NW to, I'd recommend Tuesdays if simply due to the lack of any really important events on that day and probably won't change much for which people would be able to attend and which wouldn't.0
Do we even need more TW slots then the two on Saturday and the two on Sunday?0
On previous week voting was stopped ahead of it's time. Kitty tried to throw in her ballots at 21:58 server time (2 mins before voting closed) but it didn't let her do that. "Cannot vote", PWI said.
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
Nation Wars are so not worth two hours of my time and charms for the amount of tokens given. You all need to put the ratio of tokens way up. Also, since it is now on Sunday morning I guess o one here goes to church. Nation wars will go the way of bott farming which no one does since the Dragon quest drops went to 1 coin. Here is another thing PWI ruined for us just to make money (10 million notes).0
I am more concerned with why y'all can't just leave Sat 14:00 tw alone. Why push it up to 17:00 and then have probably overlap with 18:30 tw?
20:15 - 22:15 UTC = 11:15-13:15 PST = 14:15-16:15 EST
So 14:00-17:00 TW slot on east coast would conflict with NW.
Right now NW is basically taking up slots for 11:00-16:30 and 20:00-22:30
leaving just 17:00-20:00 for anything.
What's the problem with having friday night TW? Before NW we would have Friday night TW be the 2nd slot and Saturday the first and no one complained. Something like 98% of TWs are in the first two slots especially now that you can have 7 simultaneous defenses so there shouldn't be many issues with having 17:00 Saturday be the first slot and 20:00 friday the second.
The first two spots are decent but I would prioritize them like this:
1) Sat 17:00
2) Fri 20:00
3) Sun 17:00
4) Mon 14:00
5) Sat 18:30
@thenamesdomino Can you confirm the priority of the five time slots? You said Friday was after Saturday 17:00. What's after that? The Saturday 18:30 slot is awful because it overlaps with both NW (for EU) and with TW slot 1. That one deserves lowest priority.0 -
Eliminate the Forced PK mode upon exit NW.
Increase the number of suplies in NW.
If those numbers wont be increase 2 things may happen:
1 People will quit NW and maybe the game too.
2 People will bring or try to bring an army of alts in NW.0 -
Sat 17:00; Fri 20:00; Sun 17:00; Sat 18:30; Mon 14:00
This is the priority order.
0 -
Yes, we did changes to both Forced PK mode and the numbers of supplies in Cross Server NW.bloodedone87 said:Eliminate the Forced PK mode upon exit NW.
Increase the number of suplies in NW.
If those numbers wont be increase 2 things may happen:
1 People will quit NW and maybe the game too.
2 People will bring or try to bring an army of alts in NW.
0 -
For everyone's interest, we removed the forced PK mode after Cross Server NW across all 4 servers. We also increased the total number of supplies as the reward of Cross Server Nation War -- yes, now you can earn more than old times if you are brave enough!thenamesdomino said:Hey Everyone!
Going to clear the air here and drop some knowledge regarding the new Nation Wars events, if you have any questions, just let me know.
Please Note: This event requires level 100 and Aware of the Myriad or Aware of the Void in order to participate.
On Saturday and Sunday at 20:15 CET, General Helian will appear at 548, 678 in Archosaur. Talk to him to enter Wargod Gulch (cross-server).
In Wargod Gulch, talk to Overseer Aeban and choose Quest Related to take the quest to get a Nation Wars entry pass. At 20:20, talk to him again to enter Nation Wars.
Once you enter, you will be placed into one of the four Nations; everyone within the same server (IE: Everyone entering from Etherblade etc.) should be in the same Nation. You can talk to Overseer Aeban or your Nation's leader to leave the Nation Wars.
If you press M to open the map, you will see the strategic map showing all of the territories. Click on a territory to travel to it; while you can freely travel to and through territories owned by your nation, traveling to one owned by another nation will initiate a battle. There are three types of battlefields: Bridge Battle, Crystal Contest, and Capture the Flag Island. The victor of the battle will take control of that territory.
Lets break down the types of battles:
Bridge Battle
This battlefield is a bridge linking both teams' starting points. Each side is guarded by three towers. Destroy all three of the enemy's towers (each one will respawn twice) to win the battle.
Capture the Flag Island
There are three pits in the center of the island, and the flag will randomly spawn in one of them. Once you pick up the flag, you must bring it to your opponent's side of the island to score (the offense controls the southern side, while the defense controls the northern side). The first team that scores twice wins the battle. When the flag is captured, or when the flag bearer is killed, the flag will respawn in one of the three pits after about 45 seconds.
Crystal Contest
The center of the map contains five large crystals. Using one of these crystals will capture it for your team, slowly generating points over time. The first team to reach 99 points wins.
What about the Commander and why should I care?
Between 20:30 and 21:00 server time on Wednesday, players interested in becoming the Nation Wars Commander can talk to the Nation War Recruiter at 548, 678 and bid Ten Million Big Notes. Players can only bid once, and notes will not be returned regardless of whether or not they win the bidding. When the bidding closes, the three players who bid the most notes will become the candidates for Commander.
From 22:00 on Wednesday to 22:00 on Thursday, all players on the servers who qualify to enter Nation Wars can vote for the Nation Wars Commander at the Nation War Recruiter. Voting requires a Ballot, which can be purchased from the Recruiter for 3,150,000 coins. Players can vote as many times as they have ballots. The player with the most votes will become the Commander until bidding re-opens the following week.
The Commander can also claim the Commander's Seal from the Nation War Recruiter between their election and 20:00 on Friday. This Blessing Box grants significant stat bonuses, but only lasts for one week.
The Commander has a special role within the Nation Wars. Rather than participating in the battlefields, the Commander remains in the Nation's headquarters and directs the other players. The Commander can use Nation chat for free (all other players must pay 10,000 coins per message), and their text is a different color. On the map, they have three abilities. Two of these abilities use Commander Points, of which they have 1000 available.
Commander Abilities:
Minor Assist Order
Using a Minor Assist Order on a battlefield costs 50 Commander Points, and grants all players in that battlefield an additional 25% points if they win.
Major Assist Order
Using a Major Assist Order on a battlefield costs 100 Commander Points, and grants all players in that battlefield an additional 50% points if they win.
Set Battlefield Entrance Requirements
The Commander can set the requirements to enter the battlefield, for example putting a limit on the number of players of a particular class that can join, or requiring certain stats or levels to enter. Requirements can be set for up to seven battlefields at a time. Setting or cancelling requirements does not cost Commander Points.
Hopefully this clarifies things a bit.
- Domino
Because of the change in time, Territory War times have also been adjusted:
New TW time schedule (All times are according to server time):
Sat 17:00
Sat 18:30
Sun 17:00
Mon 14:00
Fri 20:00
(The first priority time slot is Sat 17:00, then Fri 20:00)
Thank you again for all those feedback!0 -
mintsummer wrote: »For everyone's interest, we removed the forced PK mode after Cross Server NW across all 4 servers. We also increased the total number of supplies as the reward of Cross Server Nation War -- yes, now you can earn more than old times if you are brave enough!
Thank you again for all those feedback!
Sounds great! I'm especially glad about the pk issue and the NW token adjustment.
I'm fine with Friday TW too as that was the traditional time before NW.
The one thing I'd do is lower the priority of the Sat 18:30 slot to the bottom but it doesn't matter much since we almost never reach that slot anyway.0 -
Can you tell us what the number of available tokens was increased to?0
nvm i saw the patch notes. nw is still early, tw is back kinda at normal time. yay can make tokens still0
"-- yes, now you can earn more than old times if you are brave enough!", so we had 76k token last cross server nw, if we gonna gain more than we used to gain, that would be 304k token+, but a exactly amount would be really appreciated, i suppose we just have to wait and see by ourselves. Thank you for fixing the nw amount, the rapture price was already reaching crazy prices due to this
0 -
Did you guys change these times keeping in mind what time the new cross server TW instance will be at?0
Thank you for making this change.mintsummer said:
Yes, we did changes to both Forced PK mode and the numbers of supplies in Cross Server NW.bloodedone87 said:Eliminate the Forced PK mode upon exit NW.
Increase the number of suplies in NW.
If those numbers wont be increase 2 things may happen:
1 People will quit NW and maybe the game too.
2 People will bring or try to bring an army of alts in NW.0 -
@thenamesdomino @mintsummer
You do realize that Friday 20:00 is 15:00 for the forced East coast people into Dawnglory right? And this is the second time slot? This means, if my faction gets attacked and if we attack a land on a weekend, we are sure to get a Friday 20:00 which will make most our faction members to not attend this TW coz they would be at work / school.
What are your plans exactly? Do you want to make the game EU friendly and US ppl who're jobless? You guys are beyond **** stupidity. Ffs give us server transfers, I wana gtfo from this EU ****
Will you please reply to this post without ignoring? I really want a solution for this ****. Can you just make the second priority slot to be Sunday 17:00 rather than Friday 20:00?0 -
I'm pretty sure that it would have been SO much easier to change the internal timezone setting on the host server hosting Cross-server NW to be at 8PM PST or EST rather than have it set to appease half of a server then move ALL of the TW time slots around to make no one happy.thenamesdomino said:
Because of the change in time, Territory War times have also been adjusted:
New TW time schedule (All times are according to server time):
Sat 17:00
Sat 18:30
Sun 17:00
Mon 14:00
Fri 20:00
(The first priority time slot is Sat 17:00, then Fri 20:00)
I'd also like to point out that if a faction has a 1700 and 1830 TW due to one attacking and one defending, one and a half hours may not be enough time to even FINISH the first one let alone regroup and get into the second one.0 -
it was previously already disclosed that the server hosting it is part of the EU formatted server, i'm pretty sure it is NOT an easy matter to change the timezone settings. it was also stated the event time is hard coded and hence not really changeable (without a lot of effort depending on implementation).kaiserzoltar said:
I'm pretty sure that it would have been SO much easier to change the internal timezone setting on the host server hosting Cross-server NW to be at 8PM PST or EST rather than have it set to appease half of a server then move ALL of the TW time slots around to make no one happy.
I'd also like to point out that if a faction has a 1700 and 1830 TW due to one attacking and one defending, one and a half hours may not be enough time to even FINISH the first one let alone regroup and get into the second one.
i did notice the short timing on that timeslot, but i dont think they had a choice in the matter with the current coding.
0 -
I have a fantastic idea...SCRAP CROSS SERVER NW and put it all back to normal. The entire idea is **** up things people already love to do like TW...and already has proven to come with problems and risks. @thenamesdomino People dc when entering randomly, people are forced into PK mode after for 10 hours, the number or tokens is wrong, and I read from another GM that all it could take is one hiccup to lose entire accounts. Given all these problems and coupled with the fact that no one wants TW on Friday nights as that is a night people usually either go out or are still working as it's a weekday, it's pretty safe to say that cross server was a bad idea from the beginning. Everything you are doing to try to make cross server NW work is just **** up everything else in the game that a majority of players already enjoyed doing. There is really nothing good coming out of this yet, just more drama and confusion and anger. Put things back to the way they were and lets forget about it.0
zoner112012 wrote: »I have a fantastic idea...SCRAP CROSS SERVER NW and put it all back to normal. The entire idea is **** up things people already love to do like TW...and already has proven to come with problems and risks. @thenamesdomino People dc when entering randomly, people are forced into PK mode after for 10 hours, the number or tokens is wrong, and I read from another GM that all it could take is one hiccup to lose entire accounts. Given all these problems and coupled with the fact that no one wants TW on Friday nights as that is a night people usually either go out or are still working as it's a weekday, it's pretty safe to say that cross server was a bad idea from the beginning. Everything you are doing to try to make cross server NW work is just **** up everything else in the game that a majority of players already enjoyed doing. There is really nothing good coming out of this yet, just more drama and confusion and anger. Put things back to the way they were and lets forget about it.
Guess you haven't read what mintsummer posted.
1. It won't force to PK-mode anymore.
2. Token count has been fixed beyond what it used to be. Sounds like lots of tokens coming.
3. It's Saturday-NW now instead of Friday-NW. Though they had to adjust TW-times for that.
That leaves only the possible "lost accounts"-issue and random dc's upon login to cross-server area.
Kitty's gone. She gave up on PWI. And she's a black metal Kitty naow.
Kitty's Youtube-channel("Kitty does eet"-series and much moar): KittysamaRT
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
It doesn't sound like a good idea...0
I want the old schedule back.
People that miss Friday NW can still go on Sunday, no big loss. New TW times are horrible though. NW should have been left on Friday.... but now I wonder what will even happen with cross server TW... where do we even fit that?0 -
My schedule is really unaffected by these changes. So Cross Server NW time for me being on the east coast is about 2pm, the new TW time slot since I play on a west coast server because it fits my work schedule is now 8pm. I don't miss any events on the weekend with this schedule. People cry for changes and then cry when they can't do all the events they want, pick and choose. You can't please everyone. The only thing that sucks is the potential TW time slot overlap and even then that will only happen in a TW map reset sort of situation.0
NW times... This is unacceptable by me. My life interferes as it does any normal American. It takes a lot of sacrifice to make certain events on this game. As my faction does not TW, this was the 1 moment I had to remind me why I needed gear better than G15. We as a majority cannot make this battle. I've read about Devs being unable to change the time itself. There is nothing we can say about that. We don't care, we can't make these times without too much sacrifice. Learn to fix it or we will play an "American" timed game.0
So for East Coast; Tideswell
1st NW 14:20 Saturday
2nd NW 14:20 Sunday
1st TW 17:00 Saturday
2nd TW 20:00 Friday
For me personally in GMT.
1st NW 19:20 Saturday
2nd NW 19:20 Sunday
1st TW 22:00 Saturday
2nd TW 01:00 Friday
This actually isn't too bad.Post edited by darkonome onDarkSkiesx
Tideswell -
+1 this idea. tyzoner112012 said:I have a fantastic idea...SCRAP CROSS SERVER NW and put it all back to normal. The entire idea is **** up things people already love to do like TW...and already has proven to come with problems and risks. @thenamesdomino People dc when entering randomly, people are forced into PK mode after for 10 hours, the number or tokens is wrong, and I read from another GM that all it could take is one hiccup to lose entire accounts. Given all these problems and coupled with the fact that no one wants TW on Friday nights as that is a night people usually either go out or are still working as it's a weekday, it's pretty safe to say that cross server was a bad idea from the beginning. Everything you are doing to try to make cross server NW work is just **** up everything else in the game that a majority of players already enjoyed doing. There is really nothing good coming out of this yet, just more drama and confusion and anger. Put things back to the way they were and lets forget about it.
0 -
I normally never agree with anything zoner says, but this time he is absolutely right.
Just forget this whole cross server nonsens and give us back what we signed up for in the first place.
We all want normal TW and NW times like before.0 -
Don't say "we all want it Normal" when most certainly, not everyone agrees on that. I for one am very very happy about these changes. I will actually be able to attend NW at reasonable times instead of getting up at 4am for it. That's awesome.Kymsplat - Sin -
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