Server Merge FAQ
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People from LC harrasing us in chat now for being weak and poor.
2 reasons. For troll bait yaylol. The drake guy is funny, almost like the new gen of our old sanctuary prophet hatedsoul. One of the reasons i still cant BL him still lol.
Other is just they got insecurity issues. Often a trait of kids who feel the need to lug their weight around for all to see. They tease cause you have something they want but dont have. I'M HERE SINCE 2008 BISHES! wahaha...
★New weekly quests! Discover the bug in the patch-Nihillae★My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony.-Neurosis★You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life.-Ninnuam★A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them-ilystah★[How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours.-ColdSteele★If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★This thread is a joke right? Please say yes.-eatwithspoons★This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth.-Alacol★Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution.-Asterelle★Shoo troll >:O-TheDan★People who chose to be a PvE server is a dirt poor choice of life. They want a state of mind where everything is free and safe. All losers.-voluminous0 -
Deceptistar wrote: »People from LC harrasing us in chat now for being weak and poor.
2 reasons. For troll bait yaylol. The drake guy is funny, almost like the new gen of our old sanctuary prophet hatedsoul. One of the reasons i still cant BL him still lol.
Other is just they got insecurity issues. Often a trait of kids who feel the need to lug their weight around for all to see. They tease cause you have something they want but dont have.
In the first few hours of the merge, Drake/ChinaTown called Hoorah out to PK at West Arch. Drake spent several minutes being really obnoxious about it.
Then a few Hoorah people showed up and mopped the floor with the ChinaTown people. It was epic. A total wipe. Almost 2-1 odds even, and ChinaTown was the group with more people.
Drake then just took to calling out names of Sanctuary toons at random and puttingafter their name, as if that would goad them into doing something.
All while he stood behind the guards at the West gate. Most of the server just laughed at him I'd imagine.
This TW season is going to be freaking awesome.
Sanctuary might be a PvE server, but that doesn't mean we don't do a lot of PvP.0 -
Stupid PVE people binding emperor tomes!
eirghan sage seeker ♥ current gear ♥ youtube ♥ title quest guide
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!0 -
sylenthunder wrote: »In the first few hours of the merge, Drake/ChinaTown called Hoorah out to PK at West Arch. Drake spent several minutes being really obnoxious about it.
Then a few Hoorah people showed up and mopped the floor with the ChinaTown people. It was epic. A total wipe. Almost 2-1 odds even, and ChinaTown was the group with more people.
Just a side note.
sylenthunder, I'm kinda surprised you went down to the common trashtalker lvl, but oh well, I shoul apparently stop giving ppl too much credit
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The damage control from server ego clashes is real.
And I am wholly amused by watching it all. It's been hilarious so far from multiple sides.(Insert fancy image here)0 -
The damage control from server ego clashes is real.
And I am wholly amused by watching it all. It's been hilarious so far from multiple sides.
It's especially amusing when every person makes up their own version of what happened/what is happening. Curious to see if we'll get drama threads like we used to. WC is certainly entertaining.
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Shall I fluff your tail while we enjoy the WC, Desdi?
(Insert fancy image here)0 -
Aww yeee.
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CT claims the whole server is against them when everyone and their dogs faction is fighting on their side lul. Theres literally only two factions allied together against CT unless you count that random person from other faction = whole faction vs what? ct vindi knights inssurect pepito and god knows what else. You guys are funny.
Dont cry when pk dies out, or will you actually start pking each other when hoorah gives up? oh nah its easier to just whine pk dead game boring right, oh wait new excuse: pve server lul0 -
Chinatown people came expecting to bully the Sanctuary people, but got stomped and started gathering allies from all Sanctuary guilds just to fight Hoorah. It is obvious even to an outsider. No trash talk whatsoever.
Chinatown now PKs with 4-5 PVE server factions, still manages to lose. So much for PVP server dominance. Enjoy the bandwagon.
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CT claims the whole server is against them when everyone and their dogs faction is fighting on their side lul. Theres literally only two factions allied together against CT unless you count that random person from other faction = whole faction vs what? ct vindi knights inssurect pepito and god knows what else. You guys are funny.
Dont cry when pk dies out, or will you actually start pking each other when hoorah gives up? oh nah its easier to just whine pk dead game boring right, oh wait new excuse: pve server lul
Pepito is not allied with anyone
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Yeah that's why pepito was fighting with ct yesterday.0
and that's why with fight with shinra, hoorah and anyone else too. We just side with the outnumbered group so we can actually have some fun pvp :O and yesterday we fought against people in vindi and ct. You can ask the 2 persons from shinra that were with us ;o
Edit: I think Knights was against us too0 -
The biggest misconception the LC people made was that we're a "carebear" server. Many of the larger factions on Sanctuary have been PvP/PKing longer than a lot of the LC guys have been playing.
Interestingly enough, that's most likely because it was a PvE server, and PvP wasn't forced. Less drama, and less frustration, leads to players hanging around longer.
@shade13 I wasn't talking trash, but merely making an observation. I've been knocked down a peg or two myself before. I figure that after a few weeks when the TW map is balancing out a bit more they'll realize that the PvE guys aren't the easy pushovers they thought we would be.
Drake also tried forcing the gold prices up to 4m, and accomplished that in a rather short period. It didn't take long to drop back to normal again though.
Based on what I've been reading, the other servers are facing similar community clashes.0 -
sylenthunder wrote: »@shade13 I wasn't talking trash, but merely making an observation. I've been knocked down a peg or two myself before. I figure that after a few weeks when the TW map is balancing out a bit more they'll realize that the PvE guys aren't the easy pushovers they thought we would be.
Drake also tried forcing the gold prices up to 4m, and accomplished that in a rather short period. It didn't take long to drop back to normal again though.
It's like some morai players turning nearly every topics on the old forum into arguing who is better on their server. After couple of pages of normal discussion you have to read (or better skip) tones of useless information and arguing you will never need and don't want to know.
Better come and simply fight in game if you are so pvp interested.
As for Drake, this guy is a troll. He contradicts himself daily. He can be even a bot, but if spams same lines over and over again whole day manually, even worse for him. Seeing how ppl fall on his **** is sad and funny at the same time.
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where are my characters at? I have a couple but not the number of characters I had. I thought I would have 16?0
I've unlocked the account stash on both servers; what will happen to it?
Both account stashes will be merged into a single, double-sized account stash.
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xwildheartx wrote: »I've unlocked the account stash on both servers; what will happen to it?
Both account stashes will be merged into a single, double-sized account stash. -
bloodedone87 wrote: »REPOSTING: as my post got deleted: The rubberbanding because of having 2 flipping games on the same server is total bull ****. NeverWinter and Star Trek Online are on the same flipping server and as a result star trek online is a rubberbanding nightmare. There is no damn call for this what so ever at all. I have played for a long long time and to protest I suggest everyone quit spending money in STO. Best form of protest is to quit paying money. Fix the issues and i'll spend money again. Until then F off
My friend you are in the wrong part of forum thats why your post gets delated.
This forum and thread is about Perfect World International. If you want to discuss your problems regardless Star Trek and Neverwinter go to Star Trek Online and Neverwinter forum.
This server merge in PWI has nothing to do with your servers there.
I really don't see why it would. We have the same traffic on the same nodes on PWE's end. With the exception of the East Coast, where it's been reduced due to one server being moved to Europe.
EDIT: Also appears that your previous posts were removed because of the language you used.0 -
In addition to the above... you are still complaining in the wrong area. Post in either the Neverwinter, STO, or Arc General sections about this. It is wholly unrelated to PWI and should not be in this section.(Insert fancy image here)0
As a side note to the above: Rubberbanding is not caused by what you people think it's caused by. I know exactly what causes it for PWI so reading the above made me laugh. It has to do with maximum distance a character can move over a period of a second. Colliding with objects causes extra distance to be traversed because of **** collision handling (in that it will attempt to correct the characters position, but in doing so may have moved it too far and thus passed the maximum distance you could move causing a repeated rubberbanding effect because you keep moving too far each time it checks). PWI used to have a larger maximum distance but shrunk it due to supposed wall and speed hacking (I never saw it, I only saw people swimming in the air). Node latency is not the cause of its rubberbanding. I suspect the other games suffer rubberbanding for similar reasons. It's a hard thing to get right frankly.GAME FORUMS (Direct Link & Arc Frame)Forum Enhancements and Visual Improvements(Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey and/or Stylish required)PWI vBulletin Forum Data Dumps and Backups0
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sylenthunder wrote: »aeternusdoleo wrote: »sylenthunder wrote: »So, anyone on Morai server can confirm if server time is UTC (as PWE states), or is actually an hour off?
So I'll correct my original post....sylenthunder wrote: »So the biggest complaint with Harshlands is the event times.
The main TW is at 8pm server, so this means that it would change from 8pm Eastern to 5pm Eastern. Pretty much the same times for NW also.
The afternoon TW is at 2pm, which would make it 11am Eastern.
The early morning TW (rare) is at 9am, which would make it 6am Eastern.
Overall, since these all occur on Saturday and Sunday, the only real issue will be with the Friday NW battles occurring while most people are still at, or getting off, work; and also with the very rare 5am TW time slot. (Which is really only ever seen in the first week or two of the TW season.)
Basically, now your evening has been freed up to go out with friends, or to a late movie. It also makes the Sunday NW way better for those who have jobs to go to on Monday morning.
Are you guys looking at the times in the right direction? I keep seeing people complain about early morning battles.
This is nothing like what Europeans playing on East/West coast servers have had to put up with, where their TW times were 3am for a West coast server, or midnight for a East coast server.
you are still wrong, instead of just reading what i said, you are fighting my post and talk about fruits. too bad the fruits came from the same tree.
east coast servers were SIX(-6-) hours behind morai server. i was playing on both and i am not some random that does not know how to open the event calender, so stop acting like you know it all. and do your math again. here is a hint: 20-6 = x
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Why can't I create more than 8 chars in 1 account if now I have 9 because of the merge? I think now we should be able to create more chars as we have a 2nd page for chars in the selection menu. Make it possible for 16 characters PWI!!0
So, I chose a good time to come back, then? .."Religion, ideology, resources, land, spite, love or just because… No matter how pathetic the reason, it’s enough to start war. War will never cease to exist… reasons can be thought up after the fact… Human nature pursues strife."0
So, I chose a good time to come back, then? ..
Depends on how long you have been gone. If its been a long time, you are going to have to put a lot of time into getting your stuff up to date. That includes gear, avatar cards, leveling avatar cards, and the primal passives.
Or just drop a few grand into a game that as of late, has been showing signs of it not lasting as long as people think it will. (ie employee layoffs, and forced server mergers)
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Why complain about something that is not under our control. If you do not like it then do not play. Simple as that. From what I have been seeing, they did us a favor on this merge seeing how im on HL and we merged with Morai. There are some really nice people from Morai but we need to understand, they could have just pulled the plug on Harshlands and we from Harshland server wuld have had to start over which means people would have quit. If you know nothing about running a gaming business such as this, then go back to playing and deal with it. Complaints on here and complainrts on world chat, grow up and suck it up buttercups cuz you really do not have much of a say in anything in this game except for to quit or stick it out and see if any changes are made.0
mysticdarkfairy wrote: »Complaints on here and complainrts on world chat, grow up and suck it up buttercups cuz you really do not have much of a say in anything in this game except for to quit or stick it out and see if any changes are made.
That's limp.
After the time that has passed since the merge, I will say this. I really tried to make this work.
When I first started playing - not long after the server was out of beta - I hated PvP. I still am not a PvPer, though I'm in a heavy PvP guild. It is my second faction like that in all of this time. I used to get butt-hurt. Now I just roll with it, and I'm not a PKer myself.
However, I DID pick an East Coast server to play on, because I live on the East Coast. I have excellent Internet and a maxed-out computer - having made sure of these things because I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME in the best way possible. No dueling and using lag as an excuse. No using it as an excuse for TW or PvP. During some of the worst TWs I could still run with full graphics and not lag. My average ping was 40-70 with a 21+FPS.
Over the years my husband and I have spent more on this game then some people do on a nice new car. But we don't drink, do drugs or spend time in bars/clubs. This is our #1 form of entertainment and we have enjoyed it and our friendships both in guild and among others in server. These were choices WE made. The game isn't perfect, but we rolled with it and the new updates, quests and changes. We enjoyed all of the events, tried everything, even formed some pretty awesome NW teams. Yes, a lot of folks left, but they visited and some became friends outside of the game and we always kept in touch.
Now, we don't have a choice. My ping averages 480 - 4k! Four Thousand! That is unplayable. At first I thought it was due to the HUGE number of people who just hang around in Archosaur. They don't DO anything, just get on their wings or mounts and stand or float in high traffic areas. In HL it was congested in West, but here it is everywhere. I tried going to places where I knew there wouldn't be a lot of folks - Primal doing quests. Morai. Remote parts of the HL map. But it didn't matter. Doing FSP I lag so bad that I can't finish without dying at the last boss - something that rarely ever happens unless it's a very bad squad. That's from lag. If I just stand there when I'm pressing the button for a skill, and then if I need to spark but never see the red text? DEAD.
Then there is the time differences. We work. To come home and find that it isn't just too late to do events but the new day has already started? 6pm to us it midnight and refresh on Dawnglory. Rarely if ever will we be able to do the events. How is that fair? How can we improve our gear if we can't do NW? RW? Special events will just be a rumor to us.
I like the people. I'm sure I'd get to like them more given time. I love everyone. But I really would have liked to stay in an East Coast server. Something more central to my location. I have not been given the choice. I chose HL. I chose to be or not be in a PvP guild. I chose who I associated with daily and how I wanted to play the game. Here, I have no choice. To quit isn't a choice - it's forcing me to do something I don't wish to do. I still enjoy PWI and still want to play. I just can't do this and it isn't a fair or financially-smart decision to make me chose that as an only option. Yes, I put a lot of the money I worked for into a game that may fold next week, but that is different from being moved to someplace where I can't even participate, though others can. There is a perfectly good East Coast server still up and I'd be happy to move there.
It needs to be addressed and fixed. If PWI has to merge/move people, at least give them a choice. It is even something I'd be willing to pay to do. If I can change my sex, my name, the name of my guild, I should be able to change servers. I understand the difficulty. But that doesn't make it impossible. Do it, PWI. Do it soon.
This discussion has been closed.
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