Log in Event?
well a question arises....
pwi staff can't manage events
pwi staff can't fix browser related issues such rankings, DQs and the forum itself is being tweaked by users
pwi staff can't fix game bugs that go beyond translation issues
pwi staff can't give us game updates\patches in a decent time span,
pwi staff can't give us game updates w\o losing parts of the content (Cross server wars - S+ cards etch...)
pwi staff can't rebalance the gameplay for our game version
pwi staff can't dev anything that could improve game experience
so the question is... what can actually pwi staff do?
hehe, they do NOTHING. I wanna go work for pwi so I can get paid for sitting at my computer doing nothing all day =D
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The browser, forums and whatnot issues are PWEs doing but game related things, outside of support staff, are Wanmei. The control over code PWE has is pretty nonexistent. Basically anything but localization is done by Wanmei. If there is a bug, which Wanmei doesnt feel like fixing for reason or another, there is nothing PWE can do to fix the bug. They signed a contract, which forbids them from fixing it themselves.
How about our version of r9r3 ? And our version of NW forges? And our version of boutique?
And how about PvE servers, or instances like FC being modified respect CH version
How about S+ cards not in game
I believe the impossibility of PWE to code over wanmei stuff due to contractual reasons is a fvcking excuse and a lie as per +12 Orbs causing server instability
They just do not have the know-how or the manpower to do it
and @ w.e. said PWE could shut down servers and we would have to just say "ok"
being PWE a NA company and current ToS being this vexatious, they could get a huge class action and eventually need to refund everyone and each of who put money into this service
going into a lawsuit for a videogame can sound kinda hilarious, but it's actually not when there are users around that put tens of thousands into purchasing their virtual currency.... that suddendly poofed because vexatious clauses
0 -
Ignorance is strong in this discussion.ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?0
The browser, forums and whatnot issues are PWEs doing but game related things, outside of support staff, are Wanmei. The control over code PWE has is pretty nonexistent. Basically anything but localization is done by Wanmei. If there is a bug, which Wanmei doesnt feel like fixing for reason or another, there is nothing PWE can do to fix the bug. They signed a contract, which forbids them from fixing it themselves.
How about our version of r9r3 ? And our version of NW forges? And our version of boutique?
And how about PvE servers, or instances like FC being modified respect CH version
How about S+ cards not in game
I believe the impossibility of PWE to code over wanmei stuff due to contractual reasons is a fvcking excuse and a lie as per +12 Orbs causing server instability
They just do not have the know-how or the manpower to do it
and @ w.e. said PWE could shut down servers and we would have to just say "ok"
being PWE a NA company and current ToS being this vexatious, they could get a huge class action and eventually need to refund everyone and each of who put money into this service
going into a lawsuit for a videogame can sound kinda hilarious, but it's actually not when there are users around that put tens of thousands into purchasing their virtual currency.... that suddendly poofed because vexatious clauses
No, we're paying for use of, not ownership of. That let's them shut it down when they want to, nothing to sue over. Or by your logic, prostitutes owe everyone who ever slept with them even once sex for all time into the future; after all, the john was a customer. And I want unlimited refills forever. And I paid for gasoline for my car before, I want free permanent use forever after now.0 -
No, we're paying for use of, not ownership of. That let's them shut it down when they want to, nothing to sue over. Or by your logic, prostitutes owe everyone who ever slept with them even once sex for all time into the future; after all, the john was a customer. And I want unlimited refills forever. And I paid for gasoline for my car before, I want free permanent use forever after now.
Nonono you don't pay for the use of nor for the ownership of... you pay for virtual currency which is zhen, you aren't donating... you get a fancy message thanks for puchasing zhen and you get a receipt where you pay VAT\taxes on them..
By your logic PWE should be a no-profit organization, but guess what? they aren't! They have a balance and they were even listed on the NASDAQ, where are they getting their revenues from if not from zhen billables?
Now the fact that they can shut down unilaterally your account where all that virtual currency had been purchased, that's vexatious, especially when a cospicuous amount of $ is involved.
Zhen is regulated more or less like bitcoins or paypal account balance, it is virtual currency, you exchange it for real currency and it is subject of economic value (100 zhen = 1 dollar)
I've already seen other situations where such a thing happened and the company had at least to refund zhen on the user account in order to allow him to allocate what he charged into new products...0 -
Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?0
Yea and there is a name for that. It's called Unconscionable contracts. Look it up. The only problem I see is that many courts in the US have not progressed the law far enough to include digital goods as of yet. However if PWI put on a huge sale and a charge promo then closed the servers when it ended, I can see huge lawsuits for that.zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
0 -
zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
0 -
zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
too bad pwe had to deal with few lawsuits already fyi and actually pwe itself has a whole department committed at lawsuits
"the bend over at their will" it's a vexatious clause that if brought to court gives place to void contract that gives place to refund of the sums involved,
but well if you have better knowledge of common law and virtual currency regulations please enlighten me
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zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
I still find it hilarious some people believe ToS would hold up in court. If PWE went to court with ToS as their defense, they would quite literally be laughed out of court.0 -
zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
I still find it hilarious some people believe ToS would hold up in court. If PWE went to court with ToS as their defense, they would quite literally be laughed out of court.
Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
0 -
Peeps who whine about people whining are funny0
I wasn't going to respond, but I started laughing and had to at this point...zoner112012 wrote: »I will say it again, making assumptions about what people do outside of game just because they are passionate about it really is dumb.
Irony: You realize you posted this in really no time after I posted right? You look like you're glued to this and do need to go outside, get off of your phone, or get off of the forums and take a break.zoner112012 wrote: »Assuming that people don't have lives or go outside just because they are passionate about something is really not very logical.
Mmm, I disagree. This is not passionate. This is obsession at this point. You people are obsessed with PWE fixing this great wrong they've dealt you. So you do need to visit the world outside and remember that this is just a game. Yes, just a game. I make games, so believe me, it's just a game. Nothing more and nothing less. Just like a character dying in a movie or TV show, just remember, they are just character in a movie or TV show.zoner112012 wrote: »People have a right to an opinion...and people have a right to disagree with said opinion. It doesn't make either wrong, what makes it wrong is when people bash others for their opinion. This is pretty much everything that is wrong with the world today.
Did you just come back from a class on "everything that's wrong with the world today?" Guess what, this is nothing and it's been happening for 1000s of years. Back in the old days if you disagreed you could be killed or have you hands sliced off, etc. There were much more brutal times. This just sounds whiny, childish, and ignorant. Much like the statements of emo kids.zoner112012 wrote: »These forums exist for a number of reasons, one of those is for people to state their opinions. If we didn't do it...if we didn't express our disgust, things would probably just be a million times worse. If anything, people should be happy that others do this. But instead they come on here and troll and flame. That doesn't help anyone.
I'll quote myself above...* Rage and/or quit if you don't like how PWE does things when they **** up. They are a business and this is your right as a consumer.
Whining about not getting the free gift you were promised is not going to convince anyone to join your side of reasoning. Why don't you and a bunch of others quit. See if PWE notices. That's how businesses fall. I'll tell you what though, a majority are going to deal with it or accept it as a typo on PWE's part and give a sigh of "meh." Which only goes to show that your side of reasoning is on the minority side of players.
Now, with that said, I'm not going to be dragged further in to this as I don't have time to waste on yours or anyone else's drivel in this thread. In fact, I'm going to go take a walk. It's a bit hot (I do live in a desert), but quite lively.
Just because I am checking the post a lot doesn't mean I am obsessed or have no life. It also doesn't mean that I don't go outside either. The fact that you are trying to encourage people to quit over their opinions on this is pretty sad. That is exactly what pwi doesn't need is more people to quit. Acting like an uppity prick when you don't know what other peoples situations are or how they live their life doesn't make you entitled or give you any right to tell them they need to go for walks. For all you know I could be crippled (I am not). Don't make assumptions they make an **** (out of) U (and) ME.0 -
jamesburr36 wrote: »zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
I still find it hilarious some people believe ToS would hold up in court. If PWE went to court with ToS as their defense, they would quite literally be laughed out of court.
Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
well someone did already... but he had a reason for it, you can't sue someone for random reasons or sueing them f.e. for the S-chest mess up i agree it is r.eta.rde.d
but sue the company after they shut down the server and if you have involved a conspicuous amount of money, well you can work around the vexatious ToS pretty legitly and they will refund either compensate zhen for other products as they already did for another title which i dont remember the name atm
and since PWE is a NA company, class actions users vs companies are the order of the day0 -
Except the currency is going to be part of use, because they are used to purchase features that enhance the gameplay experience. It's exactly what they will say, and it will be true. They could have played the game without sinking money into it, it's just they put it in to buy things that enhanced their gameplay. That will still be considered paying for use, not ownership.
And the F2P model enhances this defense, because it proves no money was actually required to get what is required. And there are plenty of people who have sunk 0 dollars in and are at end game top tier playing just from length of time in, and dedication to farming. So claiming it was only possible to get something buy paying money is proven false by the F2P model PWE uses; since it allows everyone to get anything in game thanks to in game economy and AH gold .
Though it would be funny to see any suits coming in, on whether PWE counter-sues. Any post written about planning to sue on shut down shows pre-meditation, and the logic behind getting money back essentially means the zhen buyer intended to have the company operate the servers and game at a massive loss for no upside. That would be dishonest on the zhen buyers side, and again any posts showing that mentality would be admissible. And funny.0 -
jamesburr36 wrote: »Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
I'll try to answer your post in a much less rude and subjective way, and I challenge you to do the same.
As far as my proof goes, I have screenshots of the ad as it existed on July 6th, 2 weeks into the event and after we'd earned the promotion. Proving intent? Harder to do, but when any business:
* Takes down their ad the very last day of the sale
* Changes the wording of the ad around
* Puts the ad back up
* And pretends that those were the actual ad all along, by keeping the old date there....
.... something smells fishy and it ain't the tuna!
Proving damages? Okay you may have a point there. I am going to ask this though. Virtual goods cost PWE what.... 1/1000th of a cent? Maybe less? And they really think that is worth all the negative PR, the BBB complaints that WILL result from this bait and switch, and any other number of backlashes.
For you and anyone else though who feels the players are making a big deal out of nothing I'm going to flip this right around back around and ask you the same question. Why is PWE making a big deal out of what should be nothing to them? Anyone who has worked in retail can tell you a tried and true statement of the market. One happy customer tells 2 - 3 people. One upset customer tells at least 11. Negative publicity to save a few cents, or a few thousandths of a cent is pretty dumb. It made sense to Ebeneezer Scrooge but he's about the only one.0 -
If you re-read what i said, you need a conspicuous amount of money involved... you cannot litigate over a loss of something not susceptible of economic value such as an endgame toon....
you can litigate over a loss of millions zhen which are susceptible of thousand dollars economic value....
as i said you get a receipt anytime you purchase zhen, you pay taxes on it and the bill is addressed from the company to you.
if the company decides unilaterally to poof the zhen you have put into the account shutting down servers they might get into litigations... and 1 or 2 years ago PWE shut down a game and had to credit back zhen to the heavy cashers that charged zhen into that title
Also that won't ever be dishonest on the zhen buyers side, they are offering a service that is supposed to be free of charges, but you are required to charge at some point to be competitive\make a proper use of the service... how shady is that?
if i pour said money into my account to get virtual currency and be able to utilize the X subservice at its best, and then the X subservice gets shut down, it's legit to demand at least the virtual currency back into the account to be able to continue to use other subservices (that are supposed to be free) at their best.
and that actually already happened0 -
and @ w.e. said PWE could shut down servers and we would have to just say "ok"
being PWE a NA company and current ToS being this vexatious, they could get a huge class action and eventually need to refund everyone and each of who put money into this service
going into a lawsuit for a videogame can sound kinda hilarious, but it's actually not when there are users around that put tens of thousands into purchasing their virtual currency.... that suddendly poofed because vexatious clauses
Firstly, you are not putting money into any service, this is a free to play game. You want service go play a game that has a monthly subscription. Then you are paying for a service.
You bought Zen, which you could use on any of their games. If you have unused Zen and server closes, then they would refund you (I would hope they would anyway), but once you transfer that to one of their games you can't get anything back.
In game coins, your time, the character, gold, things bought from boutique, you are not getting back and can't sue over because the transaction was completed. That is like saying I am going to go sue GM because they shut down Pontiac and I have lots of time and money invested in my Sunfire. Sounds stupid doesn't it? (I don't own a sunfire, i was using it as an example)
Going by what you are saying, the server would have to stay up until every last person that put money into this game, is dead.0 -
and @ w.e. said PWE could shut down servers and we would have to just say "ok"
being PWE a NA company and current ToS being this vexatious, they could get a huge class action and eventually need to refund everyone and each of who put money into this service
going into a lawsuit for a videogame can sound kinda hilarious, but it's actually not when there are users around that put tens of thousands into purchasing their virtual currency.... that suddendly poofed because vexatious clauses
Firstly, you are not putting money into any service, this is a free to play game. You want service go play a game that has a monthly subscription. Then you are paying for a service.
You bought Zen, which you could use on any of their games. If you have unused Zen and server closes, then they would refund you (I would hope they would anyway), but once you transfer that to one of their games you can't get anything back.
In game coins, your time, the character, gold, things bought from boutique, you are not getting back and can't sue over because the transaction was completed. That is like saying I am going to go sue GM because they shut down Pontiac and I have lots of time and money invested in my Sunfire. Sounds stupid doesn't it? (I don't own a sunfire, i was using it as an example)
Going by what you are saying, the server would have to stay up until every last person that put money into this game, is dead.
bad example actually you cannot really make examples seen how particular is the virtual goods kind
virtual currency is actually regulated
they already refunded zhen for a different title that was shut down
i am done replying0 -
bad example actually you cannot really make examples seen how particular is the virtual goods kind
virtual currency is actually regulated
they already refunded zhen for a different title that was shut down
i am done replying
Zhen they can refund as it is unused.
Once it is used you can't get **** back. Transaction completed. They can shut down servers when ever they want. They cant give you everything you spent on the game back. Its a business and that isn't how business works. You can't make money by giving all the money back that you have earned.
0 -
PWI police are out in force 0
jamesburr36 wrote: »Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
I'll try to answer your post in a much less rude and subjective way, and I challenge you to do the same.
As far as my proof goes, I have screenshots of the ad as it existed on July 6th, 2 weeks into the event and after we'd earned the promotion. Proving intent? Harder to do, but when any business:
* Takes down their ad the very last day of the sale
* Changes the wording of the ad around
* Puts the ad back up
* And pretends that those were the actual ad all along, by keeping the old date there....
.... something smells fishy and it ain't the tuna!
Proving damages? Okay you may have a point there. I am going to ask this though. Virtual goods cost PWE what.... 1/1000th of a cent? Maybe less? And they really think that is worth all the negative PR, the BBB complaints that WILL result from this bait and switch, and any other number of backlashes.
For you and anyone else though who feels the players are making a big deal out of nothing I'm going to flip this right around back around and ask you the same question. Why is PWE making a big deal out of what should be nothing to them? Anyone who has worked in retail can tell you a tried and true statement of the market. One happy customer tells 2 - 3 people. One upset customer tells at least 11. Negative publicity to save a few cents, or a few thousandths of a cent is pretty dumb. It made sense to Ebeneezer Scrooge but he's about the only one.
Gee. Was I being rude? LAWL. If it walks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. Then most likely it's a damn duck.
I have screenshots too. But that does not prove false advertising or a lie. It does not prove willful deceit. It proves precisely what the PWI representative stated earlier in this thread just the same.
PWI sells a service. This service is classified as an experience. Nothing different than paying $15 to see a movie. You walk in . Pay. See movie and walk out with what you walked in with. If a person has a negative experience with the movie they do not get a refund because they consumed it. A person orders the steak at a restaurant. Eats the steak. Then complains that the steak was overcooked and wants a refund. They are not entitled to a refund because they ate the steak. What was offered in the PWI login promo was offered for no value. Nobody suffered any type of monetary loss for any type of breach in that offer. No damages. No compensation. Feelings are irrelevant. How many here kept and used and benefit from the 5 A cards we erroneously received? All the QQ from the QQers in this thread and not a single one of them claimed they rejected the A cards by not opening those 5 chests that they were clearly not entitled to. LOL! You QQers ate the steak.
0 -
jamesburr36 wrote: »zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
I still find it hilarious some people believe ToS would hold up in court. If PWE went to court with ToS as their defense, they would quite literally be laughed out of court.
Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
Oh ffs, get over yourself. I said earlier in this thread that in this case there is no case for court as no money was involved. That doesnt mean, if there was, ToS defense on court wouldnt be laughable, which was precisely my point. If you didnt have your head so deep up in your ****, you might actually read what others write so I beg you to remove it, surgically if need be.0 -
To all who are upset with PWE:
Why didn't you think about false advertisement when you were promised 3 event cards per acc, but got 3 per char?
You lost nothing, several A chests in many cases are better than few S packs, just get over it 0 -
jamesburr36 wrote: »Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
I'll try to answer your post in a much less rude and subjective way, and I challenge you to do the same.
As far as my proof goes, I have screenshots of the ad as it existed on July 6th, 2 weeks into the event and after we'd earned the promotion. Proving intent? Harder to do, but when any business:
* Takes down their ad the very last day of the sale
* Changes the wording of the ad around
* Puts the ad back up
* And pretends that those were the actual ad all along, by keeping the old date there....
.... something smells fishy and it ain't the tuna!
Proving damages? Okay you may have a point there. I am going to ask this though. Virtual goods cost PWE what.... 1/1000th of a cent? Maybe less? And they really think that is worth all the negative PR, the BBB complaints that WILL result from this bait and switch, and any other number of backlashes.
For you and anyone else though who feels the players are making a big deal out of nothing I'm going to flip this right around back around and ask you the same question. Why is PWE making a big deal out of what should be nothing to them? Anyone who has worked in retail can tell you a tried and true statement of the market. One happy customer tells 2 - 3 people. One upset customer tells at least 11. Negative publicity to save a few cents, or a few thousandths of a cent is pretty dumb. It made sense to Ebeneezer Scrooge but he's about the only one.
I will say I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head....and really kinda puts the argument to a meh end....like really it costs them nothing....but they won't do it because they are so stingy to them that 1/1000th of a cent is too much.0 -
zoner112012 wrote: »jamesburr36 wrote: »Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
I'll try to answer your post in a much less rude and subjective way, and I challenge you to do the same.
As far as my proof goes, I have screenshots of the ad as it existed on July 6th, 2 weeks into the event and after we'd earned the promotion. Proving intent? Harder to do, but when any business:
* Takes down their ad the very last day of the sale
* Changes the wording of the ad around
* Puts the ad back up
* And pretends that those were the actual ad all along, by keeping the old date there....
.... something smells fishy and it ain't the tuna!
Proving damages? Okay you may have a point there. I am going to ask this though. Virtual goods cost PWE what.... 1/1000th of a cent? Maybe less? And they really think that is worth all the negative PR, the BBB complaints that WILL result from this bait and switch, and any other number of backlashes.
For you and anyone else though who feels the players are making a big deal out of nothing I'm going to flip this right around back around and ask you the same question. Why is PWE making a big deal out of what should be nothing to them? Anyone who has worked in retail can tell you a tried and true statement of the market. One happy customer tells 2 - 3 people. One upset customer tells at least 11. Negative publicity to save a few cents, or a few thousandths of a cent is pretty dumb. It made sense to Ebeneezer Scrooge but he's about the only one.
I will say I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head....and really kinda puts the argument to a meh end....like really it costs them nothing....but they won't do it because they are so stingy to them that 1/1000th of a cent is too much.
PWI/PWE et al isn't making a big deal out of it. People like you are. PWI/PWE et al said very little about it other than the advertisement was an error. Besides who are you or anyone else to put a 1/1000th of a cent value on anything that does not belong to you anyway? Judging the value of PWI/PWE et al's property by your own arbitrary value is pointless considering they may have other reasons above monetary value for not giving out a free S card. We got 5 A cards in error that are not going to be returned. We ate the steak. LOL.jamesburr36 wrote: »zentfamily wrote: »Remember when you clicked on the "agree" thing when you made the account? You probably don't, and you didn't read the terms either right? Well, that was you agreeing you will bend over to their every will.
I still find it hilarious some people believe ToS would hold up in court. If PWE went to court with ToS as their defense, they would quite literally be laughed out of court.
Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
Oh ffs, get over yourself. I said earlier in this thread that in this case there is no case for court as no money was involved. That doesnt mean, if there was, ToS defense on court wouldnt be laughable, which was precisely my point. If you didnt have your head so deep up in your ****, you might actually read what others write so I beg you to remove it, surgically if need be.
Now you are just being belligerent. Who the hell do you think crafted the TOS anyway? A gamer or some highly paid lawyers? LOL!0 -
ooops..................................................0 -
zoner112012 wrote: »jamesburr36 wrote: »Why don't you sue them and find out instead of pontificating about it here.
It really amuses me to watch this. False advertising. Prove they lied. Prove that is was a willful act designed to deceive us by the game lords in China. Or could it have been a simple communication error in the chinese - english translation for the promo (like that never ever happens, right).
All you crybabies claiming the company lied and false advertising and all that BS have a real uphill battle for proof of those allegations. And even if you were to do that there are 2 parts for every civil lawsuit. Proving that we were wronged and then after that proving damages. What are the damages here? The value of what we didn't get was zero. It was being offered for free so the damages is zero. This is where the total compensation aspect of the issue will fail. We are not going to get compensated for something that was promised when that something's value is zero. We get what we paid for and we paid zero. And on top of that by logging in daily we did not do anything outside of what we normally do to play the game for this free item which further diminishes any shred of damages one may try to claim.
Have a nice day.
I'll try to answer your post in a much less rude and subjective way, and I challenge you to do the same.
As far as my proof goes, I have screenshots of the ad as it existed on July 6th, 2 weeks into the event and after we'd earned the promotion. Proving intent? Harder to do, but when any business:
* Takes down their ad the very last day of the sale
* Changes the wording of the ad around
* Puts the ad back up
* And pretends that those were the actual ad all along, by keeping the old date there....
.... something smells fishy and it ain't the tuna!
Proving damages? Okay you may have a point there. I am going to ask this though. Virtual goods cost PWE what.... 1/1000th of a cent? Maybe less? And they really think that is worth all the negative PR, the BBB complaints that WILL result from this bait and switch, and any other number of backlashes.
For you and anyone else though who feels the players are making a big deal out of nothing I'm going to flip this right around back around and ask you the same question. Why is PWE making a big deal out of what should be nothing to them? Anyone who has worked in retail can tell you a tried and true statement of the market. One happy customer tells 2 - 3 people. One upset customer tells at least 11. Negative publicity to save a few cents, or a few thousandths of a cent is pretty dumb. It made sense to Ebeneezer Scrooge but he's about the only one.
I will say I think this pretty much hits the nail on the head....and really kinda puts the argument to a meh end....like really it costs them nothing....but they won't do it because they are so stingy to them that 1/1000th of a cent is too much.
You should maybe talk to ppl running private servers where almost everything is given freely and easily. Most if not all of them are struggling for money to simply keep servers running. By giving ppl endgame **** for free, ppl need to charge less to get their **** and thus you earn less. Was this hassle worth the it on S chests? Who knows, saying it doesnt cost them anything is idiotic though.0 -
shtalenkov wrote: »
Actually you are the person that doesnt know what is talking about.
Should I explain to you? I dont think you will understand but i will give it a try.
A chest= A card. no B,no C, no S card. You dont have a chance to get an random card from C to S. You get a random A card.
S pack= a random War Avatar B to S card. that means you can get either a B card an A card or a S card.
Now you understand why the person you quote said that several A chests in many cases are better than few S packs?0
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