What feature would you most likely to see on Vanilla?



  • sylenthunder
    sylenthunder Posts: 3,061 Community Moderator
    An option to lock signatures. Most of the are gross.
    What do you mean by "lock"? There is an option in your user settings to disable the display of them, or to just hide the images in them.

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  • ovenusarmanio
    ovenusarmanio Posts: 6,695 Community Moderator
    An option to lock signatures. Most of the are gross.

    If by "lock" you mean block them, rather than lock them into a particular size, you can do that here. perfectworld.vanillaforums.com/profile/signature

    Thanks to MikoTenshi for the Avi and Kritty for the Signature.
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  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    An option to lock signatures. Most of the are gross.

    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?
  • chucknorristhemighty
    chucknorristhemighty Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    ,> @sylenthunder said:

    > What do you mean by "lock"? There is an option in your user settings to disable the display of them, or to just hide the images in them.

    Yup, I meant Block. Ill check that options Thanks. Signatures with in game stuff are ok, but most of them are a big sized unrelated images... Check tht dingo's sign...
    > @ovenusarmanio said:

    > If by "lock" you mean block them, rather than lock them into a particular size, you can do that here. perfectworld.vanillaforums.com/profile/signature

    Ill check it as well, thanks.

    > @zentfamily said:
    > chucknorristhemighty wrote: »
    > An option to lock signatures. Most of the are gross.
    > AdBlock.

    And whats next? Forum app?

    Edit: I just realized... I dunno how to use typing space... <.<
  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    [GrandpaMode=ON] I used to look at the time at the bottom of page in old forum. It was a nice way to tell posts times.

    Edit: Nvm, I'm old indeed. XD
    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?
  • skyurr
    skyurr Posts: 35 Arc User
    asterelle wrote: »
    If you're looking for more color, I highly recommend Asterelle's mod. It includes numerous fixes to this place by Asterelle and NRGLG. These two have done tremendous work to get these places looking much better. Their work has been so, so valuable in getting this place spruced up in the meantime. It includes font color pickers, lots of smileys, more colorful and visible links, better layout, etc. Seriously, they've done a lot. In addition, there is an Eclipse theme that I collaborated with NRGLG to design. It just makes the forums a bit prettier.

    I'll make a thread about it when it hits version 1.0 but if you want in on the early preview release you can grab it here:

    Awesome work as always Asterelle tiger-1.gif

  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    - page count in the bottom of the page (this is just necessary >.<)
    - more BB codes in reply form for conveniency. They work, but they aren't included.
    - viewing topic content on mouse over the topic name (like it was on old forum)
    - opening post should look like any other post. For now I skip it most of the time and according to this topic, it's not only me
    - bigger avatars (100x100 or gtfo. What's the point of avatars if they are nearly invisible?)
    - more visible separating line between signatures and posts
    - colourful and underlined links
    - more color variations in username, userinfo, main posts, quotes and other forum elements. Atm everything is looking like a wall of white unreadable text if users don't form posts with colors on their own initiative
    - maybe different color for posts or userinfo background
  • nrglg
    nrglg Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    @shade13 Pretty much everything you wrote (not everything) is covered by Asterelle's Vanilla Forums enhancement extension. You can find the link in my signature.

    Edit: There's also an official thread on feature requests that at least 1 GM is responding to: http://perfectworld.vanillaforums.com/discussion/1193222/vanilla-incoming-features-request-for-feedback/p1​​

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  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    nrglg, thanks a lot pig-40.gif​​
  • cheats69
    cheats69 Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Can we get a move to the next page at the bottom of the posts on the page? Having to scroll back to the top to get to page 2..3.... etc etc is annoying.

    seriously these forums are horrid.... the font and colors ughhh
  • nrglg
    nrglg Posts: 150 Arc User
    @cheats69 If you use Asterelle's forum enhancement and turn on the addon "Global Fixes", like magic, bottom buttons will be there.​​

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  • cheats69
    cheats69 Posts: 86 Arc User
    @nrglg ty so much. this helps reading these things.... alot.​​
  • nrglg
    nrglg Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    @cheats69 If you have difficulties reading the forums (because of color contrast issues), try some of the other addons in the enhancement (minus Game Logos which was broken today by PWE) and a theme. Depending on how your eyes are, there is at least 1 light theme which was quite well done. The others are fairly dark, but not just bland low contrast gray as the forums are now.​​

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  • maldryx
    maldryx Posts: 16 Arc User
    Thanks for posting those nrglg, they make all the difference.

    Now if we could have profanity filters that were NOT implemented by a hyper-sensitive 4 year old, that would be awesome.
  • shade13
    shade13 Posts: 633 Arc User
    I feel like I moved to an ugly house, laid carpet, hanged curtains, covered walls with paper and somehow it's possible to live. Hope wind won't blow and collapse it all to nothing but they will improve it in time instead monkey-47.gif​​
  • keihan007#7641
    keihan007#7641 Posts: 1,190 Arc User
    shade13 wrote: »
    - page count in the bottom of the page (this is just necessary >.<)

    This, imo, pretty much simplifies the issues with these forums. The basic things you would expect out of forums are missing, leaving you wonder what kind of an idiot came up with these Vanilla "forums".

    I barely check PWI forums these days because these Vanilla forums are pretty much worst I have ever seen in every functional way imaginable. While I am fairly young and my forum experiences only go back a decade or so, I do feel not seeing a single one worse than this Vanilla joke in over a decade should hold some weight.
    BlackList vs Frenzied 3/17

  • zoner112012
    zoner112012 Posts: 943 Arc User
    We need a way to block other people on forums, just like you can in game. There are too many trolls on forums. I am all for a good poke at another person but you should be able to completely block a person on here. That way they can't see what you post and comment and you can't see what they do. It would weed out a LOT of the trolls on here and make the mods jobs easier since they really don't seem to ever really block or ban people much or at least haven't in the past. This would be something everyone would benefit from. But of course....I don't believe many if ANY of the suggestions on this thread will be implemented given PWE's track record of taking what people say into consideration.
  • zentfamily
    zentfamily Posts: 234 Arc User
    We need a way to block other people on forums.

    This. Or simply a way to flag someone as an annoyance.

    What I do today is blocking the profile picture so I know that one must be ignored.
    ZentVedr - Retired at last. Or am I?
  • shimarra
    shimarra Posts: 192 Arc User
    It would be nice if you clicked the yellow new post icon and it took you to the first unread post.
  • techdawg
    techdawg Posts: 22 Arc User
    Page links at the bottom of the page, I know it's been mentioned, and I do intend to check Asterelle's enhance package, but seriously, this is extremely annoying and a major oversight by whomever developed Vanilla, or set up this site, at least..
  • romonster
    romonster Posts: 2 Arc User
    A readable font.