Classes and Balance
Trickster Rogue: Mocking Gesture: This feat now only works when you take the feat.
Content and Environment
The North Gate plot, a new expansion slot for Production Structures, is available near the graveyard.
There is a new PvP Structure available to build called the Underdark Spore Tower. In Stronghold Siege it generates powerful mushroom healing consumables that can be used in combat among other abilities when ranked up.
When your level is scaled up, you should be closer to that levels expect level of power.
Items and Economy
Eye of Lathander: This item is now is now Bind to Account on Pickup from the Dread Ring campaign.
Heroic Encounters in the stronghold may now drop grimoires equippable by companions, in addition to existing companion equipment.
The Gemmonger in guild strongholds now has Demon Slayer and Demon Ward marks in stock when the appropriate marketplace rank is reached.
Tarmalune Trade Bars are now Bound to Account and can be traded between characters with the Many Coins Account Shared Bank.
Terror Weapon Enhancement: Updated the text with the effect this enhancement has on NPC enemies. It reduces their damage resistance since NPCs don't have a Defense statistic to reduce.
User Interface
A new bag slot has been added to all characters.
Campaigns: Campaigns have been reordered in the campaign window. The order is now Underdark, Tyranny, Sharandar, Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, PvP
Tarmalune Trade Bars have been moved from Other Currencies to the Riches in the inventory and there is a button to open the store to spend them from anywhere.
The Calendar has been reworked. There is now a smaller calendar that shows the typical information and a list view to show all events for the selected day split between hourly and featured events.
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
Patch Notes
Classes and Balance
Trickster Rogue: Mocking Gesture: This feat now only works when you take the feat.
Content and Environment
The North Gate plot, a new expansion slot for Production Structures, is available near the graveyard.
There is a new PvP Structure available to build called the Underdark Spore Tower. In Stronghold Siege it generates powerful mushroom healing consumables that can be used in combat among other abilities when ranked up.
When your level is scaled up, you should be closer to that levels expect level of power.
Items and Economy
Eye of Lathander: This item is now is now Bind to Account on Pickup from the Dread Ring campaign.
Heroic Encounters in the stronghold may now drop grimoires equippable by companions, in addition to existing companion equipment.
The Gemmonger in guild strongholds now has Demon Slayer and Demon Ward marks in stock when the appropriate marketplace rank is reached.
Tarmalune Trade Bars are now Bound to Account and can be traded between characters with the Many Coins Account Shared Bank.
Terror Weapon Enhancement: Updated the text with the effect this enhancement has on NPC enemies. It reduces their damage resistance since NPCs don't have a Defense statistic to reduce.
User Interface
A new bag slot has been added to all characters.
Campaigns: Campaigns have been reordered in the campaign window. The order is now Underdark, Tyranny, Sharandar, Dread Ring, Icewind Dale, PvP
Tarmalune Trade Bars have been moved from Other Currencies to the Riches in the inventory and there is a button to open the store to spend them from anywhere.
The Calendar has been reworked. There is now a smaller calendar that shows the typical information and a list view to show all events for the selected day split between hourly and featured events.
Он в крепости покупается? А пвп-шмота нового надеюсь не будет?
Ух ты блин! Я уж подумал, артефактные доспехи ввели и в М8 все нагибаторы будут прокачивать шлем до бирюзы...
Костюмчик напоминает внешку с ивента, где драков били и ломали катапульты.)))
Правильные берсы дамажат!
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
И спасибо Саше за то, что объяснил пару моментов на плуте
Midnight in Moscow is lunchtime in L.A.,
Мунлайт к вашим услугам Канал на Ютубе
Эго, что ты делаешь , нет, хватит ...
Вот так и появляется раздутое самомнение...
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
Не обольщайся, я об этом никому не скажу, и буду все отрицать
Midnight in Moscow is lunchtime in L.A.,
Мунлайт к вашим услугам Канал на Ютубе
тогда мы применим пытки. И ты сознаешься во всём
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
А что если я люблю.боль и пытки?))
Midnight in Moscow is lunchtime in L.A.,
Мунлайт к вашим услугам Канал на Ютубе
Правильные берсы дамажат!
Midnight in Moscow is lunchtime in L.A.,
Мунлайт к вашим услугам Канал на Ютубе
РК лагает, скайп не вариант. ТС просто и со вкусом.
Модерский Ап !!!!!!!!
"Кажется, в коробку с плутом забыли положить инструкцию..." (с)
Просто и со вкусом это только Mumble. Без вариантов. Все остальное это куча не нужных прибамбасов.
В мямле же нету картинок)
Тут вот согласен!