General: Tenacity: Damage resistance from Tenacity now works again and is no longer incorrectly showing as 0% regardless of stats.
Control Wizard
Disintegrate now correctly generates Action Points.
Icy Terrain Rank 4 now correctly works in the Spell Mastery slot.
Devoted Cleric
Astral Seal: This power now heals for 5 times as much but cannot be triggered more than once every 4 seconds.
Cleanse: This feat has been reworked to removed Damage over Time effects from allies, rather than all possible debuffs.
Hunter Ranger: Aspect of the Serpent: Resolved an issue with this power not working properly.
Oathbound Paladin
Divine Judgement: Damage has been reduced by 67% but no longer divides equally among targets hit. Target cap increased to 7 (up from 5)
Flash of Light: No longer incorrectly cools down artifacts.
Prism can no longer in some cases cause an infinite loop.
Vengeful Judge: No longer incorrectly cools down artifacts.
Combat: Trickster Rogue: Bloody Brawler: This feat now correctly looks for ranks in itself rather than in Roll With the Punches.
Content and Environment
Lair of Lostmauth: Resolved an issue where players could sometimes accidentally bypass the "Defeat the Cult of the Dragon Army" objective and get stuck at the last campfire, with no way of progressing forward.
Temple of Tiamat: Rewards were being given out at incorrect Hoard Reclamation tiers. Basically, the reward values were changing somewhere in between tiers 1 and 2, and tiers 2 and 3 instead of on their associated tier thresholds. There is no change for tiers 1 and 4, but rewards for tiers 2 and 3 will now be given out properly.
Reclamation Rock
Black Earth Survey: Objectives now grant credit to all party members.
Call to Alms: Changed the interaction mechanics on stolen alms to reduce competition between other adventurers on the same quest. Added a few more plague victims to alleviate competition. Returning alms to plague victims gives party credit, helping to alleviate competition.
Cult Connection: Reduced number of Journals required and expanded the quest area.
Deployment Orders: Reduced number of Orders required. Expanded the quest area.
Fighting the Earth: Expanded the quest area.
Grinding the Gravel: Reduced number of kills required and expanded the quest area.
Heroic Encounters should now clean up properly when they end, and no longer require the enemies to be defeated or out of combat before disappearing.
In Memorial: Changed the interaction mechanics on the graves to reduce competition between other adventurers on the same quest.
Leading the Avalanche: Expanded the quest area.
Posting the Truth: Poster objectives should now appear more frequently, and will count for all party members when used.
Recovering Reconstruction: Added more Repair objective locations. Changed the interaction mechanics on the objectives to reduce competition between other adventurers on the same quest.
Reduced the camera shake effect in the Earthquake heroic encounter to make it less annoying during gameplay.
Rock Tumbler: Reduced number of kills needed.
Rocky Foundations: Reduced number of kills needed. Clarified text to explain that Archon kills also count.
Stealing Their Mettle: Added more weapon objectives, and changed the interaction mechanics to reduce competition between other adventurers on the same quest.
Toad Bait: Reduced respawn times on portals.
Toadkiller: Added missing quest location areas on the map. Reduced the number of kills needed.
Tombs of the Watchful: Interacting with Tombs now grants credit to all party members.
Training Manuals: Reduced number of manuals required for the objective. Expanded the quest area.
Warding off Madness: Shrunk quest area to better represent where the Archons were actually located. Added a few more Archon encounters. Changed the interaction mechanics on the water objectives to reduce competition between other adventurers on the same quest.
Items and Economy
Black Ice Sets: There are now sets of Black Ice gear for trade of Black Ice at the Black Ice Forge that is ilvl 122. It can also be upgraded with Black Ice Shaping. The Elemental Infused sets may be Infused with Black Ice to further increase their item level temporarily.
Campaign Stores: Resolved several issues with some classes not having the correct items available in the Sharandar or Dread Ring campaign stores.
Dread Ring Artifact Trove: This item awarded from the Dread Ring Weekly quest will now properly grant items when opened.
Dungeon Master's Guide: This item is now Bind on Pickup.
Greatweapon Fighter Alliance Assault Sallet: Critical Strike rating on this item has been reduced to be in line with other item level 130 items.
Hunter Ranger Longbow of Elemental Fire: Increased the magnitude of the Longbow of Elemental Fire's enhancements of at-will powers.
Ilyanbruen Set: All head pieces of the new Sharandar Iliyanbruen armor set are at min required level 60 instead of 70.
Ilyanbruen Set: Sharandar level 70 rare gear set now has HP on the Feet and Head slots.
Main Hand Black Ice items will no longer drop from Icewind Dale Heroic Encounters.
Oathbound Paladin Elemental Fire Shield - the Aura of Truth Daze affect is now limited to the range of the Aura of Truth.
Potion of Heroism now works properly for Oathbound Paladins.
Professions: Jewelcrafting: The Personalized Adamant Ring of Regeneration, Personalized Adamant Necklace of Regeneration and Personalized Aberrant Belt of Regeneration have had their stats increased to be equivalent to or better than the Gemmed versions from which they were made
Scourge Warlock Elemental Fire Pactblade: Hand of Blight power no longer deals 0 damage in many cases.
Performance and Stability
Queue Improvements: We have made a number adjustments to the queue system to help improve the overall experience. It is still recommended that players who want specific group requirements or players group up before entering the queue. These features may be tuned while the server is active should any of the initial settings be too strict or lax.
When queues fill a player who has left they now respect roles. Ie. If a Devoted Cleric leaves a map the queue will only replace them with another Devoted Cleric or an Oathbound Paladin of the appropriate specialization.
After a map has had a number of players leave the queue will no longer attempt to fill players from the queue. This is both to prevent maps that are in a stuck state to continually send players there as well as discourage frequent use of vote kicking.
There is now a minimum amount of time that must pass before a player may be vote kicked from a party. It should be enough time that it will be worth attempting any content before being able to kick the player.
User Interface
Power Window: Removed incorrect references to unlocking Rank 4 powers before level 70.
Thanks for the DJ nerf and the queue system improvements! Just waiting for a lostmauth set nerf now
Why the hell would they nerf that? From all the ACT logs i have it does not do more then 8-10% of my overall damage. That is totally acceptable imo for a 3 set bonus. This is on BiS levels i am talking about. i dont know how it performs on lower geared characters
I really welcome the queue system fix and this change will motivate me to run dungeons (outside of the guild) more often. However, ajustments to the rewards and difficulty (especially T2) have to happen, to convince me to run more than 1-2 dungeons a day. If there is no better gear than elven, the only thing left to do is grind RP, so you should consider adding RP drops to the normal chest and bosses, too.
Hi Panderus. Since you changed Astral Seal into something more manageable, I suggest to look at Devotion Paladin's Vow of Enmity which functions the same way as Astral Seal.
Now if Tenacity in general was NOT working (which I know the crit resistance was) then that REALLY scares me since that just made Paladins/DCs even more immortal and now it made Paladin healers able to make their entire party invincible..... The heals they can spit out are just STUPID.
This really gives me cause for concern. Not only is the ARP thing just a broken bad mechanic but now the classes that were already hard to kill just became impossible and the classes that can heal other members are even more impactful - when they were ALREADY very strong.....
Divine Judgement: Damage has been reduced by 67% but no longer divides equally among targets hit. Target cap increased to 7 (up from 5)
So the only useful PvE daily is neutered Reduced damage now split up to 7 ways sounds very underwhelming. I'm guessing it's a PvP balance factor ruining PvE once again.
Why the hell would they nerf that? From all the ACT logs i have it does not do more then 8-10% of my overall damage. That is totally acceptable imo for a 3 set bonus. This is on BiS levels i am talking about. i dont know how it performs on lower geared characters
Well I'll tell you. I does 20 - 25% for high crit built GWF's. It needs all the external ampfires removed. Weapon damage is 2k, not 100k. (and before you question it, it procs 100k's very very very often.)
Why the hell would they nerf that? From all the ACT logs i have it does not do more then 8-10% of my overall damage. That is totally acceptable imo for a 3 set bonus. This is on BiS levels i am talking about. i dont know how it performs on lower geared characters
You musty be a hunter. It's the only class that it isn't bugged for. It does 40% and up of the dps for most of the classes.
So the only useful PvE daily is neutered Reduced damage now split up to 7 ways sounds very underwhelming. I'm guessing it's a PvP balance factor ruining PvE once again.
Dude, read it again. The damage won't split up. It's actually a buff for PvE. You'll deal the damage you usually dealt to 3 targets but now you'll deal it to 7 targets.
Dude, read it again. The damage won't split up. It's actually a buff for PvE. You'll deal the damage you usually dealt to 3 targets but now you'll deal it to 7 targets.
"Damage reduced by 67%" does indicate that it's going to deal 1/3 of the total damage that it had been doing, but less of it will splash onto surrounding targets. The increase to surrounding targets could prove useful.
Disintegrate now correctly generates Action Points.
Soul Scorch from Scourge Warlock spell list does not generate action points either, is this in the known bug list that's being worked on as well?
There's also many other bugs such as..
1. Harrowstorm's surging the storm does not work anymore, it was broken in one of the recent patches
2. Arms of hadar spell's AoE is FUBAR - it's impossible to aim it because the hit box is not always the same and it's neither the one that shows. When you move before casting it's even worse like shadow slip - cast - shadow slip. AoE is somewhere but nobody knows where. When you stand without moving it 'seems better' but even there it's not always accurate.
3. Spiritfire deals incorrect damage (too low)
4. Wrathful Souls Does not heal the correct amount of HP on soul puppet damage (too low)
Are they being adressed as well?
I am the monk, martial skill transcends the battlefield
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
Well I'll tell you. I does 20 - 25% for high crit built GWF's. It needs all the external ampfires removed. Weapon damage is 2k, not 100k. (and before you question it, it procs 100k's very very very often.)
Disagree. They could just as easily make it 1) NOT crit 100% of the time, this would nerf damage.
I would actually be in favor of making this work the opposite: it procs when you DONT crit.
Then give it an ICD (like once per second, or once every 3 seconds) and it would actually be fine.
removing the damage bonuses makes it really a worthless set... If your gonna do that then you have to look at "Shadowy Opportunity" as well as remove all the +damage bonuses that affect that feat too.
Could just as easily add an ICD of even once per second and it would drastically reduce PVE damage. I would then even be in favor of making it NOT able to crit - but still able to be buffed by +damage bonuses.
Those two changes alone:
1) 1 second ICD
2) No longer crits
Would be a BIG nerf to DPS in PVe and also have a big impact on PVP as well.
Disagree. They could just as easily make it 1) NOT crit 100% of the time, this would nerf damage.
I would actually be in favor of making this work the opposite: it procs when you DONT crit.
Then give it an ICD (like once per second, or once every 3 seconds) and it would actually be fine.
removing the damage bonuses makes it really a worthless set... If your gonna do that then you have to look at "Shadowy Opportunity" as well as remove all the +damage bonuses that affect that feat too.
Could just as easily add an ICD of even once per second and it would drastically reduce PVE damage. I would then even be in favor of making it NOT able to crit - but still able to be buffed by +damage bonuses.
Those two changes alone:
1) 1 second ICD
2) No longer crits
Would be a BIG nerf to DPS in PVe and also have a big impact on PVP as well.
Gotta agree to disagree then Not only it has ampfires, it also 100% crits. Just like Stormspell procs on crit, that means it'll 100% be a crit when it procs, which is also wrong, but not as important.
A set should NOT be BiS for ALL classes. You know it's totally wrong when you see bis cw's rolling with the set because they can't compete with other people's DPS anymore (and rightly so, being controllers, poor things were lead to believe they were supposed to be top DPS for mods now.) ICD won't solve it, it needs to be on par with other sets, as in 5% damage increase at best and that's that. Shadowy Opportunity is also broken, it wasn't prior to this mod, it should be fixed as well. FLAT WEAPON DAMAGE. Nothing else.
dude.. i like you...much... but please lets fix armor pen on hr throned roots ok? ...please
and i dont think buffing more disintegrate was necessary honestly.
best patch until now overall, gj...remember....armooooor peeeeeen..... roooooootz......changeeeees to barkshield areeeee requiiiiiireeeeeeed ( im a ghost )
Any feedback about the queueing would be greatly appreciated, especially any regarding real experiences even after this goes to the Live server.
Have you considered that Arm Pen resistance at 80% makes Arm Pen useless as was stated by all pvp players? Did you made corresponding changes or is going live as described before?
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
Why the hell would they nerf that? From all the ACT logs i have it does not do more then 8-10% of my overall damage. That is totally acceptable imo for a 3 set bonus. This is on BiS levels i am talking about. i dont know how it performs on lower geared characters
Im not sure EXACTLY what was fixed here. Since I thought Tenacity WAS working and it was just the ARP Resistance that was not working......
Also, as thedemien pointed out. Making ARP Resistance additive is a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE idea.... See the thread he linked:
There have been ALOT Of conversation around this.
Now if Tenacity in general was NOT working (which I know the crit resistance was) then that REALLY scares me since that just made Paladins/DCs even more immortal and now it made Paladin healers able to make their entire party invincible..... The heals they can spit out are just STUPID.
This really gives me cause for concern. Not only is the ARP thing just a broken bad mechanic but now the classes that were already hard to kill just became impossible and the classes that can heal other members are even more impactful - when they were ALREADY very strong.....
Please fix "que/matchmaking for PVP" Thats a bigger issue IMO.....
Why not just cut the damage in pvp like with disheartening strike!?
So the only useful PvE daily is neutered
Well I'll tell you. I does 20 - 25% for high crit built GWF's. It needs all the external ampfires removed. Weapon damage is 2k, not 100k. (and before you question it, it procs 100k's very very very often.)
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
You musty be a hunter. It's the only class that it isn't bugged for. It does 40% and up of the dps for most of the classes.
Dude, read it again. The damage won't split up. It's actually a buff for PvE. You'll deal the damage you usually dealt to 3 targets but now you'll deal it to 7 targets.
"Damage reduced by 67%" does indicate that it's going to deal 1/3 of the total damage that it had been doing, but less of it will splash onto surrounding targets. The increase to surrounding targets could prove useful.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Soul Scorch from Scourge Warlock spell list does not generate action points either, is this in the known bug list that's being worked on as well?
There's also many other bugs such as..
1. Harrowstorm's surging the storm does not work anymore, it was broken in one of the recent patches
2. Arms of hadar spell's AoE is FUBAR - it's impossible to aim it because the hit box is not always the same and it's neither the one that shows. When you move before casting it's even worse like shadow slip - cast - shadow slip. AoE is somewhere but nobody knows where. When you stand without moving it 'seems better' but even there it's not always accurate.
3. Spiritfire deals incorrect damage (too low)
4. Wrathful Souls Does not heal the correct amount of HP on soul puppet damage (too low)
Are they being adressed as well?
It is my my life style, my doctrine and my state of mind,
You fight well, but without focus and discipline, you will fall.
More threads by me / Click on it
My Support Warlock/Temptation Thread
Disagree. They could just as easily make it 1) NOT crit 100% of the time, this would nerf damage.
I would actually be in favor of making this work the opposite: it procs when you DONT crit.
Then give it an ICD (like once per second, or once every 3 seconds) and it would actually be fine.
removing the damage bonuses makes it really a worthless set... If your gonna do that then you have to look at "Shadowy Opportunity" as well as remove all the +damage bonuses that affect that feat too.
Could just as easily add an ICD of even once per second and it would drastically reduce PVE damage. I would then even be in favor of making it NOT able to crit - but still able to be buffed by +damage bonuses.
Those two changes alone:
1) 1 second ICD
2) No longer crits
Would be a BIG nerf to DPS in PVe and also have a big impact on PVP as well.
Gotta agree to disagree then
A set should NOT be BiS for ALL classes. You know it's totally wrong when you see bis cw's rolling with the set because they can't compete with other people's DPS anymore (and rightly so, being controllers, poor things were lead to believe they were supposed to be top DPS for mods now.) ICD won't solve it, it needs to be on par with other sets, as in 5% damage increase at best and that's that. Shadowy Opportunity is also broken, it wasn't prior to this mod, it should be fixed as well. FLAT WEAPON DAMAGE. Nothing else.
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
but please lets fix armor pen on hr throned roots ok? ...please
and i dont think buffing more disintegrate was necessary honestly.
best patch until now overall, gj...remember....armooooor peeeeeen..... roooooootz......changeeeees to barkshield areeeee requiiiiiireeeeeeed ( im a ghost )
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. :cool:
I know...some of these guys need to spend less time reading patch notes and more time reading your OP guide