Assailing Force: This feat is now half as effective on players.
Chaos Magic: Now applies to yourself and allies within 50' when triggering.
Energy Recovery: This feat has switched places with Nightmare Wizardry and now requires 5 points in Renegade to access it.
Freeze: This hold no longer breaks from damage. It is now only resisted with Control Resist.
Nightmare Wizardry: This feat has switched places with Energy Recovery and now requires 10 points in Renegade to access it.
Maelstrom of Chaos: Now correctly benefits from damage bonuses, critical strike, and can now properly be resisted.
Great Weapon Fighter
Mark: Now properly provides 20% increased damage on the target for the Great Weapon Fighter.
Guardian Fighter
Block: Now has it's Visual and Audio FX back! It also shows the "Block" floater when blocking an attack.
Guarded Assault: The damage dealt by Guarded Assault can no longer exceed 15% of your Max HP.
Guarded Assault: The damage dealt by Guarded Assault no longer benefits from damage bonuses.
Into the Fray: Now grants 25% of your your Damage Resist as bonus damage at base (down from 50%). It still grants +25% per rank.
Mark: Now properly provides 20% increased damage on the target for the Guardian Fighter.
Supremacy of Steel: Now triggers on Knight's Valor Damage.
Hunter Ranger
Biting Snares: Biting snares now also increases your Control Durations by 30% while active.
Boar Hide: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Fox's Cunning: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Hawkeye: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Oak Skin: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Predator: This effect now grants 40% increased damage but this effect is halved on players.
Rain of Arrows: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Shift: Your shift power now shows the correct icon in the power window.
Split the Sky: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Stag Heart: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Steel Breeze: Now only grants AP if a target is hit.
Thorn Ward: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Thorn Ward: This power no longer has collision which could trap enemy critters.
Trapper: Thorned Roots down deal 100/200/300/400/500% of your weapon damage over their duration (up from 50/100/150/200/250%).
Scourge Warlock
Brood of Hadar: Now correctly improves brood damage by 15% per rank.
Daughter's Promises: Can now properly Critically Strike and be Resisted.
Energizing Curse: *Rework* Now only works for At wills but grants 6/12/18/24/30% more AP.
Harrowstorm: The prone duration from Harrowstorm is halved on players.
Scornful Curse: Tooltip made more clear as to what powers are affected by this and bonus increased to 10/20/30%.
Content and Environment
The Lair of Lostmauth Dungeon: Has received updated environment and collision.
The Lair of Lostmauth Epic Dungeon now has the appropriate level and difficulty of enemies instead of being the same as the Normal version.
The Shores of Tuern Skirmish: Has received updated environment and collision.
The Warlock Class Quests are now available and ready for testing! See your mailbox for details when you reach appropriate levels.
Tyranny of Dragon Heroic Encounter cooldowns has been decreased to 20 minutes.
Tyranny of Dragons Heroic Encounter difficulties have been slightly adjusted and have had several issues fixed with them.
Tyranny of Dragons Wailing Caverns quests have been updated.
Tyranny of Dragons quest gating updates completed and hooked into the campaign.
Items and Economy
Armor Reinforcement Kits can now be crafted in applicable professions at levels 8/15/20 to create an Uncommon/Rare/Epic item that can be consumed to permanently increase a single stat of a Head, Arm, Body or Feet slot item by 25/50/100 depending on the item used.
Emperor's Pants and Shirts are now freely transmutable (for real this time).
Professions: The Profession Levels to increase assets to Rare and Epic qualities has increased for all professions.
The Lair of Lostmauth Dungeon has received an updated rewards pass.
The Shores of Tuern Skirmish has received an updated rewards pass.
Tyranny of Dragons related collections have all been updated to include the new items and gear that is available.
User Interface
Items that can be slotted into the potion tray now have a right click context menu option to do so.
PvP Leaderboards are being reset along with the many class balance changes that are coming in at the same time.
The Race Reroll feature now works properly on the Preview shard and is still free to use for testing purposes.
Tyranny of Dragons Campaign UI now has all its proper arrows to better communicate the flow.
Tyranny of Dragons Campaign tasks have been updated to their final forms.
good good i would like to underline that
1) duelist flurry animation is bugged
2) underhanced tactics feat is broken and dont work
3) charisma is still a multiplicative useless bonus
4) still getting shader error.
You finally took a look at Maelstrom of Chaos. Thanks.
(´・ ω ・`)
nwnghostMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2014
Reported issues after testing on Preview, still needing addressing:
GWF: Marking
Mark FX and damage bonus effect disappears after the normal duration, however Mark debuff in buffs list remains on target until it is struck again
Threatening Rush
If Threatening Rush is terminated early by using an Encounter or Daily Power (but not via Sprint), the character will have "teleported" towards the target, but not consume a charge of Threatening Rush, allowing players to ignore the 3 charge limit effectively
Animation Cancelling
Indomitable Strength when cancelled via Sprint will continue to deal the 2nd hit damage while allowing the player to concurrently use other powers
Battle Fury, Come and Get It!, Daring Shout, Frontline Surge animations can be cancelled early with Sprint without losing the power's effect, but allowing the player to act significantly earlier compared to waiting for the power to end normally
Wicked Strike
Wicked Strike can be animation cancelled using Sprint immediately after initiating the attack followed by resuming the Attack to result in ~30% faster attack speed
HR: Animation cancelling
Thorn Ward, Thorn Strike, Boar Charge, Rain of Swords, Seismic Shot animations can be cancelled early via Shift to enable the player to use other powers earlier as opposed to waiting for the powers to end normally
CW: Power execution/animation
When spamming the next power's button while the current power is being cast, the next power will be cast about 0.3 seconds before the current power finishes animating, but the first power will still take effect and strike the target without the final part of the animation.
This basically allows players to chain powers more quickly than intended (compared to Live)
Chill Strike (Mastery)
Pressing the button of another power near the start of activating Chill Strike will result in Chill Strike being aborted mid-animation (sound continues to play) and the other power being cast instead (same problem as on Live)
Managing Enchantments:
Enchantment tooltip stuck open when choosing Manage Item Enchantments. Particularly annoying with items that have multiple enchantment slots, as this prevents the player from seeing/accessing the menu for enchantments other than the first due to the tooltip box blocking them
Change Character:
Still not having Change Now or Cancel options
Can't zoom in during Character Creation after using Race Reroll. (No Biggy)
Won't let me keep the feats I chose after changes to Renegade wizard and human race. Keeps resetting.
Wizards might experience some issues with Respeccing at this time. This has to do with the rearranging of the tree. If you cannot correctly perform a full or partial respec you may have to copy over a new version of the character. If this still does not work you will have to wait until we finish investigating fully.
Wizards might experience some issues with Respeccing at this time. This has to do with the rearranging of the tree. If you cannot correctly perform a full or partial respec you may have to copy over a new version of the character. If this still does not work you will have to wait until we finish investigating fully.
Full Respec works, tkx.
.....and race change worked for me.
Armor Reinforcement Kits can now be crafted in applicable professions at levels 8/15/20 to create an Uncommon/Rare/Epic item that can be consumed to permanently increase a single stat of a Head, Arm, Body or Feet slot item by 25/50/100 depending on the item used.
So glad these can't be stacked and that it's limited to one per item piece.
I've tried overwriting the first one I applied (HP) with the second one I made (Defence) but it's not allowing the overwrite - I get a warning that it *will* overwrite but doesn't actually do it.
My Foundry Quests:
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
bazgcMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 184Bounty Hunter
I just completed a reroll of my character, and my original appearance was not preserved. I also had to change my name in order for it to work.
I made the character before the M3 appearance update and the appearance change portion of the reroll forces me to take one of the new appearances. Please allow us to by-pass the appearance change portion entirely if choosing the same race.
If the capability to do all of these changes is present in one token, it would be great to split these changes into multiple tokens. We have name and appearance change services already, which the reroll token does in addition to race and ability score change.
Why not offer one token as 'reroll token' to change only your ability score and then another as 'race change token' to bundle the change of race, appearance, name, and ability score?
Wizards might experience some issues with Respeccing at this time. This has to do with the rearranging of the tree. If you cannot correctly perform a full or partial respec you may have to copy over a new version of the character. If this still does not work you will have to wait until we finish investigating fully.
Partially related
Rerolling issue: Not saving stats etc, a guild mate of mine found a work around to this issue. ( not testested yet but about to copy a toon over to find out)
The steps he took was to change race...would not save stats and feats etc...exit, then start over without saving his new stats and feats but new race, and then use another reroll then it it would let him save his stats etc. He was quite pissed and wanted to vent to me, but then he told me the exact steps he took 3 times in a row as I wanted to make sure.
I am about to test this with a new copy to see, will report back.
I just tested tested least with my CW...unless it is specific race combo that is causing the problem I had no issue. Everything saved fine for me. Gonna test a few more times.
I cannot duplicate this not matter what I do, so it might be unique to him or it might be some issue I just can't figure out but I have heard of this several times. At this point all I can guess is going from a certain race to another race. My CW rerolls with no issue. Starts as Tierfling, gone to drow etc.
Got more info from him. He was originally Tirfling and went to human. ( my CW is tierfling so it made it easier.)
WHen you go from tierfling to human there are issues. You first have to do a race reroll and select your stats.
Next log in you find you cannot get you feats to stay.
3rd, you need to respec ( with a respec token) your now human wizard.
Biting Snares: Biting snares now also increases your Control Durations by 30% while active.
Boar Hide: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Fox's Cunning: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Hawkeye: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Oak Skin: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Predator: This effect now grants 40% increased damage but this effect is halved on players.
Rain of Arrows: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Shift: Your shift power now shows the correct icon in the power window.
Split the Sky: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Stag Heart: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Steel Breeze: Now only grants AP if a target is hit.
Thorn Ward: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Thorn Ward: This power no longer has collision which could trap enemy critters. Trapper: Thorned Roots down deal 100/200/300/400/500% of your weapon damage over their duration (up from 50/100/150/200/250%).
this is the same as asailnt? is to much i think
still it's unbalanced.
I've tried overwriting the first one I applied (HP) with the second one I made (Defence) but it's not allowing the overwrite - I get a warning that it *will* overwrite but doesn't actually do it.
There was a day or two last week when the ability to overwrite armor kits was broken. I guess that's when the build was taken. This bug is currently fixed in the Dev build.
how did u guys race change i keep gettin disconectted after i press save
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited July 2014
Few Questions now that we can see the Tab for TOD
1: Why is the gear not class based and still as with IWD "Templated" ? and is this going to be changed?
- 150 to Action point gain
- 5/10% to a given area crit/life steal etc etc
- This also includes the respective weapon bonuses (+450/500 Crit/LS/AP/) are all 1600 hp ?
2 Set bonus - 5/10% to Crit/Ap/LS/Power
4 Set Bonus - to the related field,
HR Cool down on Skills / AP Gain / Chance to Root
TR + Stealth time / Poison Dot
GWF + 1/2 seconds to Unstoppable / Increased Determination gain or restore
GF + 30/35% to Block / block or Block Regeneration / Knock Back Effect / Health Gain
CW + AP Gain / AOE EF /
SW + Summon Bats for short period of time on Critical to confuse the enemy / etc
CL * never played one so cannot comment on this
2: Why are the set bonuses not balanced all on 5 or 10% GWF gets 3% AP aura and other classes get 5/10%
Still crashes to desktop when trying to enter game on my AMD 8*** based machine
A world to defend
A city to protect
innocents to save
"Why?" They ask "they hate you"
We're heroes it's what we do.
*patiently waiting on Paragon City*
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited July 2014
Ghost Stories (Repeatable Quest)
Is this Group or solo based because as a solo quest its way Over powered in terms of DPS / Add amount of adds per group
after 30 minutes Cannot get past lore rest 2 with ranks 9 gems Perfect Vorpal and mulland weapons at level 60,
* If you kill all but one add they respawn
* My 26K Skull pet full tanking gems etc dies in seconds
* the Zombie explosion seems to nearly one shot my 22k health
Starts of with 5 adds then its like summoning happens and there are 8 adds
If its to be solo based may want to consider toning it down A-LOT
julianalz55Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 89Arc User
I just completed a reroll of my character, and my original appearance was not preserved. I also had to change my name in order for it to work.
I made the character before the M3 appearance update and the appearance change portion of the reroll forces me to take one of the new appearances. Please allow us to by-pass the appearance change portion entirely if choosing the same race.
If the capability to do all of these changes is present in one token, it would be great to split these changes into multiple tokens. We have name and appearance change services already, which the reroll token does in addition to race and ability score change.
Why not offer one token as 'reroll token' to change only your ability score and then another as 'race change token' to bundle the change of race, appearance, name, and ability score?
Yeah I just noticed that, I was really sad, they said we would keep our old appearance and I hope they stick to that.
My rings are missing on my Warlock since the patch. If I hover over the empty slots its says "Problem loading item data" or similar. I notice some of the Warlock items have been changed so not sure if this is connected?
Update: Ring slots are disabled - I cannot equip any rings to replace the missing items and if I try to open the item menus for the ring slots the client crashes.
Would be grand if this could be a solo queue, the system and its comparative competitiveness really needs it.
Make a second, unranked queue that allows any party composition.
1) duelist flurry animation is bugged
2) underhanced tactics feat is broken and dont work
3) charisma is still a multiplicative useless bonus
4) still getting shader error.
Mark FX and damage bonus effect disappears after the normal duration, however Mark debuff in buffs list remains on target until it is struck again
Threatening Rush
If Threatening Rush is terminated early by using an Encounter or Daily Power (but not via Sprint), the character will have "teleported" towards the target, but not consume a charge of Threatening Rush, allowing players to ignore the 3 charge limit effectively
Animation Cancelling
Indomitable Strength when cancelled via Sprint will continue to deal the 2nd hit damage while allowing the player to concurrently use other powers
Battle Fury, Come and Get It!, Daring Shout, Frontline Surge animations can be cancelled early with Sprint without losing the power's effect, but allowing the player to act significantly earlier compared to waiting for the power to end normally
Wicked Strike
Wicked Strike can be animation cancelled using Sprint immediately after initiating the attack followed by resuming the Attack to result in ~30% faster attack speed
Animation cancelling
Thorn Ward, Thorn Strike, Boar Charge, Rain of Swords, Seismic Shot animations can be cancelled early via Shift to enable the player to use other powers earlier as opposed to waiting for the powers to end normally
Power execution/animation
When spamming the next power's button while the current power is being cast, the next power will be cast about 0.3 seconds before the current power finishes animating, but the first power will still take effect and strike the target without the final part of the animation.
This basically allows players to chain powers more quickly than intended (compared to Live)
Chill Strike (Mastery)
Pressing the button of another power near the start of activating Chill Strike will result in Chill Strike being aborted mid-animation (sound continues to play) and the other power being cast instead (same problem as on Live)
Managing Enchantments:
Enchantment tooltip stuck open when choosing Manage Item Enchantments. Particularly annoying with items that have multiple enchantment slots, as this prevents the player from seeing/accessing the menu for enchantments other than the first due to the tooltip box blocking them
Change Character:
Still not having Change Now or Cancel options
This is still not reflecting the 15% increase in critical severity(at rank 3). Probably not adding to it either.
For me, this is easily the most interesting development. Can't wait to test it.
Won't let me keep the feats I chose after changes to Renegade wizard and human race. Keeps resetting.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
Wizards might experience some issues with Respeccing at this time. This has to do with the rearranging of the tree. If you cannot correctly perform a full or partial respec you may have to copy over a new version of the character. If this still does not work you will have to wait until we finish investigating fully.
stuck on this
edit; it works now, but I had to change the name of my character
Full Respec works, tkx.
.....and race change worked for me.
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
So glad these can't be stacked and that it's limited to one per item piece.
I've tried overwriting the first one I applied (HP) with the second one I made (Defence) but it's not allowing the overwrite - I get a warning that it *will* overwrite but doesn't actually do it.
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
So not ideal, but still useful.
The Silver Sword - NW-DEIPWYISA - Daily Qualified
A Relaxing Stay - NW-DEEYNZYZ9 - Daily Qualified but going to be updated
if you want to mark create a GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what it means?
now became more difficult?
And plz dont cry more GF...
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
I just completed a reroll of my character, and my original appearance was not preserved. I also had to change my name in order for it to work.
I made the character before the M3 appearance update and the appearance change portion of the reroll forces me to take one of the new appearances. Please allow us to by-pass the appearance change portion entirely if choosing the same race.
If the capability to do all of these changes is present in one token, it would be great to split these changes into multiple tokens. We have name and appearance change services already, which the reroll token does in addition to race and ability score change.
Why not offer one token as 'reroll token' to change only your ability score and then another as 'race change token' to bundle the change of race, appearance, name, and ability score? |
#BringBackShard | M5 CW Bug List | My M3 PvP Gameplay
Partially related
Rerolling issue: Not saving stats etc, a guild mate of mine found a work around to this issue. ( not testested yet but about to copy a toon over to find out)
The steps he took was to change race...would not save stats and feats etc...exit, then start over without saving his new stats and feats but new race, and then use another reroll then it it would let him save his stats etc. He was quite pissed and wanted to vent to me, but then he told me the exact steps he took 3 times in a row as I wanted to make sure.
I am about to test this with a new copy to see, will report back.
I just tested tested least with my CW...unless it is specific race combo that is causing the problem I had no issue. Everything saved fine for me. Gonna test a few more times.
I cannot duplicate this not matter what I do, so it might be unique to him or it might be some issue I just can't figure out but I have heard of this several times. At this point all I can guess is going from a certain race to another race. My CW rerolls with no issue. Starts as Tierfling, gone to drow etc.
Got more info from him. He was originally Tirfling and went to human. ( my CW is tierfling so it made it easier.)
WHen you go from tierfling to human there are issues. You first have to do a race reroll and select your stats.
Next log in you find you cannot get you feats to stay.
3rd, you need to respec ( with a respec token) your now human wizard.
Respec and commit changes.
Now it sticks.
Biting Snares: Biting snares now also increases your Control Durations by 30% while active.
Boar Hide: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Fox's Cunning: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Hawkeye: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Oak Skin: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Predator: This effect now grants 40% increased damage but this effect is halved on players.
Rain of Arrows: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Shift: Your shift power now shows the correct icon in the power window.
Split the Sky: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Stag Heart: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Steel Breeze: Now only grants AP if a target is hit.
Thorn Ward: Now only grants AP if used in Combat.
Thorn Ward: This power no longer has collision which could trap enemy critters.
Trapper: Thorned Roots down deal 100/200/300/400/500% of your weapon damage over their duration (up from 50/100/150/200/250%).
this is the same as asailnt? is to much i think
still it's unbalanced.
There was a day or two last week when the ability to overwrite armor kits was broken. I guess that's when the build was taken. This bug is currently fixed in the Dev build.
1: Why is the gear not class based and still as with IWD "Templated" ? and is this going to be changed?
- 150 to Action point gain
- 5/10% to a given area crit/life steal etc etc
- This also includes the respective weapon bonuses (+450/500 Crit/LS/AP/) are all 1600 hp ?
2 Set bonus - 5/10% to Crit/Ap/LS/Power
4 Set Bonus - to the related field,
HR Cool down on Skills / AP Gain / Chance to Root
TR + Stealth time / Poison Dot
GWF + 1/2 seconds to Unstoppable / Increased Determination gain or restore
GF + 30/35% to Block / block or Block Regeneration / Knock Back Effect / Health Gain
CW + AP Gain / AOE EF /
SW + Summon Bats for short period of time on Critical to confuse the enemy / etc
CL * never played one so cannot comment on this
2: Why are the set bonuses not balanced all on 5 or 10% GWF gets 3% AP aura and other classes get 5/10%
A city to protect
innocents to save
"Why?" They ask "they hate you"
We're heroes it's what we do.
*patiently waiting on Paragon City*
Ghost Stories (Repeatable Quest)
Is this Group or solo based because as a solo quest its way Over powered in terms of DPS / Add amount of adds per group
after 30 minutes Cannot get past lore rest 2 with ranks 9 gems Perfect Vorpal and mulland weapons at level 60,
* If you kill all but one add they respawn
* My 26K Skull pet full tanking gems etc dies in seconds
* the Zombie explosion seems to nearly one shot my 22k health
Starts of with 5 adds then its like summoning happens and there are 8 adds
If its to be solo based may want to consider toning it down A-LOT
Yeah I just noticed that, I was really sad, they said we would keep our old appearance and I hope they stick to that.
Pst, GWFs and GFs have different marking capabilities.
My rings are missing on my Warlock since the patch. If I hover over the empty slots its says "Problem loading item data" or similar. I notice some of the Warlock items have been changed so not sure if this is connected?
Update: Ring slots are disabled - I cannot equip any rings to replace the missing items and if I try to open the item menus for the ring slots the client crashes.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder