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NW.10.20131105a.5 Shadowmantle Preview Patch Notes

terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 991 Cryptic Developer
Known Issues
  • Collections: The Epic Equipment collection category currently shows no entries unless the By Location checkbox is checked.
  • Dread Ring: The Ashen Battlefield and the Dread Legion have cliff walls with blank white textures.
  • Gateway: Professions are temporarily non-functional as of this patch.
  • Gateway: Auction House is temporarily not showing "My Consignments."

RESOLVED Known Issue
  • Chat is now hooked back up to our live chat systems. Players' friends lists on Preview will be restored and their preferred channels will be joined once again.

  • Due to optimization changes, all players' graphics settings have been reset to default. They can still be changed afterward in the video options.
  • X is once again the default key for Scoreboard, and Artifacts have been changed to use the `(Tilde) key.

Release Notes

Quests and Environment
Blacklake District
  • Dead Rats: Fleabottom no longer falls through a trap door.

Ebon Downs
  • Players must now kill the Bone Golem to progress through the dungeon.

Mount Hotenow
  • Caverns of Karrundax: Pyraphenia the Firebrand's arena no longer has an unintended safe spot to fight from.

Blackdagger Ruins
  • Artifact Recovery: Encounters have properly been placed on the additional platforms.

Castle Never
  • Ashes of the Past no longer drop in Castle Never.

  • Crypt of the Dwarf King: A door has been added partway through the dungeon. The party must defeat the encounter near door in order to open it.
  • Fardelver Crypt: Players must now defeat the encounter near the second campfire to activate the respawn point.
  • Fardelver Crypt: A door has been added partway through the dungeon. The party must defeat the encounter near door in order to open it.

Dread Ring
  • The Dread Ring as a whole has seen many major improvements in art, quest flow, enemy encounters, and audio.
    • Known Issue: The Ashen Battlefield and Dread Legion have a blank texture on some cliffs.
  • All three single-player instances now show the exit portal at the proper times.
  • Ashen Battlefield: Varkoss is now just a little bit tougher.
  • Death Forge: The flow and overall objectives have been smoothed out, including locations of certain notable encounters.
  • Dread Legion: The skirmish now properly completes upon dispatching Saj Amog's adds in addition to Saj Amog himself.
  • Dread Spire: The Astral Coffer at the end now properly opens the first time the player plays through this instance.
  • Dread Spire: The Knight Commander is now immune to damage for a short while when starting his shield ability.
  • Phantasmal Fortress: Players may now choose to jump to their doom by certain deadly drops; the invisible collision has been removed.
  • Valindra's Tower: The introduction to the final boss is now a bit smoother, as is the flow of the dungeon.
  • Valindra's Tower: The final boss now properly triggers a cutscene upon death.

Control Wizard
  • Arcane Singularity once again properly respects line of sight rules.
  • Chill Strike: This power now generates the correct amount of Action Points. This has resulted in roughly 50% more AP gained per use.
  • Chill Strike: The Mastery version of this power no longer incorrectly generates AP based on the number of targets hit.
  • Entangling Force: This power now generates the correct amount of Action Points. This has resulted in roughly 25% more AP gained per use.
  • Entangling Force: The Mastery version of this power no longer incorrectly generates AP based on the number of targets hit.
  • Fanning the Flame: This power no longer incorrectly generates Action Points too quickly.
  • Furious Immolation: This power can now affect up to 8 targets at once.
  • Feat: Critical Power: AoE crits no longer incorrectly trigger this feat multiple times.
  • Feat: Malevolent Surge: This feat now properly affects Shard of the Endless Avalanche.
  • Many powers that didn't properly trigger certain effects now do. These powers include:
    • Arcane Singularity
    • Maelstrom of Chaos
    • Shard of the Eternal Avalanche
    • (Master of Flame) Furious Immolation
    • (Spellstorm Mage) Storm Pillar
Devoted Cleric
  • Blessing of Battle: The visual effects on this power have been updated.
  • Many powers that didn't properly trigger certain effects now do. These powers include:
    • Astral Guardian
    • Daunting Light
    • Flamestrike
    • Hallowed Ground
Guardian Fighter
  • Frontline Surge no longer incorrectly generates extra Action Points if it hits multiple targets.
Hunter Ranger
  • Aimed Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 10%.
  • Forest Ghost: The animation and visual effects of this power now play properly.
  • Forestwalk: This power now properly has a buff icon.
  • Fox Shift: This power can now hit the same target twice.
  • Fox Shift: The number of bounces this power can make is 3, down from 5.
  • Hindering Shot: This power's tooltip now properly mentions that it has charges.
  • Marauder's Escape: This power no longer grants Action Points while out of combat.
  • Predatory Action: This power now properly affects Seismic Shot.
  • Rain of Arrows: This power now properly prompts the ranger to draw a bow.
  • Rain of Swords: Damage numbers now properly show up from bleed ticks.
  • Rapid Shot: The visual effects now consistently play when using this power.
  • Rapid Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been slightly reduced.
  • Seismic Shot: This power now has a targeting reticule.
  • Split Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 30%.
  • Split the Sky: The return damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 60%.
  • Thorn Ward: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 20%.
  • Thorn Ward: This power's duration has been reduced to 4 seconds per rank, down from 6 seconds.
  • Many powers that didn't properly trigger certain effects now do. These powers include:
    • Grasping Roots
    • Rain of Arrows
    • Thorn Ward
    • (Storm Warden) Split the Sky
  • The Action Point meter has been improved.
  • The bow string now properly shows during character creation.
  • The Ranged / Melee switching tutorial tip no longer shows up before the player can even use it.
  • The Ranged / Melee switching ability now properly has an icon.
  • The timing on several powers' visual effects now match up more closely with the damage dealt.
Trickster Rogue
  • Vengeance's Pursuit: This power has seen major changes.
    • The initial use now always throws a dagger. This does not break stealth.
    • While a target is marked, that target now deals reduced damage to other targets, up to a 10% reduction.
    • The second use now breaks crowd control and teleports to the marked target.
      • If triggered outside stealth, it deals AoE damage.
      • If triggered from stealth, it deals single-target damage and a 1-second stun.
  • Feat: Distracting Knife: This feat now properly refers to Disheartening Strike instead of a non-existent "Disheartening Knife."
Enemies and Encounters
  • Battle Wight Commander: This enemy's Soul Reaper power now properly matches its targeting area.
  • Battle Wight Commander: The timing on this enemy's Soul Reaper power has improved.
  • Blacklake District: Fleabottom will now leash if the player attempts to run too far away.
  • Bristle Spider: The range of this enemy's Poison Spray power now properly matches its targeting area.
  • Dread Ring: Several debuff effects caused by new creatures in the Shadowmantle expansion now properly have debuff icons and text.
  • Dread Ring: Bosses and minibosses now properly have resistance to control effects.
  • Dread Warrior: These enemies no longer sometimes attack without animating.
  • Thayan Conjurer: The debuffing creature conjured by this enemy has a new look.
  • Thayan Servitor: The ranged attack on these enemies now deals less damage and is thrown less often.
  • Valindra's Tower: The constructs in this dungeon are now 50% resistant to control effects.
  • Valindra's Tower: There are now fewer Servitors in the final approach to Valindra's Tower.
  • Valindra's Tower: There is now one fewer portal in each of the Conjuration encounters.
  • Valindra's Tower: There is no longer a Servitor ambush immediately after the Illusionist room.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Wraiths now go away if the players die.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: If players wipe during a phase with graphical shifts, those shifts now properly reset.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra can no longer fire certain powers early in the fight.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra can no longer fire on players outside her arena.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Great Weapon Fighters may no longer use Unstoppable while being held by Valindra's attacks.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Trickster Rogues may no longer use Impossible to Catch while being held by Valindra's attacks.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Players now have a little more time to destroy Soul Caskets.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra's Magic Missile attacks now deal less damage.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra's Soul Caskets are now created less frequently.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra's Phantom Claw is now easier to destroy, and occurs less frequently.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra's Phantom Claw no longer incorrectly vanishes when hit by certain powers.
  • Valindra Shadowmantle: Valindra's Phantom Claw now properly displays.
  • Ghost: This companion no longer sometimes tries to possess inanimate objects.
  • Helmite Paladin: This companion's active bonus now grants 3% healing for regular attacks and 1.5% healing for DoTs.
  • Many other companions without an active bonus have gained one.

  • Featured Projects are no longer affected by Foundry XP limits.
  • An empty Large Cave Room has been added to allow authors to create custom cave rooms.
  • Room with Catwalks no longer generates errors when placing NPCs in certain valid parts of the room.
  • Royal Crypt rooms now properly allow NPC placement anywhere in the room.
  • Royal Crypt rooms now kill anyone who falls into the inescapable pits.

Items and Economy
  • All artifacts now belong to one of three categories: Power, Stability, and Union. Matching categories when using another artifact gives a 5x refinement point bonus.
  • Amulet of Passage: This artifact is now named Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog. Let the deals come to you!
  • Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog: There has been more iteration on the shopkeeper's behavior; it should act more consistent.
  • Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog: This artifact now binds on pickup.
  • Lantern of Revelation: The cooldown of this artifact's power has been increased to match other artifacts, from 35s -> 20s to 3m -> 2m.
  • Lantern of Revelation: Damage dealt by this artifact's power has increased by 250%.
  • Lantern of Revelation: This artifact now binds on pickup.
  • Eye of Lathandar: The debuff inflicted when reviving an ally is now consistent with the normal revive debuff.
  • Shard of Valindra's Crown: This artifact's power now has a limit of 5 targets.
  • Waters of Elah'zad: This artifact now binds on pickup.
  • The artifacts rewarded by Artifact Recovery may also now rarely be found in skirmishes and dungeons after Cloak Tower.
Item Sets
  • Beacon of Faith: This set now lists how long the buff lasts in its description.
  • Fabled Iliyanbruen: This set now properly goes on cooldown after 3 uses, rather than each charge cooling down separately.
  • Focal Magi: This set now properly stacks once per wizard who is wearing the set, rather than once per affected target. The tooltip now correctly describes the behavior.
  • Grand Templar: This set now lists how long the buff lasts in its description.
  • High Prophet: This set now has the correct display name on its buff icon.
  • Sacred Hand: This set now has the correct display name on its buff icon.
  • Sinister Shade: The tooltip for this armor set now reads much more clearly. This is only a tooltip change.
Other Items
  • Armor Enhancement: Thunderhead: Thunderhead now properly shows its icon when it stuns an enemy.
  • Armor Enhancement: Bark Shield: The description for this enchantment has been updated to accurately reflect its behavior. The player loses a stack of Bark Shield whenever somebody attempts to damage him/her, regardless of whether or not he/she takes HP damage. This is just a tooltip change.
  • Armor / Weapon Enhancements no longer incorrectly require Astral Diamonds to upgrade.
  • Auctions: The Trade House no longer has an increased Trade House cut when starting an Auction in the field.
  • Aquamarine is no longer incorrectly called "Aquamarince" in its tooltip.
  • Dungeon Keys are no longer in the Wondrous Bazaar; they aren't quite ready for testing!
  • Fomorian Concoction now stacks up to 100 (up from 50).
  • Lliira's Favor now stacks up to 100 (up from 99).
  • Many new items with placeholder models have seen their models and icons updated.
  • Professions: Tasks to create blue-quality feet slot items have been added to several professions.
  • Respec: The Astral Diamond cost of a Feat Respec has been reduced by ~40%.
  • Stats on all quest rewards have been slightly increased.
  • The Currency Bag now has 60 slots, up from 36.
  • The gauntlets used to open Arcane Coffers may now properly be stored in any inventory bag.
  • The weapon merchant in Protector's Enclave now properly sells Hunter Ranger weapons.
  • Waukeen Cloak: This item's tooltip no longer incorrectly claims that it is salvageable.
  • Zen Market: Players may now purchase up to 160 bank slots, up from 80.

  • Character Creation: Text no longer overflows some Appearance Customization buttons in certain locales.
  • Character Sheet: Text no longer overlaps in certain Attribute descriptions in certain locales.
  • Professions: Text on the Choose Task button and progress bar now fits properly within the borders in certain locales.

Sword Coast Adventures
  • An "enter combat" animation has been added.
  • Damaged dungeon challenge symbols are now cracked.
  • End room challenges now have updated icons.
  • Overworld flags no longer flicker when the cursor is over the left edge of the hex.
  • Overworld flags are no longer overlapped by location icons.
  • Rewards given by adventures are now more likely to be close to the playing character's level.
  • Several minor flow and feel improvements have been made to die rolling, encounter completion, and more.
  • Stairs now properly close tooltips when clicked.
  • The die rolling animation has been smoothed out.
  • The text on many challenges has been updated.
  • The player is moved back to the "Explore" screen before displaying victory or defeat.
  • The reward window now gracefully handles more rewards.
  • The list of Tavern Companions has been refined down to six.
  • The XP reward display has improved.
  • Tooltip positions now no longer exhibit strange behavior when several tooltips are shown in quick succession.

User Interface (UI)
  • Dread Ring: Study Thayan Writings and Decipher Thayan Writings will now correctly show how many times they can be repeated.
  • Dread Ring: Advancement Tasks: These tasks now correctly track their progress.
    • NOTE: If you had prior progress in this task, it will not correctly update to your current completion rate. However, it will increment from that point forward.
    • Campaign progress is not blocked by this, as it only affects the UI.
  • Minor improvements have been made to the text in the Campaigns window.
  • The weekly schedule of the Dread Ring campaign can now be viewed with a new Schedule button in the Campaigns window.
Character Creation
  • Players may no longer incorrectly select a certain NPC-only facial feature.
Character Sheet
  • Dragging a runestone onto an equipped item with a slotted enchantment now works properly.
  • Dragging an artifact to a locked Secondary slot now properly throws an error message.
  • Runestones committed to a companion now properly show Refinement Point bars.
  • The window is now smaller (vertically) when the Powers tab is selected for players with a screen height below 800 pixels.
  • The "Respec Powers" button is now properly labeled "Respec Character," as this respec covers powers, feats, ability points, and paragon path.
  • A blue-quality gear collection has been added to the Epic Equipment category.
  • A major text pass has been made to collections and locations in the Epic Equipment category.
  • Custom foreground images have been added to the Companions category.
  • Ioun Stone of Might now displays as green quality in the Companions category.
  • The Phase Spider has been added to the Beasts of Faerun collection.
  • The Quickling is no longer part of a collection.
  • Players may now properly drag items atop slotted Runestones in the Companion Window to bring up the Refinement UI.
  • The Runestone popup menu now properly only shows slottable runestones.
  • Artifacts may now be unequipped by double-clicking on the Artifact slot.
  • The new Artifact slot next to the power tray now has full functionality, including right-click context menus and dragging to refine.
Key Bindings
  • X is once again the default key for Scoreboard, and Artifacts have been changed to use the `(Tilde) key.
  • Artifact tooltips are now much prettier.
  • Many missing icons have been added to the game.
  • Proper error messages now appear when attempting to drag an item into a slot that cannot accept it. This is true for the Companion Window and the Enchantment Management window.
  • Tutorial tips have been added when first acquiring and first slotting an artifact.
  • Items are now properly removed from the Refinement Slots when used. (This also fixes other minor hitches in the UI.)
  • Terminology in this system has been cleaned up. Some cases of "Evolve" have been properly changed to "Upgrade," and "Catalysts" have been changed to "Reagents."
  • The animations and effects upon using this interface have been improved.
  • The upgrade failure message has been improved.
Zen Market
  • There is now an "On Sale" category that automatically displays any items currently on sale. (Zen Market not available on NeverwinterPreview.)

Graphics and Stability
  • 3DVision: Some shadows are no longer in a state where they can only be seen by one eye.
  • Due to optimization changes, all players' graphics settings have been reset to default. They can still be changed afterward in the video options.
Post edited by terramak on


  • abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you so much for fixing the window size on the Powers tab. Now I'll be able to swap powers on my DC again when I need to. :D
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
  • dardovedardove Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    *looks over the list*

    Very nice.
  • isaxe13isaxe13 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Rofl, I always get so excited to see a Zen Market update, then I realize: "Oh wait, you can't access the Zen Market on the Preview Server! ): ". Dang it! XD
  • isaxe13isaxe13 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Agreed. Although I wish they would fix the animations of the Hunter Ranger daily power ability that causes the green lights on the ground everywhere. It seems to severely drop my FPS upon observation.
  • matii1509matii1509 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    terramak wrote: »
    Split the Sky: The return damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 60%.

    Idk why u do it. I tested it in Epic Karrundax and this skill has only 9% of dmg in overall. I only heard from 1 ranger that this skill hit a lot but idk how to make it.

    In general it's nerf for HR. Melee had low dmg, now range will have also low dmg.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You have mixed the Guardian Fighter entries with Hunter Ranger entries, i.e.
    • Frontline Surge no longer incorrectly generates extra Action Points if it hits multiple targets.
      Hunter Ranger
    • Aimed Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 10%.
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nice of you to screw the HR up big time. Now we are useless. Doing a big reduction in damage on the HR skills just killed the class. Nice Job
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 991 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    You have mixed the Guardian Fighter entries with Hunter Ranger entries, i.e.
    • Frontline Surge no longer incorrectly generates extra Action Points if it hits multiple targets.
      Hunter Ranger
    • Aimed Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 10%.

    Whoops! Thanks a ton, fixed it :)
  • reddracoflamereddracoflame Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thanks for messing up the HR. Was alot of fun the way it was.. now soloing will be a major pain and joining ppl for dungeons will suck since we have NO POWER. You robbed us of the power in 2 of our best AoEs for mob dps and class survivability. We dont heal and we wear leather armor.. if we cant kill fast we are dead. We dont have the melee damage of a rouge BECAUSE WE ONLY HAVE 1 DAGGER. Ranged was all we had.. so this sucks majorly.. Do you guys even give a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about the ppl that solo and how hard you make things for them.. or is the only thing you care about is the ppl that PVP and dump tons of cash in your game. Yeah i spent money.. but i expected better than this. How disappointing. I hope you change it back.

    You know.. ppl were excited about the HR. now its just sad.... how exciting is a class your taking power from? Look what you did to the GWF....Way to kill the joy guys.. good work.
    Split Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 30%.
    Split the Sky: The return damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 60%.
    Thorn Ward: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 20%.

    WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????????????????? your killing the class...
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Also you just screwed up ARC. ARC use the tilde ~ key to bring up it's interface
  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    "The "Respec Powers" button is now properly labeled "Respec Characters," as this respec covers powers, feats, ability points, and paragon path."

    Im guessing that dosent include resetting ability points from scratch?!

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Well done fixing AP gain on CW and GF. That should bring them more in line with the other classes, rather than permitting daily power spamming.

    Also appreciate the fixes to Karrundax and Gauntlgrym.
    Now please fix the remaining exploits on Karrundax (campfire hopping, Final boss gate exploit) Frozen Heart (skipping everything except 3 crystals + Hrimnir), Castle Never (campfire hopping, boss suiciding, wizard bugging), Malabog's Castle (Barrels, First boss through door exploit, FInal boss floor exploit) and Temple of the Spider (First and Final boss exploits). To a lesser extent Spellplague (pulling bosses through doors) as well.

    PM me if you need more details.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ejziponken wrote: »
    "The "Respec Powers" button is now properly labeled "Respec Characters," as this respec covers powers, feats, ability points, and paragon path."

    Im guessing that dosent include resetting ability points from scratch?!

    No, this is just one of those tooltip corrections that doesn't change anything as far as what it does. It's a good fix though. Very few players understood that this was a full respec unless it was explained to them first.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 991 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2013
    ejziponken wrote: »
    "The "Respec Powers" button is now properly labeled "Respec Characters," as this respec covers powers, feats, ability points, and paragon path."

    Im guessing that dosent include resetting ability points from scratch?!

    That's not included in the Respec Character respec, no. I'll look into what it takes to get that feature, but I don't expect that for the Shadowmantle release.
  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    nwnghost wrote: »
    Well done fixing AP gain on CW and GF. That should bring them more in line with the other classes, rather than permitting daily power spamming.

    For CW, only has an impact on control, i.e. slotting Entangling Force in Spell Mastery. Since the previous large AP nerfs to control spells, CWs rarely use that spell anyway.

    So, this is really a huge nerf to GFs because of the crude merge of Frontline Surge into GWF Paragons. That gave too much AP back when used in that class compared to the other available GWF powers.
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 991 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2013
    rhoric wrote: »
    ARC use the tilde ~ key to bring up it's interface

    Thanks for calling this out! One of the risks of rapid iteration on what keybind feels right. :)
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I know you can change the key binds for both. But the default is the ~ so one or the other will have to change the default so not to mess up new players. Also what is going on with the seismic shock after effects (green glowing areas left behind) There is no mention of this being fixed. We have been reporting it since the start of shadowmantle preview.
  • gankdalf#8991 gankdalf Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 930 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    terramak wrote: »
    That's not included in the Respec Character respec, no. I'll look into what it takes to get that feature, but I don't expect that for the Shadowmantle release.

    Very disappointed to hear that... Neverwinter is my first MMO-game. I had no idea what I was doing when I created my character. I invested so much time and effort into this one so starting over is not an option for me. To be able to reset the ability points from scratch is very much needed and It cant be that hard to implement. You don't need the option to change race.

    It just feels so bad playing a character everyday that you know don't have the optimal settings. What ever you do and how much time you spend in the game, you will always know that someone with better placed ability points has the advantage over you. Feels like giving others a handicap.. Its just so irritating knowing it.

    ▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

  • xmousepadxxmousepadx Member Posts: 381 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Castle Never
    Ashes of the Past no longer drop in Castle Never.


    But anyway i still hope they also fixed all the nonworking ranger class features.
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 991 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2013
    ejziponken wrote: »
    Very disappointed to hear that... Neverwinter is my first MMO-game. I had no idea what I was doing when I created my character. I invested so much time and effort into this one so starting over is not an option for me. To be able to reset the ability points from scratch is very much needed and It cant be that hard to implement. You don't need the option to change race.

    It just feels so bad playing a character everyday that you know don't have the optimal settings. What ever you do and how much time you spend in the game, you will always know that someone with better placed ability points has the advantage over you. Feels like giving others a handicap.. Its just so irritating knowing it.

    Yeah, I totally agree that it's not an ideal scenario. It's something that we want to do, it just needs to get on our feature list and weighed against our other priorities.
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    this is quite an impressive patch. downloading it now.

    as for the future addition of the ability to re-roll initial ability stats, is it too early to say whether this will just be an add-on to the respec token or will this be along the lines of a resurrection token to follow d&d lore and how initial ability stats are re-rolled?
  • dalang3ddalang3d Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    terramak wrote: »

    • X is once again the default key for Scoreboard, and Artifacts have been changed to use the `(Tilde) key.

    I think middle click on mouse is better than tilde, because tilde was cornered by 1, tab, and esc :p LoL
    [except there will new an at will power slot]
    [on HR when you've misstake press, it'll be consume AP when there was a daily that consume 25% AP on slot number 1]
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 991 Cryptic Developer
    edited November 2013
    melodywhr wrote: »
    as for the future addition of the ability to re-roll initial ability stats, is it too early to say whether this will just be an add-on to the respec token or will this be along the lines of a resurrection token to follow d&d lore and how initial ability stats are re-rolled?

    I can't really say for sure. It's an honest "We want to do this" feature, but I can't make any promises as to how, when, or if it actually ends up happening.
  • pallierpallier Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    next update we take ranged away from hunters and reduce all melee skills to do only 10 damage at level 60 so we can affirm that only rogues should be played as DPS.
    Oh Atari how I miss you!
  • kidbskidbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 294
    edited November 2013
    Are rangers not considered strikers? I understand that split the sky needed to be changed for pvp because it was completely OP in there, but this isn't the case for PvE. I think the power should be tagged to behave differently in pvp instead of completely gutting it. Also, the at-will powers were nerfed a bit too much. Rangers don't have any burst encounter abilities so they rely on their at-wills instead.
  • mangarrmangarr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Thank you for fixing shadows using the high section for 3D Vision! The game looks spectaculur in 3D and I will pass the word about this to other 3D Vision gamers.
  • thraexisthraexis Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    terramak wrote: »
    Rapid Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been slightly reduced.
    Split Shot: The damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 30%.
    Split the Sky: The return damage dealt by this power has been reduced by 60%.

    i kinda new there was going to be a Nerf for rangers
    split the sky damage reduction is a bit excessive.

    but i do hope you guys dont nerf the ranger into extinction
  • xushin7xushin7 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited November 2013
    Why was Split Shot and Split the Sky reduced by so much? that doesnt make much sense.

    And Aimed Shot? Thats the hardest skill to even use at the moment.

    Every at will skill has been decreased in power. When those are the ONLY attacks that give any real damage. At the moment, thats where most of thier damage comes from.

    There needs to be adjustments with these skills but THESE are the wrong ones.

    My god, its the same thing thier doing to GWF alll over again.

    Needs adjustments, they nerf the skills.

    The kind of adjustments that needs to happen is things like Aimed Shot casting time increased, taking damage no longer interrupts, able to move slowly like Reaping Strike.

    Split Shot reduced damage by 10% but casting time is reduced by a very slight amount.

    And Split the sky? Thats madness for a skill to be nerfed SOOOO hard like that. The only real damaging encounter they have and its nerfed like an anvil fell on it.

    Things like that.

    Not just nerf and leave the skill as is. What the blazing hell? Its GWF allll over again. Their doing the SAME thing they did to GWF.
  • abell39abell39 Member Posts: 1,175 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Guys, how long have we actually been able to test the HR class? It still needs basic balancing; we've established a high point (i.e. overpowered or almost overpowered), but we don't know the low point yet. Now we get to see what can take the reductions and what needs to be buffed back up.

    It's not the end of the class -- don't panic. This is why we get to playtest it.
    Kerensa Loreweaver, level 60 DC | Rilla Turtledove, level 60 CW | Calvin Meriwether, level 60 TR
    Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
  • imsmithyimsmithy Member Posts: 1,378 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just been on and quickly tested a couple of skills - I'm still hitting over 16k crit with aimed shot with only a 9.8k gs and well over 17k after commanding shot , split the sky and thorn ward are just plain weak now and split shot seems only slightly underpowered.

    I'll do more real testing tomorrow but I really don't like the way this patch has taken HR , if it stays this way it looks like I'll be sticking with my CW lol ....
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