Disciple of war: Grants you armor penetration equal to 25% of your recovery.
Is this feat working properly?

On this screenshot you can see that i have 3600 recovery and only get 400arp when i should get 900.
And now screenshot without companion

1600 recovery and still 400 arp? It's intended that recovery from companion doesn't count?
I suspect it's working the way it should, but the tooltip does not fully describe that.
This increases based on your natural Recovery, the kind you gain from putting points into stats etc, not from buffs.
Will need to be looked into more, as the tooltip is currently very misleading.
EG: Guardian Fighters Conqueror feat: Just states it doubles your power (when your shield meter is full)... but any power gained from sources considered "buffs" - such an an ioun stone - are not doubled. And given the stalwart set can give like 5000+ power, doubling that bonus to 10k would probably be pretty unbalanced, so yea I imagine its working as intended.
You can tell if a source is considered a buff or not by mousing over the stat its affecting, so its not too confusing once you know what's happening.
Also your explanation makes sense but is semi inaccurate:
You can't put points into "stats". Stats can only be directly increased by equipment (and then buffed by some feats).
Attributes are what we can put points into, and they directly increase various game mechanics like intelligence for example gives you -1% cooldowns per point above 10 (labeled recharge speed ingame), doesn't give recovery nor any other stats.
So the tooltips not that misleading, just slightly.
Plus ioun stones for some classes just function as 3 equip+3 rune stone slots, all of which essentially function as addition slots for your character.. Where are some others like GF/GWF, they are a bit trickier due to some feats.
One possible fix that wouldn't be too unbalancing would be to recode augment pets to purely function as additional equipment slots, and not aura/permanent buffs. Might be something good to consider if you ever rework how augments are overall anyways (eg to eventually fix the issue where non-augments pets are essentially suicide in the harder endgame content).
-Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
plz fix it....