Just though I would post some pictures of my random adventuring in our quaint homestead, Protector's Enclave. Hope you enjoy it and get a few laughs. : D
Floating on a rock near/just below the Moonstone Mask. Nice sunset : )

Every building needs a good ornament on its peak. lol


Fell through the ground... Hey arent there supposed to be monsters living under the city? haha

(i know this could be considered a bug. I have reported it just in case and if the GMs would like I would be willing to show them the places where I've found that this can happen)
Hope ya liked my random adventures. Many more to come from hopefully many years of enjoyment. : D
Shame cant adjust ones placement of your character to give more of a rule of 3rds to the pict. Can always crop afterwards thou I guess.
Server: Mindflayer
[EST 2008. A themed community of gamers & roleplayers]
Hope to see some screenshots of other players random adventures as well!
Those bios are outdated. Have some steam guides:
This made me laugh. Lol.