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M24 Inventory Improvements (and some other ones) - Feedback Thread

uimavenuimaven Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 36 Cryptic Developer
Sorry for not opening this discussion earlier! I hope you have had a chance to notice and try out some of the UX/UI improvements we've made in M24.

There will be a blog post going into more detail about each of these (and describing the changes for console) but here's the summary of the main improvements:

1) Finding and Filtering Items
At the top of every window that shows a list of your items (so, all inventory tabs (except currency), banks, guild banks, owned companion and owned mounts) we’ve added a search field and in most cases a filter option as well.

2) Inventory Bag Management
You can do lots more things now with your inventory bags, like rearrange them, rename them, and set their preferred item type. Use the "Bag Management" option from the gear icon in the footer (note that your main and overflow bags cannot be rearranged though).

3) Moving Multiple Items In Inventory
You can now select multiple items, and move them as a group. When one item is selected use ctrl+left click to add items to the group. Once you’re done, dragging or moving any item in the group will move the whole group. You have to move the group to an empty inventory slot, and the group will fill empty inventory slots from that point on, across bags. If there aren’t enough empty slots, the move will fail. Sorry, because of the different things that can happen when you discard items (confirmations, etc.) you cannot yet discard a group, only move it.

4) Potion Tray Context Menu
A right-click on a potion tray slot now brings up an item picker showing all items that could go into that slot. You don’t have to open your inventory at all. If the slot is empty, the item will be moved. If the slot is full the items will be swapped.

5) Injury Kit Use From HUD
Now you can left-click on the injury indicator (top left of your HUD, to the left of your buffs) to auto-use an injury kit, and right-click to see all the possible injury kits you have (some cannot be auto-used, but can be used through the right-click).

6) Default Name For Companions
When you bind a companion from your inventory, it now has a default name that you do NOT have to replace. You can just use the default name and give the nickname later, and the first nickname is free.

7) Pinned Currency Display
We’ve added the ability to pin up to three Special currencies to your HUD, so that you can monitor your progress without having to open your inventory and search the Special Currency list. These pinned currencies will be remembered between sessions. On PC the pinned currencies appear by default to the left of your power tray, but can be moved in the “Rearrange HUD” screen.

8) Equipped Vanity Pets
Seeing your current vanity pet should be much easier. Your summoned vanity pet now has its own display at the top of the Vanity Pet inventory section.

9) Additional Fashion Library slots
You can now use Astral Diamonds to buy more slots in any Appearance Library, through a button in the footer.

Formatting Your Feedback and Bugs

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If you are listing a bug please have this text in RED, if you are posting an opinion or feedback please use CYAN. If you are replying to another user's post, or just engaging in general discussion, please do not color your posts, general discussion is welcome and we will read all of it, regardless of color! You can use BBCode to color your text:
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Bug: Mimics breakdancing when the fight starts makes them get stuck in floor.
Feedback: Mimics breakdancing is visually distracting from the other fight mechanics.



  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User

    Feedback and bugs in Inventory display filters:
    • The 'Show only gear' filter has an option named 'Weapons/armor'. Selecting this option hides any items that go in the armor slot, and only shows weapons, which seems correct to me. Since all the filters point to specific slots, and there already is a seperate 'Armor' option, I think you meant 'Weapons/shields/musical instruments', which is properly called 'Weapons' in all the rest of the game.
    • An option to only show Enchantments is missing, showing under 'Show refinement items only' is correct but too extensive for gear purposes. I think it would best fit in the Gear selection window as it is under the character tab of the character sheet, on the same page as Artifacts are - which do have a spot in that selection window.
    • I can't make any sense of the current implementation of the 'Show refinement items only' option and will add a table with expectations and reality below.
    Table of 'Show refinement items only' items. Contents show the current workings on preview, and what my expectation was based on older game content/options like the auction house filters.
    Item typeExpectationReality
    EnchantmentsNo ideaShowing ??
    Refining stonesShowingShowing
    Enchanting stonesShowingHidden
    Old enchantmentsShowingHidden
    Old RunestonesShowingHidden
    Old weapon/armor enchantmentsShowingNo idea
    Old w/a enchantment shardsShowingHidden
    Overload enchantmentsHiddenShowing
    Event refinement (Gond Cog etc)ShowingHidden
    Additional notes:
    The 'Convert refinement points option' in bottom of the inventory picks: all *old* enchantments and shards, runestones, gemstones (refining stones), and convertible equipment. Of these, only gemstones are showing under the new filter option. New enchantments can't be turned into RP. Neither can motes and wards, but glyphs and refining stones can.

    I did not test the other new filter options. But hopefully other players can use this thread to report on any feedback or bugs in those filters, so that it's all in one place.
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    It would be nice if there was a 'clear search bar' button, for example as an X in the end of the search bar.

    It would be nice if there was a 'clear filter' button, which sets the filter option to 'None'. This could be an extra button next to the filter button, with the same picture plus a red line/strike over top.

    It would be nice if the item quality filter could be used in conjunction with the other filters. Like, only showing Legendary quality Feet gear items. (The filters do currently work in conjunction with search, which is already a great help!)
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    dillygirl said:

    It would be nice if there was a 'clear search bar' button, for example as an X in the end of the search bar.

    It would be nice if there was a 'clear filter' button, which sets the filter option to 'None'. This could be an extra button next to the filter button, with the same picture plus a red line/strike over top.

    There is a button marked "Clear" on the right side of the search bar, this clears both filters and text input.

    Did you try this button ?
    Elite Whaleboy
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    wilbur626 said:

    There is a button marked "Clear" on the right side of the search bar, this clears both filters and text input.

    Did you try this button ?

    You know what, I probably did in the process of testing all these things, and then promptly forgot it existed. Thanks!
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User
    We can search while selecting summoned companion and switching stable mounts, but it would be awesome if we could also search in:

    Companion power slots
    Mounts appearance
    Mounts combat power
    Mounts equip power

    Especially the mount combat power would be really really really appreciated.
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    "4) Potion Tray Context Menu
    A right-click on a potion tray slot now brings up an item picker showing all items that could go into that slot. You don’t have to open your inventory at all. If the slot is empty, the item will be moved. If the slot is full the items will be swapped."

    I haven't updated Preview yet so apologies if this has been done but not listed in the notes. An "APPLY TO ALL" option is needed for the potion slots. Having it ignore cooldowns when trying to swap loadouts would be good too. Having a ten minute delay on swapping loadouts, being unable to apply to all, is just very frustrating, especially when people are trying to change to needed roles for queues. Additionally, when a health stone runs out and you load a new one, changing loadouts often unequips the new stone, usually for another stone, sometimes it just leaves a blank spot.

    Having to cycle through loadout after loadout re-adding the same item is tedious and easy to miss.

    P.S. Somewhat related, when you upgrade an insignia to mythic, it has to be added again to every loadout if you don't 'apply to all' on the entire mount page - which is undesirable when loadouts have different collars and/or mounts selected. The game should recognize the upgraded insignia as the same.

    P.P.S. Companion gear and companion runestones don't have an apply all option either. Either each loadout has to be changed separately or else set the same, changing not just gear and stone but also the companion and selected bonuses.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • morian#1561 morian Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Need to fix the Weapons/Armor filter to just Weapons

  • uimavenuimaven Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 36 Cryptic Developer
    edited September 2022
    Thanks for your comments; I asked for the original discussion to be merged with this one in case you were wondering where it went!

    The "Weapons/armor" label was a typo; it's been changed to "Weapons (Main/Offhand)."

    The existing "Refinement Items Only" filter and "Refinement" bag preference really ought to be "Enchantments and Refinement". That's how they work, but the labels weren't clear. The labels will be updated soon but I'll also look at either adding "enchantments" under gear or making it its own filter (and bag preference) option.

    The "Show Refinement Items Only" had an error which made glyphs, enchanting stones, and the special Gond items be excluded....that will be fixed soon.

    The old obsolete refining/enchantment items were deliberately excluded because we thought most people have gotten rid of (or are getting rid of) those, but if enough people are keeping enough of them around, we can talk about how to add them to the filter. I'd rather not mix them in with the results that are actually currently useful... maybe add an "Obsolete" filter?

    New enchantments, glyphs and stones *can* be turned into RP, but for most if not all of them, you have to go through that special confirmation where you type "convert." Any item that needs that special confirmation doesn't appear in the bulk RP conversion window; you have to do them individually. The "Refinement Items" filter and the bulk refinement window were not intended to show exactly the same items. I hope that helps clear things up?

    And yes, the next improvement to inventory filtering will be to allow you to select multiple filters (like quality + head gear).

    Thanks very much for your comments!

    EDITED TO ADD: Forgot to say, I'll also put "adding search to companion and mount power/appearance windows" on the improvement list, with the "Apply to All Loadouts" button in the potion tray item picker.

    Most of the other complaints about how loadouts work aren't something I can address with these inventory improvements unfortunately but I'll pass them along.

  • erevel09erevel09 Member Posts: 177 Arc User
    Is there any chance to add "apply to all loadouts" option for insignias corrently used? Whenever insignia used in slot is upgraded for one loadout, it requires to manually reapply then for every other loadout. Can be a bit tidious.
  • chaosweaver83chaosweaver83 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    We desperately need an "open all" feature for certain boxes. For example, the old campaign currency that can be turned in for boxes of 10/100 AD. These add up to thousands of clicks if you had a lot to turn in. It is not fun and actually deters from wanting to turn them in at all.
  • forumaccount#7167 forumaccount Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    The current filter options for the inventory are good and I like the search but I think it could be improved.

    Let us search for "food" and the inventory can show all event and stronghold food items. Or let us type in "companion" and it shows all companions and companion equipment.

    If that is to complicated because every item would need tags at least let us use the search bar to type in filter options instead of the filter menu. I want to be able to type "armor" instead of opening the filter, activating the show only gear button and scrolling to armor.

  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User

    The current filter options for the inventory are good and I like the search but I think it could be improved.

    Let us search for "food" and the inventory can show all event and stronghold food items. Or let us type in "companion" and it shows all companions and companion equipment.

    If that is to complicated because every item would need tags at least let us use the search bar to type in filter options instead of the filter menu. I want to be able to type "armor" instead of opening the filter, activating the show only gear button and scrolling to armor.

    All items already have tags! I would love to be able to search 'feet' and get all my boots (plus any other items that might have 'feet' in the name of course, plus this can already be done with the gear filter), or type 'substance' to see my alchemy profession materials.

    I second the request to add the items tags as searchable field! If you only had search for item name so far, though, this might be a bit big to implement.
    uimaven said:

    9) Additional Fashion Library slots
    You can now use Astral Diamonds to buy more slots in any Appearance Library, through a button in the footer.

    I NOTICED THIS WHILE TRYING TO FIND MOTES IN THE AD STORE AND I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! For anyone reading and not on Preview, the way it is set now you can add 5 capacity to every gear type + fashion appearance slots at once for 100k AD. To be honest, I mostly need slots for hats and armor, while I don't need slots for shirts and pants because there don't exist that many different shirt and pants looks. There's maybe a few for every material type plus the ones that have starry variants, and that's about it. I think I have 20 or so of each. But the store would be a mess if all the slots were purchasable one by one, so I'm fine with having to buy a couple of these to have maybe 20 more space for my hats and armors :)

    P.S. not really related to the subject but: there are no motes anywhere in the AD store / Wondrous Bazaar on Preview. I had to get them from Sage's shop to test whether they would appear when the filter was on or not.

  • skysky#2658 skysky Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Heyaaa :)
    As one of the fashion guys in this game I couldn't be more happy about the new adjustments :D
    Therefor just a mini suggestion of myself:
    Is is possible to make previews for Armor and Weapon Illusions? So you could look at them for example in the AH before having to buy them to see how they would look like ...
  • hehateme999#2396 hehateme999 Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    Why not allow us to upgrade or combine stone of health charges? Maybe keep the max at 200 charges but why do we need 57,000 purple stones of health? (bound now in dungeon drops) We can't sell them on the ah, they're just clutter at this point. Let us spend 5 purple into one mythic or something similar?
  • skitmasta#6747 skitmasta Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    <font color=cyan>Please give us more slots in the profession bag.</font>
    My bag is full with only epic mastercraft stuff. Neither can i produce regular stuff nor all mastercraft stuff without "parking" stuff on other chars. I beg you please, we need more space.
    ps: good job on the other improvements
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    Yeah more slots for profession items, I dont even care if you have to pay AD, we need like double or triple the actual space
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • gweddeoran#4924 gweddeoran Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    All the changes are great and in the right direction- thanks for doing this! Additionally, I was wondering if we could add the ability to move around appearance library items of a given slot (head, body etc.) instead of having them stuck in a specific slot, similar to inventory space. This is useful if you want to keep all appearance items of a given set (e.g.: Infernal Forged) in the first slot of your library for each section (head, body etc.).
  • venuslightheartvenuslightheart Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 50 Arc User
    How about sort option, inventory management and search function for Profession Tab? Also, ability store profession items in the personal bank.

    Stop using mail to share profession items. Don't want to Mod 25, 26, 30 to work on profession tab.
  • madmartigan#1315 madmartigan Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    <font color=cyan>
    Something that sorta fits into these changes that id love to see added is a way to set which of my bank bags things will go into when i double click an item with the bank open. Now everything goes into your personal bank, i dont find this super useful. i put stuff in my personal bank every once in a while but i put stuff into and out of my shared bank many times a day. maybe just a little checkbox in the bank interface next to the shared bank slots, if i check that box, thats where my stuff goes.

    can we pretend that is cyan? it didnt work, i tried it a couple ways. what am i doing wrong?

    sorry i know it isnt proper feedback.
    i am in love with the rest of these changes!
  • dillygirldillygirl Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 323 Arc User

    How about sort option, inventory management and search function for Profession Tab? Also, ability store profession items in the personal bank.

    Stop using mail to share profession items. Don't want to Mod 25, 26, 30 to work on profession tab.

    You can sort the professions bags by alphabet, which is a big help if you know the name of what you're looking for. You can also discard items from there, what else did you mean by inventory management? Mod 24 introduces searching in the profession bags, it's live on Preview and part of what is being discussed in this thread. So far, you can only search for item names, but I've requested search for tags above - it would be great if we could search for 'substance' in the profession materials bag.

    Being able to store profession stuff in the personal and shared banks would be awesome!
  • rafalrafirafalrafi Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    Functionality that I miss in the inventory - "Sell all the same"
    Could you please add such functionality if you are working on improving the inventory?
  • I wish the game had a function equal or similar to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flLahwS4kS4

    With translations in the game's languages, it would be much easier to communicate with players in other languages. Some examples of available messages would be: be close, stay away, artifacts and mounts.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,521 Arc User
    edited September 2022

    Also, ability store profession items in the personal bank.

    I assume you mean shared bank instead of personal bank (which can only be accessed by one character).

    That was first asked within the first week (if not on the first day or during preview) when Workshop was introduced. @nitocris83 even commented about a concept of storage within the workshop (no need to jam your shared bank) back then. Well, that was many years ago.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited September 2022
    Bug: Searching for an item in the materials bag such as materials with the word "hide" will show incorrect icons. It seems to be visual only, and mousing over the items fixes the icons.
    Bug: Searching for vanity pets has the same issue as above and what is shown vs. what is searched is not aligned until you mouse over the icons.
    @uimaven please ping me or reach out via Discord (Deadmano#1177) if you are unable to replicate and need a video.

    Suggestion: Please consider having the preferences apply when sorting bags, as currently they only work upon new items picked up. What happens if you have a mess of bags and want them organised? There is still no way to utilise the wonderful new preferences to sort the bags...

    Suggestion: You would have my heart if you could add a modifier so when you Ctrl + Double Left-Click items from your inventory when the bank is open, it sends the items to your SHARED bank. Since double-clicking items sends them to your personal bank, and you have to manually drag items, one by one, to the shared bank... :(

    Some other misc suggestions...

    -Search bar filters as you type (instead of having to hit enter).
    -Search bar for mount appearance to easily find a mount to equip.
    -Search bar for companion powers, or better yet; the ability to find a power and to choose which slot for it to go into.
    -Filter for companions to show which give certain rating percentages such as power, defense, etc.
    -Can you fix companions not being able to be 360-viewed with the mouse? This broke somewhere a few mods ago, and you can't rotate to view/inspect the companions from the preview window anymore.
    -Hiding gear names from the paperdoll and then re-enabling them does not show the item names until you mouse over the areas which will then display them.
  • milehighxr#1299 milehighxr Member Posts: 463 Arc User
    Currently on Xbox I can't organize the pet inventory. More importantly I want to be able to "rehome" my many duplicate pets in exchange for gold. Not that I even want any of the vanity pets anyhow. I would much prefer effort be redirected away form the vanity pet system and to fixes for the game.
  • arran#4326 arran Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 69 Arc User
    Idk if this has been brought up or if it's the right post to comment this but personally I think the highligting/blinking effect items get while on the inventory screen when you first pick them up could be boosted; perphaps it's a me problem but I thought I would share it nontheless, otherwise great iniciative on these changes <3
  • muschellka#7783 muschellka Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    I wrote this in another thread, so I will repeat it here :)

    I really like the search engine implemented in the inventory.
    I would like to have an ability to drag & drop items (from ah for example) into search bar.
    The option to show and pin the amount of currency we want to follow is really handy.
    Also the ability to sort bags and their content type would make inventory management easier.
    Same search option is implemented in companion and mount selection window, good move.
    A nice idea is the ability to see where we left the character and what item level he has.
    I have just one suggestion for feature.
    Can you add search box in a window where we choosing the power of companion in slot? (offense, defense utility slot)
    Small things but makes life easier.
    Bravo, great job, these features definitely improve the enjoyment of the game!

    A very useful feature would be the ability to segregate or even delete items while displaying them in their destinations.
    E.g. using the prompts when selecting potions for utility slots I have such a view:

    I would like to be able to arrange healing potions side by side in one bag and remove the blue batle horn completely from the inventory.

    This would be very useful especially for people who have a mess in their bags, like me 🙂

    One more thing, although I do not know if it is possible to implement.
    It happens quite often (especially on lower level dungeons) that there is no campfire before the boss. An option to save the entire power display selected for such a change would help. I mean the ability to quickly change with one click all encounters according to previously selected ones. That is, for example, a single setting.
    The same thing would happen with mounts. The idea is to bypass selecting a tab and each single power/mount.

  • redjackal#4019 redjackal Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Since you're doing QoL patch, the AH needs a little love.
    AH: Put the price/item for stacked items in the tooltip.
    AH: Stat searched items sometimes results with items not having the searched for stat.
    AH: Nomenclature searches sometimes won't work until you choose the correct sub-category.
  • madmartigan#1315 madmartigan Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Yes to more inventory space in the professions tab. not for tools, for materials. even without masterwork, having all lvl20 professions means youre using most if not all of that space. it doesnt seem like i carry that stuff since my workers can get at it when they need it, so if its at the workshop maybe this inventory space should be dictated by workshop level? that would be cool! maybe a lvl3 would be fine with this much space but surely a lvl4 needs more. Thats getting out of the realm of inventory management.... more space please :)

    Please with a way to move things directly to our shared bank instead of personal bank (i liked the ctrl-double click idea). Im sure this would be a beloved feature.

    I've been wondering about pinning currencies. I'm looking forward to that addition very much but i worry that if i have say seals of the north pinned and i happen to spend all of them, will it become unpinned and when i get more i'll have to pin it again? It'd be cool if they just stay pinned and show 0 so you know its pinned and dont have to check.

    I know these arent inventory related but while youre at it...
    -We'd love to be able to delete mail a little faster. moving profession gear between characters can mean lots of mail that has to eventually be deleted one at a time. checkboxes to delete selected or just a delete all would make me happy. maybe if it didnt delete anything with attachments or ones we've protected :) i dont mind having to mail this stuff i just wish i could delete them faster

    -Someone mentioned being able to hide all quests with a single click..... i can say that would be amazing!
  • walker#2653 walker Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Not sure if I should consider this a bug or a feedback, so I just won't highlight it, sorry ^^

    I had a look on preview server and I noticed that with new mod we will be allowed to slot in belt items only one of the items that provide bonuses, like Forger's Box, Chain of Scales, Tymora's Lucky Coin, and the new one (don't know if there are more).

    On live server I currently slot both Box and Chain at the same time on slot 4 and 6 respectively. As fighter, the Box is useful as DPS and Chain as tank. Since I am not allowed to unequip an item on cooldown, I have to keep both items exactly in the same slot on all loadouts if I want to switch without waiting up to 10 min. This means, by the way, basically sacrificing a slot, but it's still better than waiting.

    Problem #1: When I copied my character for preview testing, I had those items on. Upon logging on preview, I found Box on slot 4 and Chain on Overflow Bag. This is OK, but I could not change to other loadouts due to some "you can't have more than one item of the same kind" error.
    Please test and fix this case before releasing the new mod.
    Obviously, removing the items on all loadouts before copying solved the problem, but you can't expect all players that have both on to remove them just before new mod goes live

    Problem #2: since I can't slot both items anymore, I tried switching between Box on cooldown and Chain in inventory, but I was not allowed.
    Best solution would be allowing the switch while keeping the item (not the slot) on cooldown, so that if I use the Box, switch to Chain, and switch back to Box, the Box cooldown is still there.
    Alternatively, keep the current setting on live, allowing us to keep both items.
    Having to wait for the cooldown might negatively affect the experience of all classes with tank role, and of any player that wishes to sometimes use the Chain even on Healer or DPS.

    Thank you!
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