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Patch Notes: NW.122.20200614a.11

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Patch Notes for tomorrow's maintenance are now available.



  • cookiewookiee#8732 cookiewookiee Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    Thank you for listening to the feedback so far and making changes. I do agree that small incremental changes are the way to go until a balance is found.
  • agericageric Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Items and Economy
    Reward Claims Agent
    Account-unlocked Legendary Mounts can once again properly be claimed.

    Apologies, This issue has not been resolved. All my account unlocked legends are still missing.
    Last time I had one go missing, I lost 8mil on the affair due to the "no compensation' attitude I received through a ticket.

    Combat and Powers
    Classes and Balance

    Every time I re-stat my characters, another change comes out which resets them.. i can't seem to change maps without one of them resetting.. it was happening throughout the entire anniversary event. I'm very frustrated. All I want is to play and have fun.. can't do that if nerfs or resets are going to be an every other day thing..
  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    ageric said:

    Items and Economy
    Reward Claims Agent
    Account-unlocked Legendary Mounts can once again properly be claimed.

    Apologies, This issue has not been resolved. All my account unlocked legends are still missing.
    Last time I had one go missing, I lost 8mil on the affair due to the "no compensation' attitude I received through a ticket.

    Combat and Powers
    Classes and Balance

    Every time I re-stat my characters, another change comes out which resets them.. i can't seem to change maps without one of them resetting.. it was happening throughout the entire anniversary event. I'm very frustrated. All I want is to play and have fun.. can't do that if nerfs or resets are going to be an every other day thing..

    the patch hasn't gone live yet.....
  • roku#3001 roku Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Hello, a few thoughts from a DC cleric player:

    1. Could you please consider changing the "mark" placement key to be different from the "heal the marked target" key? To tab "quickly" to set the mark and then to hold tab to heal can cause the mark to change if I suddenly have to release tab to throw an intercession or some other heal. This would be incredibly helpful, as once the fight is going and toons are moving around it can be difficult to reset the mark properly. I don't think the intent of the heal change was to cause healers to spend their time frantically trying to reset a healing mark.

    2. It turns out with the aoe heal bastion that upping the divinity cost of the old bastion would have essentially done the same thing as spreading heal between party members with the new bastion? Two bastions now heals a bit less than 1 old bastion when healing a group. This seems like a better revamp (at least for DC) versus this complete change (which as was noted in the first post you are already tweaking after just 2 days of live.) This would still keep the better active divinity regen control I used to have - that was part of a healer's skillset. Still don't like that? Maybe just add a cooldown timer to prevent the bastion spams. Still don't like that? Well, then I'm guessing you don't have health insurance and you're just bitter...

    3. Actually, given the complexities and frustrations you have created with the new system, I'm guessing you do have health insurance... :)

  • urtew3urtew3 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    instead of taken the flappy wings away from the cleric and putting them on Wondrous Bazaar why not just take the shirt away and not just use the flappy wings and horns as a head piece as a simple fix idea feel this would make me and a lot of others happy seeing them move again since I know you wont do this while caring
  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User

    You know you messed up when you start making changes to healers 2 days after the mod hits live.

    Yes, seems so - but the other way you would have guessed.
    It is roughly 10% buff on single target powers (it is diluted to nothing in case of group heal)... after globally halving outgoing/incoming healing (not counting those boots they forgot to adjust) + knocking the ability to heal the whole party to one third.

    The only thing this patch solves is Justicar + health stones combo... which, however, means another removal of a big source of party heals from the game.

    So, the patch summary is: they think the party heals were still way too strong.
  • evilingeevilinge Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    So the Legendary Accountwide Mounts can be claimed correctly again at Reclaim Agent, nice.
    What is about "Hollyphant's Bag of Goodies" from the "Expedition Pack of Good Intentions" ??
    Module 19 is live and theres nothing at the Reclaim Agent, i bought this for Zen and i want my Goodie Bag
  • miliantriciamiliantricia Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    Hello. I have been playing this game for about 5 years as a healer, and with the advent of a new module I was hoping to see more interesting content. And now we see him ... Playing as a healer, there is no longer any interest in this module. And it’s funny that the bastion, (which in essence is AoE and should treat everyone well), is now beneficial for treating one person ... Yes, heal one person with mass healing, just imagine! The new campaign and its rewards are not interesting because it repeats past modules. The new scaling is just awful. You can remove the equipment and get an increase in the character’s parameters! You could do better, but you ignored the offers of the players. I am completely devastated by this update, and have no interest whatsoever. These small fixes will not help. Awful
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  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    Happy to see the Skyblazer power fixed, as that affected my directly. The other issues, well, I do think the changes to healers were misguided, but I'll leave it to those who want to play healers to complain about those.

    The real issue is the one discussed here https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1256673 but waiting a week for that does not bother me too much.

    However, what I will say is this: I was quite critical of the design, coding and testing of "Rage of Bel" (see here https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1256068/dear-cryptic-please-fire-your-qc-department ) However, compared to that, the current mod is in a much better state - no, it is not perfect, but it is not a buggy mess.

    I hope this is a sign that things are improving.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • mericamadman#1550 mericamadman Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Basically you reduced outgoing and incoming healing to 50% of what it previously was since balancing the game is an issue from pet buffs not being taken into account on IL. Now even if people geared out with IL 27k will get downed easily, however, I don't think you stopped to think about the other 99% of your player base and the new players. There's now a huge falloff from 27k and anyone below 20k. I'm watching experienced players of years & new players just get frustrated and quit the instance or game completely. You've stratified the game community even harder then what it was before, and they can't even find a sustainable point with full 27k player teams. I'm not sure why you didn't scale the mob difficulty for the instance but as of right now (even without talking about the bugs) this game is really not playable. I would really scale back the nerf to healing to anywhere from 10-25% reduction and not a 50% reduction to outgoing and incoming healing. Also, a nerf to both is also probably too great to do at once.

    Something has to change fast because people are leaving!
  • zefirootzefiroot Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 50 Arc User
    Hello! Yesterday when I was checking my OP Oathbound - I saw the tooltip for cure wounds said 500 magnitude instead of 250 - maybe it was noticed now with the new change on the magnitude.
    Also why was fiery bolt's cooldown on warlock hellbr. increased by almost 5 secs. - there was no mentioning of this?
  • jefinho380jefinho380 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    In the release of the Mod16 I remember a SW on PE chat saying that this game was the leftover of what once was a great game.

    I'd correct his comment and say that calling this a leftover would be too much of a compliment now.
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  • drago#3250 drago Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    Paladin: Justicar
    Resolved an issue wherein the feat "Sheltering Light" could activate when other Paladins in the group used Shield of Faith.
    Okay. This was an unfair bug.
    The feat "Sheltering Light" has been adjusted to only spread healing from at-will, encounter, and daily powers.
    Now you ruined the healing of Justicar.
    In my opinion you recognized issues with big TAB heal of healers + Sheltering Light = Overpowered. Aggree.
    But you made Shield of Faith an appendix of healers. Not more than utility.
    The biggest input - what the Paladin can do on its own - came from Insignia, Paladin Sigil, and most important passive heal while block with Paladin TAB. All is gone.
    Now Paladin TAB, which was almost unpopular is now broken useless. I used only to heal together with Shield of Faith. Else it's useless.
    The passive heal from TAB was most interesting part of Justicar compared to other games. That is gone.
    Of course I am mainly a tank. That's why passive heal is good solution. Last option left is Divine Touch 700mag/200cost (+decrease) - compared to Oath -> 650/100(+decrease) + shield + optimized stats for healers. Sorry???
    I try heal with divine touch and got pulled CODG because overwhelemd by to much actions. Cannot focus on tank + divine touch. Why you ruin passive TAB heal?? You dropped heal by 80% for Justicars.
    Guys you need class experts to say STOP.

    Then AOE Divine Touch heal is reduced by companions, players at full healt, and even corpses??? Yea now I try to keep aggro, and seek for best option where to heal... I can tell you. A hand full will manage it.

    Feels like game shutting down soon.
  • kortallis#3865 kortallis Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited July 2020
    So if I went to my wife and told her "Honey, I want to change my look, it feels a little bland". Then, she burned my entire wardrobe, I wouldn't suddenly be happy if she then went to goodwill 2 days later and bought the cheapest pants she could find.

    Do you guys understand what I'm trying to infer here? This doesn't fix the systematic issues with the changes, it isn't a concession or realization that the change was unwarranted. You had player feedback prior to the content drop. You have player feedback right now. Don't try and pull an EA and just slowly make a bad idea better. Revert back to the old system, issue an apology, then from that point use your test servers to design something that doesn't immediately destroy all 24k and under players please.
  • mysty#4057 mysty Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    Looks like I will be working on my Wizard. I liked my cleric, but these changes are terrible.
  • drago#3250 drago Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    You destroy the stabilizers of the game. Months before when preview went online I told you - it feels like they try to destroy all sources of healing and move all to healers. I told you it will fail.
    Just think about what will happen; I give you an example.
    The Warden has an wonderful group deflect - how often it is used? Right, because there is no feedback for Warden & his group. He would only left behind with lower damage showed in stats.
    And with the new Shield of Faith many Justicars will move to - in my opinion - heroism. You will ........... the fun of all players. You ruin it. In the nature of random parties there are new or bad players not able to bring in the performance that is needed. We will examine this now on daily basis. And you destroy the answers.
    You want a bad or new healer only to loose games? Are you serious? In the past I stabilized thousands of RTQ's and I think I surprised much what is possible - what was possible - to heal as a Justicar. It's a disaster. No more stabilizers. In the future these thousands of games are lost. Sorry. This will ruin everything. The new healer will feel like a punching ball. Overwhelmed and quit. Many others follow, because they loose to often. If you change back to stronger heals. Then you have made the game poorer in opportunities. Paper stone scissors. This is 1999 - only with a good game engine.
    Shield of Faith is now a discord skill. Healer - Shield of Faith active.

    I am now the last man standing in all these games. I am a Justicar ( PALADIN ) who has to watch everyone around him die all the time. And there's nothing I can do. The Vanguard is the better tank; the Paladin is more offensive version that can heal -> could heal in the past. Why play a Justicar these days?

    Maybe it's time to make Paladin 2xTank. A Paladin is a charismatic leader of the party. Tbh it's the first game a Paladin is a healer. You made these problems by produce a gap between Justicar and Oath, because you call the one a tank and the other a healer. And there must be a big gap right? And the solution is, that no one of these two is a real paladin?

    2xTank Loadout please and give us real Paladin loadouts. Yes. I know you are not willing or able to do. But a fault is a fault. And I will not stop say the truth.

    I play the game because of it's perfect engine. The game design is fail.
  • sriram#1646 sriram Member Posts: 71 Arc User
    The magnitude sharing is only good in 1 or 2 people groups if more than 2 it's a big mess can't heal fully when needed and can't spam encounters even with stones of health it's very difficult.

    Simple suggestion just took away cooldown of healing potions if you want to keep these changes so at least we will be in full health most of the times I'm end game dungeons and provide more easiest ways to get stones of health. Then no one will care about healing everybody will slot healing potions like how we do in so content.

    If you need heal just use stone of health . Very easy thing
  • dozzy#3298 dozzy Member Posts: 1 New User
    is the healer changing in mod 19
  • j3fferson#1159 j3fferson Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    is the healer changing in mod 19

    yes and for the worse.
  • drago#3250 drago Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    I was trying to reproduce pre mod 19 performance:
    I am Justicar 27,5K - Very, very high Actions per Minute.
    Pre Mod 19 Feat:
    1 2 1 2 2
    Mod 19 Feat:
    2 2 2 2 1
    11,7M DPS #4 (Would have been +40% pre mod 19) (Top DPS only 25kIL 24M)
    7,6M Damage Taken #1
    5,5M Absorb Damage #1
    10,8M Heal #2 (Would have been +30% pre mod 19) (Top Heal only 22,9kIL 14M)

    Because of massive Shield of Faith nerf I need extra slot Divine Touch (+Feat) and have to drop Sacred Weapon.
    This lead to (-~10% DPS), (-~20% Survivability) (-----Focus->-~30% DPS -~30% Heal) in peak performance.

    But you produced too much overheat in the System of Justicar by a logical error.
    1.) I need play the enemy and watch his animation to effectivly block.
    2.) I need to keep aggro.
    3.) I need to threat enemies to me and pull them so that my team can Combat Advantage them.

    At the moment these workload alone is the biggest out of Tank, Healer, DPS. You need most focus.
    The Paladin has most reactive defense of all 3 Tanks + he has most workload in attack with only Melee & Arc AtWills - you need allocate with most focus of all 3 Tanks where to attack.
    The Paladin has the fastest frames in attacks.
    This is like it was already in pre mod 19. If you perform fast, you have a good outcome.

    But now you produce a logical error and use too much focus. It is simply not doable anymore to play at maximum performance - maybe by a bot, but not by a human.

    Divine Touch + Shield of Faith synergy has maximum performance with [Divine Reciprocation] Feat. I got the 700 Magnitude Heal IF I heal not myself. And this is in my opinion a logical error. I get punished if I heal my teammates & myself. In this case the heal is divided in magnitude and only little will go through Shield of Faith. If I don't heal myself I get the 700 divided to my teammates and 700 for me which go through Shield of Faith.
    Now you add worklad:
    4.) You have to seek heal opportunity for maximum synergy.

    It- is - not - doable!
    I play RTS 800 APM. While I try this I get response "What are you doing??"; yes I cannot say, because I could not focus very well by too much workload.
    The minimum you could change to get back to old (PEAK Performance, >99% will never see such perormance and you hit them too by scale to peak performance)
    1.) We need [Divine Reciprocation] changed to -> Heal yourself for 100% magnitude, does not matter if I heal myself + teammates or only teammates. This would significat reduce the workload. This is only quality of life. But if you leave it unchaged you will get a huge gap between slow and fast players. And this is a big logical error.
    2.) Now that we need an active slot if we want to heal, we loose damage. And because the heal is 700 magnitude, 200 divinity cost - we can heal only half compared to Oathkeeper, without shield & we have not the passive regen and regen skills. This is poor balance. It's really expensive. We need lower cost & if Divine Touch slotted more passive regen. Else it's a punishment to support the trial with heals. Much more effective would be 100% bane and that is not fair. It would increase the damage double in points compared to heals.

    The biggest playerbase killer is add too much workload. You basically slap your casual players. Think about it.
  • murphystoutmurphystout Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    What ever fix you put in for the following did not fix that I can not reclaim my Legendary Infernal War Machine I got Tuesday after the launch. I got an email today referring to this patch. It would have been nice for support to verify it was actually fixed on my account instead of taking the easy way out and sending me the patch link.

    I repeat the following is not fixed for my account:

    Items and Economy

    Reward Claims Agent

    Account-unlocked Legendary Mounts can once again properly be claimed.
  • drago#3250 drago Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited July 2020
    Well play as a stabilizing healing Justicar is now impossible. In the past the answer of a weak healer was, that I fixed the healing bottleneck myself. I left my 50 Cents here. You did it massively wrong. Instead of more capabilities you decide to change it to a simple answer. The Healers are strong enough or the game is lost.
    I gave it a fair chance to adapt the new Justicar with massively nerfed Heal/Shield of Faith. It is like you removed healing of the Tank Paladin. It is not a viable option to try and I recommend all Justicars to Tank & Full DPS.

    Cryptic you won. Now you made 1999 happen. It could happen that the game die now faster than you might think. Remember games of the last Century like DAoC are not playable anymore.

    3 Stereotypes left. My second recommendation to all is, if your team is to weak, just leave the Random queue and don't waste your time.

    And to all healers that complained in the past like this "ohhhh a Tank, why so much heal, I am so weak...." or you name it. You made it happen. You destroyed the game yourself and enjoy you hundreds of lost RTQs/REDQs - I am not the one that can help you anymore. Congratulation. You were to weak in the past and you will be in the future. To you all got worse.
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  • mericamadman#1550 mericamadman Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    Well play as a stabilizing healing Justicar is now impossible. In the past the answer of a weak healer was, that I fixed the healing bottleneck myself. I left my 50 Cents here. You did it massively wrong. Instead of more capabilities you decide to change it to a simple answer. The Healers are strong enough or the game is lost.
    I gave it a fair chance to adapt the new Justicar with massively nerfed Heal/Shield of Faith. It is like you removed healing of the Tank Paladin. It is not a viable option to try and I recommend all Justicars to Tank & Full DPS.

    Cryptic you won. Now you made 1999 happen. It could happen that the game die now faster than you might think. Remember games of the last Century like DAoC are not playable anymore.

    3 Stereotypes left. My second recommendation to all is, if your team is to weak, just leave the Random queue and don't waste your time.

    And to all healers that complained in the past like this "ohhhh a Tank, why so much heal, I am so weak...." or you name it. You made it happen. You destroyed the game yourself and enjoy you hundreds of lost RTQs/REDQs - I am not the one that can help you anymore. Congratulation. You were to weak in the past and you will be in the future. To you all got worse.

    Dude I watched a 27k alliance team get wrecked in a RTQ. Many melee classes lack their own mobility to survive red zones of bosses to kite effectively. The healing and AOE healing is really needed to some degree. To nerf it to dirt destroyed their game, and many people I know quit the game until they realize it and fix it.
  • drago#3250 drago Member Posts: 190 Arc User

    Dude I watched a 27k alliance team get wrecked in a RTQ. Many melee classes lack their own mobility to survive red zones of bosses to kite effectively. The healing and AOE healing is really needed to some degree. To nerf it to dirt destroyed their game, and many people I know quit the game until they realize it and fix it.

    I won 999 out of 1000 RTQ - Real random queues. Guess what will happen now. It will be the newcomers pay the bill. I was able to help the community. It's not that it was easy for them before. They almost lost many games pre Mod 19 - I was able to help them. Now I will abstain from weak groups. It's a disaster for the health of the game. But that is not my problem.
  • mericamadman#1550 mericamadman Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    Dude I watched a 27k alliance team get wrecked in a RTQ. Many melee classes lack their own mobility to survive red zones of bosses to kite effectively. The healing and AOE healing is really needed to some degree. To nerf it to dirt destroyed their game, and many people I know quit the game until they realize it and fix it.

    I won 999 out of 1000 RTQ - Real random queues. Guess what will happen now. It will be the newcomers pay the bill. I was able to help the community. It's not that it was easy for them before. They almost lost many games pre Mod 19 - I was able to help them. Now I will abstain from weak groups. It's a disaster for the health of the game. But that is not my problem.
    That's what I'm telling you... it's not just newcomers and about you. A 27k IL team is experienced players and they couldn't do a RTQ. The game is broken.
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