Completely discouraged by this game, I made a paladin to farm ad, and when I was supposed to get to RIQ to play other maps and earn more, they change everything, and now you need more item level, and the rewards that were previously higher now. got lower than it once was, to repeatedly play boring and repetitive maps for goodness sake, as you want to encourage new players to stay in the game
After today's patch and seeing the new random system I lost my interest to play. Logged in, did the random trial q noticed Vorpal is nerfed and Bilethorn BiS and logged off. Will be hard to motivate me to play the game in the state it is now. Cheers all!
Considering how long (or short I suppose is better) these changes were on preview and the depth of the way it changes things, this all seems rushed and barely tested at all.
Tomm is much harder now, i think it was ok before patch, now is to hard even for experienced people. What's the point of making it harder? if only 1-2 % from players will probablycomplete it. Boss Hp must be nerfed by at least 10 %
and damn, dps don't deserve to wait so long to find a line, people who put money into the game to get stronger, who spend hours and hours, want to test, want to play, and not wait a long time to find a match. , just because it's dps, this is very discouraging for long-time gamblers and beginners, many people are complaining and complaining and even stopping playing, so there's no point in removing Skirmishes' obligation for dps if they get little diamonds. In the daily bonus, they give few diamonds in the repetition and do not give bonus for class function, and even lower the daily bonus of lighter dungeons that was already low and still gets smaller, you have to encourage not to get discouraged, too much ad. more, so people are encouraged to continue their game, and do not stop playing because it is difficult to get far more ad, especially for those who are f2p, which are very important, because if you do not have m many people playing who invests money in the game will not spend because there are no people playing, I read in several places, forum in reddit, forum here, and in the game people commenting that it was discouraging to play, more and more, we you have to do the same thing every day to earn more ad, which makes the game repetitive but rewarding if the reward is worth it, but it is getting more discouraging and less rewarding it is interesting to give more diamonds for more difficult things, yes but for the easiest things you should not make it worse, but better to encourage ... and I don't know what else to say
Tomm is much harder now, i think it was ok before patch, now is to hard even for experienced people. What's the point of making it harder? if only 1-2 % from players will probablycomplete it. Boss Hp must be nerfed by at least 10 %
After today's patch and seeing the new random system I lost my interest to play. Logged in, did the random trial q noticed Vorpal is nerfed and Bilethorn BiS and logged off. Will be hard to motivate me to play the game in the state it is now. Cheers all!
the difference between vorpal and bilethorn is pretty small. I cant really understand why u would quit over just that.
Considering how long (or short I suppose is better) these changes were on preview and the depth of the way it changes things, this all seems rushed and barely tested at all.
maybe after the mod 16 fiasco they finally hired one or two in house qa testers lol
After today's patch and seeing the new random system I lost my interest to play. Logged in, did the random trial q noticed Vorpal is nerfed and Bilethorn BiS and logged off. Will be hard to motivate me to play the game in the state it is now. Cheers all!
They announced a vorpal nerf a week ago, dude. Don't act surprised. Originally it was going to be 15% crit sev at max rank, but they upped it to 20% after people voiced their displeasure. At least we're doing better damage when we have combat advantage now, so at least something positive came out of the changes.
> @nitocris83 said: > Patch Notes for today's maintenance are now available. We apologize for the delay. > >
Not sure what happened but since patch, cannot log into game. Any ideas?
"Killing Flames and Dreadtheft have been moved into the Hellbringer paragon encounter selection."
Why? WHYYYYY??? So uncalled for! Were we doing too much damage before? Were too many people playing Soulweavers because they were overpowered? Are there no more urgent problems that need to be fixed?
And they increased the damage of Killing Flames almost as if to mock us...
"Killing Flames and Dreadtheft have been moved into the Hellbringer paragon encounter selection."
Why? WHYYYYY??? So uncalled for! Were we doing too much damage before? Were too many people playing Soulweavers because they were overpowered? Are there no more urgent problems that need to be fixed?
And they increased the damage of Killing Flames almost as if to mock us...
I have good news for you.. well.. sorta.. Killing Flames does not actually do significantly more damage.. nothing on a Warlock does.. The change to the damage formula would have increased our damage relative to the "prime" DPS classes, so obviously we, out of all the classes, required an immediate set of changes to ensure that would not happen.. I must admit it worked well too, it may not have been the stated goal, but hey, at least now they can be sure something was actually accomplished..
I have good news for you.. well.. sorta.. (...) The change to the damage formula would have increased our damage relative to the "prime" DPS classes, so obviously we, out of all the classes, required an immediate set of changes to ensure that would not happen.
Thanks hrakh, but... where's the "good" part of this news?
SW is one of the worst classes right now and these changes wont change anything at all. SW-dps is still not working, because You messed up the power-scaling. A HR with 120k power is still stronger than a 220k power SW. You buffed all the flat-magnitude of the spells, BUT you nerfed the class Feature which was making SW-dps "half-viable" -> ◦Hellfire Expertise no longer increases Fire and Necrotic Damage. -> YOU nerf 25% dmg. THANK YOU! Love YOU! ◦Risky Investment now grants a 4% bonus to damage for each stack of Soul Investiture. -> You nerf 5% dmg. It s realy hard to build up those stacks and to Keep and maintain them AND NOW it s less rewarding. ◦Soul Sparks now increase Hellbringer damage by 0.25% per spark. 3% dmg buff (before 0,15%)
Doesnt matter how much I list up here, You still messed up the SW-power-scaling. SW-dps is not viable for Tomm! Thank you! (Sarcasm)
So two ways: You make the other classes as strong as the SW or you fix only SW and change the "+" signs in your SW-calculations to a "*" which should be faster - at least I thought, but we re already 5 month in the new Mods and nothing has changed.
SW-heal is worst of all healers, because the DC has double as high "heal-Magnitude" on most spells AND the S-Tier OP-healer gives shields with same "heal-magnitude" as the SW-heal. SW is not buffing, is not healing, is not shielding, is not rly dmg-buffing. Thank you for making SW not viable for Tomm. Love that too.
You should have fixed SWs four month ago. BUT unfortunatelly it s faster and easier to make a CW for end-contend than waiting for You to fix all those issue about my beloved SW-Lady.
I realy dont know what makes You hate the SW-class so much that You treat SWs that badly. I have no idea at all.
devs, did you realized Vorpal is one of most expensive and cost a lot of coal wards and turn around to stab us in the back with nerf? after all that Mod 16 heavy nerfages on skills, you devs are becoming untrustables after we spend time and investments, now i see lot of frustrations staying alive and all that betrayals by making players chasing the calculator racings for the stats. well, i just nerf my wallet, cut budget on NWO for good. you are not getting my last dusty dime., My VIP just flushed down, it is already expired.
Just finished LOMM on my 24.8k dps SW. Encounter damage is higher but at wills are nerfed or just pathetic, can't tell. 10 Magnitude on Hellish Rebuke, really? Brood won't even kill a mimic now either. TOMM is just as unattainable as ever. Meta says Rogue does 30% more damage, Wizard 15%, You owe me 30% increase please!
This is the best thing to end with this game. They don't know what they are doing. In an extremely Hamian way, they forced players to assign enchants so that they had to be made from the beginning. And the wizard is still not repaired ... 9 months waiting ...
This feels like its one step forward but two steps back. I actually like how the new queues are. At least as someone who is a DSP and 25k player. I don't get stuck waiting 20-40 minutes for a random queue. I also like that I don't get Demogorgon and Fangbreaker Island everyday now as that was getting repetitive. However, this does feel like it is punishing low level players. While doing both low level dungeon runs and skirmishes can get you the same amount of diamonds as one would get from the old regular queue, I don't like that the rewards for skirmishes are so low. Granted, I know the reason for this was to stop players from exploiting the amount of diamonds one would be able to get in skirmishes but its really not fair to low level players who can't do epic dungeon runs. Also, what would be the point in doing quest for Tyranny of the Dragon or Sharandar for keys if the rewards are so low and not worth it? Just ends up being a waste of time and gold. Due to this, I am starting to see many ill equip and low level players go in the Epic Dungeon queues in hopes of getting better rewards and more diamonds in order to buy better gear at the auction house. For low level players, they end up hoping and praying to get put in a low level and easier dungeon like Castle Never but end up in dungeons out of their league like Tomb of the Nine Gods. This ends up having a domino effect on high level players as they end up having to watch over low level players and carry the party which is both a pain in the rear and frustrating. In my opinion, just bring back the amount of diamonds one was able to get in the chests for skirmishes before the patch. It would save people from getting frustrated and allow low level players to improve and get better gear for tougher queues.
> @wylonus said: > devs, did you realized Vorpal is one of most expensive and cost a lot of coal wards and turn around to stab us in the back with nerf? after all that Mod 16 heavy nerfages on skills, you devs are becoming untrustables after we spend time and investments, now i see lot of frustrations staying alive and all that betrayals by making players chasing the calculator racings for the stats. > well, i just nerf my wallet, cut budget on NWO for good. you are not getting my last dusty dime., My VIP just flushed down, it is already expired.
Vorpal is still good, why is everyone loosing their mind now?
It's funny when there is some ridiculous advantage that gets balanced and those who had it complain. I think they still have a lot to do that will bring balance to the game but making the weapon and armor enchants more balanced makes a lot of sense to me. Otherwise what's the sense in having more than just Vorpal if it's the ONLY one worth having?
I will add this however, that it should have been done from the beginning and not after so many people spend time and $ upgrading or buying one. That goes for a lot of changes over the years. They make large sweeping changes (eg professions) that make investments obsolete and do not compensate the players for money spent. Just play the game for free and don't spend money on it is the message they are sending.
I do think the new queue systems is good other than the WAY too low item level requirements. It should be increased by about 4k. I tried many times yesterday to finish the highest level random queue but never could because of all the low levels who were in my group that would get one shotted by an imp so to speak. And I mean 6-7 out of 10 died before halfway through. Not their fault really, they thought they could do it since they had the "required" item level [highest level queue=16k il required; next level down=17k il required... Hmmm...].
So has this brought up the damage of Barbies and Fighters relative to Wizards and Rogues ,or, for all the bluster, has not really changed much?!
I cannot speak for Barbies .... but DPS Fighter is definitely still well below the other DPS classes in terms of damage.
You joking? Try being a Ranger. I have over 136k power and Rogues who have 20 to 30k less power then me deal more damage and get more kills then I do in queues. Rogue class is way too nerfed and overpowered.
So has this brought up the damage of Barbies and Fighters relative to Wizards and Rogues ,or, for all the bluster, has not really changed much?!
I cannot speak for Barbies .... but DPS Fighter is definitely still well below the other DPS classes in terms of damage.
You joking? Try being a Ranger. I have over 136k power and Rogues who have 20 to 30k less power then me deal more damage and get more kills then I do in queues. Rogue class is way too nerfed and overpowered.
Funny you should mention that ... I have a ranger as well. From what I have seen at the moment, Rangers are on the middle-upper end right now. Rogues and Wizards are outperforming Rangers, but at the same time Rangers are outperforming Warlocks and significantly outperforming DPS Clerics, and DPS Fighters. (The only Barbarian I have run with since the patch is definitely on the higher damage end and he was out-DPSing everyone but the wizard in the trial, but he's probably not representative of the class).
So has this brought up the damage of Barbies and Fighters relative to Wizards and Rogues ,or, for all the bluster, has not really changed much?!
I cannot speak for Barbies .... but DPS Fighter is definitely still well below the other DPS classes in terms of damage.
You joking? Try being a Ranger. I have over 136k power and Rogues who have 20 to 30k less power then me deal more damage and get more kills then I do in queues. Rogue class is way too nerfed and overpowered.
umm well actually in live server rangers are best for DUNGEONS. you have just a few stacks back single target damage but you have overpowered aoe damage and a crazy rush encounter. if you want to notice that your aoe is so overpowered, play at least 1 of the other classes that have a dps path.
why so much hate against SW? I don't understand why the current nerf, can I change my class to not lose everything that was done in the sw account? I was working months in sw of the damage that it was horrible, there one day, it has a maintenance and worsening it. Cheers to those involved.
Will be hard to motivate me to play the game in the state it is now.
Cheers all!
Ereshkigal - 12k Tiefling SW
Aurora Ravensong - 11.6k Drow CW
> Patch Notes for today's maintenance are now available. We apologize for the delay.
Not sure what happened but since patch, cannot log into game. Any ideas?
Why? WHYYYYY??? So uncalled for! Were we doing too much damage before? Were too many people playing Soulweavers because they were overpowered? Are there no more urgent problems that need to be fixed?
And they increased the damage of Killing Flames almost as if to mock us...
SW is one of the worst classes right now and these changes wont change anything at all.
SW-dps is still not working, because You messed up the power-scaling. A HR with 120k power is still stronger than a 220k power SW. You buffed all the flat-magnitude of the spells, BUT you nerfed the class Feature which was making SW-dps "half-viable" -> ◦Hellfire Expertise no longer increases Fire and Necrotic Damage. -> YOU nerf 25% dmg. THANK YOU! Love YOU!
◦Risky Investment now grants a 4% bonus to damage for each stack of Soul Investiture. -> You nerf 5% dmg. It s realy hard to build up those stacks and to Keep and maintain them AND NOW it s less rewarding.
◦Soul Sparks now increase Hellbringer damage by 0.25% per spark. 3% dmg buff (before 0,15%)
Doesnt matter how much I list up here, You still messed up the SW-power-scaling.
SW-dps is not viable for Tomm! Thank you! (Sarcasm)
So two ways: You make the other classes as strong as the SW or you fix only SW and change the "+" signs in your SW-calculations to a "*" which should be faster - at least I thought, but we re already 5 month in the new Mods and nothing has changed.
SW-heal is worst of all healers, because the DC has double as high "heal-Magnitude" on most spells AND the S-Tier OP-healer gives shields with same "heal-magnitude" as the SW-heal. SW is not buffing, is not healing, is not shielding, is not rly dmg-buffing. Thank you for making SW not viable for Tomm. Love that too.
You should have fixed SWs four month ago. BUT unfortunatelly it s faster and easier to make a CW for end-contend than waiting for You to fix all those issue about my beloved SW-Lady.
I realy dont know what makes You hate the SW-class so much that You treat SWs that badly. I have no idea at all.
Just amazing.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
well, i just nerf my wallet, cut budget on NWO for good. you are not getting my last dusty dime., My VIP just flushed down, it is already expired.
Encounter damage is higher but at wills are nerfed or just pathetic, can't tell. 10 Magnitude on Hellish Rebuke, really?
Brood won't even kill a mimic now either.
TOMM is just as unattainable as ever.
Meta says Rogue does 30% more damage, Wizard 15%, You owe me 30% increase please!
And the wizard is still not repaired ... 9 months waiting ...
Its not uncommon that there are top hard trials and Not everybody is able to do it!
They made Craddle easier. Now enchanting stone, rank 6 barely has price...
> devs, did you realized Vorpal is one of most expensive and cost a lot of coal wards and turn around to stab us in the back with nerf? after all that Mod 16 heavy nerfages on skills, you devs are becoming untrustables after we spend time and investments, now i see lot of frustrations staying alive and all that betrayals by making players chasing the calculator racings for the stats.
> well, i just nerf my wallet, cut budget on NWO for good. you are not getting my last dusty dime., My VIP just flushed down, it is already expired.
Vorpal is still good, why is everyone loosing their mind now?
I will add this however, that it should have been done from the beginning and not after so many people spend time and $ upgrading or buying one. That goes for a lot of changes over the years. They make large sweeping changes (eg professions) that make investments obsolete and do not compensate the players for money spent. Just play the game for free and don't spend money on it is the message they are sending.
I do think the new queue systems is good other than the WAY too low item level requirements. It should be increased by about 4k. I tried many times yesterday to finish the highest level random queue but never could because of all the low levels who were in my group that would get one shotted by an imp so to speak. And I mean 6-7 out of 10 died before halfway through. Not their fault really, they thought they could do it since they had the "required" item level
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
I don't understand why the current nerf, can I change my class to not lose everything that was done in the sw account?
I was working months in sw of the damage that it was horrible, there one day, it has a maintenance and worsening it.
Cheers to those involved.