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  • LOL...yep, I saw the post on facebook and was gonna repost it but you beat me to it. Sorry dariep, I didnt mean to suggest that you had anything to do with the major ******baggery that went into sneaking in the extra wait time caused by pushing the maintenance early.
  • SO what your really saying is that you went ahead and did the maintenance and made all of us wait for an extra hour, hour and a hlf, to be able to log back in......and you think thats a good thing? I dont think "Great news" means what you think it means
  • LOL.....yep! And if I ever figure out who Fancy the Bard was in RL bad things will happen. I still owe that little ******* :-)
  • Yeah....I dont know...this game is REALLY good. I think we need to see a picture of the GF before we can make a call like that
  • Hey....while we wait Im running out to pick up a pizza....anyone need anything from the store while Im out?
  • Yeah....the problem with posting the "Wow was the first mmo" meme is that its not really a meme. Yes, its something really stupid to post and annoy people, but despite what "knowyourmeme" might say......stupid and annoying doesnt actually make something a meme. If it did then every single person using the internet would…
  • AND Neverwinter Nights was up and running on both AOL and Compuserve in 1991. Ultima Online wasnt online until 97, and Meridian 59 was the year before. They were not the first mmorpg NEVERWINTER NIGHTS was the first.