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  • er... are you talking about the Many Coins Heist? That is only completeable once you've done Reneavars Salvation in the campaign and that is like 5 boxes in on the campaign. So it's week 1, and I can not get beyond 80 of the allowed 100 acorns. How is it that you've already met the criteria to do the skirmish?
  • Yep... alchemists alchemists alchemists... that's it. I'm finding it kind of hilarious. I hope they fix this bug as it's making this new system really frustrating amongst other things. I wonder what totally new players are experiencing? This would totally lock people out from the new system most basic quests.
  • Ok... I think I've got it... how to approach this quest without anything special... So you get the quest and it's super badly worded so my suggestion is you read it like this: "Mister Corsca has furnished me with a list of items he will accept. My lady need only deliver one of the entries on the list. Once you have the…
  • Ok... just learnt something from alliance chat which ... is just really ... I want to give up for now.... so apparently because my artisians are too high or something I am not able to produce a +1? Every day since I've come back to Neverwinter I've been doing professions 2x a day... but um... looks like I'm taking an…
  • ok... try a bit further...thanks for this... (I will rewrite the quest text when I get how this works)... So I hired the first 4 people ... cos like, reading is hard yo (and I read pretty much nothing in this game until I get stuck :D ) And I chose jewellery. So now I've got to choose the best thing to go and *gather* ....…
  • I'm getting the same dialog from the foreman outside the workshop near the vendor as I am inside the workshop. At this stage I have to conclude that I've run into a bug. I'm open to any other suggestions.
  • Ok ... 1 run of Natron has produced 12 units... and no change of the quest givers dialog.. and a continuation of the confusing sparkle path... @quantumff I am beginning to think that what you mean by "+1" is this "Tinkers' Training Manual" - is this correct or have I misunderstood?
  • Ahhhh... yes I can see now that I could 'gather' Natron from that board (via the search function) with the contractors I have hired. Ok I'll see how that goes... trying to create brass ingots is a little odd - I'm not sure when they are created where they go etc. I suspect I'll work it out... At least with gathering I know…
  • Thanks Nunya + Rafa - you have forced me to go and look more carefully at the text of the quest "Mister Corsca has furnished me with a list of items he will accept. My lady need only deliver one of the entries on the list. Once you have the goods, return to me and I will bundle them up for delivery Your retainer holds out…
  • Hi - most likely too new to join but if you have associated guilds or just activities you can recommend I'd be grateful. Curious about guild life, end game and am levelling crafting and see that (eventually) I'll need to join a guild. I like listening (and participating when I get to know people) in guild chat. Level 70…
  • why would you bother? from what i hear dread vault doesn't drop loot at the end - there is some final shard that is meant to spawn that you are meant to kill like the others but it doesn't spawn so you don't get a loot drop. add to that you get the same loot from other dungeons *and* the unfun experience you have just…
  • wiki just says time-gating it to 24k rough per day. Seems odd to me as you get more than that from AH sales. Participated in an amusing AD sharing recently -because you can't trade directly you post an item of minimum value on the AH for 10AD (lowest amount for the smallesst cut) and then a buyout of whatever value you are…
  • It's probably a glitch but apparently if you get AD from Professions while using the gateway they are refined. Proabably not much in a day - maybe 2000 or 4000 a day? I haven't quite got the economic point of refined versus unrefined ADs and why it matters. I did notice a thread go by asking that same questions /goes to…
  • The thread was started by madqhue. Threads are more than just their OP.
  • http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?335172-Now-Available-quot-Pre-Patching-quot-Upcoming-Neverwinter-Content Finally an answer.
  • So pets and costumes?
  • I don't see a lot of complaining really. Just discussion really of sinks and sources. I readily own that I have not studied economy and am grateful to those here who have shared their knowledge. But hey if you want to be supercilious about the fact I haven't studied it, feel free. I can't see a reason why I can't utilise a…
  • ah yes. (and @perfectindigo too). Hadn't thought of that. Just thinking about what I spend my ADs on it's mainly ID scrolls and AH fees for some gear. Enchants I overwrite atm and I have no interest in appearance changes. As I suspect I'm almost done with this game but I'm a curious person I did the zen swap thing and…
  • Ah ok. That's interesting to think about. So people don't have the AD to spend is what you're saying rather than the market is flooded? Sources of ADs atm: people who buy zen and convert, dailies, invoking, professions. Hard to say if that's enough?
  • I finally got a chance to see it today - with two DCs. So hey at least I got to see it before they break DCs. I am glad for you that you find it easy. I guess it becomes a question of what proportion of the playerbase does not find this easy enough to bother with to the point that successive failures make the cost and…
  • Oh it was pointed out to me recently that you can sell the PvP healing potions for quite a bit of gold. (4gp I think I was told?) So you can actually translate glory into usable currency.
  • Thank you. I think you've summed it up from a perspective that I don't have. This is looking at it from other MMOs? I've never done PvP before this game. Solo players are going to continue to queue though, and possibly only halfheartedly try, because of the AD incentive.
  • Ok this is weird. My game continually goes into patch mode (and yes I have the patching stuff on my launcher unticked) but I cancel it and then I try again and 1 times out of 3 I can just go to play mode and no patching. Not very good though. Long time to load in but then I've always had that with this game.
  • Had a bit time to think about this: I'm kind of curious about the "rewards for losing a PvP match have been lowered". There is two types of rewards - the in-PvP rewards, and then the rewards from Rhix. The in-PvP rewards - well who cares really? You end up with so much glory you're glory-capped and glory purchased goods…
  • Just patches again :/ The only choice I have is Patch and not Play. Bah. I give up. Someone let me know when they fix this. I'll give this game a break for a while.
  • Yes I really like team play. I'm a fairly friendly person and I enjoy chatting. I am somewhat confused that the NWO party system doesn't seem to work and everyone uses zone chat. I don't associated PvP with team play. If anything it's not really. No one talks, it's just get in and get it done. I do enjoy the team play…
  • My game patched - it took maybe 2 hours and I am also in oz - but now I've swapped characters and it's decided it's going to patch it again and again it's very very slow. CL_2013_06_03_15_41 I was just swapping for DD :( I'm fairly heartbroken about this. I don't get a lot of opportunities to play DD (and therefore any…
  • Well what else do I do if I don't do Gaunt? I guess I've kind of run out of things to do then. /shrugs No one will miss me so no loss to anyone :)
  • I didn't say "forced". No one is forced to do anything. With ADs, easy gear, easy xp and all alternate paths are more onerous. And that is irksome. Now they've made PvP mandatory if you want to participate in Gaunt. I don't mind PvP as a kind of serious addendum to a game, but their design choice is that it is to be…
  • After getting massively frustrated in PvP and hating it on a DC and thinking I was just really bad at this game Neverwinter I've rolled a TR. Talk about easy button. 22 kills next highest 11? Rolling through content without even thinking about it much. Not at end game yet but yes... definitely not balanced and I have no…