Try going to your professions bag and clearing space lol worked for me multiple times. Haha just imagining all the professions items you have deleted. R3 once room in bag I believe will transfer it
Everything u named gives little refinement. Not much to really notice. Can't put enchants into artifact gear unfortunately. The amount of rp u need to get legendary will take forever if done with rings and other non belt non artifacts. I suggest buyin another epic artifact belt if cheap enough and using it on double rp…
I spent 135 pres wards on 5%chance getting my wheel to mythic... Math just doesn't add up but regardless it finally happened this is the kinda stuff we deal with on neverwinter.
Rotation changes depending on what's going on. But usual rotation careful att ,Pg Hs St,,Con Cordon Hs. Have play the hr since release on ps4 and has been this way since it unlocked leveling up. Most people who just push buttons and don't know what is really going on would probably not even realized HS missed bit it is…
So I'm pretty stoked PG is gettin some attention. Has anyone else noticed that hindering strike frequently misses... Like it goes on cool down animation is there but I just missed all enemies. Been this way for longtime now and surprised nobody has mentioned it. Pretty big hit to trappers damage when it does miss. Throws…
I'm just tired of all the kill jacking CW waiting for me to do the work and come in with a disintegrate for the steal. My only complaint with pvp is my own teammates....
Lil bit ridiculous no updates thus far on ps4. Xbox and PC were responded to pretty quick without a full staff. Now that they are well equipped to deal with this.... No developer updates or anything. Just given the shaft like ps4 lives don't matter. Lol