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zebular Community Moderator

If you wish to discuss forum moderation, please press orange "Message" button here on the top right of my profile and contact me directly. Moderation conversations are always shared among the entire Community Team, so you'll see the rest of the forum Staff added as participants when gaining a response. Please do not post about moderation on my wall or on the forums, as that is against the Rules & Policies and Guidelines. If for whatever reason you need to contact a Moderator or myself and cannot send us a message, feel free to post a simple "Please PM me" comment on my wall, but leave it at that. Thanks!


  • Ah, I see. Hopefully they will get a fix for this soon!
  • I just had this issue too where only two of my 89 companions were showing up. It looks like the display favorites option has taken precedence on some characters. Hopefully this is the case for you. To check, open the companion panel, then click on Manage All Companions and then there is a COG Setting Icon on the bottom,…
  • Server is back up. Apologies for any inconvenience. Go play!
  • I've been updating this thread as I can with what little info they provide me. I'm sorry that you've seemed to have missed this thread.
  • Update: I was just updated when I asked again for an ETA that alas, "The issue is still under investigation at the moment." So there is, as of yet, no ETA. We do apologize as we know this is not what ya'll want to hear right now.
  • The login server is having a temper tantrum. They're aware and are working on it. I don't have any new information other than the patcher message, "We're having some issues, but we're working on it right now." As it's been a bit over an hour now, I expect they're running into issues getting it back up in a timely matter,…
  • As you say, they are trash mobs and as such they stun and die really easy and it's super easy to spot their drain effect with plenty of time to react before they finish casting it. I've never had any problem interrupting or killing them before they drain you, unless I am not paying attention. After a few quests in…
  • Welcome and Well Met, Chris!
  • One of the Redcap mobs does an AP drain. They'll make a stance where they're holding their sickle back to their side behind them and you'll hear a noise and you'll see your AP display change color. This means they're starting their drain and if you do not disrupt them somehow or kill them before they finish casting,…
  • PATCH NOTES: NW.115.20191025A.27
  • To have the game's screenshot function work, you either have to type or set one (or both if you prefer) as keybinds the following chat commands: /screenshot_jpg /screenshot_ui_jpg First one saves without the ui showing, second saves with. The screenshots will then be saved in your screenshot folder in the game directory.…
  • Closing this up now as answers have been given and I don't see this thread going anywhere good.
  • Alas, there is no option for cross-platform play or transfers. Computer, XBOX, and Playstation all have separate servers.
  • Indeed. Vampires and Lycanthropes used to be an infliction then they became a race for an edition (3rd and/or 4th - I forget off hand) and now in 5th Edition they are once again Inflictions and not a Race. The same goes for Liches and any other "undead" or transformed state. These states would be awesome features to become…
  • I mostly notice it when I am logging into a character, it shows patching data in the top left corner of the loading screen. I've ensured that on demand patching is disabled and it still does it almost every login. I also noticed it the other day just walking around in Protector's Enclave.
  • Closed by request.
  • Well met, @"lazarian#3815" ! Let's go through the steps for a new Scourge Warlock on the beach. First thing, you talk to Private Wilfred. After you're done conversing with him, he sends you to Search the Wreckage For Gear. When you interact (F by default) with the Wreckage, you'll find a Rugged Tunic. After looting the…
  • Steam Neverwinter users are PC Neverinter users. Steam forums are maintained by Steam staff, not Cryptic or PWE. I'd suggest asking Steam to pick up the ball and get moderators and staff to be active in their forums.
  • While it would be nice to classify the horrible RNG system as a bug, sadly it is not. Moved to Feedback from Bug Reports.
  • You might need to just tweak the sensitivity of the thumbsticks to get it so it doesn't constantly trigger you moving when you're not trying to. Unfortuantely, all three Cryptic Games have issues with most Controllers. Many need to be calibrated specifically for the game because of the sensitivity issues with the…
  • We'll review the site today and as long as there's no ads or other content that violated the ToS/EULA, we'll get her added later this evening. Thanks!
  • There's a how-to on reporting bots in the game in the Rules & Policies and Guidelines sticky. Search "I found a" and expand the element labeled "I found a "bot" player or players. How do I report them?" Closing this up as the forum is not the place to report or discuss ToS/EULA violating bad behavior.
  • Do you have a gamepag/controller plugged into your gaming desktop? If so, try unplugging it. Gamepads/controllers are known to cause exactly this issue in Neverwinter.
  • No. Account mergers and transfers are not available on the same server, let alone across platforms. There are no plans in the foreseeable future for such options, especially with Sony being adamantly against cross platforming with Microsoft, despite Microsoft being willing of the idea. Just remove your handle/factory reset…
  • I really don't consider any of those "housing." To me, the Spacestations and Strongholds are nothing more than glorified social places and the Hideouts aren't really worthy of calling housing to me. When I think of what I envision a proper "Housing System" is in an MMO, I think of Ultima Online. Even Everquest II comes to…
  • Since the process was just rewritten and you used the word "again" and "rewrite" along with "enchantment process" that leaves it to mean the entire enchantment process. My point was that your suggestion is not a rewrite of the enchantment process but a single change in the enchantment system that would be beneficial,…
  • While that would be nice, that one change is not a rewrite of the upgrade process. It's a single change that would benefit the users under the current process. Nothing else in the process would be affected by that change.
  • Moderator Notice: A lot of posts were removed. Please stay on topic. This thread is not for discussing class balance or ranting on why no new classes should be added. Thanks. Please do not reply to this moderator notice, as doing so is not allowed per the Rules & Policies. Thanks!
  • Just be aware that if you rebind the default interact button, you'll loose some functionality of it. Default interact does more than ++interact. While ++interact ignores players in the way, it won't let you aid fallen players, kick enemies in pvp, or confirm looting contents of things like chests and resource nodes. I keep…