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  • Lol, this is so true. Please, if you guys want this game to last, add a little variety to the dungeons and boss fights. Secret passages to optional bosses and maybe something like killing the optional bosses will make the end boss a bit easier, knocking off a buff that he would have if the optional boss was up. Have some…
  • Yup... it's just hard for some people to believe that they are doing something wrong and someone is better. Fact of the matter is, there is more to the class and other classes than just mashing buttons in WoW style. Do some research and ask this guy for some help, there is no shame in trying to help yourself, that is…
  • Sorry, just face it kid, your bad. Come and ask questions, suggestions, and do a little research before you start blurting out rants and making yourself look stupid. Being bad and trying to help it is something that is honorable but complaining about your class with things that only you really have problems with and making…
  • I personally I have not played Rift but everyone I know who has, had good experiences at launch. Sure, games come out with bugs, especially betas but I have never seen such little and slow attempts to fix them like this before. The bugs I am talking about are not little bugs where a quest is broken or my gear is the wrong…
  • I am glad you guys are working hard to fix the issues I just have a request that more internal and player testing would go on before these updates go live. There has been a bit too many new exploits and bugs that come out on updates. It is just aggravating for the players to go through all this and it ends up taking longer…
  • I like the new system. Will make everyone work for their gear, less pay to win, and not just flop a few hundred bucks on the game and sell the zen for ad to buy the armor. I do however believe that people who lack the time to run things like castle never should have a shot at items. Maybe add the ancient stuff from castle…
  • I was having the same issue a while back. My mark would be applied and I would not get hit by the boss but I figured out why and it's quite simple really :p. I was in CN on the 2nd boss, tanking the adds while the rouge was on the boss and I was marking the boss for the damage resistance debuff. I was using Knight's Valor…
  • Yes, also works with briatwine, shield reflect power, and tenebrous can proc off of it also.
  • I don't think It was cheesy at all. I do however feel like season 1 had some pretty poor special effects that looked awfully fake but season 2 was improved dramatically and the cancellation of the show took me by surprise. The show is popular and getting even more popular because it actually has had some proper…
  • 4 hours, not counting the other 2 hours you will have to sit in queue when it's back up.
  • Amazingly fun good guild with good people who like to bull**** and group together! A+ guild with much MMO experience.
  • Dropped in an app, hope you guys' accept it and I am looking forward to playing with you all.
  • This just seems creepy.... What if the dev has to scratch himself "somewhere" you really want someone watching you when you are doing this? :p
  • Offering "special" favors for a code. Thanks! :)
  • So whats your stand point on botting, spamming and gold selling? Please, don't be like GW2 and let thousands of known botters play for months and state that you are "investigating". I hate that whole thing where some games try and just watch the botters to see how they work so they can prevent the botting program from…
  • Well, I registered but Neverwinter is not an option to select for an app. Whenever that gets fixed I will app.
  • Have you guys' been hardcore raiding in the past or plan on being a hardcore raid guild here? I am assuming there will be raid and endgame PVE content in the game and hope so :p. I have a long history of raiding in Everquest classic up to Planes of Power and vanilla WoW up to lich king. I am also looking for a firm rule…
  • Yeah well I have a strong belief in min maxing, it's hard to turn away from it and the worry of people thinking im some nub because I have a bloodhunt racial that just gives crit chance (I read that somewhere that that is what it does) over a tanking racial for a Guardian Fighter.
  • Meh, I just hope theres plenty of talents / skills in a tree to select from so that there is not really a must go way for a specific role. I mean obviously you would not pick up too many things from a dps section if you want to tank but having limited points to put into many viable things to pick from would be great so…
  • Yeah, all the + stats on races and the racials seem to make class choices limited. The human looks to have the best racial for a Guardian Fighter and the bloodhunt from a Tiefling seems useless for a Guardian Fighter, that saddens me because I really want to be a Tiefling Guardian Fighter but I am worried people would put…
  • I must admit, that looks amazing and this game actually makes dps warrior / fighter seem very fun. I also was not saying this game seems like a WoW clone, I was just trying to say I don't want it to be or make people think I do because of some of the things I would like to see, like having the need for a tank and playing a…
  • Well then..... I like the whole dodge aspect but I feel like not having the need of a tank in every instance / dungeon or what have you would suck for me. Why should I go defensive and try to enjoy myself being a beast when a group can just be all wizard and rogue? The dodge aspect and such should stay, I love it but put…
  • Yeah, I found the post. The "whereis" and index is what I was going by. I clicked through the parts and found the post in part 5. Hard to find things without an index, sorry. I am also not sure I agree with exactly because it is not hard to make completion time long but easy. Just throw in a bunch of easy mobs and a huge…
  • Well, I am unable to find that question and answer so I am asking again. Posting weird troll videos of a word not said is very rude btw.
  • Foundry question So, there is quite a bit of gaps about the foundry. What kind of limitations will be put in place to avoid someone from making a super easy dungeon with really good loot drops for people to just come in and do an easy farm? I am very concerned about this type of thing going on.
  • What I am wondering is if there is going to actually be a tank role, challenging to keep agro but viable. GW2 depressed me that my guardian could not get agro and tank. They don't really have roles in GW like tank, healer, cc, and dps. You can tank some things but it's mostly just everyone dodgeing things. I hope…