Stupid changes. No constant heal in PvP sucks and a gamble for Heal in PvP is skill-less. Revert changes for reg in PvP and make lifesteal not work in PvP at all that would be better...
Pure dmg of sab is nerfed next mod and their 30% more invis and 7.5% dmg in invis set bonus is also gone. Pure dmg of shocking is not op as long as DC's are op.
Great buffs, especially with the stuns. There are 3 small things I would buff. 1. Flourish and IBS should have a lower cast time - melee spells with low range and low cast time feel a bit boring. 2. Destroyer class feature should be easier to stack. 3. Unstoppable HP over time shouldn't be effected by power or dmg bonuses…
''being nearly unable to kill them without daily'' doesn't mean I can't deal with them because I have my daily permanently up. @our beloved page 2 SW you are misinterpreting the core of my sentence. At th end you should stop trash talking me and be happy that I speak up for you class ;)
Please stop trolling. I never said I can't deal with a warlock and my first post in this thread stated that I think other classes (such as tr) need nerfs. So I dont get why you talk such incredible amounts of trash Oo
Funny how mad you are just like when you type **** when I kill you in PvP :D. Btw. I bet I have more PvP matches with my TR pre rework than you in total so lol @your lame ''TR FOTM sheep'' ''insult'' xD.
I dont get why ppl cry about SW. There is one on page 2 that means the class is good enough for PvP they outheal most of my dmg as TR I can barely kill them without daily. I guess most people are just too bad to play their sw with the right gear and build. The class doesnt really need buffs but other classes need some…
Funny how they nerf GWF dmg. Imo they should have the best dmg of all classes because its the only true melee class - they got no perma block or perma invis for protection.
Must be bugged right now because it procs once every ~20sec and doesnt matter if you have 1 or 5. What a stupid change... they should just leave the enchant as it is and make it 3 or 4% not 5%.
Wikipedia said 10% I didnt know it heals more but that doesnt change the fact it can proc like 3-5x. I have a screenshot where it does 3x 11k dmg to me.
Feedback GWF: Takedown: make takedown prone for 1 second and or make it a 30' charge Frontline surge: reduce cooldown by 40% and or buff damage by 50-100% IBS/Flourish: reduce cast time like you did it with CW spells Sure strike /wicked strike: buff damage by 30+% Sentinel feats: Intimidation: scale this feat down to…
Feedback Instigator: Allied Opportunity Please change the combat advantage to a mark. Weapon master has a hard time marking enemies so this should apply a mark instead of giving combat advantage only. The duration could also be 10-12 seconds. Also like 50% of the feats from instigator tree are ''useless'' rework them to…
Feedback Instigator: Allied Opportunity Please change the combat advantage to a mark. Weapon master has a hard time marking enemies so this should apply a mark instead of giving combat advantage only. The duration could also be 10-12 seconds.
Feedback Instigator: Allied Opportunity Please change the combat advantage to a mark. Weapon master has a hard time marking enemies so this should apply a mark instead of giving combat advantage only. The duration could also be 10-12 seconds. Also the rest of the feats on the lower row of the instigator tree need a…