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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc


  • hmm i just had to verify my machine and now im in. so seems theres 2 different types of cheks then? can that rly be nessecary ( spelling sry )? :p
  • ok mate.. cheers. just taking safety first =) thx for the answer.
  • i only need to verify my machine nothing about email and stuff. but that maybe comes after? i see some1 else posted he had some mail <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> also. this is starting to make me currious whats going on. no1 else getting this? i dont dare press Verify yet ^^ derpidy derp
  • so. call me dumb or w/e for this but i take safety before anything when it comes to my accounts in games ect cus of all the time i putt in to it and im very cautious, so to my question. 20 mins ago i logged off to restart game then in again with no probs. then 10 mins later i logged off again, but. this time i get a Window…
  • and they still do :p
  • http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/devtracker.php
  • some peeps shud go read some other topics before posting some stuff. end of story and out. back to leveling. cyas
  • no1 is forcing u too pay. ( i know u will say u wana support or w/e to make it look better ) but in this case u talk about all those big companies and say they never get problems. BS i say. always problems on new stuff. like u talk about WoW, but it doesnt seem like uve played wow on ( New ) releases cus then ud know. and…