I play both CW and TR. The OP is totally correct in his main point that while CW can, and DO dish DPS, what they do put out compared to a TR is a joke. ESPECIALLY like he says, and makes a point of many times, on the boss. Control the ADDS, and PROTECT your Cleric for the love of god, is the jist what i picked up reading…
How was this already NOT known. Have the Dev's been locked away in some vault so out of touch with MMO going's on's that they are completely out of touch with what is considered common practice in this type of game? I find the fact that Cryptic NEED's feed back on issues like this at all disturbing. Your giving people a…
How exactly do you expect to balance a game with 5 playable classes, that are in no way designed to have balance related to any kind of pvp. THERE IS NO BALANCE, nor is there supposed to be. The very second they try and "balance" any class for pvp its going to damage the function of said classes in the PVE part of the…
I myself am not big on the swap meet that is the trade channel... BUT FOR FFS!!! get it done and make an official channel so the many many many people that WANT to use it, can. Its a huge deal for a lot of people. This is a modern MMO that for all real seriousness, and reasons pertaining to the way the AH works, and the…
This is not a positive feedback thread, it is a positive whine thread. There are plentiful amounts of guides on how to spec ANY class in this game. If you control adds, stay out of red circles and keep a TR on the boss your gonna win. works all the way to the hardest of the T2 mob zerg bosses. You really need to look up…
what they look like is bugged out HAMSTER with a popped collar....... and dont forget the UBER lame hats. Whoever approved those skins should be drawn and quartered, slowly. Worst Rogue gear i have seen.
Nice moral loophole you have worked out for yourself. But when they explicitly say how it WILL NOT BE TOLERATED if you find, then go on to abuse, said exploit. They say right out they will atomize your account if they catch you. You know **** well this is not a traditional open beta. There is no character wipe, there is…
<EYE ROLL> i know several GWF that are bad *** mothertruckers...... whats wrong with the rest of ya i have no idea. A new currency revolving around killing trash to offset the current problems people are having with the class is a s*** idea, nice try though, actually not really.....
Those some super fabulous numbers you pulled directly out of your *** sir....... The effect is hitting everyone now, not in the future. Who the hell even knows what the future holds for this game. I sure dont!
I saw right through you blatant troll thread and therefore told you to STFU. I've had the misfortune of seeing you in action more than once. Personally, i cuss like a sailor and it isn't that your name contain the word HAMSTER that i find offensive. i could care less. It is the fact i know **** well you think your clever…
yayaya.... cause thats exactly why you named yourself cocksworth on a public forums. Your like talking to my 9 year old. You think your real clever. Your not. Condolences on your failed whit and ability to make a play of words on a long outmoded English surname. By the way, are you not quitting? Does your continued…
STFU cocksworth...... im mean for real, how the hell are you still even allowed out in public with that forum name. I cringe every time i see your stupid handle in a post. I for one won't miss seeing you blather on these forums anymore, toodles!!!
That is exaclty the ******* point he is making, THIS IS ALL KNOWN. People have been pointing it out for a LONG TIME...... So how is it now when the shiza hits the fan, and the AH exploit goes totally public have they just decided to fix things..... This is the HAMSTER PW needs to be accountable for. They are too busy…
The damage is done. PW is fail, they were told about these exploits. The exploiter's are fail, their total lack of self control and any kind of behavior standards brought this all down on everyone's good time playing this game. This is exactly the reason we can't have nice stuff these days. Wipe it all out, and see how…
seems to me that people are also forgetting that people doing this HAMSTER are making insane amounts of gold and buying mounts an what not and posting them for AD on the AH. You wanna bring the MAN down on your head fast, play with in game monetary systems and watch what happens. AND AND AND.... everyone making these…
Ignore the dragon, kill the mobs faster, have a CW or two put ranged DPS on dragon as you can and you will win. You have a whole assortment of abilities, retool your bar to have less casting time and quit worrying about your dps, its an endurance fight, stay alive, kill adds damage the boss as you can. Its not impossible,…
1st time i time i went at the Chartilifax encounter it was with pug group, 1GF, 2 GWF, 1TR and a cleric. We did pretty good first run, 15% or so, next attempt we got smashed, 3 and 4th attempt is was real close ot 10% both times. At this point a couple folks want to go to bed so we disbanded. On these 4 attempts i payed…
I personally cant stand the idea of swimming in an MMO? so your wearing platemail armor and carrying a huge two handed sword and swimming??? Not that reality has anything to do with anything in this kind of game, but what is the point of even including swimming?? immersion is not really that good of a reason to do it imho.…