This is the problem with MMO's these days, players like you see getting to the max level as winning the game. It is supposed to be about the journey, THEN the destination. If you would like to skip all gameplay and content and go right to the end game have at it, your loss. Bottom line, how does someone getting to 60 in…
All games should have unlimited respecing, and dual class ability like WoW and Rift do. I should be able to switch my Cleric from a solo build to a group build in a matter of seconds and for free. I have to completely change my play style when I am 60 and relearn the class after learning the game on a max dps solo build?…
When will I be able to play this game again PW? I paid for it and cannot even log in for 5 minutes before work to get crafting started. This is bull****.
This. I have never seen a first day game, open beta or otherwise, where the queue was so huge. I know I know fanboys...the numbers are wrong. Still does not make up for the fact the queue is hours long. Other game companies would have been ****ting servers out by the hour.
If this were my first time trying the game I think I would uninstall it and say **** you. Better fix this PW, or I might just uninstall this game and say **** you. Not another dime from me.
I'm sorry.....did you just say getting to 60 super fast by wasting tons of real life money on AD to craft faster and miss all of the content in between equals....."winning"? ROFL.