i am happy to hear that u are here... if hadent post this guide maybe ill quite my gf but now i love that class!! i wonder if had to make any pvp gear for the new 20man pvp...any idea?
is totaly joke that timeles sword is better than ancinet...i got like 5 ancient sword they cost 400k and the timeles cost 5m!! at the ss they shield seems to be 1 blue valiant...!im comfused:rolleyes:
irony indeed....if pw want to make gf worthing on this games,,,have to change all the game...or make gf pure dps class to... this game dont need tank !
i always try with tr,dcx2,cw,gf but gf dont really needed in there dcx2,cwx2,tr is the perfect grp!! i hope make the gf better in this game!! and 1 more question!! at last boss at cn..what excactly do??i am focus on boss...is anything else we can do?? p.s. ty for this guide the help me a lot...if u not had this guide maybe…
i ll be very glad if anyone can help me with my "attempting to connetc to controller tracker" problem....i spam all forum 2 days and now givme an answer..