Actualy this is not the reason, the foundry is on a multi weave server network, as is all PWE games, or so it seems. The issue is that in all server system configurations, there is a main server hub. This is basicly the big server, its what uploads and downloads data to you and gets you on the right weave server. Weave…
If you have smaller spawns, a good way to rid of them without having to kill them yourself is creating a "Trap" room. Basicly its a room out in the far end of the said map. you put friendly NPC's that will attack I.E. Guards. Fromt here, the 1 actor NPC that will be what is needed to kill can be the only one you have to…
Update from Facebook btw people! Neverwinter 11 minutes ago near Alameda, CA.Hey All - The new ETA is 11:15AM Pacific Time. Maintenance is almost done.
Actualy, no I am not expecting to be served HAMSTER and eat it up happily. The thing is this though. You get more out of a game by properly submitting info on whats going on, how it happened, why it did happen, and proof it happened then sitting and complaining. I remember when a game in closed/Open beta would have fourm…
lol if only... As those know in DnD lore, fidily is a epic class wizard. But not just that, an epic class wizard cursed with imortality. I chose run. Now to a major topic on this games forum. Should Pay to play members get added benifits simply because things go wrong on occasion? My answer... NO! Just because the…
Nerf the eagle Tolken lol. No wait there has to be a way around it. *does calculations* Boost fireball to x5 instead of x3. Wait that would basicly be nerfing. Hmm.... *Does calculations again* GOT IT! *Uses ice storm* Eureka! Eagle dead!
Wow, slander, racial remarks, and feeblemind hit this poor soul. I believe that not everyone sees it the way you do. As for misbehaving, even your country has its flaws in that area. The inferiority complex, as a US citizen. I will admit, our ego has been bursting at the seams for a while now. Though look at it this way.…
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls of all ages. On todays NW forums the status is as follows. -The patch notes section has been hit with feeblemind by the dreaded wizard Zapho. -Golruk the Half-Orc acedentaly triped on one of the tripwires(Cat-5 cord) connected to the magical boxes.(servers) -Fidilywinks is sitting right…