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  • maybe I will get flamed for this but the "foes" or what ever you want to term them are pretty weak in the drowned shore. I am level 60 but by no means am I top tier at current live but I am almost 1 shotting everything with atwills and they hit like limp noodles. not that I am complaining( much) but this is a new 60+ zone/…
  • Do the deves even look at these posts? this has been up for almost a month and nothing is fixed both in preview nor Live. with Tiamat going live today everyone is going to start getting offhands and at least these two are broken. Upon further review of the HR blades the damage drops 1 from green to blue, then stays the…
  • that is the issue, if you read my post i do point my reticle at them and it still just jumps. i even target lock on someone and they just stand there and it doesnt hit them. it also doesnt hit multiple targets sometimes even if they are standing right there next to the intial target the random time it does activate.
  • Fox Shift has a targeting glitch. Sporatically, even if you have an enemy targeted right in from of you and multple people for it to hit and you try to use fox shift all it does is jump up in the air slash the blades and goes on cool down without hitting anyone. I am not talking about stealth TR's im talking GWF, CW, HR, &…
  • The double refinment weekend is at christmas not thanksgiving. 1 more month EDIT: it sounds like i missed the notice about this weekend, not sure if it is real or not. we will see
  • I don't know if this is intended but the root aspect of strong grasping roots is still only 2-3 sec even with ancient roots feat. the Thorned Roots feat DOT seems to continue for the whole duration but not the root. I have tried this on both the test dummies and on some mobs in the well of the dragon. while I know that…
  • * Hunter Ranger: Trapper: Thorned Roots: *REWORK* Now deals 40/80/120/160/200% of your weapon damage every second. does it still do damage to control immune targets?
  • Just loged into my GF and the artifact offhand (shield) has a problem. when you upgrade it to rare (BLUE) you go from 8AC down to 2AC on it, then back up to 8AC when you get to Epic (purple)
  • Manage Artifact - unlocked passives reset when adding RP to offhand (HR) i bought the HR off hand spent 400K to buy those cubes and unlock the inactive upgrades in the manage artiface menu and when i started putting RP in the offhand it reset the unlocks so now i have only the first passive upgrade unlocked
  • maybe i missed this post or maybe it was noted in a previous patch note, but when i played the HR on the preview shard this past weekend, the critical chance stat shows (-16% + buffs, stats,etc.) for example (-16%+ 46%) 30% crit chance. I was speced archery with approx. 3K crit strike plus misc. buffs and feits. i dont…