the funny thing armor pen is overrated for pvp ive got like 700arp 5kpower 50%crit go after soft targets, only go after warriors/gf when your able to 1 shot them with lurkers assault lashing Step 1: Sneak Assault. Step 2:Stealth to said soft target. Step 3:Lashing Blade that said soft target. Step 4:Run away like chicken…
or use the stunk lock combo, stealth up>attack 1-2times>shadowstrike while still stealthed>wait for daze to wear off while attacking>dazing strike>smoke bomb(though if your killing a group, use smoke instead of dazing then dazing>and just keep repeating this i use this in pve solo also use bloodbath as you do tons of dmg…
this is there idea of making it hard, just like in champions online, this is how they made there games bosses harder add a bunch of useless adds that make a simple boss fight super extremely hard because of 10gazillion adds and to the person that said kill the adds and profit...its obvious that your a full t10enchanted all…
as a rogue that just got his first weapon enchant im enjoying the dmg from plague fire and may go all the way with it, mainly because it gives that smoky effect to the blade
so is it me or did the x2 enchantments break? because i tested it both in foundry and normal content and both were giving out singles, even thought it says its supposed to last till the 17th