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  • In my opinion the problem is less with the vote to kick system and more with the Queue system. Getting kicked at a boss fight is a rarer event but getting kicked right after joining a Queue is pretty commonplace. I usually wait for friends before using a Queue system.
  • As a Warlock playing lower level PVP some of our powers were pretty solid versus player health. However at higher level PVP I don't see any 2 or 3 shotting especially because of Tenacity.
    in only rogues? Comment by uetur April 2015
  • Right now the Tenacity equation really favors TR because of the Glory mechanic. A TR has the ability to earn more glory than any other class. As they level up their ability to gain kills and back cap while avoiding combat means on average they earn more glory. By earning more glory they get to buy better PVP gear faster.…
  • TR can be very effective solo in a way that other classes have trouble doing. They can back cap effectively, they can take out solo targets effectively, they have good escape skills. Really the only great defense against them is to run in a pack. However what if the Rogue's team also runs in a pack? This puts a lot of…
  • I ran into the exact same problem the original poster did. I really like this game and as a free to play game the quality is high. So I though why not spend some money and support the game. However I then looked at the cost per item and I am frankly really shocked. All the different purchases are really expensive and as…
  • I noticed that too that buying more Zen gave a very small discount. I guess that doesn't bother me as much because lets say I want to spend $50, the specific output I am looking for is how that benefits me in game. If the Zen purchase rate was flat it wouldn't matter if the purchase was amazing.