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  • And its reasons like this why I think a gear drop in a dungeon should be bonus. Dungeon runs should reward some sort of currency to trade with a specific vendor for to get the gear of choice. (And in NWN, without tweaking the DD)
  • I saw this as well before 4 minutes in. Sounds to me like someone E-Peen was hard and in need of stroking, so they attempted to lay it on the forums. If you want to start your own Advertise campaign for your channel, by all means do it. But make sure its flawless and you are not caught in a lie before 4 minutes.
  • No clue what you are talking about.... I reached 60 DC this past weekend, and its hard as **** to get a group at times. But, that may be partly due to getting kicked from groups because I absolutely REFUSE to exploit any dungeon. Not that is a REAL problem in this game and for another discussion.
  • This is a fanboi attitude. There is no Ingenuity behind the mechanics. The bosses need AI and less adds. There needs to be more to a fight than cleric kite strategy. You cannot kill adds fast enough. Lets take Frozen heart for instance. How you expect a group to manage all those adds and kill 3+ Golems while maintaining…
  • This is not the first MMO that does action combat right... Maybe outside of your little WoW circle it is, but you should probably consider broadening your MMO experience a bit.
  • I have been saying it since day 1.... The day a Company starts receiving money from players and has no intention of reimbursing the players, makes that game Release! I have 3 lvl 60s and a 4th coming up. This game revolves around 3 classes... Cleric, Wizard, and Rogue.... If you are not one of those, good luck getting into…
  • This would not work because then Everyone would just save their NEED rolls for the final bosses. Its not a solution as much as it is more of an enabler and would be a severe waste of Development time. We need Solutions, ways that help the Class behind the item and stops Ninja looters from being able to take Loot from…
  • Are you done rolling your face on the keyboard? This makes no sense what so ever. Unproductive reply. Needing on everything would cause the entire pug system to collapse. Then we are left with another MMO where players do not branch out beyond their guild and meet people.
  • Really!? Are you serious!? Now Im banned from talking in Game chat!? This is outrageous! And of course, I am not able to submit a ticket because the system is down and has been in endless loop for weeks now.
  • A game is no longer in any sort of beta when money is received from a player with no intention of a reimbursement.
  • This is the mentality that companies thrive on. They want players to not care anymore so they can take your money blind. Quality in MMOs faded and it went quick. I was not Demanding loot to be given, I was simply stating my expectations in regards to what would be a reasonable correction. Personally, he can keep the ****…
  • Better yet... If its not for your class, you cannot NEED at all. Only Greed. Even if the appropriate class player passes or greeds on it. Also, there needs to be a fix to be able to just kick party members out right from the group at the end of a dungeon so that you can loot the items. (Oh snap!!! Ill say it again, here it…
  • My expectations are based off the quality of service I have received in many other MMOs. The simple fact that the looting system has been griped about since launch and nothing has been done to alleviate the unnecessary cause done to many of the players is completely unacceptable. If they offer a Queue system for players to…
  • First off, the company can check the logs to see who was in what group what time and see the class.. Secondy, the helm was not in the chest. I dont know what was in the chest... It dropped from the boss fight. Thirdly, The company is not responsible but they can have a decency to promptly repair a ticket system that has…
  • Not to mention when the party leader kicks the entire group at the end of DD so they cannot loot their items.... idk, like the Helm of the Timeless hero.... Was kicked by RYN@AYAN0915 VOTE KICK SYSTEM IS NEEDED, TOO MANY PLAYERS ARE GETTING SCREWED OUT OF LOOT BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GET THE SIMPLE STUFF RIGHT
  • The day a company starts allowing for people to pay real money in their game and have no intentions on refunding any of it, is the day that game is no longer in ANY sort of beta. Open beta is a term they are using to cause justification. This is NOT open beta, this is launch. You think we are going to receive a HUGE amount…
  • Was never open beta. that is just a term being used as a crutch..... Anyways, When a Company makes a change like this and it begins to effect the players ability to actually play, more exploits will be found as a remedy. So, lets hope there is not another game breaking exploit because I for one feel i have been severely…
  • AND THIS IS A HUGE ISSUE!!!!! Since I cannot seem to place a much needed ticket in game and you CS is quite possibly the worse yet so far anyways. I have to go the site to place a ticket and cannot get in. Really need some resolution on this.
  • This would not be an issue if Cryptic would step in and separate chat channels. There are Community created channels, but they are not used by the majority. We need to have some order and organization in open chat... I recommend the following channels be set up by Cryptic and place a live GM in game to enforce it: Zone…
  • How will this effect my Guardian Pack I bought just last night?
  • Full wipe is by far the worst thing for a fix. Balance the scales and at the end of the day PWE/Cryptic would lose more players on a wipe than they would be on a rollback. Rollback is still, in my opinion, the best solution. I am curious as to why it took them almost 12 hours to respond to an exploit that many players were…
  • Full wipe is by far the worst thing for a fix. Balance the scales and at the end of the day PWE/Cryptic would lose more players on a wipe than they would be on a rollback. Rollback is still, in my opinion, the best solution. I am curious as to why it took them almost 12 hours to respond to an exploit that many players were…
  • As much as i wish this to be a solution, its still not. Lets look at the players, like myself, that did not know of this nor would ever participate in anything like this. WITHOUT a rollback, getting a group for any dungeon has just fell down a straight cliff. There will now be several players in the game with Best in slot…
  • As much as i wish this to be a solution, its still not. Lets look at the players, like myself, that did not know of this nor would ever participate in anything like this. WITHOUT a rollback, getting a group for any dungeon has just fell down a straight cliff. There will now be several players in the game with Best in slot…
  • I have played with this... Back and forth... back and forth... respec after respec, and as it sits right now you are right. i wish the other rogues on Dragon Server would see this. Debated with 2 rogues in chat last night over this and they wont accept this fact. They strongly believe, and i quote, "Every other Rogue is…
  • ikr, I dont see how Rogues need to be nerfed. I play one, I play a GF, I also have a cleric, and suprisingly they all Fullfill their roles pretty well. I mean this IS a ROLEplaying game, right?
  • How about you actually discuss what the issue is. You see, I have seen turrible players QQ on the forums about class balancing. Then when the Dev's do something, It turns out that those of us who actually spend the time to understand our class and outfit them properly get hosed. You want to know what the best part is? When…
  • I see a lot of Gateway issues resolved. Too bad you are not actually listening to your player base. If you were, the in game issues would have been fixed to the AH. Like the I dont know, fact that searching for anything with a level range is broken. Nice, a fix to an issue that had no real impact on anything PvP wise. How…
  • Actually, it will stop a majority of the AFKrs. The rest would be stopped with a vote kick option. The Vote kick REALLY needs to get implemented. The fact that a leader has full control is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Real no ****, it happened to me example: There is a player that goes by the name of RAHL (Dragon…
  • So, if its open beta. Then it should be TRUE open BETA (strongly enforce the word BETA)... So, the Cash shop should be thrown in this as well... We should have ALREADY seen a fix to the Auction house search Consider this too... Here it comes, something revolutionary..... Cross server Queuing. Oh no, I said it! Since you…