@baghtru64 Hi! I checked out your character and I saw the 22 hour cooldowns. When I removed the items from the potion tray, replacing them with non-cooldown items (Caprese and Lightwine, I believe) and used them once each before switching back to the original items, the health potion and the reforger's box, the cooldown…
As a heads up, I'm chugging through this (awesome!) list and entering bugs like a fiend. Should be done today or tomorrow. If you have any additional info don't hesitate to post it here and I'll take a look at it.
Hey Bayaz! So I took a look at your characters, and I think the confusion is, you've unlocked the boons/keys on your Wizard character Bayaz 9 on the preview server. But that doesn't unlock those for your Paladin -- I checked your Paladins and none of them had completed the quest chains to unlock the campaign tasks. Hope…