For the last few days my health potions have all had a 22-24 hour cool down timer on them when placed in the #3 potion slot of my Cleric, Clint Backwood, all my other characters are fine. I tried using different stacks of the same health potion from my inventory as well as lower levels of health potions, but the cool down timer shows up on any health potion I put into any of the slots of the "item power tray."
I had put in a ticket for this problem (Ticket #322187), but that ticket was closed when the problem was passed on for further investigation and I was told to put the problem here as a bug.
This morning I deleted and reinstalled the game, but the all my health potions I put into slots 3, 4 or 5, all end up with a 21hour cooldown timer on them. This character is unplayable because of this issue.
If it's only the health potions being effected, moving the health potions to a different slot will make the character playable again.
I've been using that character in general testing off an on for the last week and I haven't seen the issue with the cooldowns reverting to the 22 hours.