Necropolis of Nightmare pt3 @Chili1179 This map is exceptional. Absolutely a must play for anyone. Good enough to make me read the quest text. Custom world and enemies. The floating tower is simply awesome. Subbed to this guy for sure.
May's Trickjumping @cravaour Excellent Jumping map. The backrounds could use some flavoring, but the jumping was great. And those are the important bits anyways. Well done.
Benjamin's Bottom @dillerya Not terrible. Some of the NPC interactions were a bit lame. A sophomoric story at best. Still not bad. Let us know if you want anything particular run!
Journey to Castle Dracul by @gerricktrier Great map. Can't wait for the rest of the saga. Really liked the undead on the floor. Good world design as well.
Sorry. All of that is in the quest description in game. I'll repost here. A simple map aiming for difficult fights and a claustrophobic atmosphere. NOT RECOMMENDED TO SOLO Tank/Healer/Damage is ideal. Also beware of spiders... This quest is also a WIP. Looking for feedback on the difficulty, environment layout and general…