Just a quick question in regards to invocation and AD. Is there a bonus to the AD bonus for VIP? (If it's already in here I missed it, my apologies if thats the case)
No I don't think so, according to the Lazalia guide, only powers that have "burst" in the tooltip is counted as AoE powers (AoS, mighty leap, not so fast, etc.). If it worked on WMS and HD would have been awesome though.
Yes we know they are "fails" but if they dont cover the price of one egg then the slotted ones need to pay for two egg and 24h (2 Jobs with GM) work invested. So if the "fails" go for 20k and the slotted ones go for 60-70k that means an avarage of 80-90k for two jobs(at 60% not quite right i know). That means that you at…