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  • LF1M: GFW/TR/CW for tier 2 DD runs! pst w/ GS and class. posted that 3 times in 45 seconds and got a 24 hour chat ban. 3 times in 45 seconds might seem like a lot, but when your message leaves an expanded chat window in less than 5 seconds I think it's safe to post again a few seconds after that for the new players…
  • Sim****ty wasn't, isn't and never will be an MMO. It was a complete fail because they used the sim city brand known as a simulator and the game doesn't simulate anything. Anything it tries to simulate is broken beyond repair
  • This is why investing money into pay to win games is pointless. I feel a lot more secure investing 10-15 a month into a game I can play and quit if they let the economy go to hell. Their main concern with this game will always be about how to rake in the most amount of cash possible.
  • These guys are so out of touch with what's going on in their own game. This exploit was happening when the GF exploit was at it's peek in terms of popularity. People were streaming the ****ing exploit on Twitchtv along with other streamers streaming how to exploit the isht out of epic dungeons. Think a couple even got…
  • Why this wasn't done with every other exploit I have no idea.. your team labels it as a beta and treats it as live. There is a massive list of exploits that have been going on during this "beta". It is about time you actually take the servers offline and fix something rather than turning your cheek, so you can continue to…
  • If you're not starting your combo off with entanglement then you will be instantly killed by a CW who lands it on you first. It is the only true hard CC for a CW in PvP and can completely lock you down with absolutely no counter to it at all for another CW. I kill rouges and CW's in a single combo... Usually in 2-3 spells…
  • Sitting in Protector's Enclave waiting for a queue to pop, dodging that queue because no cleric and then relogging to lower the chance of your queue being bugged... rinse and repeat. yeah it's pretty much dying...
  • I think they already have their agenda laid out for when the "new" (perdeveloped) content will be released. I also don't really think they care much about what the players say until they stop logging in or spending money. Why would they change a single thing if what they had wasn't broke? Maybe it's broke from our…
  • TR will be fun until you get into epics and need a cleric... unless you hook up with some loyal players then you'll just get passed up for the other 100 TR's that have a better GS than you because why risk it... PvP will be fun though, but not going to help your GS much
    in Endgame Comment by tooonetwo May 2013
  • I don't think you know what sheep in constant need of a shepherd means. You consider him a sheep because he doesn't want to spend time in a game mode that isn't rewarding? A bit obtuse... Just because you like spending your time playing easy mode doesn't mean everybody else does too. Foundry is a joke for anybody looking…
    in Endgame Comment by tooonetwo May 2013
  • playing with a GF or GFW is a disadvantage in most dungeons. The only thing it helps to have 1 of each in a party is the fact you will win your rolls. But in pugs that means you have to hope nobody else rolls for your class items. Which is pretty common. The reason people want epics is so they can actually play all of the…
  • If you enjoy easy mode questing then the foundry is what you do at 60. There is no real risk or reward there, so it's a very good place for casual players. If you're looking for actual content that is challenging then you're out of luck. The game is flooded with CW's and TR's to the point most pugs will end up disbanding.…
    in Endgame Comment by tooonetwo May 2013
  • This does benefit free to play players though. They can casually grind some AD's and play the zen exchanger and just keep flipping. It's nothing more than percentage profits and projections on the zen exchanger. It is more about waiting it out than having to figure out the perfect ratios... Zen will ALWAYS spike, AD's will…
  • you're absolutely right, but the economy we have now is an elite few control the pricing after the exploiting went on. Most of those items were bought up by players who exploited and soaked up millions upon millions of AD's. They were also buying out similar items to raise the value of their own. Now the aftermath will be…
  • not every cleric wants to hold your team at the expense of their enjoyment.
  • my ticket was answered instantly with an automated response and then closed while being labeled as responded yes. It was only a temp bug with AD's, but still being ignored is frustrating as all hell
  • 2 clerics work because they stack buffs and make their entire team invulnerable to death... It makes perfect sense because why spend money on pots, revive spells, kits and whatever else when you can do it easier with another cleric... You think you've got it bad? Go look at the mass amount of GFW's quitting this game…
  • Your logic is flawed on so many levels... if you treat it like a sub based game you are only building an argument against the game... Let us all pretend like this game has enough content to justify $15.oo a month. That leaves the player base being forced to "grind for 4 months just to obtain as max level mount and top tier…
  • This is what I enjoy most about games where you allot your own points. It allows you to have a unique build, with similar skills, but completely different play styles and damage output. The problem we have with this game is the information pop ups for skills and feats are worded horribly and you honestly cannot figure out…
  • From a potential consumer stand point... you guys completely dropped the ball on this one. I have played a few F2P games and your model is the absolute worst I have ever seen. I have spent hundred and hundreds of dollars on games like League of Legends and dropped $100.oo here and there on other F2P games without giving it…
  • Not sure if league themed or some guy who has no idea what level 60 combat is about. The fact he said a cleric cannot kill anybody just makes me realize he has no idea what he's talking about. I have been bursted down by clerics in less than 6 seconds all because I miss timed a dodge after they dodged my CC.
  • People get mad in PvP (yes I get put on ignore and then spammed with hate messages) because they can't just 1 v 1 any class at any given time and win over and over again... PvP comes down to dodging and blocking... if a rouge runs up to a CW and the CW dodges it's lights out for the rouge. If the rouge dodges the CW then…
  • I don't know what I can say to people like you that just cannot take a criticism well and have such a negative attitude, so this is my final post here. I advised you to take 5 points out of knockback, put 3 points into prestidigation, take 3 points out of wizard's wrath, put 5 points into snap freeze all of which you did.…
  • Why did I let myself get dragged into this... OK here we go. I am glad I could be 10% helpful in changing 10 points out of 50, but I thought 1/5 was 20%. Maybe math is the problem with this build... Feel free to add me to credits for providing you with this info. Or you could just label me as somebody who spews anger…
  • wow you're kind of a prick dude. He probably took one look at your guide and rolled his eyes. Considering you gave no reasoning behind your choices it's obviously going to be looked at as just some know it all clown who doesn't know what he's on about. With that build: you'll be running around with eye of the storm as your…
  • Just the procs from the renegade path alone is going to trump any damage bonus you get from any other skill path. Your entire screen will light up with orange crits and light blue proc messages. Or you could build pure CC bot with your CW, but don't expect much damage to anything that you didn't cast conduit on. If you…
  • The 3 points would be better off in blighting power for the spike on your ice knife. Otherwise the extra 9% isn't that impressive and chill strike benefits from either or. GFW's win AoE, CW's seem more of a single target nuke class with some CC to protect themselves and clerics from adds (or rouges in PvP). For arcane…
  • I'm not a fan of the feats. The extra HP isn't worth it in PvP because as a CW you either blow them up or they blow you up. In PvE you have so much CC you shouldn't be worried about an extra 6% HP on a virtually no HP build. Even your items will be focused away from HP in favor of damage. Seems a bit trivial compared to…
  • ...all in context... You pretty much have no idea what pay to win means... Pay to win originated in PvP games and pretty much the korean games where PvE was a massive grind fest to level and level caps were huge. Paying got you there 50 times quicker and not having paid means you couldn't compete against players that did.…
  • do an electronic check and date it for the day after you get paid. Might not get your pack until the money goes through, but your committed to the purchase